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D&D 5E The Secret Under the Stairs (IC)

Simon throws Brad a quick gaze of scalding disapproval, and then whips around to face Miriam. He then says, "Yeah, It's me Miri. Why do you look like a Vulcan?"

Simon's attention is soon directed to the nearby hummingbird. Astonishingly, the little bird seems to be speaking, but the words are at such a rapid pace that Simon is having a hard time making them out.

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Mark finds his work baton nearby...except now it is now a gnarled yet well balanced quarterstaff. His money has become 12 gold coins, 3 silver coins, and 7 copper coins, all bearing a visage that appears to be a queen of some sort...which bears a striking resemblance to Miriam. His flashlight is now an old fashioned bullseye lantern, complete with several extra flasks of oil and a tinderbox.

Bella's backpack has become an old fashioned leather pack, well made and sturdy, full of an assortment of interesting baubles. Travel rations (dried fruits, nuts, and dried meat), a medieval set of cosmetics (the sort one might see a noble wearing), a small perfume vial, another vial full of a reddish liquid, a tinderbox like the one Mark has, an old fashioned waterskin, a large book, and several pouches full of odd components (sand, rose petals, tiny bells and silver wires, and a variety of other oddities).

Miriam's handbag has become a belt pouch with a waterskin and trail rations, plus a set of what looks like lock picks.

Brad's backpack is full of trail rations as well. He also has a waterskin, a strange lightning bolt pendant attached to a silver chain, and a dagger.

Everyone notices that their jewelry (except watches) is mostly the same, albeit slightly more ornate and expensive looking. Their clothing has changed as well, becoming something one might see in a Robin Hood movie or a Lord of the Rings movie.

Terry hears singing...women's voices, a chorus of them, or perhaps one voice echoing...somewhere in the nearby woods. The words don't make sense at first, but soon he hears them calling his name.

Simon starts to be able to make out the hummingbird's odd prattling...




Miriam frowns at Simon, "How can you joke about your Star Wars at a time like this?" she asks. Looking at her children she cries, "Oh my poor babies."

Wiping tears from her eyes she assess her new family and the changes, not just to them, but to their clothes and equipment. "We look like we are out of one of those movies with the elves and other creatures. You know, one of those Lord of the Ring ones that you like so much."

She looks about for any sign of how they got here, a doorway or any sign of a passageway. "I can hardly believe I am taking this seriously but if this is not a dream then we need to find our way back."


Queen of Everything
It took Bella some long moments to look around and see what happened; the shock of it not helping the reality set in. She looks down at her new body in a very unhappy way but it isn't until she touches the pointy tips of her ears until her lips quiver. "MOMMY! DADDY" she cries and runs into her mother's arms, burying her face on her mother's shoulder. "I don't know what is going on but I want to go home! And not just to that creepy new house but HOME home!!!"


Brad takes out his dagger and starts tossing it in the air and catching it. He is laughing and obviously thinks this is a dream.

Simon remorsefuly replies, "Sorry Miri, I just...wait, do you hear that, that little bird seems to be talking!" He continues, "Something about a queen, and a castle."

Simon carefully approaches the hummingbird and says, "Hello friend, my name is Simon."


If this isn't a dream, we all need serious mental help. 'Well, no help for it. We need to find water and shelter before it gets dark. Maybe a sheltered copse of trees or a cave or something.'


OOC: [MENTION=6788194]Zansy[/MENTION], are you still with us?

The bird flits back and forth frantically then zooms right up to Simon's nose.


The bird zooms over to Miriam and hovers in front of her face.


Another voice, one everyone can understand, booms through the clearing,

"Pay no heed to the fluttering nitwit. He gets himself worked up over nothing. I must say, however, that you do bear a striking resemblance to her majesty, Queen Miriam. Are you, perchance, related?"

Everyone slowly realizes that the voice is coming from a tree, near where Mark was searching for shelter. The tree has a face and a pair of thick branches that its moving about like arms.



"What!?" Miriam turns as the bird flits around her head and her jaw drops when she hears the talking tree.

"Queen?? What Queen?" she blurts out. Her vision blurs through teary eyes. She shudders as she draws a deep breath and centres herself. From somewhere deep inside her core comes a calming wave that visibly relaxes her and releases her mind from the fugue it has been in.

"Apologies for any confusion," she inclines her head slightly to the tree. "I am no Queen, nor relation to any Queen I know of. We are a family from not of this place. Would you happen to know how we arrived here and how we may go back?"


OOC: I'm terribly sorry about recently, fellas. Recent events IRL and family concerns knocked the immersion royally out of me :-S I'm loving the story, it's just harder For me to get back into "Terrymode" as of late, and I need to fix that. I don't want to give up on the game, though - that would suck. I'll try to edit this very post soon as I try to re-enter Terry mode. But I'm here.


Terry looks around, realizing his family has turned into really tall elves, save for uncle Mark, who seems like same good old uncle Mark, and his father, who appears shorter like he does but slightly of. his nose got bigger, maybe he's like a dwarf now? (Like the "snow white and the seven–" kind, not like the middle earth gimli with the beard and Axe who everybody wants to toss like a volleyball for the fun of it.) Regardless, he speaks, trying to rationalize the panic.
"Alright, this isn't so bad. " he stated with a trace of optimism among his concerned expression. "we're in a nice place, looking like the cast of "lord of the rings" for some reason, and...mom and dad are talking to birds, dad always does–"
Terry hears the voice of women,it must be a whole chorus of them tenderly singing his name alongside beautiful, poetic words. Last time anyone wrote a song about him, it was back when he fooled around with the foreign exchange student Martina in high school. She was sweet and taught him a little Italian, problem was she was too sweet. clingy too, and a little bit "out there" with what she expected of Terry sometimes... but he preferred to listen to the cooing melody of the women than think about her. They call him, he should find out who they are, give them a little of what they wa–
–what am I thinking? I can't leave my family at a time like this! ...But, they sound so beautiful... Terry glanced at his family, everyone was busy between Bella crying and his parents are talking to birds and trees, Brad busy...being Brad. None of this appears -scary-. Nothing too dangerous here that they'll be worried about him, were he to explore a bit.Come to think of it, this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity...
Terry rose up, subconsciously following the music as he pondered silently towards where the song takes him.
–I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet the locals.
he figured to himself, smiling as his feet were already taking him where his mind knew not what to truly expect.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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