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"The Shannara Chronicles" and "Colony"


Staff member
The trailer that emphasized how Shannara is set in post-apocalyptic Earth made it look lovely. I'm in for a few episodes!

I just now- literally- started watching it. The opening credits made absolutely clear what it took so long for Brooks to reveal with certainty what was hinted at. While it diminishes the power of that particular plot point, I think it will help ease the "buy in" to those who don't know the series.

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Oh yeah: Colony lost me with episode 1. Not even a shred of enjoyment there.

I almost gave up on Colony after the 1st episode but gave it one more shot. I found the show got better (except for the acting of whoever plays the wife) as it went along; whereas, Shannara seemed to get worse and worse (gave up after episode 6).

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