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The Rules of Character Engagement


Draco of Zeradaith of the Sky


221. If you've been playing for awhile as a good char...don't you DARE try and turn evil for a change. You are suppose to be good and that's that

Oh my god... thank you, Pandora. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for that. I was gonna post something to that effect, but you've taken the words right outta my head.

:p to all of you who believe as #221 states. :D

(Oh, by the way... damn you, Donnie :) You took mah numbahs! :p)

226 (On the subject of 221): If your good character does, for whatever reason, REGARDLESS of how good a reason it may have been, become an evil-aligned character, then somehow, after a gruesome battle within him-/herself, finally reverts back to his/her normal self again, don't you dare expect your character's friends of before to welcome you back with open arms, be happy for you, et cetera. Oh no. At the very least, expect for most of them to turn their backs on you, and at the very worst, threaten you within an inch of your life all because of something that happened to your character that was beyond his or her control.

Of course, I'm a little biased on this subject, so those of you who feel I'm in the wrong, well tough cookies :D I disagree with other things on here, but don't admit to them XD

Anyway... who's got 227?

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227. If a man approaches your (female) character and says that someone hired him to be your bodyguard, you should instantly trust him implicitly and welcome him into every intimate aspect of your character's life. Never mind that you never met him before and don't know him from Adam. Never mind that his employer is somebody you've never heard of, or that he doesn't even know his employer's name. Never mind that this guy dresses all in black leather and and sharp steel and says he's also an assassin. If he says he's got honorable intentions and has no ulterior motives, you should accept him as your new best friend and future husband.

228. All assassins dress alike and are instantly recognizable as members of that noble and time-honored profession. I think it's in the Guild Rules somewhere...


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229. You may not form your own opinions (in or out of character) of a character or their actions. You must accept what they believe to be right, otherwise, you are wrong.



230 A player will instantly change something his/her character believes in because they want to roleplay with a character they think is cool *rolls eyes*

231 (I think this one was stated but not sure) if a character bad mouthes his racial enemy he is wrong because not all of them are evil *rolls eyes some more*

232 You can't be neutral, you have to be either good or evil. If you try to play neutral mouths will start flapping


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233 Whenever you want to say something important or your in the middle of a good story, the housecat will jump up, sit on the keyboard and demand you pay full attention to their royal presance.

234 No matter how child-like and innocent a kender may seem to present themself, they are still the root of all evil.

235 When you see a kender enter, try to sneak away casually to avoid their attention.

236 If the kender notices you RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

237 There is no greater punishment/torture than to be befriended by a kender.

238 All high level casters weither they be Mages/Sorcerers/Clerics/Psion/Etc. always have a Phylactery/Magic Jar/Clone/Mind Store/Lifeproof/Shadow of the Heart/Contigent Ressurection spell/power ready and waiting to beam their life force into a new body should their current one actually managed to be disingegrated/destroyed/slain.

239 All Epic Level casters over 50 levels always have 50-100 clones/similicrums on hand waiting to be teleported in to assist their creator at a moments notice.

240 Any character that's ever appearned in Japanese Anime: Manga(Comic Book)/TV Show/Movie/Video, will eventually find his/her/its way into the Emporium or Tavern.

241 Anything that isn't human is fair game for a little Red & White Pokeball.

242 Beware of the words "Kamaya, Maya!" followed by a mountain shattering boom.

243 Werepanthers with few exceptions are never sain.

244 Many werecats have more than 9 lives......

245 Some werecasts have a GameGenie plugged into then--preset with a cheatcode for infinite lives.

246 Beware of being /AFK too long, people may end up wiping up your stunned characters drool or take advantage of you by placing a pink tutu on you.

Edit -- UBB Code typo DOH!



Darkmoor said:
238 All high level casters weither they be Mages/Sorcerers/Clerics/Psion/Etc. always have a Phylactery/Magic Jar/Clone/Mind Store/Lifeproof/Shadow of the Heat/Contigent Ressurection spell/power ready and waiting to beam their life force into a new body should their current actually managed to be disingegrated/destroyed/slain.

239 All Epic Level casters over 50 levels always have 50-100 clones/similicrums on hand waiting to be teleported in to assist their creator at a moments notice.

246 Beware of being /AFK too long, people may end up wiping up your stunned characters drool or take advantage of you by placing a pink tutu on you.

238-239: not THIS insane mage. you cant prove a thing!!!! *looks at you all like your crazy*

246: nutty dissappearing straight jacket anyone? how about see through bubblewrap. brrr.....




247: (probably said before..) when your in a conversation with your lover, no one else is important. especially that friend of yours who's crying out in pain next to you who's eyes are being poked out with a red-hot metal pin of never ending oh-my-god it tastes like burning pain.

248: When your in the same room as your lover is, expect nearly half the room's population in characters to hit on him/her, regardless of your presence, or just to spite you.


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249. If you are a single female....of course you are there to find a mate what other purpose is there in life? And of course every man who comes up to you is your perfect match.

250. Babies are magical (yes I know this has been said before but it's an offshoot...i think) Somehow you've know the person you are with one day and you are so madly in love and pregnant that the baby just can't wait to come out so you can start the cycle allll over again.

251. Don't ever talk to an unattractive person or ANYONE who has visible defects, they may be contagious and know absolutely nothing of life.



252: Anyone who attempts to talk to a character that can not speak common will know whatever language that character knows or be able to cast comprehend languages and tongues, reguardless of race, class, and origin.

253: Anyone who attempts to talk to a mute character will be able to read their mind, teach them how to communicate telepathically in 30 seconds or less, cast a spell to instantly repair their voice box or tongue or whatever happens to be causing the muteness, and will happen to have in their possession a spare amulet of telepathy to give them so they can communicate.

254: Reguardless of how you die and who and what you are somebody will decide that you want to be raised.

255: No matter how many times you die someone will always try to return you to life in some manner (even if its only so they can cast Strahd's Horrific Meld on you).

256: When someone is busy getting an limb ripped off the polite thing to do is wait until after it has been wrenched off the body entirely and then ask the victim if they are could use any help.


lee siu long

257. There are no fish in the fountain. Trust me, I've tried.:(

258. Regardless of what you know about the laws of nature, all characters will NEVER EVER have to use the washroom, regardless of the situation. Even after downing entire kegs of ale, one will not feel that bodily urge.

259. The digits of this number add up to 16.

260. When someone spells a word wrong, it is immediately assumed that said person is a "newcomer" who cannot spell. The thought that this may be a trademark speech pattern of a character will never cross a person's mind.

261. No matter who did it, the cow gets blamed.

262. If the cow actually did it, then the fae is blamed.

263. Whenever someone enters the tavern in a huge explosion of hellfire and brimstone, the tavern floor will remain intact.

264. Biting the golem results in chipped teeth.

265. All children are destined to save the world someday.

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