The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


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[sblock=ooc]Val has caught himself before tripping the wire (his take 20 on perception). It is a rather crude mechanism, so he could easily back off and disable it. Or someone else can if they wish[/sblock]

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Fangor the Fierce

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Whispering to the others, Svexyn says, "Looks like an alarm system, crude at best. Something nearby would have to be here to know. Means we need to be ready to take out their sentries. My guess, either the open arch or the slightly open door."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Val draws his foot away from the wire and leans weakly against the wall of the staircase as he realizes how narrow was his escape. "Ummm, Svexyn? You wanna take a look at this and see if you can do anything with it before we move on? I'd hate to be in a hurry to leave later and fall on my face tripping over it."

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Deciding that the crude mechanism shouldn't be too much of a problem, Svexyn nods at Val's request as he kneels to inspect the wire. He takes a little time, working to try and secure the wire to the ring on the wall, preventing it from breaking. Once satisfied, he moves on, allowing the others to see that it is safe to continue.

(Taking 10 on Disable, 21 total)


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Nia glances at the trap and frowns slightly, but doesn't say anything as the others arrange to dismantle the trap. She moves around the foyer, occasionally stooping to examine some of the gnome's handiwork.

Something bothered her about this. She wasn't exactly sure what yet, but it was nagging at the back of her head.

"I be curious," she said slowly. "Does it not seem like dis place be...older den de city above?"


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Caytis Maggerin, half-elf magus

Caytis relaxes as Val backs off and Svexyn works his particular skills to disable the tripwire. To Nia's question, he can merely shrug.

"It's been abandoned or overrun for a while now," he offers. "That might make the place seem older and more run down than it really is."

"If we're picking a direction, I'd go with the door. If nothing else, it gives us a smidge of cover to listen for whatever's on the other side. But before we go anywhere, I'd like a closer look at that giggling room."

[sblock=mini-stats]Caytis Maggerin
HP: 10/10 AC: 15(19) AC(T): 12 AC(FF): 13(17)
(values in parenthesis with Shield active)
Init: +02
BAB: 00 CMB/CMD: 00/12 ACP: -1 ASF: 00 Spot: +05

Conditions: None
In Hand: Quadrens

Saving Throw Total Base Mod Misc Special
Fort: 03 2 +1
Ref: 01 0 +2 -1*
Will: 03 2 +1

* -1 Reflex (Wyrm Blooded trait)
** Conditional: Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs acid

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Special
Quadrens +2 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Quadrens, Spell Combat +0 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Composite Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3 Range 70 ft.

* Conditional: +1 attack with Arcane Pool enhancement.

Arcane Pool: 4/5 remaining

Spells Prepared:
* 0 Level (3): Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Light
* 1st Level (2, DC 15): Shield, Shield[/sblock]


First Post
Svexyn easily disarms the crude alarm, keeping tension on the wire while he removes the length across the foot of the stairwell. A silent glance and nod is all the rest of the group needs to know the way is clear.

The group casually examine the chamber. The room is obviously intended to make surfacers feel at ease, or perhaps provide a refuge for those gnomes that miss the open skies. When you close your eyes and just listen to the sounds the masks project, you would swear you were standing in the middle of a well appointed park on a spring day. Whoever built the room went to great artistic length to create the atmosphere of the place.

The fountain itself seems to be a good source of freshwater. On closer inspection, it smells like mineral water. Cauldron nobles frequently import the stuff from far away lands at outrages prices. Imbibing the stuff supposedly has all kinds of health benefits. Most people just think its a waste of money. What would the fools say if they realized a fountain of the stuff lay right below their feet?

Caytis spots several rough wooden buckets at the foot of one of the pools. The buckets are clean of dust, one even has a small level of clean water still inside it.

(Clarifying I think I worded it poorly above)
1 closed gear door to the south west. The door has a J shaped rune emblazoned on it.
1 propped open gear door to the south east. The door has an A shaped rune emblazoned on it.
1 open hallway to the west.


First Post
Caytis Maggerin, half-elf magus

"Whoever's taken up residence, they use this place regularly enough," he says, pointing the clearly-still-in-use buckets by the fountain. "No idea when they were last here, though."

[sblock=ooc]My vote's still for the cracked door, I think, though Caytis would go with the majority if they want a different route.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Caytis Maggerin
HP: 10/10 AC: 15(19) AC(T): 12 AC(FF): 13(17)
(values in parenthesis with Shield active)
Init: +02
BAB: 00 CMB/CMD: 00/12 ACP: -1 ASF: 00 Spot: +05

Conditions: None
In Hand: Quadrens

Saving Throw Total Base Mod Misc Special
Fort: 03 2 +1
Ref: 01 0 +2 -1*
Will: 03 2 +1

* -1 Reflex (Wyrm Blooded trait)
** Conditional: Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs acid

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Special
Quadrens +2 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Quadrens, Spell Combat +0 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Composite Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3 Range 70 ft.

* Conditional: +1 attack with Arcane Pool enhancement.

Arcane Pool: 4/5 remaining

Spells Prepared:
* 0 Level (3): Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Light
* 1st Level (2, DC 15): Shield, Shield[/sblock]


First Post
Marcus glances around after the tripwire is disabled. "There's certainly no way those sounds and laughing voices will get creepy in a ruin like this," he mutters, voice dripping sarcasm.

He nods at Caytis's suggestion regarding the door and quietly (for him, in full armor) approaches it. He lazily points Svexyn to one side of the door and Caytis opposite, while Marcus stands right in front of it, shield and sword at the ready.


First Post
Shaken from her thoughts by the actions of the others, Nia whispers, "Let me an' mine have a look first."

Her tame pet spider comes crawling across her back and down her arm to her hand. She leans over to set it gently down and the arachnid scurries to the slightly open door to get peek inside.

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