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The Speaker in Dreams (IC)


With a wink to Fionna, Broderick steps forward and swings his now, very mighty axe at the beasts.

"Come on ratties, I've been in more tunnels than you and all your families"

OOC: [sblock] Ok lesse: I am now at Init +0, attack +9, 2d8+8/20x3 and AC 21 all told with the Enlarge Person in effect. That also reflects shifting one point to power attack. I do now have reach and of course cleave! I will target the Wererats first, using any cleave on a dire rat if possible.[/sblock]
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First Post
Just like tagging a merchant... Noraa muses to herself before realizing what she's saying. "Ivellios! Set up a crossfire!"

OOC: As long as the wererats are out of melee range from her, Noraa will concentrate on ranged attacks (+6 to hit, d8 to hit, x3 critical, 100' range increment.) If this isn't working, or she pressed into melee, she will switch to her greatsword (+5 to attack, 2d6+1 damage, threatens on a 19-20) while feinting at every possible opportunity (feints as a move action, Bluff +16 modifier) to leave her opponent flatfooted and get the additional 2d6 of sneak attack damage (4d6+1 total.) Init bonus +2, AC 18.


"Of course, Noraa!" Ivellios shouts back. "I'll pick at them from up here." With those words, Ivellios snaps the string onto his bow, whisks an arrow from his quiver, and lets fly. The taut cord thrums with power as the dark shaft heads toward the larger, wounded wererat. That one looks like the leader, Ivellios thinks, and killing him will probably take some of the fight out of his cronies.

Ivellios will attack with his longbow at a +7 (if I recall correctly, he should be about fifty feet away from the rats, which shouldn't cause a range penalty). His initiative is +2, and his damage with the bow is 1d8.


First Post
Fionna - Halfling Sorcerer

Seeing the astonished looks on the wererats, as far as facial expressions go, Fionna grins to herself.

Confusion is a powerfull tool with these simpleminded things. I will have to remember that!

Speaking a few syllabels in a strange language, Fionna makes a throwing motion with both her hands, and 3 irridescent balls of magical energy flies towards one of the wererats.

+6 Initiative. Fionna casts Magic Missile on one of the unhurt wererats. DC 15, doing 3d4+3 damage. 1d20+5 to overcome spell resistance, if any.

Nero Kingsley

First Post
Order of Initiative:
1. Wererats
2. Wererat Leader
3. Dire Rats
4. Noraa
5. Fionna
6. Ivellios
7. Broderick
8. Guard

The wererats react quickly and charge in to engage Broderick, the now several feet taller dwarf. Broderick's armor turns one of their blades aside, but the second wererat aims true, his rapier piercing the dwarf's shoulder. As the wounded guard raises his longsword to strike the large wererat, it buries it's blade deep in his belly, dropping the guard to his knees. The dire rats swarm in around Broderick, each biting at his legs and feet. One of them manages to get its fangs through the dwarf's armor, sending a stinging pain up his leg. Noraa looses a stray arrow at the wererats, but Fionna's spell sends one of the wererats hurtling backwards and crumpled onto the ground. Ivellios aims true and strikes one of the wererats in the upper body, but it appears unphased as it pulls the arrow out and hisses, tossing it aside. With a mighty swing, Broderick nearly takes a wererat off its feet, though it doesn't seem to be as hurt as it should be.

((Sorry guys... I goofed. I forgot to take into account the wererats' damage resistance. The wererat I said was dead actually isn't :heh: . In fact, he's not hurt at all, though the wererat leader is still hurt from that critical hit (plus the fact that the sword that hit him is a spell and overcomes the DR).
Broderick takes 5 damage in all.))
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First Post
"Broderick!" Noraa exclaims, seeing the wererats converge on her companion. She charges into the fray, drawing her greatsword and preparing to engage the creatures in melee.

OOC: Strategy and statistics as above for melee combat: feinting whenever possible. The greatsword is a greatsword +1... but not, unfortunately, silver.


Ivellios pauses for a moment, looking down at the wererats. Well, that didn't seem to do much... I think I'll need a little help with these creatures. Ivellios quickly kneels and pulls off his quiver, lying it in front of him. As he closes his eyes, he whispers, "Lord of the Elves, slayer of Grummsh, grant your power to these arrows, so that they might find purchase in the flesh of my foes."

A sudden break in the clouds causes a ray of sunlight to briefly illumiate the bunched arrows, but when the light moves away, the arrows still shimmer softly with a bit of captured sunlight. "Thank you, my lord." Ivellios stands and readies his bow once again.

Looking down into fray, Ivellios sees Broderick bleeding and shouts out to him: "Dwarf! Don't push yourself! Pull back if you need to!"

Ivellios is casting magic weapon on his arrows.
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OOC:Since I am large and have reach shouldn't I have gotten my one AoO on somebody? If not no sweat.

Broderick shugs off the stinging bites.
"No worries friends. This pests will be dealt with soon enough" say the giant dwarf (always wanted to say that :) )

OOC:Still at Init +0, attack +8, 2d8+9/20x3 and AC 21 all told with the Enlarge Person in effect. That also reflects shifting two points to power attack this round. I do now have reach and of course cleave! I will target the wererat I hit last turn first if he is still standing and cleave a dire rat if nessecary.


First Post
Fionna - Halfling sorcerer

Seeing the wererat suffer from her missiles, she repeats the gesture, and once more magic streams from her fingers.

Same as before; casting Magic Missile on an unhurt rat. DC 15, doing 3d4+3 damage. 1d20+5 to overcome spell resistance, if any.

Nero Kingsley

First Post
New order of initiative (new combatants):
1. Guards
2. Wererats
3. Wererat Leader
4. Dire Rats
5. Noraa
6. Fionna
7. Ivellios
8. Broderick

As the guards make their way past the crowd into the clearing that has formed around the party and the wererats, the wererats suddenly change tactics. Their leader points his bloodied blade at the guards and all of the wererats charge towards the guards, though the dire rats remain behind to attack the party. One of the guads is slain instantly by two well aimed thrusts from two of the wererats, and another is wounded by the larger wererat. The rats scatter to seperate the party from the wererats, and Broderick is bitten once more by one of the vile creatures. Noraa runs towards the wererats and strikes it hard with her greatsword, though what should cleave it in two is turned aside by the wererat's hide. Fionna releases another deadly onslaught of arcane might, and the last unwounded wererat standing drops dead. Ivellios blesses his weapon as Broderick's mighty axe tears the wounded wererat asunder and catches one of the dire rats on the backswing, cutting its side open and killing it as well. The wererat leader hisses as his companions fall and prepares to make a break for it into the crowd.

((Broderick takes 2 damage.))
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