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The Stepchildren of Fate (Updated 6/3)


First Post
I’ve been lurking here for quite some time, reading the excellent story hours, and I decided to try and give something back. Most of the characters in this story hour began play around eight years ago, back in 2E. I have notes on those adventures that I may someday post if there is interest, but this tale begins just at the conversion to 3E. This (CotSQ) is the first full published adventure I’ve run, and I’ve stuck pretty closely to the plot, though all the encounters are substantially more difficult to accomodate the characters' greater abilities. As it’s my first time posting here, comments are especially welcome, and I’ll try to return the favor. Anyway, here’s hoping you enjoy the story.


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First Post
Meetings and Manifestations​

Andy hugs Jaalask and pets his head. "It's okay, lil buddy." He tries to be soothing.

Jaalask seems unconvinced, but accepts the attention while trying to maintain a safe distance behind Andy and away from the confused naked people.

"No sweat, eh dear chaps?" posits Dobi breathlessly, still full of himself for delivering the naga's mortal blow, and not admitting to himself that it was Danek's charge of cowardice that prompted his recklessness.

Catching his breath and coming off of his high, Dobi finally looks around. His eyes momentarily widen in utter shock, though otherwise his countenance does not let on to his utter discomfited discombobulation from his second abrupt magical translocation in as many days.

After a pregnant instant, Dobi finally collects himself, finds an outcropping that can extend his height, hops atop, doffs his floppy hat with the giant plume that has managed to stay attached to his head, flourishes a dramatic and sweeping bow toward the naked figures, and unflappably begins:

"Sir Dobius Elderberry of Highhedge, Faithful Servant of His August Majesty of Cormyr and his Lady Protector's Foreign Service, pleased to make your acquaintance….

"Now will somebody tell me what the bloody devil is going on, what?"

As Kai blinks off her most immediate confusion, she drops her eyes from Danek's open-mouthed gaze and realizes that she is utterly naked. Taken aback, she raises her arms protectively and casts about for an explanation; not finding any, she is deeply relieved when Dobi ignores her unclothed state in such a gentlemanly manner. His form of address brings out her training in behaving like a lady no matter what her underlying feelings may be, and she recovers enough to lift her chin and shoulders and to incline her head in her most stately acknowledgement. "Kitailla Imana of Evermere, daughter to his Lordship the Baron of Evermere and his lady," she intones formally. "These are Kyree, Rhien, Trella, and Khail. I regret that we are unable to offer any explanation of our presence here, though I assure you we intend no evil. But who are your companions?" she inquires, looking doubtfully again at the others in the cavern.

Danek looks away in complete embarrassment.

After Kai's comments, Trella blurts, "WHAT IN ASMODEUS'S SANCTUM IS GOING ON HERE?" The sturdy female seems quite unperturbed at being naked and starts storming about the chamber in search of a response to her question.

Andy, being somewhat taken with Trella, starts to offer his opinion. "Well, I'm not really sure but--"

Trella grabs him by his shirt, slams him against the wall, and sneers, "If you know something, spill it mister, or else your **** are paste." A wet streak appears down Andy's leg.

Trella has to smile at his reaction. She releases him forthwith, and he collects himself in a corner, where his kobold buddy snickers at the smelly wetness. Much calmer now, Trella turns to her fellow Stepchildren. "If this is the afterlife," she begins, "we really messed up. If not, anyone got a better idea?"

At the mention of the afterlife, the slight man with the shaven head and sad gray eyes that Kai referred to as Rhien looks up from his own thoughts. "The last thing I remember was Gwok-Al trying to kill Trella and then that big conflagration. I was ready to be with Ilmater...but this is not there. The air here smells acrid." Rhien begins concentrating on something, but soon after lowers his shoulders in apparent defeat. "I almost forgot...."

Trella replies, "Oh, yeah. I guess we're not dead then. Time for Plan B."

Cerridwin looks to Kai as the latter makes her statements. The confused bard somewhat stifles a goofy smile as she forces herself to maintain eye contact. She breaks off her gaze as Trella starts screaming at Andy. Her first instinct is to look to Kyree for guidance.

Kyree watches Trella with slight amusement until Trella backs off. After Rhien fails in his apparent attempt to cast a spell, Kyree reaches out to touch his comrade on the shoulder reassuringly. Then, realizing the awkwardness of two naked men touching each other, he withdraws his hand and offers the monk a look of sympathy and concern. Rhien acknowledges his gesture with a slight nod, but otherwise seems lost in thought.

After a few moments, Kyree says to no one in particular, "So...should we start looking for a way out of this place?"Dobi casts a quick, almost imperceptible glance at the misadventures of Trella and Andy, but quickly returns his attention to Kai, a clearly more refined personage and thus more worthy of his attention. "Ah, milady Kitailla, I was lately posted to the Waterdhavian embassy. I met your parents at the 50th birthday celebration of Lady Evermere. I bumped heads with the Baron Imana over smoked mackerel; we had quite a laugh over that one. You should have seen the look on Old Evermere's face when... but that is for another time."’Tis shame your present circumstances leave you without herald to announce your presence. Ah, but I forget myself," says Dobi as he quickly unties and removes his cape in a sweep of green, and offers what little there is of it to the lady."That dour blushing maid over there is Danek, the not so dour one is Cerridwin, the silly fellow up against the wall is Andy," Dobi proceeds to introduce Lenara, Jalaask, Earl the unicorn, and Buttercup."They are an odd lot, but dependable, though I have only joined their company the day before last. We were trapped together in a tower on some alien shore, when having rescued a figure from a crystal shard, we found ourselves unseemly deposited here."After Dobi gets done licking Kai's boots, Trella asks, "Hey, Doughboy, are you their leader?" Not entirely waiting for an answer, she starts looking for a way out of the natural cavern.

Dobi looks down his nose at Trella, a rather difficult feat for one of his height, but a skill perfected from years of practice. The look is designed to say, “You…deign to address…Me?” It is not lost on the irritable Trella.

"Ahem," Dobi ahems, "Trella, was it?" her name dripping with disgust off his tongue. "You may address me as Sir Dobius," before returning his attention to Kai, "You travel with these ... people?"

"Whatever, Sir Doo-bee-us," Trella enunciates, returning sarcasm in kind.

Kai moves quickly to pour on the charm. "My companions," she smiles, "are able adventurers all. Trella here is unused to courtly forms of address because she prefers the way of the wood and the wild, where I assure you her skills are unsurpassed. Khail and Kyree are warriors of dazzling proficiency, while Rhien..." here she pauses for an almost imperceptible moment, "Rhien's unstinting selflessness and loyalty almost belie his talent in unarmed combat. You must forgive our confusion, as we have lately been through a lot." Though her formal address suffers a lapse at the end of her speech as she is distracted by her last memories, she quickly corrects her manner, adding, "Your kindness matches your refinement," while reaching with a smile for the cloak Dobi offers.

At this moment, a choking sound from Danek makes her pause and look with surprise at the barbarian, who is jerking at her throat in a clumsy attempt to remove her own recently-gained cloak, having watched Dobi's exchange with Kai with obvious and growing aggrievement. "On second thought," Kai continues with another smile, "your friend here deserves a chance to demonstrate her own graciousness." She accepts Danek's cloak as kindly as she can, although Danek still won't look her in the eye. Kai refrains from mentioning the obvious, which is that Danek's cloak is much more effective as a piece of clothing for her than Dobi's is.

Trella looks like she's about to pounce on the little fellow for his slight, but when Kai pours on the charm she uncoils, muttering only, "Damn right," under her breath at Kai’s assessment of her skill in the woods.

Roused from his introspection by the actions of the rest of the extended group, Rhien forces a smile. "Yes, please forgive us for our rudeness. As Kai said, we have been through a lot; if all humans experienced that which we have Ilmater's faith would be large indeed. Or perhaps Loviator’s."

Shaking his head, Rhien changes tone. "But I do not mean to sound maudlin or self-pitying. I can only assume that your presence here had something to do with our return to awareness, so it would appear we owe you a debt. As is plain, we have no idea where we are or how to get out. Perhaps you could share your tale with us so that we can see if we might understand what has happened. We have so far heard a piece of it, but I think not all."

After Rhien speaks, Andy returns to the scene and decides to offer Trella his cloak, in a transparent attempt to match Dobi's innate charm and grace. Trella accepts the cloak, sniffs it, and makes it into a crude wrap that covers some, but certainly not all, of her tanned flesh. She thanks Andy, but makes it clear his offer of a hug is out of line.

Andy smiles nevertheless. Bolstered by his success with Trella, the monk approaches Kai and says, "Uh, hey." He waves. "I'm Andy. I'll let Dobi do all the talking about how we got here, but I've got a blanket if anyone wants to cover up." He offers up the blanket, but his eyes keep returning to Kai (and not always her face notably.) Feeling more sociable now that his pants have dried, he adds apparently for Kai's benefit, "You know, I'm sensitive, unlike a lot of guys. I used to run a men's group before I joined the army. I used to be a captain in my village's army, you know. Do you have armies where you come from? Maybe, if we have time after we leave this place, you and I could go for some sushi and coffee? Sushi is raw fish. Do you have sushi and coffee where you come from?"

Kai is amused at first, but as Andy continues his efforts she begins to look stricken. "Um, maybe some of my friends could use your blanket, too," she begins, gesturing at the three naked male Stepchildren, but she gets no farther before Danek starts to bristle. "She doesn't like you," the barbarian interrupts petulantly, "So why don't you just leave her alone?"

In total silence, Andy hands Kai his blanket, hangs his head, and retreats to the rear echelon of the party where he calls his kobold buddy to him for comfort. Jaalask, understanding the situation despite the language barrier, rolls his eyes but dutifully pats Andy on the knees.

Kai looks concerned but decides not to say anything, and hands the blanket to Rhien while trying to stay covered in Danek's cloak. Danek scowls, satisfied with Andy's retreat but not happy about it. Rhien accepts the warm cloth, but passes it off to Khail, whose buff manliness is apparently rendering Lenara speechless. Khail shrugs and wraps himself up, eliciting a groan from the enraptured spellcaster.

Meanwhile, Trella approaches Danek with a hand out. "Trella," she says by way of introduction. "You seem like you know where the bear ****s in the woods. Let's say we try and find a way out of this place, 'k?" The half-elf smiles warmly at Danek, hand still extended.

Danek stares at Trella in astonishment for a moment before suddenly cracking a shy grin. She shakes Trella's hand and then starts helping her examine the walls and whatnot, with an occasional glance in Kai's direction and sometimes in Andy's or Dobi's.

Kai clears her throat delicately. "So," she asks, returning to Rhien's question, "Nobody has any idea where we are or why we're here, then? You don't have to tell us everything you've been up to lately, of course, but it'll help us pass the time here if nothing else."

Some part of Dobi's mind quietly takes in and records for future use the interactions between Kai, Andy, Danek and Trella. That part smiles to itself, and begins working out how this information may be useful in the future.

Otherwise, Dobi looks uncharacteristically detached from his surroundings. Seemingly lost in thought, with eyes fixed on some random point on the ceiling, Dobi mumbles to himself, as if working out lyrics to a song or the incantation of some spell, "...ecks prime ecks invers, ecks prime why... " "...perfect bayesian nash equilibria... "

In response to Kai, Andy urges his kobold buddy forward, even if all he can do is say colorful Common phrases and jabber. Jaalask fights off the push and backs away, not knowing what is going on and having no desire to hang around with weird naked humanoids, whose pale, scale-less flesh offends his kobold sensibilities.

Trella ignores the proceedings and continues searching for a way out with Danek. Kyree joins in, using his elven senses to look for secret doors. This prompts an unusually silent Cerridwin to join in as well.

The four search without success for several minutes, and the conversation dies down to nothing during this time. Taking the opportunity to learn more about her family, Kai approaches Dobi and asks for any news he might have of them or other old friends. Danek sulks a bit when she notices this, but Trella’s attention prevents too much unhappiness.

Dobi is snapped out of his reverie by Kai's approach. His smiling eyes alight on Kai as he lowers his hand from his chin. "Your family is doing quite well, my lady Kai, though my duties in the negotiations with the Waterdhavian central bank have kept me from the usual social soirees of late. Though spending all that time with that Chairman, Lord Bluespun, was quite a hoot. You'd be amazed at how fascinating it is balancing the seignorage across kingdoms required to maintain the current bimetallic standard that the economy of the realms so depends on. The maintenance of the 10-1 gold-silver ratio is such an oh-so delicate process, much more interesting than that border dispute in the Dalelands with the elves of Cormanthor. Ah, but I digress….

Dobi looks askance at Kai, "Ah, I should have seen it of earlier. Of course, Krin's your brother, the family resemblance is truly remarkable. Krin is an officer in the militia. He made captain recently, or perhaps lieutenant; I get all those silly military titles mixed up. I saw him while I was processing the papers to leave the city. Ah, I sure will miss Waterdeep, the banquets, the exotic foods, the crowds, the travelers, though Silverymoon should be as exciting, if we ever get out of here."

As if it suddenly occurs to him to help out, Dobi excuses himself from the conversation to join the search for secret doors, "though I'm not sure how much help I can be. That was the part of my training that I slept through."

Kyree glances at Dobi when the elf hears mention of the exchange rate, but quickly resumes his examining of the walls.

After a little bit of fruitless searching, Dobi turns back to Kai, "Oh, you were asking how we got here. I'd be happy to tell of what transpired over the two days past, though I feel like I had walked into Act 6 of a six act play. Perhaps one of the others can enlighten us; I daresay I am curious to know myself."

No one immediately takes up Dobi’s suggestion, and there is silence overall as half of the assembled group searches, while the other half is lost in thought. Finally, Earl grows tired of the dank cavern and addresses the group.

“I am loath to say anything, given that I am in your debt for helping me to escape from that wretched tower, but there is too much of seeming importance that remains unaddressed here to remain silent. Danek was drawn to this Kitailla by some mystic force, and it would appear that this allowed us to escape. Further, I can infer by your actions that this type of thing has happened before to some of you, though apparently not Dobi. Five of you were waiting here for us, without possession or awareness, and were only freed at the touch of five other of you. There must be a tale here. Will not someone share it?”

Able to think again now that Khail is partially covered by a blanket, Lenara takes up the task. “This will sound strange, no doubt, but this is the way it happened,” she begins. “The five of us,” she indicates herself, Danek, Andy, Cerridwin, and Buttercup, “were all residents of Thistlehome. It’s a small farming town, but on what we’ve come to learn is a different world. Or maybe we’re back; who knows. Anyway, we were all kind of different then.” Danek looks perturbed, and almost moves to stop Lenara, but the apparent interest of Kai in the story stops her and she goes back to searching.

Lenara notes none of this, and continues, “I used to be a dwarf myself.” The beautiful wizard stops and looks at Khail as if worried that he might find her less appealing. When the paladin gives no response, she goes on with her tale. “Then one day this weird colored mist swept into town and changes us all into the people you see know. Though we weren’t all really well acquainted beforehand, we all had this urge to go off to this really scary cave that we had been warned never to go into. In there was this hydra, but instead of getting killed we killed it, and left our world via this gate.

“On the other side was this really smelly dirty place that the really rude locals called ‘Sigil’. We didn’t stay around too long, though, because we all had urges to go in different directions and couldn’t split up. We chose Andy’s way first, and ended up on this really cold ice planet. Andy led us across it, and we fought things that would have kept us locked inside our houses just a day before, but that we now could actually beat. Barely. At the end of our trail was Trella, and when Andy touched her we all vanished, and the five of us appeared back in Sigil.”

Trella looks with raised eyebrows at Andy, whose pride begins to swell at the accomplishment. Not sure how to deal with their apparent connection, the druid turns back to the cavern wall, leaving Andy to his own swellings.

Lenara continues, “We went with Cerridwin’s compulsion next. This took us to another portal and a desert planet. This time we spent a few days there, and there were lots of people to interact with.” She blushes at this last part, remembering some of her ‘interactions.’ “Eventually we found Kyree, and when Cerridwin touched him we all returned to Sigil.”

Kyree notes the uncharacteristically shy bard, wondering perhaps if this apparent connection is the reason for her seeming deference. While the elf ponders this, Lenara moves on with her tale.

“The third compulsion attempted was Buttercup’s, and this one took us to a place more like the woods on our own world. The population was a little bit odd, though, and we had to navigate this swamp mostly without their help until we found a secret location where Rhien was. Buttercup reached him, and we returned again.” Buttercup bares his tusks in a broad smile; Rhien looks confused at first, but softens as he sees the half-orc’s reaction.

Lenara says, “The fourth was mine, and we ended up around a bunch of kobolds and a ghost sphinx.” The sorceress shakes with anger at this last word, and she is joined by the righteous rage of Khail as the paladin shakes his fist at the sky. Trella rolls her eyes.

After calming down, Lenara says, “We tracked the kobold who had Khail to a town with the help of Jaalask there,” she points out Andy’s buddy, “and then I touched Khail and we ended up back in Sigil yet again.” Lenara gazes dreamily at Khail for over a minute, stopping only when the paladin, unused to such affections, coughs awkwardly.

Lenara blushes prettily. “Oh, where was I? Ah, the fifth and last part of the trip was Danek’s compulsion.” Danek growls deep in her throat but doesn’t otherwise respond. “With hers we ended up outside of this weird tower, where we met Dobi.” The halfling doffs his hat once again. “Inside, we had to pass by monsters and traps, and we freed Earl the unicorn along the way. Finally we reached the top and destroyed the astral shard, allowing Danek to touch Kai,” Danek blushes hotly and keeps her face averted from the sorceress. “This time we didn’t end up back in that dirty part of Sigil, however. We ended up here. And that’s it for us,” she finishes with a satisfied nod.

The newly charismatic Khail takes up the tale then. “Our story is quite a bit longer, but I will keep only to the part that might be relevant here. Earlier in our adventuring career we angered an evil priest in his home domain on the plane Acheron.” Several pairs of eyes blaze with barely controlled rage at this mention. Khail remains circumspect. “Later he made a dark pact with a pit fiend to destroy us and bind our souls forever to evil. The pit fiend, being what he was, chose to play with us before our end, and sent us to an odious demiplane where we were hunted like game for thirty days.” It is now Rhien’s turn to shake with anger.

“At the end we prevailed, in part to the risky maneuver of stealing five potent items of power from under the nose of Tiamat’s Avatar itself.” The paladin pauses briefly for effect. “When we returned to Faerun having vanquished all of our foes, we discovered that the gathered Greater Powers did not want us there, though what they feared remains—and I fear will forever remain—a mystery. We thought we had reached the end, but now with your aid we appear to have been given another chance to live.”

The emotional—and smitten—Lenara has tears in her eyes at the end of Khail’s story, and impulsively throws her arms around the burly, half-naked warrior. The paladin pats her awkwardly on the shoulder, not knowing what else to do.

Trella snickers at the display. Kai is about to join her, when something just hits her that Dobi said earlier. Running back to him, she says in an agitated manner, “Wait! Did you say that you attended my mother’s 50th birthday? It couldn’t be the 50th, right?”

Taken aback, Dobi can only muster, “Yes milady, I am quite sure it was the 50th? If I may ask, why does that upset you so?”

Kai staggers back as if struck. “Because…because that means it has been nearly eleven years since we were trapped, eleven years that the Realms have gone on without us. That would make it 1372…we have to find a way back.”

Her last statement has force behind it, and it is all Dobi can do to retain his detached cool. Nonetheless, the halfling manages and responds, “Most assuredly we will, milady. You have been dealt a sore blow, as it is indeed 1372, but we will return with due haste and see about making it right.” Something occurs to Dobi then and he adds, “Indeed, we should return today if possible so as not to miss the festivities. It is Shieldmeet, after all.”

Kai groans, and buries her head in her hands for the moment. Trella snarls loud enough to make the nearby Danek jump back a few paces and says, “If I still had my staff, and if Gwok-Al were still around, I’d bash his head in until it came out his ***!”

Her rant is interrupted, however, as, after the mention of her staff, an eerie brown glow suffuses her hands. Trella’s eyes widen as the glow seems instantly familiar, and the druid becomes aware for the first time since her awakening that there is a potential within her that, while an intrinsic part of her, was not always there. Intuitively connecting this with the staff she earlier possessed, the half-elf concentrates on the image of the staff.

Instantaneously, a strongly glowing oaken staff of clearly magical nature appears in Trella’s hands. Twirling it lightly, the druid smashes it forcefully into the wall to test its mettle. Unharmed by the strike, the staff rebounds from the solid stone, leaving a slight scorch mark from the burst of flames that erupted from its tip upon contact.

Trella looks inward, cataloguing the powers of her staff. While most of the others gathered look on in awe, Earl moves forward toward the druid with a purpose. Reaching her as she finishes bonding with her manifestation, the noble unicorn bows his head, his horn dipping ever so slightly in a show of profound respect.

“I must admit that when these oddly-matched adventurers freed me after a decades-long imprisonment in ice, I did not know where I was to go. My previous companions have no doubt long since vanished, and our grouping was often one of convenience as much as anything else. Yet, all seems clear now that I look up you and this staff, which is clearly a gift from the deepest aspect of nature. I would travel with you and aid in your endeavors, if you would have me as companion, mount, and friend.”

Recognizing the rare nature of the offer, and touched deeply by it, Trella gently raises the unicorn’s head with the palm of her hand. Looking into Earl’s eyes, she says earnestly, “I would be honored to travel with you.” Clearly pleased, Earl nuzzles her arm and takes his place by her side.

Guessing that Trella is not the only one who can perform such feats, and itching to relive the memory of his bow, Kyree attempts the same summoning. With Trella’s template fresh in his mind, the elf has no trouble calling into being an elegantly constructed ash longbow glowing strongly green. With one fluid motion, the archer draws back the string, creating a new arrow ready to fire, and targets a rocky outcropping. Moments later the arrow has scored its hit, bounced away, and vanished into the ether from whence it came.

Remembering the power of her ring, Kai summons the ruby-encrusted platinum band back to her finger with a thought. Realizing finally the full extent of the changes wrought by the chaotic energies released in the party’s last battle, the beautiful sorceress gasps in surprise. This shock is only deepened when a miniature red dragon materializes from nowhere to perch lightly on her shoulder. Several minutes pass while the two communicate telepathically, with the pseudodragon coiling its long tail around Kai’s neck possessively. Eventually Kai breaks into a smile and announces, “Everyone, meet Snicker.” The pseudodragon, as befits its name, snickers at the group in greeting.

The introduction is cut short as Khail brings into being a jeweled longsword glowing with the purest white light. The paladin takes a few experimental swings with it, recalling swiftly its perfect balance. Before he can look much deeper into himself, however, the group is expanded by yet another member. A beautiful white stallion, radiating unmatched purity and seemingly ready to carry his rider to the deepest layers of the Abyss if so desired appears next to the stunned paladin. An extended telepathic discussion renders Khail almost shy in his assessment of the situation: “This is Steve…he’s been sent to help me—us—in our fight against evil. He’s a celestial warhorse.”

Less enthusiastic than his companions due to the earlier choice he made, Rhien pauses lengthily before finally calling into being a matched pair of soft gray gloves and boots. At first the monk’s face falls, as he absorbs the offensive capabilities of the accoutrements. His subsequent discovery hits him like a thunderclap, and an expression of pure joy suffuses his face. Saying simply, “I can still heal, a little at least,” Rhien moves off to a corner, to be alone in prayer for a while.
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First Post
Cast of Characters

On the advice of one of my players, before moving any further into the story, I'd like to offer a brief rundown of who the relevant PCs and NPCs are here. Though I hope that the narrative itself can, over time, convey the important details of the characters' personalities, hopefully this little out of character information can clarify what is admittedly a confusing playing situation.

Cast of Characters (with levels as of this part of the story)

The Stepchildren of Fate: So named because their adventuring careers began more out of happenstance than by deliberate design, and because said careers have often involved their being toyed with by beings far more powerful than they. This group consists of:

Traoella (Trella): Tall, wild, aggressive defender of nature, and party leader. Female half-elf druid11/ranger2.

Kyree: Master of the longbow, his love and obsession. Male moon elf ranger13.

Kitailla Imana (Kai): Daughter of a minor noble of Waterdeep, beautiful, cultured, and intelligent. Female human sorcerer13.

Khail of the Maha'di: Formerly strict, laconic mountain warrior, lately personable holy champion of Torm. Male human paladin13.


Rhien of Ilmater: Onetime healer of the sick, now tortured defender of the weak. Male human monk13.

Weird group of hangers-on: So named because I couldn't think of anything better (public praise for anyone who can). Just a week ago they were all residents of quiet little farming town, now they're vastly different in form and capability, and tied closely to one Stepchild each. They are listed in the order of their tie.


Andy: Town guard and inveterate wannabe player. Male human monk8.

Cerridwin: Dying old man who suddenly became a beautiful young woman and is very confused. Female human bard8.

Danek: Poorly-adjusted teenaged boy who gained power and changed sex. Even more confused. Female half-elf barbarian5/cleric3.

Lenara: Once happy female dwarven smith, now happy female human spellcaster. Not so confused. Female human sorcerer4/wizard4.

Buttercup/Tham: Crotchety middle-aged farmer who turned into a half-orc with a split personality. Loves flowers, and is male despite the name. Male half-orc cleric8.

Those dragged along for the ride:


Sir Dobius of Elderberry: Flamboyant Cormyrian diplomat. Cultured teller of tales. Male halfling bard4/rogue4.

Quidlyn of Waukeen: Mercantile Priestess who is always looking for way to turn a profit. Female human cleric13.


Snicker: Kai's playful pseudodragon familiar.

Steve: Khail's celestial warhorse.

Earl: Trella's unicorn companion, rescued by Dobi and the weird group.

Jaalask: Kobold found by Andy and company who has been tagging along for a while.

Whew, that's all of them. For now, that is. The cast changes over time, generally trending toward fewer people, though with additions as well. I'll try to add updates every so often to the list if it seems to help.
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First Post
The Contract​

Trella approaches her comrades and calls for a conference. "Everybody squared away with their stuff?" Not really waiting for a response, she adds, "Good." The tall half-elf pats Earl's nose, causing the unicorn to smile at the affectionate gesture, and continues, "So, we've got quite a few people and two horses in close quarters. Unless we want to choke to death on dung fumes, anybody got any brilliant ideas about how to get out of this place?" She turns to Kai, resetting her jet-black hair into its customary long pony tail. "Please tell me you've got one of those kick ass wizard spells that'll teleport us to Denny's or something," she inquires, smirking.

Kai is about to respond, but stops suddenly and looks exceedingly confused. While she stares at her brightly glowing ring for nearly a minute, seemingly seeking answers, Danek’s gaze—resembling nothing so much as a startled deer’s—takes in the way the gesture causes Kai’s delicate nose to crinkle appealingly. Before the newly-minted barbarian can move on to a closer examination of the lantern light echoing in her subject’s emerald eyes, she notes the kobold Jaalask watching her curiously. Angry and embarrassed all at once, Danek stalks off to stare studiously at the walls.

Lost in thought, Kai does not register the action at the periphery. When no answers are revealed by her internal inquiry, she answers haltingly, "I was going to say that I didn't have any memorized, but...that doesn't appear to be the case. I guess...I guess I could teleport us out. The thing is, I don't know where we are, so unless we're on Toril or Arborea or someplace else I know doing so won't get us very far, and could be dangerous."

Apparently growing more comfortable by the second, Kai adds, "On the bright side, we're all great diggers*, and there is always a chance that someone will come to rescue us. Even if no one knows where we are. And it's been eleven years since we vanished." Kai sighs heavily.

Trella nods. She then tries to see what spells she has stored in memory, hoping for some powers to move earth and stone…. Unfortunately, she finds that the long time in stasis has wiped her mind clean of prepared magic.

Kyree stands off to the side, cataloging the powers of his bow. His single-mindedness is not unusual, and he is largely left alone, save for Cerridwin, who watches him intently as she reacts to what he discovers. "Sweet." "Sweet!" "Oh, sweet!" "Hey, what the hell?" He shrugs. "Oh, well, I guess I can deal with that. Hey, sweet!"

Cerridwin moves off and sets up some rocks at various distances from Kyree. When he is finished reviewing his bow, she suggests he take a few practice shots. The moon elf’s blue eyes mirror his answering smile, and he thanks her for her thoughtfulness before taking her up on her suggestion. His smile widens into a full-fledged grin as he feels the bow's power and accuracy. Cerridwin’s eyes twinkle as she beams back at him. An awkward silence follows. Trella rolls her eyes.

Andy tries to get chummy with Kyree. Admiring the archer's bow, and his skill with it, the monk asks, "Uh, hey. You, uh, like shooting stuff? You're, uh, good at shooting stuff." He looks around for some assistance, as Andy is not versed in small talk with those of the same gender.

Trella emits a sound somewhere between a grunt and a snort. She asks Kyree, "Wanna trade weapon secrets? I'll tell you what my staff does."

Kyree doesn’t look up. “I’m kind of busy shooting these rocks. Can we talk later?”

Trella groans. “You are such a dork.”

Khail’s small gray eyes squint at his companion. “What’s a dork?”


Rhien scratches the back of his neck. “Isn’t that a little tautological?”

“Wha—?” Trella puts her head in her hands. “You’re a dork too.”

Khail strokes his square chin. “In that case, we’re going to need a better definition,” he says earnestly.

Before Trella can make a snappy comeback, the outside world intrudes. Several feet behind where Buttercup stands, searching for new species of fungus, the wall begins to shake. Muffled words are heard then by the more acutely aware members of the large party, resulting in a flash that opens a hole in the rock wall of the natural cavern. As the group looks on in confusion, two figures step out into the lantern light.

The first is clearly not human, though what race he is from is not immediately apparent. Long, clumped masses that could be hair, tentacles, or something in between sprout from his head and shoot off every which way. His ivory eyes manage somehow to be both eerie and glazed over at the same time; his lurching manner of walk bespeaks either drunkenness or tightly coiled aggression, poised to strike. When he speaks, though, the question is put to rest.

“Dude,” he begins, “I totally told you that there was something here that wasn’t, you know, rock and stuff. You like are so buying the munchies next time.”

His partner in exploration, entering the cavern just steps behind him, shakes his head in disbelief as a wry smile plays across his handsome face. A roguish fellow with a rapier swinging lightly from his hip and a handlebar mustache oiled up to a fine sheen, he seems casually uninterested in his new surroundings, despite the obvious untruth of this. Chuckling slightly, he replies, “How was I supposed to know that this wasn’t just another one of your drug-induced fugues, Rodney? After all, you have smoked enough razorweed to slay a vrock.”

Rodney is about to respond when his eyes adjust to the light and he notices the party’s presence. “Dude, there are like totally other people here. Whoa,” he says.

The man known only as “Dude” notices this as well and is seemingly pleased. “My, my. I certainly did not expect this experience.”

Trella, not thrilled with the path her life is taking lately, snarls at the pair. Through gritted teeth she bites off, “Who…in…the…nine…hells…are…you?”

Rodney looks aggrieved. “Dude, she’s totally harshing on my buzz. Make her stop, man.”

Trella twirls her staff and moves toward Rodney, determined and somewhat eager to get to the bottom of this situation by force. “Dude” notes this with apparent nonchalance as he ignores his drugged-out companion in favor of taking in the others present. He seems unimpressed until his eyes alight on Kai, whereupon his pale green orbs widen into saucers.

“Kai? Is it you?” he inquires in shock.

Kai, taken aback that someone would know her here, given that she doesn’t even know where here is, takes a while to recognize the speaker, but when she does understanding dawns on the sorceress. “Montar?” she asks.

Montar breaks out a broad grin, quickly closing the gap to Kai and taking her hand extravagantly in his. This, of course, causes Danek to growl, but Montar ignores the barbarian. “My dear Kai,” he exclaims, “I haven’t seen you in ages. Since you left the Gilded Hall in the company of that old wizard, in fact, over ten years ago. But look at you! You haven’t aged at all.” His forehead wrinkles. “I thought you were human?”

Before Kai can get out much more than an “I am,” Trella lets go of Rodney’s shirt and storms over to Kai, thundering, “Would someone mind telling me what’s going on here?!”

Kai, embarrassed that Montar still has her hand, backs up slightly and coughs to clear her throat. “I’m sorry, Trella, it’s just…this is awfully unexpected, although I guess everything is lately. This gentleman, as you may have guessed, goes by the name Montar, though I for one doubt it is his real name.”

Montar breaks into the conversation with, “You flatter me, my dear.” He bows from the waist with a flourish.

Trella rolls her eyes. Kai continues, “I met him during my time in Arborea with the Sensates in their Gilded Hall. Like all Sensates, he’s after new experiences.” The sorceress pauses lengthily as a rosy blush makes its slow way up her neck to her cheeks. “Particularly, Montar likes being the first at things.” She falls silent as her face reddens further.

Montar’s eyes shine, but not particularly pleasantly. “I don’t always achieve my ambitions,” he pauses for a moment while challenging the sorceress with his gaze, “but this time at least it appears I have, thanks to my drug-addled compatriot Rodney over there.”

Rodney helpfully adds, “Dude, like don’t mention it. This place is awesome. The air keeps talking to me, and it has more voices than usual.”

Montar sighs exaggeratedly. “Please forgive him. Despite appearances, he has a sixth sense for areas of mystic convergence. I had heard rumors that there were natural caverns underneath the city that no one had ever seen before, so I grabbed Rodney and decided to have a look. We’ve been wandering for several days, following hallucinations as much as intuition, but it looks he actually came through. Amazing.”

His handsome face takes on a suspicious cast after saying this, and Montar asks, “But how did you all get here? There are no openings to the Cage’s surface, and no one had ever found this place before.”

Khail interrupts before Kai can answer. “Did you say the Cage?”

Montar appraises Khail, as if noticing for the first time. “Yes, my burly friend. We are indeed beneath the surface of Sigil. You did not know this, I presume?”

Khail’s look of surprise speaks volumes, and Montar quickly puts the pieces together. “Then this is a place of power. Rodney—”

Montar starts as he realizes that Rodney is, much to his surprise, no longer around. “How?” His suspicion turns to anger and he turns back to regard Kai. “I have the distinct feeling, my dear, that I’ve been peeled.”

Kai plays innocent. “Maybe so, but not by us. I can assure you that we don’t know any more than you do about this. Perhaps less.”

Montar stares at her for a long moment, and the party prepares unconsciously for a battle. The sensate calms down, however, and a tight smile creases his face. “You know, I actually believe you, though I might be a fool for doing so. So, what now?”

Trella pushes past Khail and barks, “We go home.”

Montar taps his finger on his cheek. “You came from that little prime world Toril, right Kai?”

Trella narrows her eyes, but Kai answers in the affirmative. Montar inquires, “Shall I assume that the rest of you come from there as well?”

Dobi steps forward then, deciding now is as good a time as any to enter the conversation. From his perch on a rocky outcropping, he introduces himself with his standard prose, "Sir Dobius Elderberry of Highhedge, Faithful Servant of His August Majesty of Cormyr and his Lady Protector's Foreign Service, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Montar looks amused, but nods in acknowledgement and responds, “And I am pleased to make yours. Shall I assume this Cormyr is on your prime world?”

Dobi nods and answers, “Of course. Though I have reason to doubt that my companions are from there as well.”

Andy offers, “We’re from this place called Thistlehome, you see. I was in the army there. Have you ever been in the army?”

Cerridwin cuts him off before he can go further. “We want to go with them!” she exclaims, and then looks away in embarrassment.

Montar shakes his head in mild surprise, saying, “So does that mean you all want to go to Toril?” When no negative response is forthcoming, the roguish man says, “Very well. I think I know of someone who knows of a portal there, and I believe he’d be willing to trade a service for that information as well, assuming you’d be okay with providing that service.”

At the suspicious looks of several party members, Montar quickly holds up his hands in a placating gesture. “Nothing awful, I’d imagine. But then, I don’t really know that much about him. Now, if you’ll all follow me….”

The party grudgingly accompanies the rogue as he turns his back to it and begins moving up the passage he and Rodney made with magic and toil. It is a surprisingly easy task, given the circumstances of the dig, and more than one person wonders if perhaps Montar’s assessment of Rodney had some merit.

Regardless, after only two hours the group finds itself in the Lower Ward of Sigil, on a street easily recognizable by the majority of the party. The appearance of multiple human, demihuman, and nonhuman entities in varying stages of undress, from a deep pit in the middle of a busy street merits mild attention from the jaded dwellers of the Cage, but all turn back to whatever else they were doing when a Dabus floats over in its typically inscrutable fashion and begins inspecting the hole. Montar, not desiring a meeting with the Lady of Pain should she seek to punish him for making said hole, quickly ushers the group away.

Five city blocks takes the group to a rundown brick building that houses a seedy-looking friend of Montar’s. Silver and copper changes hands, leaving the party with none of either coin, and serviceable clothing is procured for all who need it. Kai returns Danek’s cloak with a polite word of thanks, causing Danek to blush furiously as she realizes from where the cloak just came. Khail returns Andy’s blanket as well, eliciting a comment from Jaalask that causes both Cerridwin and Lenara, as well as Snicker, to snicker. Jaalask backs away from the monk.

While putting away the blanket, Andy asks what Jaalask says, confusion evident in his voice. It takes a full two minutes for Cerridwin to calm down enough to whisper it in the monk’s ear.

Andy blanches, thinks about removing the blanket, realizes that this would require touching it again, and eventually gives up, trying hard not to think about it. His obvious emotional trouble sends the two women into further paroxysms of laughter.

Having made the group presentable, Montar leads them out of the sooty Lower Ward and into the bustling Market Ward. Traders of every possible race and alignment barter everything from minor trinkets to the very souls of their customers. Maneuvering his way through the throngs effortlessly, Montar enters what appears to be a shop dealing in inexpensive curios.

Entering behind the rogue, the party glances with little interest over the goods arrayed on the counters, though Andy does spend entirely too much time ogling a fertility statue with an astonishingly large bosom. Scowling, Montar drags him by the arm over the rest of the group, which stands addressing a rather portly fellow attired in a robe of deep velvet.

Montar goes to shake his hand with a warm expression on his face, but a scowl from the rotund gentleman puts him off. Montar says, “I had hoped you had put our previous differences behind you, my dear Jeremiah.”

“You got up on a table and sang—off key I might add—a drunken rendition of ‘Jeremiah was a bullfrog’ at my engagement party.”

Montar attempts to placate him by saying, “Now, you know I was merely trying to liven up the place. Those upper-crusty types you insist on inviting to ‘further your station’ are always such a bore.”

Jeremiah seems unmoved. “Your pathetic attempt at carrying a tune not only offended my more auditorily sensitive guests, it also provided a perfect opportunity for a rival of mine to cast a minor magic that convinced my blushing bride-to-be that I did, in fact, resemble a bullfrog. Disgusted, she ran off, crying about the ugliness of the bullfrog. Sadly, I was not able to catch up to her before a pack of slaadi roaming outside took offense and ate her.”

Jeremiah sits down on his plush chair, leans his elbows on the table, and steeples his hands together. “But you know all this. I told you the last time you entered my establishment before I had you removed. Why are you back, Montar? Did you miss the tender mercies of my guards?”

Montar absentmindedly rubs his backside in remembered pain as he responds, “I come bearing a gift and a business opportunity, Jeremiah, as a way of apologizing for my unfortunate inebriation.”

“I’m listening.”

“The gift is one of knowledge. Beneath this city there have been rumors of places of power, long sealed and unknowable.” Montar pauses for dramatic effect.

The plump merchant is unimpressed. “And?”

“I have found one, and I will tell you where it is. If you hurry, you can explore it before the Lady has it shut away again.”

“If you’re lying to me….” Jeremiah leaves the threat hanging in the air.

Montar responds a little too quickly, “Lying? Me? The place is there, my friend. All of these fine people were recently there with me.”

The party nods helpfully, and Jeremiah seems to relax. “Very well,” he says, “you will tell my associates where to explore as soon as we are done here. Now, you mentioned a business opportunity?”

“These individuals seek to return to their home: the prime world of Toril. They would be willing to undertake a task for you if you were to lead them to a portal there.”

Jeremiah addresses the group. “Is that true?”

Kai looks to Khail for guidance, but the paladin merely shrugs, his detection ability blocked by some magic on Jeremiah’s person. She continues smoothly despite this. “It is true, but we will not perform any task that is evil or serves evil beings.”

Jeremiah looks amused. “You think me evil then?”

Kai responds respectfully, “Despite our appearance, we have been around the planes quite a bit, good merchant, and have seen evil masquerading as good.”

Trella adds, “Yeah, and we kicked its ***!”

Andy whispers to Jaalask, “She is so HOT!” Trella turns and glares at him.

Dobi steps forward. “I must also inform you, good sir, that I will not agree to any task that contravenes the goals of the crown of Cormyr.”

Jeremiah maintains his slight smirk. “Well then, let me assure you that the task I choose for you will be neither evil nor related to your home world. In fact, I have no task I need accomplishing right now. However, as I am a generous man, I offer you that which you desire now, for the promise of fulfilling a task for me at a later date.”

Jeremiah reaches into a drawer and withdraws a rolled parchment, which he opens onto the desk in front of him. “This is a simple contract, stipulating that I will provide you with a service at the time of signing, in exchange for a service in return at a time of my choosing. I will be happy to add that my task will not further evil, nor involve Toril directly.” Jeremiah withdraws a quill from a vial of ink and proceeds to do exactly as he said he would.

“Now, if you will just sign this, I will show you the portal and give you the portal key. When I have need of you I will activate the magic of the contract, which will teleport you to the nearest portal to Sigil and place a geas upon you to complete the task I assign.”

Jeremiah turns the contract around to face the group and says, “All I need are your signatures, and you can be on your way."

*This references the six months the Stepchildren spent stuck in a sealed cave. The inherent nature of the cavern kept them alive, but it also prevented the use of teleportation and detection magic, and they were forced to dig their way out of its area of effect. Khail’s old sculpture proficiency actually came in handy, one of the few times a non-weapon proficiency had a role other than as character development.
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First Post
The Return​

Trella requests solemnly that her contract stipulates that whatever task is assigned to her will in no way contradict her druidic beliefs (including, but not limited to, the burning or harming of trees and plants, forest denizens humanoid and animal, and damage to land or land-based lower organisms). If her task is to kill Andy, she indicates that she will sign twice.

Andy whispers, "Smoking hot!"

Jeremiah nods in the affirmative. "While I don't know exactly what the task will be, I doubt sincerely that it will even involve a wilderness setting. As such, I have no problem adding exactly what you have stated to the contract." The merchant retrieves the contract and adds Trella's wording verbatim.

Kyree looks at Trella oddly. “Have you gotten smarter?”

The druid bristles. “What are you trying to say, bow-boy?”

“Nothing…it’s just that, well, I never thought I’d hear you say ‘stipulate.’”

“What, only full elves can use big words? I don’t recall that you had all sorts of book-learnin’.”

Kyree sighs. “I wasn’t trying to start anything. I was just impressed.”

Trella tries to maintain her scowl, but cannot stop her lips from twitching. “You should be. I rock.

“Shut up, Andy.”

Khail unleashes a big belly laugh, scaring the stuffing out of friends not used to such behavior. “Sorry,” he coughs, and then adds his own codicil that any task must not break his paladin code.

Trella looks incredulous. “What paladin code? What in the Nine Hells are you talking about?”

The burly paladin unconsciously pulls on his ponytail. “I have…different goals than I used to Trella. I’d thank you not to make fun.”

The druid rolls her eyes. “I wasn’t…oh, whatever.” She turns her attention to a rather poorly done engraving of a Blood War battle scene, inexplicably done in mother of pearl.

Jeremiah smiles at Khail. "As is already present in the contract, no evil task will be given. Further, I am prepared to add that any action undertaken will result, to the best of my understanding, in an overall decrease in both evil and chaos as compared to the alternative outcome should you not participate. The task will also leave you enough time to aid those less fortunates that you feel it necessary to help. I will put this all into the contract immediately." The merchant does just as he says.

Dobi sighs wistfully at Wistamoch's departure, though he remains much amused at this huge collection of humanoids (and unicorn) that remain stuffed to the brim in Jeremiah's knickknackerie. Though his perennially unflappable countenance does not betray this, the halfling has been a bit unbalanced since emerging into this strange alien place, feeling very much like he did when he first stepped into Suzail, the hamlet-bred burrow-dweller in King Azoun's court.

Placed at one end of a negotiating table, however, the diplomat feels quite at home. Dobi rubs his hands together in anticipation, hops spryly onto the closest chair so that he might be seen through the crowd, and clears his throat. "Jeremiah, your proposition is quite interesting, and a suitable starting point for discussion," Dobi glances down with a calculating gaze at the contract as it is being amended, "but you must provide certain assurances that said task required by the party of the first part, you, can be completed in a timely manner and without *undue* risk to life and limb to the party of the second part, us.

"I will not submit to any agreement that may have me spending eternity as a footstool in the villa of some outerworld demon, or alternatively require us to go herding a small flock of Tarrasque."

A hint of irritation crosses his face, but it quickly passes as his usual pleasant smile returns. Jeremiah places his hands out, palms up, as he responds, "These are the planes, my dear halfling; there is no guarantee of anything. I cannot indemnify you against the possibility that you could anger someone of great power and end up exactly as you do not desire to be."

At these words, a shudder of remembered anger and pain passes through the Stepchildren of Fate, but they do an admirable job of maintaining their composure.

Jeremiah continues, "However, I can assure you that whatever task I do assign is one which I think you might accomplish and return from reasonably intact, and I will specify this in the contract. I do not know any of you personally, save Montar who is not part of the contract, and have no motive nor desire to see harm befall any of you. Had I a job worthy of exchange for the information I am about to impart, I would simply tell you what it is now and you could judge for yourselves, but as it is I do not, and so you cannot. My meaning here is that the contract itself is a necessity to a circumstance, not part of some evil design."

Kyree looks a bit uncomfortable. He says, "Actually, I don't have a pressing need to return to Toril. Could you help me find a way to Arborea?" Rubbing his right hand, he adds, "I have a promise to keep...to an old friend."

Jeremiah mumbles, “I think George Lucas is going to sue somebody.” More clearly, he responds, "We can talk about a separate deal after this one, if you'd like."

As Cerridwin looks over the contract, a confused look appears on her face. She offers, "I can't remember for sure, but for some reason, I have this feeling that a contract whose consideration is a future service, undetermined at the time of the formation of the contract and not subject to later negotiation, is voidable by the other party, if not void outright for vagueness. I'd have to review some notes on the subject to be sure, though."

Jeremiah sighs. "So you are a scholar of the mystic contract, then? Very well, how is this: If, at the time I ask for the task to be completed, you do not want to complete it because you feel it violates the spirit of the contract, you may pay me instead the sum of 60,000 gold, deliverable within one week of my asking for it. Once the decision to pay instead has been made, you will owe an additional 10,000 gold every week after the first until your debt is paid. The geas will take effect after the first week has passed, and last until you have paid."

Jeremiah writes this up and asks with somewhat less patience, "Anything else?"

Dobi shrugs. "Sounds good to me." The halfling leans over and signs the document.

Trella signs her contract with the addenda. Andy signs his, but more to position himself so he can see her cleavage when she signs her deal.

Khail is satisfied with what he hears and lets it be known that he is willing to sign the contract. Lenara smiles and comments on his nobility before proclaiming her desire to sign as well. She stares longingly at the paladin, her intentions clear in her eyes, before he clears his throat uncomfortably. The two sign in quick succession.

Kai hides a smile and signs. Danek handles the pen awkwardly but manages to print her name, blushing and scowling at the same time.

While the motley crew signs, Dobi hops down from his perch and sidles up to Jeremiah with a glint in his eye, holding forth, "Well, thank you very much, Jeremiah, a pleasure doing business with you. You have quite a store here, that fertility statue reminds me of one gifted to my dear cousin Elbo of Waukeen, a missionary and anthropologist to Maztica in Toril, and traveling companion to Sage Ezra the Bloviant. The statue was created by a Plumaweaver living in the village Umarata near Nexal when he was approached by the village chief's woman…."

As he speaks, Dobi attempts to fascinate Jeremiah with a lurid tale of infidelities, halfling wit, and magical accidents that led to the chief being forever known as Chief Tripod. However, whatever magic Jeremiah is using to prevent scrying of his alignment is apparently also proof against Dobi's inspired attempt. The merchant does seem vaguely amused by the tale, but the bard is experienced enough at his craft to realize that there was never even a hint of a chance that Jeremiah might fall sway to his charmed voice. Kyree notes this attempt with appreciation, but gives no outward sign for fear of tipping the group’s hand.

Rhien, looking far more comfortable then he was before the monetary exit clause was inserted, signs his name in a flowing script. Taking his cue from the monk, Buttercup lumbers up to the paper and signs his name, spending a great deal of time drawing flowers in and around the letters. Jeremiah groans inwardly.

Kyree waits several minutes while the party stares at him in silence, but eventually realizes that he isn’t going to get what he wants through discussion or magic and moves to sign the contract. Cerridwin shrugs and follows his lead, adding her name as well.

With the formalities complete, Jeremiah relaxes a bit. “Excellent,” he proclaims while reaching into a drawer and withdrawing a thin wooden wand. “Please stand still; this will only take a moment.”

At silent command, bluish-gray rays arc from the wand and impact all members of the group. A slight magical tingling is felt briefly, but it passes soon after and no one feels the worse for the experience. Jeremiah nods, satisfied with the deal. “Very good. The portal you seek is in the Lady’s Ward, in the doorway of a private residence at the address shown on this parchment.” The merchant scribbles an address and hands it to Montar. “Montar can take you there, and he’ll give you the parchment when you leave. The portal key is a old pipe.” Jeremiah withdraws a suitable pipe from another drawer and hands this to Trella, since she spoke first. “Make sure to keep the pipe on you, and that the last to enter the portal does so within thirty seconds after the first, or he’ll be stranded.”

Jeremiah puts the contract into yet another drawer, stands up, and says, “Now if you don’t mind, your menagerie is frightening off potential customers. I will contact you when I am ready to complete the contract, but until then, try to keep my investments safe, if you don’t mind.” With that he ushers the party out of his establishment.

Parchment in hand, Montar moves to stand next to Kai, leading her and the rest of the group through the labyrinthine streets of Sigil, idly making small talk all the way. Gradually the bustle of the Market Ward gives way to the elegance of the Lady’s Ward, and soon the group finds itself standing in front a four story town home, unremarkable in the midst of similar dwellings but beautiful nonetheless.

Montar, who has been growing obviously more bored as he has traversed well-worn pathways, hands the parchment to Kai and bows deeply at the waist. “Here we are, my dear,” he says, “and here I must take my leave of you. Hopefully our next meeting is not a decade in the future.” The rogue kisses Kai’s hand—eliciting a growl from Danek—and departs, swiftly vanishing down an alley.

Figuring that there is no time like the present and never caring much for this particular planar metropolis, Trella makes sure that the group is gathered together and steps toward the doorway, which erupts into a deep orange glow at her proximity.

Trella steps through with little hesitation, and the remainder of the group follows close on her heels, leaving the Cage behind.

They re-emerge in the entrance to a small cave that extends far back into the side of a mountain. To the left and right the peak curves around, yielding views of other crags, while behind the group the mountainside descends steeply to a green valley far below. The evening air is cold and clean, if a bit thin at this altitude. Above, birds of prey circle, highlighted against cirrus clouds.

The idyllic scene is broken by Earl’s words as he sniffs the air nervously. “Trella, there’s something in this cave.”

To be continued...
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First Post
good stuff

ah good times. this was over a year or so ago. i was the newcomer. Sir Dobius, my trademark halfling rapscallion diplomat. and later Quidlyn of Waukeen (aka Quid), the mercantile priestess/Maztican missionary/evangelist for the invisible hand who is yet to appear.

i totally feel like a voice over of one of the actors in a DVD commentary track.


First Post
benho said:
ah good times. this was over a year or so ago. i was the newcomer. Sir Dobius, my trademark halfling rapscallion diplomat. and later Quidlyn of Waukeen (aka Quid), the mercantile priestess/Maztican missionary/evangelist for the invisible hand who is yet to appear.

i totally feel like a voice over of one of the actors in a DVD commentary track.
Welcome to the boards! Yeah, when I solicited responses from you guys I didn't quite take into account the whole DVD-like experience. Still, it could be fun. Maybe we could work up a whole "Cast and Crew" track.

No fair getting ahead of the story, though. Now I have to make sure to get enough updates out this weekend to introduce Quid. Oh, the humanity.


First Post
I agree, benho, this is totally like the commentary track on a DVD. I play Andy (the world's worst monk) and Trella (who just kicks). Good thing I didn't buy this adventure in the store a few months ago. I did not even realize we were playing something published until a little while after this sequence. I miss Dobi, though. :(
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First Post
Welcome to the boards, greywalker! Of course, you mean that you miss Dobi because everyone loves the little fella and wants him around all the time, not because anything has happened to him, right? Sigh. At least I've caught up to Quid's introduction with this update. Only a few more of these before the action begins.

A Brief Rest​

Kyree mumbles, "I'm getting really tired of caves," as he manifests his bow. The nimble archer sidles up to the cave wall to reduce the area from which he could likely be attacked as he focuses his elven senses into the darkness, looking and listening for any sign of an unfriendly occupant. His caution limits his effectiveness, and he neither sees nor hears anything.

Steve whinnies, catching the same scent as Earl. Trella slides into her familiar role as party leader, urging everyone to stay still and alert for the time being.

To Earl she whispers, "What and where?"

Earl doesn't know what, but he's pretty clear that it is deep inside the cave, and doesn't appear to be moving around much, an opinion shared by Khail’s horse. Snicker, however, smells something familiar, which he shares with Kai.

The sorceress translates for the group: "Dragon."

Trella replies, "Worst...teleport...ever,” pulling her hair away from her scalp.

The doughty druid quickly regroups. “Anyone feel like fighting a dragon right now?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “I think a safe plan would be to take the Kai shuttle down to the pretty green plain below. Shouldn’t be too difficult to teleport there, I hope. Less experienced go first; I might try and speak with those birds and make nice with them to keep 'em from divebombing us.”

Kai agrees, after trying to find out from Snicker if the dragon is good, bad, big, or small. “I’d prefer to keep pairs of more- and less-experienced people together, just in case something goes wrong.”

Snicker’s analysis complete, the pseudodragon’s telepathic voice is heard by the gathered group for the first time. “It’s either big and far away, or smaller and closer.” He sounds proud of himself.

Rhien offers, "If we are looking for a safe place to rest, I would be willing to climb up or down a ways to see if I could find a less occupied cave."

Kai strokes Snicker's snout and mentally praises him for being so smart while nodding to Rhien. "I'll teleport us if you don't find anything. Be careful." Snicker enjoys the praise and makes a purring sound as Kai pets him.

Danek abruptly volunteers, “I can go with Rhien, or in an opposite direction.” She pauses after speaking, self-conscious at the sound of her own voice.

Rhien smiles. “That would be welcome, Danek. If you have rope, we can tie ourselves together, in case one of us should fall.” The monk’s gentle tone subverts the barbarian’s instinct to take offense. Khail gives the cave an unsuccessful once-over with his holy sight before following them.

They return twenty minutes later. Rhien gently nudges Danek to make a report.

The barbarian shuffles her feet awkwardly, but says with some pride, "We searched down the mountain some and found a few caves. They were all dark inside, but we might be able to get there, with some rope and muscle."

Khail pats her on the back. “Good show! I found two more myself, above us.”

Danek bristles and scowls at the too-friendly paladin. She retreats to the side of the cave entrance, grumbling something inaudible.

Trella takes in the news. "Since I haven't seen the caves, does any one of them look safer than the others? What I'm really interested in hearing is that you found a shallow unoccupied cave with only one passable open end, the one to the outside, which I could cover with a wall of thorns courtesy of my handy-dandy staff. Well?"

Rhien shrugs and responds apologetically, "Sorry, Trella, but the caves were dark and neither Danek nor I could see in past a dozen feet or so.” Khail nods his concurrence with this assessment.

Dobi snaps out of his personal reverie. Having been off plane for the first time, there was a lot for him to process, and the halfling was deep in thought, perhaps composing a song, while his new companions were scaling the mountain face. Finally snapping to, the rogue surveys the landscape, looking for geographical landmarks that might help him identify where he is on Toril. Seeing only mountains ringing the party, Dobi gets down, places his ear to the cave wall, and attempts to see if he can hear anything. The slow, deep breathing of a very large creature fills his ears, but since this is nothing that he did not already know, the halfling decides not to be outdone by any animal and sniffs at the air. Unfortunately, Dobi's nose knows nothing, and he merely ends up looking a bit silly.

Trella concentrates, willing her form into that of a bat. Taking wing, she flits amongst the caves below, avoiding a tribe of kobolds, a group of roving duergar, and the lair of some hideous misshapen beast. On her fourth try she finds a shallow cave that appears to be completely unoccupied. Quickly returning to the party, the druid resumes her own shape and shares her findings with the rest of the group.

"Excellent, excellent, my dear sweet Trella," says Dobi, uncharacteristically quiet due to the nearby wyrm. He begins extracting the silk rope from his pack. "I think most of us can climb down using rope if we help each other out, though perhaps Earl will require magical aid. I suggest those first and last be able to fly or teleport, as they will be in most peril, potentially caught on either end all alone. Of course I happily volunteer for either of these tasks."

Trella bows with a flourish and an awkward smile, meant to hide her premonition that something terrible is about to happen. She takes the rear while Kai explores her new abilities, handing out the ability to fly to fully half the group, which obviates the need for Dobi’s rope. It takes a while to pry Kyree, who is fighting back an urge to try and kill the dragon and take its stuff, away, but soon the large and varied band is floating gently down. Kai sails further out, just enjoying feeling the wind in her face for a while. Snicker happily joins her, playfully circumnavigating the sorceress in wide arcs.

Trella scoops up Dobi and follows, herding the party into the sole safe cavern. She sets a wall of thorns to guard against entry via an activation of her staff and solicits opinions. Though Dobi smiles at the idea of fighting the dragon, relishing the great tale that such a battle might produce, the notion is not taken seriously by the group. Shared rations and quiet watches ensue, leading to a whispered request for stories as darkness falls.

Trella offers, "Tell him the one about Eduardo just walking along. That one _never_ ceases to amuse."

At the mention of Eduardo's name, Kai's eyes harden, and she turns away to face the nearest stone wall. Buttercup shows his tusks at the rogue's mention, but what the gesture means under these circumstances is difficult to gauge.

Khail answers Dobi's curious look with, "Eduardo was once a comrade of ours whom we took to be a friend. He betrayed us.” Khail is quiet for a long moment. Anger mixes with a wistful sadness in his voice when he finally continues. “We were all strangers before that first quest, snatched from our homes to play the pawn in a game we could not have understood. There was no way for us to know that Eduardo was an assassin, sent to ensure our failure. Still, he did not succeed.” Khail’s small grey eyes are far away. “We have crossed paths several times since then, and our meetings have never been pleasant.”

Seemingly remembering the point of his tale, the paladin forces a smile. “Trella refers to Eduardo's response to being jailed early in our acquaintance."

Kyree anticipates Dobi's next question, and interjects, "He's dead now," with more than a little satisfaction*.

Trella smirks and says, "That had to be the most boring way to tell that story I could imagine." She breaks into a wider smile at this. "It's good to know some things don't change."

Khail shares her broad smile, indicating that some things do. Despite this newfound good-humor, the warrior remains practical at heart, and launches into a brief summary of who he and the rest of the Stepchildren are, and how they came to be here, supplemented by commentary from Kai and Trella, and the occasional "Woo-hoo" from Kyree.

The bard listens attentively throughout the long tale, joined by the rest of his recently found companions. These latter stare raptly at those they rescued, awed by what they have seen. When the story winds down, Dobi gladly returns the favor, leaping to a higher perch and regaling the combined group with the recent history of the realms. Andy's band is stunned by the immensity of it all, while Trella's is more concerned with what they have missed. Kyree curses particularly the drow infestation of Cormanthor, earning him a pat on the back from the druid**.

The final stories of the night are told by Cerridwin in the guise of a series of folksongs from her youth. They are simple things, as Thistlehome does not possess the splendor of a Waterdeep, but they are heartfelt and full of earthy wisdom, and much appreciated by all. Cerridwin blushes at Kyree's attention when she is done, and moves off to be alone, quite confused by what her life has become.

At Trella's orders the fire is put out, and those not already on watch or slumbering join one of the two groups. The wall of thorns vanishes silently before midnight, but no creature troubles the party. When dawn comes, Rhien is gazing at the slow growth of pink on the horizon, though his sad gray eyes seem to be looking much farther away.

Kyree approaches to speak with the monk, but is startled by the sudden appearance of a glowing door in the back of the cave. His bow is manifested and nocked with an arrow in an instant, trained on the figure emerging from the portal, but the archer lowers it slightly when the newcomer's posture is one of curiosity rather than violence. Kyree's sharp eyes take in her appearance, and he is joined moments later by the rest of the group.

A longish shock of unkempt golden hair, tied back into a neat pony tale and held with a jeweled silver hair clip, crowns a pretty but otherwise unremarkable face highlighted by an aristocratic nose and large friendly eyes. Her slender figure is accentuated by her well tailored leather jerkin—which, had it a label, would read "North Face"—and tight leather leggings, the latter tied down at the ankles and tucked into a small pair of sturdy but supple calfskin boots from which two fine daggers jut. Her finely woven very short green cape is held on with an elegant silver brooch, and a matching buckle closes her belt, which holds a matched pair of weapons. On her left a gleaming metal nunchaku made of interlocking metal disks swings slowly at her side, while on the right a wicked-looking jeweled machete that is roughly the same size and shape of a scimitar rests within a leather scabbard. Thin silver bracelets accentuate her tanned bare arms, and around her aquiline neck hangs the gold coin that indicates her allegiance to the goddess of trade, Waukeen.

Dobi, never one to forget a face or the tale it accompanies, approaches the newcomer with surprise. "Quid? Of Amn?"

Though unable to match the halfling's recall, Quid does recognize him, and grants him a smiling, "Good to see you again friend. Might I ask where we are, and by whom you are accompanied?" Behind her smile, Quid girds herself for a quick vanishing act, having no desire to engage in combat with the horde of armed people staring at her in shock.

* Eduardo was a PC, played by the same person running Buttercup. I let him be an assassin, sent to kill the creature the rest of the party was trying to protect. While it did lead to many memorable moments, I don’t plan on allowing this in the future. It’s just too difficult to be fair to all concerned.
** During their previous adventure, Kyree—an elf—was oddly friendly toward a drow priestess they met. Trella—a half-elf—was not appreciative of this, and the whole thing degenerated into a really amusing out-of-character discussion about why all elves should hate drow. Kyree, having learned his lesson, is exhibiting this.
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First Post
There are some great Eduardo stories from prior adventures. Eduardo had a habit of disappearing periodically and, upon returning... we learned it was better not to ask where he had been or what he had been doing. A personal and group fave is his infamous explanation for how he managed to get himself thrown into prison. "What? I was just walking along!" Classic. Not sorry to see him die, though, seeing as his sworn goal in life was to kill us.

To follow up an earlier post, I, as a player, miss Dobi because he was fun. Trella, my character, does not miss him.

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