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The Rules of Character Engagement

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Well, I'm gonna whip out a little here too heh... I'm a fairly new player by all accounts, and I'll readily admit it, having only been rping personally for about two years now. Still, I have noticed a few things that crack me up and make me wonder....

383. No matter how powerful a spell is, there must be a counter for it, and your opponent in a fight of course knows it right away and can cast it before yours hits.

384. Male vampires do not use subtle seduction to get a meal.

384 b. Most male vampires aren't on the lookout for a meal anyway because they're good.

385. If a female makes advances towards your male, heaven help you if you should rebuff her.

385 b. If your male character happens to be evil and rebuffs the female in some way that he thinks funny (i.e. a physical attack or mental attack of some kind), said character will put you on her "evil list" IC and OOC and will tell all her friends IC and OOC.

386. Liches cannot do anything like a lich because doing so is godmoding.

387. Liches can be killed by any sort of weaponry and must stay dead merely because your opponent says he must.

388. 30000+ year old liches are less powerful than a character that's been studying magic for a couple of hours.

389. Characters that have outrageous describes are automatigically ignored.

Okay okay, I'm peeved about 389 b/c beorn does have an outrageous describe ;).... but, tangent to that...

389 b. The more outrageous the describe and entrance, the more people WILL automagically ignore it.

heh, okay, I'm peeeved about all that overall..... But, that's what this thread is about.

--ROFLMBO over this whole list--


Edit: changed the time I've been rping to two years, heh, can't add either....


Bhryn Astairre

"Superficial" - Gene

"Viciously" - Jardel

:: polishes her "I'm the World's Spellchecker" badge :p ::

Cwazy, me?

On the subject of certain characters... no offense intended! :D

390: There hasn't been a chocolate invented that Audearah hasn't snaffled!

391: Bar + space = Nevine

392: a: Wall + Mood = Davon

392: b: Unless of course, there's a table free, in which case, table + mood = Daveypoo!

393: If you happen to see some random shape descending upon you with a terribly charming smile, and you've forgotten -how- exactly to run away, then that figure is Fen.

394: One of the harsher lessons in life, is never go near Pounamu when she is broom'd to the nines.

395: Siani's sadistic sense of humour involves a lot of insults and a lot of water. Sometimes including a nice stone golem who helps you find the river...

396: Mages are all mad. Over time the conclusion is: Magic Drives Them Nuts.

397: Kathryn is the resident drow magnet.

398: If anyone hugs walls better than Davon, it's Arkanious. On the upside, Arkanious is more approachable. :p

399: Of the sisters, Dontella is the nice, sweet one. Kyra's a firestorm on legs.

400: Neo collects dust. This is a fundamental law of the multiverse.

401: Reesa is more apt to fling the first pie in a fight than any Fae. Don't let those looks fool you, she's dangerous!

402: Silk gets all nervous when pretty women smile at him for no real reason... wonder why...

403: "is it a bird? Is it a falling cliffside? No, it's Dragona!" What they had in mind when they coined the term "big boned" :p

404: "Murphy's Law" directly applies to Bhryn. Those who don't know the term, it's also called "Sod's Law".

405: Draco is "everyone's favourite Dwaggy". Apparantly ;)

Hope I didn't offend... I just had the need to shove them down!




406... 99.3% of all individuals within the Crossroads Tavern are latently talented psionicists.

407... Anybody psionically active, latently talented, or endowed with completely non-psionic spell-like abilities, is also telepathic.

408... Telepathy may be used casually, in place of speech, an endless number of times per day.

409... The presence of a telepathic character within the Tavern instantly endows everybody else with temporary telepathic ability. We can all hear everything they're thinking.

410... Non-telepathic thought-bubbles are invariably used to goad someone else currently present into a fight.

411... Twinks, snerts, godmoders, powergamers, and munchkins are invariably completely obvlivious to any attempt, however subtle (or not) made to mock them, and find it completely humorous... often joining in.

411b.. Twinks, snerts, godmoders, powergamers, and munchkins invariably have a deep and abiding hatred for characters who fall into whichever of those categories they themselves are not a part of. When it comes to their own obvious classification, they have a grossly distorted and bizarre definition for the term that skirts around their own character and which conforms to no readily obvious train of human logic.

412... Anybody who comes in as a ridiculous character (such as... a 30,000-year-old Lich... which is pretty much the definition of godmoding, right there) will invariably be offended if people don't wish to RP with them. The amount of offense taken will be directly proportional, but at a magnitude of ten, to the level of ridiculousness of their character.

413... A demon, vampire, ghost, polymorphed dragon, un-polymorphed dragon, half-fiend half-troll, etc. who loses a fight to your legitimately epic-level but otherwise perfectly ordinary character will accuse you of godmoding (ever played a human being, or something else which possesses a mind that you could possibly understand?)

414... An unusual percentage of the Crossroads Tavern's patrons are outrageously wealthy, leaving fifty-platinum tips and wearing jewels, jeweled clothing, jeweled armor, magic items galore... however, they're mysteriously devoid of valuable items whenever a thief enters the room.

415... 99% of the CRT patrons are completely clueless as to the definition or implications of the word 'love.' This is the same 99% which constantly RPs the emotion. Those of us who have a clue regarding love or real relationships tend to either completely avoid them IC or leave them in the unmentioned background.

416... In five years or so, hordes of CRT patrons are going to turn 21, run off to the nearest real tavern or nightclub, and be in for an unpleasant surprise the first time they break down the door, put their feet on a table, or start an argument.


lee siu long

417: The Law of Proportions

No matter the size of a character, be it a fae or a dragon, a chair or table will automatically be the exact size for them to sit in or at, no matter the circumstances.

418: The Gravitational theory

EVERYTHING is capable of flying.

419: The Rule of Economic Balance

No matter how poor and deprived someone can be, they will ALWAYS have enough money to buy themselves a decent meal and leave the golem a tip.

420: The Flying Pie Theory

For gosh's sake, run for cover!



401: Reesa is more apt to fling the first pie in a fight than any Fae. Don't let those looks fool you, she's dangerous!

402: Silk gets all nervous when pretty women smile at him for no real reason... wonder why...

*laughs* That's so funny!!! I LOVE it Bhryn! :)


First Post
*Manages to avoid getting named in Bhryn's list* *sighs in complete reliefe* Not that there is anything you could say about me *looks around suspiciously* eeep *runs hiding*


421. Original and plain characters are boring and should never be approached unless they do something that attracts your attention, like fall down, run into something or someone. They coudln't possibly have an interesting personality or story you migh tlike so disrreguard what ever they do or say.

**Note: no changing my spelling in anyway *notes in her signature the club she so proudly belongs to**

Voidrunner's Codex

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