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The State of PCGen

Laslo Tremaine

I gave up on PCGen quite some time ago (around the 5.9 RC version). It seemed that no matter what version I used the characters that it generated always had some, fairly significant, error in them.

That, on top of the horrid interface, and the general slowness of Java made me throw in the towel.

Has it improved? Can it make a correct character these days?

I realize that the Java issue is not something that can be fixed, but any improvements on the interface?

I've been so constantly burned by that app, that I am a bit hesitant to even bother to download it.

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First Post
What issues did you have? Were you using PCGen or CMP datasets? Did you report them to our Y! group (if PCGen) or CMP's forums (if CMP)?

There hasn't been an 5.9 RC version. Are you perhaps referring to 5.8 RC or 5.6 RC? We are currently on 5.10 as the most recent stable.

There have been significant speed improvements since 5.8.


First Post
I've been using 5.8.1 since the new datasets were available and I've been happy with it (although I've made quite a few changes to the datasets to fit my houserules).


I'd tried PCGen several times and always found it lacking. 5.8 was the first version I found really usable in a serious manner, and 5.8.1 is quite nice. As KingPaul said, there was no 5.9 release (even 5.8.1 is fairly recent, IIRC). I would recommend you try 5.8.1, if you've got CMP datasets (the updates should be free for existing customers), or 5.10.0 if not.

By my understanding and minimal testing, 5.10 is even better than 5.8.1. I'm stuck with the version for which CMP has datasets, though. After sinking $50+ into the datasets, I'm not going to void them for a marginal gain.


Mercule said:
By my understanding and minimal testing, 5.10 is even better than 5.8.1. I'm stuck with the version for which CMP has datasets, though.

It's utterly unsupported (of course :) but it's actually not all that difficult to use CMP's datasheets with the latest Pcgen version while you're waiting for CMP to upgrade.

The following post on the Codemonkey boards gives a fairly good explanation about what needs to be done:

If you don't run the PrettyLst perl script (which you shouldn't unless you're fairly certain you know what you're doing, it can muck things up horribly if used wrong, and definitely shouldn't be run on non-backed-up data files...) you'll get *lots* of warnings, but with the datasets I use, none of them actually mattered. (At least that I can remember.)

Again, no guarantees it'll work for you, but it works for me. Of course, if you run into problems you can't fix yourself, you're likely to have to continue using 5.8.1.

After sinking $50+ into the datasets, I'm not going to void them for a marginal gain.

Amen to that. My group has spent about $300 on datasets (etools and pcgen) over the years. There's no way in *really warm mythical place* that we're switiching to something else. Well, that is, unless I decide to actually write that character creation program I was sidetracked from a few years ago when I joined pcgen instead. And the first thing I'd write for that mythical program would be a tool to import Pcgen lst files. :)

/Jonas, a (mostly inactive) pcgen developer
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I'm very pleased with pcgen 5.8.1 and have started buying data sets as I order new WotC books. I'm running it on an Intel iMac....runs well.

I've got enough to handle as a DM, so automating character/NPC creating is a big time saver.


Laslo Tremaine said:
I've been so constantly burned by that app, that I am a bit hesitant to even bother to download it.

There are other options - I have more than one Ex-PcGen user who have switched to The Only Sheet... You are welcome to try it and see if it meets your needs.



RiTz21 said:
There are other options - I have more than one Ex-PcGen user who have switched to The Only Sheet... You are welcome to try it and see if it meets your needs.

Don't take this as an attack, 'cause it it's just curiosity:

In comparing the two big Excel-based tools, what sets The Only Sheet apart from (and, presumably, above) HeroForge?


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Though it seems to rely on Microsoft Excel - I assume OpenOffice will not work with it?

Mercule said:
Don't take this as an attack, 'cause it it's just curiosity:
In comparing the two big Excel-based tools, what sets The Only Sheet apart from (and, presumably, above) HeroForge?
Oh I don't mind any comparison...!! The feedback I received already tells me how the Sheet compares to the competition. I do acknowledge that I am not well placed to answer this: Any opinion I have would be totally biased (which is normal since I've been working on this Sheet for years). But I know that some of the regsitered users HAVE experiences with Hereforge (and other products) - Perhaps if this was asked in The Only Sheet's Community Forum, a "user" prespective would be given... I invite you to do so !! I am also curious on what they would say !!

P.S. I am currently working on version 8 of the Sheet which will increase customization to a new height: As an example, it will be possible and easy to create a Longsword that gives +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +1 luck bonus on All Chasima based skills, a +3 untyped bonus to all saves, a 10' enhancement bonus to Speed and one bonus attack ... !! in other words, it will be possible to combine effects - and all those effect will be stacked as per the stacking rules!! (So if you have that Longsword, AND a Belt of Giant Str +4, then the Str bonus don't stack...) - The Forum has a few hits on the coming version 8.

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