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The Sharn Inquisitive Episode 1: The harder they fall


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Sharn, to some it’s the shining jewel in the crown of Breland, to others it’s festering sore on the face or Korvaire. Right now, however, it’s hot and muggy; it’s always hot and muggy, and to make matters worse, you’re broke. It seemed like a good idea at the time, open a private investigating company, use your talents, make some money, maybe even right some wrongs – if that’s what floats your boat – but now it’s been four months and all you’ve managed to do if catch a cheating spouse and find a lost dog. In fact if it wasn’t for the generosity of the land lord you’d have been tossed out last month, but you’ve got one last chance to make some coin, either that or close the City of Sharn Investigations and breaks like that don’t just fall from the sky … or do they?

Location: Lower Menthis, Center Bridge (just outside the office of the City of Sharn Investigators), early evening

Hearing a piercing shriek, you step outside your office and into a gruesome scene. A crowd has gathered around a poor individual that apparently has fallen from a great height. Just looking at the person confirms that they are indeed dead. Blood has spattered over you office door, and is pooling in the street. The individual’s arms and legs, in fact just about every bone in their body is broken, leaving the individual twisted and unrecognizable. Fortunately, in The Keepers mercy, death was most likely instantaneous. You begin clearing the crowd out taking note of who might be able to provide some information and get to work investigating the scene.

Hmmm, what a shame; a scene like this poses questions, questions that need answers, answers that someone will be willing to pay for. Thank the god’s for Sharn, where else in Korvaire can dead body splattered on the ground spell a big cash payout?

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As was his wont when times were slow, Anders was busy playing Conquerer with Zethil in the main office. Neither could remember who introduced them to the Karrnathi game of strategy, but it seemed to suit both their temperaments well. The problem was, Zethil had a way of droning on about news and leads that seemed to focus the gnome's mind while Anders just seemed to know what moves to make, turning most games into a draw. To the strange young man, the game kept his mind off of... things... he tried not to think of.

Anders was focusing intently on the board when there was a whisper in his mind. window As always, the secret part of him noticed things he had not, and Anders looked out the window just in time to see the quickly falling form of the soon to be dead body.

The game forgotten, Anders followed the others outside, gazing at the carnage with an odd sense of detachment. He cocked his head to the side, like a puppy looking quizzically at its master, as he took in the human tragedy before him. It always struck him that he could both feel sorry for the loss of life but also so separated from it, as if it was anticipated. Sometimes he had nightmares about it.

The investigator shook his head, and looked as some of the others attended to crowd control. In a raspy whisper, Anders queried, "Let me know when the physical evidence has been gathered so I can do my work."


"Oh crap! and here I thought I was finally winning a game" said Zenthil as he and Anders ran out the door of their office.

It had been a while since Zenthil was this close to a dead body, and pushing the distraction of thinking about the poor soul, his eyes darting upwards from where the person might have fallen. "Is there anyone looking down?" he thinks to himself.
Quick Spot Check [dice] d20+4 [/dice]

As people start to gather around the fallen body, Zenthil takes a minute to inspect the corpse for any clues as to the person's identity.
Search Check [dice] d20+4 [/dice]

Now as the crowd begins to build, Zenthil asks Anders to help pick up on thoughts in the crowd as he begins asking questions for the next 10 minutes. "Does anyone saw what happened? Does anyone recognize the man or saw where he fell from?"
Gather Info Check (+10 skill / +10 taking time) [dice] d20+10+10 [/dice]


Kalserath is meditating in a corner of the room when he hears the commotion. His eyes snap open and he jumps from his kneeling position to standing with a quiet grace. [ooc: Kalserath has his psionic focus and his psychic strike charged, as he does every morning when he wakes up].

He takes easy but swift strides out to where the body lies, quickly determines that the person is dead, so dead that even gender is not immediately discernable, and looks up to see if he can identify the murderer. If he sees nothing, Kalserath will scan the crowd to identify anything unusual.

[Notice Check! d20+8]


As the shriek pierces the quiet inside their headquarters, Pohl D'Velderan immediately leaps to his feet. "By the Host above! What is going on?" Not wasting any time, he springs to the door and flings it open... finding himself in and amongst the large crowd that has now gathered outside and around the body.

As the others of CSI begin filtering out of the office, Pohl takes it upon himself to help with the crowd control. His forte is finding people... not looking over people who have already been found. Especially dead ones.

"All right! All right! People please! Please back away from the body! By orders of House Tharashk, and CSI... please clear this area! There's nothing to see here! Especially not this... crumpled... broken... mushy... pile of flesh lying on the ground here! Back away! Let the professionals do their job! That means YOU, Morton!", pointing to the gnome who runs the butcher shop three doors down.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I don't know if I mentioned this, but any rolls you want to make should be done at invisible castle dice rolling website (I'm sure you all know where that is) just link it up. Most checks will be handled by me just to keep that sense of the narrative in focus, so if you want a roll made give me your modifier in a statblock like this and I'll hgandle the rest. Attacks, and any rolls you specifically have to make on your own will by through invisible castle. Sorry for the mix up[/sblock]


First Post
Reech quietly watches Anders and Zenthil as they game together, its milky eyes betraying no hint at its innermost thoughts.

As the shrill cry breaks the calm, it jerks its head towards the window. A small "oh!" of surprise forms where faint lips are normally barely evident. Reech pauses before rising, cocking its head from side to side to observe the activities of its fellow investigators. Seeing them moving to the door, and outside, it follows.

Stepping near the body, Reech gives it a quick glance before turning its attention to the gathering crowd. It quickly scans from side to side, gauging the reactions of the observers.

[sblock=ooc]A couple of things here.
A) How do you post ooc like you do? I couldn't figure it out. :p
B) Reech is using Sense Motive to gauge the crowd for unusual reactions, such as recognition, or a something different from the norm (ie, someone not acting with shock and horror at the situation). Linked roll: Checking reactions for anything unusual, such as recognition. (1d20+14=22)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=ooc] Hey guys I'm giving mr spicoli a couple days to post and then we'll go on, if anyone can contact him and let him what's up that would be cool. Also, my wife is illustrating the crime scene to give it more depth, so that will take a day, but should be worth it. Just for the record certain rolls will be done by me since I don't want anyone knowing how well they did i.e. sense motive, spot, search, most perception rolls.
Enforcer: to do an ooc statblock just do a normal statblock but put =ooc after it like this (sblock=ooc) but with brackets then end it like normal. So don't fret everyone we'll get back on track in a day or two[/sblock]
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Zade sat relaxing puffing on his cherrywood pipe, watching the classic game of Conquerer between Anders & Zethil. He was pondering every move as they made it, and every possible move ahead for each piece. Like a calculating machine he was most always embroiled on stratagem.

He made some friendly inspiring quips to both of the players, then turned to go to the window sill to speak with his Raven Vellerith who was ruffling his feathers by the open window.
"What is it Vellerith, you seem jumpy for so soon after dinner! I must say it is becoming quite dreary outside, are you expecting rain and that is why you sit in here?"

Just at that moment the excitement commences as the fallen is seen outside and Vellerith takes immediate flight into the open air. Zade rushes outside following the group and immediately scans the building tops and windows in the area.

Notice roll:Notice roll

He wathces the others search the fallen and question the onlookers, he immediately calls to Vellerith to fly about the rooftops and look for anyone or thing that is unusual. And if he finds it to follow it.

Notice roll for Vellerith

[sblock=ooc] I did not have any internet access for a couple of days, whoops. WIll be posting as required from now on.[/sblock]

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