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The state of the kingdom my first game!


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Here is the only info my PCs got before and during rolling chars and at the start of the game.
The State of the kingdom.​
The world has changed much since the God-King Fury has taken the throne of Argus. The orcs have been brought under the rule of the kingdom and become somewhat refined and civilized. Elves mingle with all the other races with no apprehension offering education in history and the arcane to all who wish to learn. Dwarves however have become rare having withdrawn themselves away from the rest of the kingdom to its outer rule in the mountain range of Shaderick. Dragonborne have become the scorn of every beast having sided with their dragon kin against the rest of the races the dot the kingdom with their lairs and enclaves claiming that now is the time of Bahamut’s reckoning. Yet even more curious than the dwarves and dragonborne is the tieflings who have seemed to disappear completely amid rumors of new races on the Eastern border. The God-King Fury rules Argus with the fury of a vengeful and jealous god. Claiming 40% of all wages made and accepting no temples other than those on to his image although many still worship freely although it may be in secret. He razed the western country side leaving nothing but ruins of what was the dwarven capitol so now rogues and bandits are known to salvage and take refuge there. To the south is the Ashorico Sea. Its southern most shores comprise the southern border. Traveling back north to the center of the kingdom there are villages and minor cities but the center of the kingdom holds the temple and throne of FURY here is worshipped as the god-king he is and guarded by all races who have fallen victim to his berevity and show of power. Mages stand at his left and right at all times. His army seems to vanish and appear on a whim and not much more is known other than only those under royal invitation or completing their pilgrimage are allowed within the walls of Fury’s throne as its called. Further north is the land known as the king’s backside which is assumed to be hairy and the trees that cover the north and hide its villages can be compared to the thickness of his fur. To the east is where most major cities lie and have relocated to because of the war that lead up to Fury taking the throne. The city of Roth is known as the gate way to the east as it is guarded by The Hand of Fury a special guard whos skills are rarely displayed and rarely survived. Much trade comes from the east and spreads its way down south and up north. Even though Fury takes 40% people in the east live reasonably well they could be called the nobles of the kingdom the east also houses the universities and other major forums of education and entertainment.
So far since the start of the game we have had a few things happen.

first a two man session of human sorcerrer and a dwarf artificer were in a pub and came across a marital dispute killed the husband who was a wife beater killed the assassin hired but the wifes older brother and looted a crossbow of the corpse that the assassin stole from a very important half orc.... the god king fury. soon they were spirited away via portals to meet him they didnt like that.

session 2 the dwarf passed out as 3 other PCs were teleported in via sigil portals. eladrin wizard, doppleganger swordmage, human rogue. The party overheard an immense battle going on on the other side of a sigil portal (they were in a hub of sorts) arrows flew through the portal a JEWELED hand fell through grasping an artifact. the Human sorcerrer quickly took jewels and artifact. The group dragged the dwarf (player was absent) and made a series of slide based trips to an underground city.

session 3 they trekked through the city battle hypothermia and the sorcerrer lit the house the doppleganger was sleeping in on fire.... during his first watch. during the wizards watch he somehow managed to sleep for the first time in his existence (eladrins trance in an aware state) and spiretop drakes and shadow bats attack the dwarf was robbed for the remainder of his gold as the sorcerrer tried to befriend a drake. in the end all the creatures were killed and the rogue kindly scaled the build the drake had hidden the dwarfs gold and raided the nest. the proceeded to the other side of the underground city coming to a large pair of doors preceeded by an equally large stair case 4 endurance checks large. everyone made it up in 3 but the rogue who now has on his character sheet phobia of stairs because he failed 4 times starting and 5 times on the way up. they realized the key hole for the artifact was on top of the doorframe. so they start going through a series of towers interconnected and they spot a few rats and overkill them. (they had 2 tpks in 2 different campaigns via dire rat and rat swarm) they make it out only to find out that the god king had used them as pawns and to test their worth by having the party help him unlock the gates to a hidden city. The party proceeds to go meet the god king with a bad taste in their mouths now.

session 4 The PCs find a village lacking in the children department. A visit to the pub clears things up the kids have been going missing and so has the PC doppleganger (dropped from campaign) but they meet a goliath warlord pc who over hears all this. The guy they need to talk to is at the local church as the new party begins to leave a bard performer proposes an escort mission for them in the morning. The PCs head off to the church and talk more to the man in charge about the kids and pick up a cleric PC. So now the party knows where the kids were taken. The dwarf checks for clues and so does the sorcerrer they determine the offenders are giant ants the dwarf digs a trench in an attempt to find them and fails.... of course they do find more clues and head off to the anthill. When they get there the first area the search is filled with what seems to be giant ant larva upon closer inspection it is the swollen pulsating bodies of children with shrivled limbs and ant like eyes begging to be killed. The party freaks out and lights fire to the larva kids instantly using dailies and all. and thats where we left off.

let me know what you guys think so far we are only 4 sessions in I will keep you up to date.

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The party actually got so freaked they wanted to move the charcter marker for the larva kids off the map almost immediately. It was quite funny there were oaths made to kill the person who did it. hmmm I doubt that will happen. Yet anyway.

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