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The Savage Islands (working title..) - Recruitment closed


Just seeing what the level of interest would be for a homebrew setting that had elements of exploration of the tropics, swashbuckling, ancient civilisations vs new kingdoms and general D&D excitement. I'd be looking for 4-6 players (not on a first come, first served basis); if you're interested post a short concept (detailed back stories are really not the order of the day - I'll be honest and say that elaborate pre-adventuring tales will hardly be used in all likelihood. The focus will be on old-school swords and sorcery rather than Robert Jordan soap opera (which I also enjoy!) :D

The setting

Much of civilization on this world is founded on chains and archipelagos of islands; even the largest land masses would struggle to be called continents on our planet. The largest land mass is probably the size of Australia, which is still pretty damn big!)

Now many different cultures vie with one another to win treasures and knowledge from the ruins of older civilizations, whether it be ancient Imarran cities, decayed god-priest kingdoms or the unknown ruins of the southlands.

The adventure begins in Coral Bay, a trading post established by the Minros Guilds (see below) on a largely unexplored land of jungles, at the mouth of a great river.

Some realms of interest

Belcadiz - a kingdom reknowned for its sword-fighters, and hot-blooded politics. She has sent many an explorer to chart the islands of the south and search for gold and magic. Her
sailors and traders are amongst the best in the world. (human, some halfling) [Golden Age Spain]

Imarr - once the ruler of the known world through demon pacts and sorcery, now a shadow of her former self. An insular and self-serving folk inhabit this group of islands of which the
largest is Imarr itself. Many of this realm's younger aristocracy have made their way in the wider world as swords for hire, although they are not met with much trust.
('tiefling' but with substantial changes, some human) [Pop-culture ancient decayed empire people with magic-users; think Melnibone or just about any evil wizard culture in Howard's work]

The Merchant League of Minros - a small island chain run by a guild of merchant-princes. Often to be found as privateers and traders. (human, halfling) [Italy, Greece]

Bellayne - a realm of cat-folk whose culture is a mixture of nomadic riders and settled towns-dwellers; the have a rich oral literature and a fierce code of honour. Matriarchal monarchy. (rakasta) [Merrie Olde England meets Early Medieval Japan.. it works somehow ;)]

Character builds:

32 pts
Start at 4th level
No favoured classes
normal wealth for 4th level


Rakasta (see below)
Tiefling (with changes)
Aranea (with changes)


Common aka Low Imarran
Ispan (Belcadiz)
Minroan (Minros)
Nimean (Nimea)
Herathian (bonus for aranea)
Rakastan (bonus for rakasta)
High Imarran (bonus for Imarrans)
Shazak (Lizardfolk)
Various languages used by the tribes of the jungle-lands including Banda (used by the tribes near Coral Bay), Thanegi (native language of the Thanegi archipelago) [characters cannot be from these cultures initially but can know the languages]

Rakasta - new race
+2 Dex, - 2 Wis
Treat all falls as 10' shorter for purposes of damage. Stacks with other such effects, as monk's slow fall and the tumble skill.
+2 to racial bonus to balance checks and +4 racial bonus to listen checks.
The +4 racial listen check bonus raised to +8 for purposes of checks to detect or locate unseen opponent.
Blind fight as a bonus feat.
-1 to saves versus spells or abilities with the sonic descriptor.

Rakasta are the cat-folk of Bellayne, a proud warrior people who have relatively recently moved from a nomadic society to a settled feudal monarchy. The stll have many of the same traditions, including a belief in the world of spirits and a warrior code of honour. They have mixed this with an order of knighthood called the Honourbound (members usually fighters, samurai, paladins, or knights) who are split into several companies, as well as several heralds guilds who function as town-criers, messengers, couriers and (on occasion) spies.

Aranea (new version) As Characters

Aranea characters possess the following racial traits.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution.
Medium size.
A aranea’s base land speed is 30 feet and its base climb speed (in spider form) is 20 feet.
Racial Hit Dice: An aranea begins with two levels of aberration, which provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +0, and Will +3.
Racial Skills: An aranea’s aberration levels give it skill points equal to 5 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Climb, Escape Artist, Listen, Jump, Spot. Aranea have a +2 racial bonus on Jump, Listen and Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks even if rushed or threatened.
Racial Feats: An aranea’s aberration levels give it one feat (this is usually Weapon Finesse).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An aranea is automatically proficient with it's bite attack and simple weapons.
+1 natural armor bonus.
Natural Weapons: Bite (1d4).
Special Qualities: Poison (Ex)Injury, Fortitude DC 11 + aranea's Con modifier, initial damage 1d4 Str, secondary damage 1d4 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Alternate form - human (this form is fixed i.e. the aranea is always the same person, like a lycanthrope). In human form, the aranea loses its bite attack and natural armour.
Automatic Languages: Common, Herathian. Bonus Languages: Any.
Level adjustment +1.

Araneas are taught from birth that they are two people; the aranea and the human. If the outside world were to discover their secret it would mean certain death for them as monsters. The human side of an aranea is just as much the 'true' self of the aranea as its spider form.(this is something I adapted quickly just now to capture the flavour of the aranea, in particular their presentation in OD&D)

Imarran (aka revised Tiefling)
+2 DEX, +2 CHR, -2 WIS
Medium Size, Base Speed of 30
60' Low light vision
+2 racial bonus to Bluff and Intimidate
Spell-like Ability (Cantrip): Player chooses 3 of the following, usable once per day (multiple selections of same item provide multiple daily uses). Caster level = tiefling character level.
Dancing Lights [Illusion of torches or other lights], as sorcerer
Flare [Target dazzled, suffers -1 to attacks], as sorcerer
Ghost Sounds [Illusionary noises], as sorcerer
Inflict Minor Wounds [Inflict 1 hp of damage with melee touch attack], as cleric
Light [One object magically provides light as a torch], as sorcerer
Mending [Make minor repairs to one object], as sorcerer
Open/Close [Opens or closes small or light things], as sorcerer
Resistance [+1 bonus to saving throws for 1 minute], as sorcerer
Cold, Electricity, Fire Resistance 5
Starting Languages: Common
Possible Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Infernal
ECL +1

Tieflings are not the result of extra-planar union; they are their own viable race and are called Imarrans on this world. They are near-human and rather than being a mixture of demonic appearances, they are all (by human standards) rather elfin looking; a tall, slim, elegant race, with long, delicate fingers and almond shaped eyes. They are quick, and possessed of great self-confidence, but lacking in self-control due to their society's long dependance on soporific drugs, and dalliances with demonic entities of Chaos.

(adapted from work by Rick Coen and Ken Lipka, and flavour based on Moorcock's presentation of Vadhagh, Melniboneans and other similar races)




Complete Adventurer

Complete Warrior



Oriental Adventures

Wu Jen

Witch's Handbook (Green Ronin)

Psychic's Handbook (Green Ronin)

Variant rules used - from Unearthed Arcana or the Online d20 SRD

Armour as DR
Defence bonus
Action points
Magic rating
Themed summoning list
Item familiars
Weapon Groups
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First Post
Quick bunch of questions:
1. Is this a campaign or a single adventure?
2. Where are all these optional rules found?
3. PC creation method?

Otherwise I'm only playing one other PbP game (with you), and I'd be interested to explore this world.


1. Well, I was thinking of starting off with a single adventure and then seeing how people felt about continuing

2. They're all from Unearthed Arcana and can be found here: Online SRD

3. 32pt build

Oh, and Rakasta are cat-folk from previous editions of D&D - googling them will bring up info about all their different incarnations over the years.


First Post
Starting level?

And what sort of adventure are we talking about? Lots of wilderness/seafaring? Dungeon trawling? Political intrigue? I mean, clearly it could involve any or all of those, but I'm looking for more where you see/intend the focus to be. It influences choices in character class and concept. :)


Ah yes, sorry 4th Level (it's nestled under the optional rules section!). There won't be much political intrigue, but there will be wilderness and sea-faring and dungeons :D

The flavour is kind of a mixture of Michael Moorcock, old-school D&D (in particular Mystara/Known World0, Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith... and whatever else I happen to like the look of! :D


First Post
Hmm, who could resist wild seafaring dungeons ? ;)

Have to say I am rather interested as well.

At what kind of posting rate are you looking with this?


First Post
I'd like to jump in with a concept. I was thinking about a younger son of a failed merchant family from Minros who has learned to use underhanded methods to get results. I'm picturing him as a rogue with a level of sorcerer at creation, and maybe adding another one or two as he advances.


Who indeed? :D

Well, every 24 hours during combat, and at least once every 48 hours outside of that- I know some people have trouble checking in with great frequency.

There probably will be a fair few combats!

Voidrunner's Codex

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