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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Lords of the Expanse: Hunting Grounds...


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Several days later...

The once sleek form of the Pathfinder III emerges from hyperspace above the planet Mrlsst. A swirling pale green planet wiith a ring of asteroids and rocky debris that ringing its equator.

Lumbering down through the misty atmosphere, and over the planet's surface, the ship passes over the shallow green seas, the coastal flood plains teeming with reeds, and the central marshes with the immense greenstalk forests. Over the entire planet, there must not be a single bit of land, that lies above or below Mrlsst's sea level more than a hundred meters.

A clearing in the greenstalks, immense bamboo-like plants that grow as wide and as tall as any sky-scraper back in Theed, opens up to reveal the pillared collonades and domed roofs of the University of Mrlsst where the unflappable Deel Surool awaits your arrival.

The ship gently sets down on a greenstalk that has had its top cut flat for a landing pad. As Rorworr and Kelko shut down the ships' systems, a pair of figures appear through a doorway at the edge of the platform.
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Kelko flips off the last of the ships systems, his bug-like eyes flit from the front viewscreen to the wookiee in the co-pilot's chair. "Looks like we've got company," he declares in his soft vibratto voice. "D'ya recognize Deel at all, I can't make 'em out from here." His right hand idly glides over to the auxiliary weapon controls. "It's probably trouble," he decides, but doesn't activate anything just yet. He was sure his suspicions would be borne out soon enough.

Kaz Lo

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The familiar feeling of the ship powering down leads Kaz to pull up one eye of his goggles and look around. The sounds of epic battle being joined are heard from his headphones on the other side of the room.

"There already?! Dang, I just got to level ninety-seven! One more hour and Geoked'll be mine!" He raises a triumphant fist, "...for the fifteenth time since we left, "he lowers the fist, "...but I'll get the high score this time for sure!" The fist raises again!

He'll flip the goggle back down, save his progress, and gather up some of his things.

"Tell me what we're gonna do here ageen?"
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Set Harth

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Set comes wandering out of the cabin he shares with Dorn to the cockpit just as the Pathfinder III lands on Mrlsst.

"D'ya recognize Deel at all, I can't make 'em out from here."

Set narrows his gaze at the shadowy figures on the platforms edge. (spot -1)

"I can't quite see them very well either Kelko, I go alert the others that we've arrived and to be ready for anything. And what is that smell?" Set sniffs, at the same time he spots a half eaten, slightly decayed, cheesebuger on a nearby computer console. "Ugg, can't you guys clean up after yourselves! Who's is that!" Set points at the rotting burger.


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Set Harth said:
And what is that smell?" Set sniffs, at the same time he spots a half eaten, slightly decayed, cheesebuger on a nearby computer console. "Ugg, can't you guys clean up after yourselves! Who's is that!" Set points at the rotting burger.

"I'll just go see who those folks are, shall I? Good." Rorworr says, quickly getting up from his seat, and away from the remains of his food.

Heading down to the airlock, Rory opens the door and steps outside, squinting at the approaching figures.

Sia-Lan Wezz

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Sia-Lan Wezz sat quietly in the most aloof spot on the entire ship, having spent a great deal of the travel time alone in silent meditation. Her legs crossed, ankles resting on opposing knees in the classical lotus position, her wrists lay lightly on those knees, palm up.

The voices of her companions echoed to her, but she didn't move, following the flow of her breath with each thought. A soft melody seemed to echo in her mind...what it was...she hadn't quite figured out yet, but it haunted her dreams none-the-less. It was sweet...she could almost hum it...but it felt sad somehow. Where had she heard it before?

Her eyes opened to view what was in front of her, bluer than the clearest Naboo sea and as clear as the spring rain. Slowly her body awakened, first white-clad arms stretching with a languid yawn, then an arch of her neck to disturb the brilliant auburn wildness that was her hair. Long legs unfolded reluctantly from their previous position as she slid down from her perch to thump booted feet to the floor.

Reaching into her pocket, Sia pulled out a luscious orange-yellow fruit. A faint smile touched her lips as she inhaled the fragrant bounty before tossing it up in the air and catching it with nimble fingers. She gave it a little spin as she walked toward the hatch.

Deel Surool

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One figure, clad in light battle armor, and apparently some sort of guard, waits at the doorway. The other takes a look at the recently landed ship, and stalks forward toward the exit ramp.

The approaching figure is dressed in the height of Tapani fashion... He wears a brocaded violet frock coat trimmed at the neck and cuffs in delicate white lace sits over a gleaming white shimmer silk shirt with a golden vest and sash. An elegant basket-hilted vibro-saber hangs alongside black knee-breeches tucked into tall, shiny boots which click sternly across the hardened landing platfrom. Completeing the picture, a tricorn hat with a white plume perches jauntily atop the long green head-tails... It can only be Deel Surool.

He comes to a sudden stop before the assembled group. He looks Rorworr straight in the eye, glances toward Kelko, and then back to the Wookiee... "Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler," he accuses. "What have you done with my ship?"

Sen Udo-Mal

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Dressed as always in his Jedi Padawan Robes, Sen Udo-Mal emerges from his cabin (well shared cabin really...) and heads towards to main airlock thinking It will be nice to break real air again, not this unliving recycled mix.

Sen will look with some curiosity about who Rorworr and Arani are taking to.


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"We... um... we... traded it in for this lovely new ship!" Rorworr improvises. "Top of the range, and a lot faster than the Mystic Burn. Plus we've reconfigured the AI to a more sunny outlook, and the scanners on this baby are sweet. Just thank our new friend Kaz. You've not met Kaz yet, but we'll introduce you. Follow me..." The Wookie hurries back inside the ship, hoping that Deel isn't too upset about losing the Burn.

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