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The Sharn Inquisitive Episode 1: The harder they fall

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"Okay then... perhaps the next step if to go looking for this roommate. Maybe this person will have answers to some of these questions. Anders, would you be able to describe the look of the person you saw in your vision? I can contact the higher-ups in House Tharashk and have them get us contact within House Thuranni for a skilled artisan. We could get a pretty good sketch made of the person you saw."

He sees Reech come in from the bedroom.

"Reech, you found some things of interest. What do you have? The name of the roommate is Athar Jomri, and that picture was under his pillow? Good. There's a strong lead. We need to go find this Jomri fellow... heading to Morgave University might be a good next step, since it appears both of these boys went there. We'll hopefully find Jomri, this girl, or at least some info about Haris. Let's go."

Pohl begins leaving the apartment, assuming the others will follow.


First Post
Pohl, seizing the initiative, heads for the door with Anders quietly following behind him.

[sblock=Pohl]It takes a little bit of time to traverse the ward to the next level, but with your uncanny knowledge of the streets, back alleys, and shortcuts you make it to Morgrave in short time. You now find yourself standing in the commons area that sits in the middle of the university. Where are you going and what are you trying to accomplish?[/sblock]

[sblock=Anders]According to the power description, you see things as if in a dream-like haze, with specifics not being able to be seen. So I'm goingto have to rule that any facial features can't be distinguished, however the build resembled that of an average sized male.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Anders describes his visions to the others as best he can. "The disturber, the layer of false trails, is most likely human. Nothing distinguishable to the silent eye."


First Post
I see that no one has posted since the 6th, I don't what I can do to encourage everyone to post and carry the story along. I'm not one to lead the characters around and tell them what to do and when to roll, that's what I enjoy so much about PbP, the freedom to let the character do what they want without time limits. However, if no one is going to post and move the story foreward I'm willing lead you around and tell you what to do. Of course that causes the experience to degenerate into a choose your own adventure, which stopped being fun when I turned 12. Any way, if anyone is still in give me a post on here and let me know, otherwise I'll just consider this a dead game and move on. I'll set a deadline of March 1st (next Thurs). Hope to here from someone by then.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Anders was fun, but it would be hard to maintain a game with only two consistent participants and infrequent updates. The two are related, of course. I think it would be best if I focused on the games I'm currently in unless an outpouring of reinterest occurs.


First Post
Alright the group has spoken... by not speaking. We can consider this post officially closed. It's been fun, good luck in your future games.


Well, this is exacxtly the kind of game I am am very interested in. I would like to see it continue or another one of similar quality. McNathan you have some great ideas for games and plots and I would like to play in this or another game if you run one.
My character was participating as well as his abilities would let him. I am wondering what happened to all the palyers who had characters that were built perfectly for this type of asventure and responded frequently early on, then did not later on?

Anyways McNathan I think you should consider running another game, with similar intellectual qualites! You're game has been the most compelling of any I have played in PBP!

Voidrunner's Codex

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