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The Shackled City Pregame Thread

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themind said:
It was down on the bottom left, where the icons that show whether the person is onlie/offline and the one to report a bad post. It was earlier, shortly after NC posted that I saw it.

I saw it too and damn if I couldn't figure it out. There was a scale icon and a strange little dot next to my review count.

I see it's gone now, however ?! :uhoh:

Maybe Morrus was trying something new in the system but took it off line again...

I'll scan the off topic area and meta to see if their is anything mentioned.


First Post
OK, I found this posted in meta. Not by an Admin but another poster...

It's part of vBulletin's "reputation" system. In the lower left hand corner of each post, you should see a new button (the image of the scale). That button allows you to leave either positive or negative reputation re: the post, based on whether it was helpful, constructive, etc.

People who consistently get positive rep see an increase in their rep (usually signified by more green dots). Similarly, people who receive negative rep see a decrease (often indicated by a red dot).

At least...this is the way it works in most vBulletin installations.

The system can be fun if people don't take it too seriously. On the other hand, negative rep has been known to create a lot of hurt feelings where it really shouldn't.


Ok, i just want to mqke sure i got this part straight:

I got debarcher, catavarie, blastin as local


rapida and BoD as nonlocal

Nightcloak i believe you might be local as well?

and everyone didn't want to know each other at the beginning? i want to clarify this so I can put together a good beginning.


First Post
up to them, i can know or not. Hey Cata, mind if my character and yours are from the same village. Its up to you but my character could somehow know yours. Although my elf probaly wouldn't remember you you could remember him or whatever. Or it could be the other way around just give me your thoughts on this.


First Post
My character is a local who speny some time with the church of Wee Jas, thus the holy symbol he carries - he is observant of the Ruby Sorceress.

Grewt Karf grew up in a modest farming community in the north. A strong, handsome lad, he proved to one of the most accomplished swords-man his town had ever had. By the age of 16 he began to show exceptional skill with weapons, especially sword, and impressive strength. By the age of 19, he left his rural backround for a life in the cities as a sell-sword.
He soon discovered however that the life of a mercenary was far from easy. He got little work, except the occasional "enforcement" contract, and some rare body-guard work. Competition was strong, and the work boring. Life was boring, and he barely managed to scrounge enough money for food, let alone shelter. Soon, he had hit rock bottom.
At the very depths of poverty for four long years, living in the streets, Grewt began eagerly snapping up any odd job he could find, no matter how menial, even those which his morals dictated he leave. He grew a reputation as an ally ruffian who could be called on for cheap to do almost any job. He was disgusted by his present circumstances, but could find no way out of his predicament. Then luck came his way.
While traveling the streets at night, he came upon an old man beset by muggers. The old man, though obviously strong for his age, was being quickly beaten to death. Grimly, Grewt entered the fray, surprising the thieves. With in seconds, one was decapitated, another running, and the last lay on the ground, his body going into shock from blood loss. Grewt then hoisted the beaten old man onto his shoulder and ran him to the nearest guard post.
The old man turned out to be an aged cleric of Kord, and was very grateful for Grewt's assistance. He took the eager Grewt under the wing of his tewtalage for the next three months as repayment, teaching him much about weapons and the ways of Kord. Afterwards, he gave the young man enough gold to get him back on his feet, sending him into the world a changed man.
Grewt traveled to the Cauldron, searching for new work and a new repution for himself. He changed his name to Heimdal Bloodthews to attract potential customers. He made a new reputation for himself as a capable warrior for those of a good cause. He made enough money to live comfortably, and even began taking contracts that took him outside the city walls, sometimes traveling for days on a job. He remains in the city to this day, a year and a half after his arrival.
Heimdal is always looking for a new contract and can often be found prowling the local taverns, looking for work. He can be recognized by his long braided brown hair, with a short beard. He wears his armor cut high on his arms to show off his considerable muscles to potential customers. His darkly tanned skin sports many tatues, including his most distinctive feature: the holy symbol of Kord emblazoned on the back of his neck.
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First Post
Rapida said:
up to them, i can know or not. Hey Cata, mind if my character and yours are from the same village. Its up to you but my character could somehow know yours. Although my elf probaly wouldn't remember you you could remember him or whatever. Or it could be the other way around just give me your thoughts on this.

Sounds cool, how about you know of me and remeber me, although I have only a fleeting memory of you and of the village itself due to My Character trying to not think much of his past before coming to cauldron.

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