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The story of the bad talking tree


Or something like that.

Since nobody else has volunteered much information for Macbeth, I will give a bit of a summary.

Kind and Ceru were outside the Complex when a raven approached Kind. Fortunately he had some spells memorized to speak with assorted animals and he was able to discover that the raven was upset. It seemed that a talking tree had somehow gone bad and tried to hurt him. He wanted somebody to find out what happened and deal with the problem.

Kind decided this was something he wanted to look into and quickly tried to gather as many of the Seekers as he could. While Deigh was out on patrol, beyond the walls of the Complex, the rest of the Seekers were soon found at the tavern they call home. It seems a caravan had arrived and one of the guards had picked up some conversation with some of the Seekers.

After a quick debate, the group decided to depart in the morning. Deigh was still nowhere to be found, but Kind wanted to get underway so the group left word and then departed. The new acquaintance decided to join the group since the Ternell Complex looked to be relatively boring.

Soon after setting out, the group met and bantered with some hobgoblins. It wasn't a casual encounter, but it didn't break down into combat either. The new groupie proved to be of some value as he chatted it up a bit with the hobgoblins.

The group spent time every few days foraging ridiculous amounts of food and then powering on for a few days.

Some sort of weird cat things attacked one evening. Tyrm woke up when they roared near the camp and promptly dropped a fireball on them.

A few nights later, Tormal was touched by some sort of weird, amorphous creature. Though the group killed it, Tormal lost all sense of self and his body succumbed to whatever happened to the creature that attacked them. After running off, the group was forced to relieve him of this ghastly fate.

Days later, the group arrived at Garland's Fork. Home to a couple of houses populated by strange trees. The road into Garland's Fork was notable because there was a black tree in the center of the road. Since it would be difficult for a wagon or cart to handle a tree down the center, and the tree was clearly in the center of the road, this seemed very odd. Especially since there were clothes in the branches and a basket seemingly weaved around a large branch.

In the village they discovered more such trees inside houses. Some girl's diary speculated about a curse on the town and the water of the well seeming bad somehow.

The group was looking about the small when they saw somebody coming up the road. Quickly moving to identify and possibly eliminate the interloper, they confronted the lonely traveller. In the midst of their banter, a large half-plate clad troll assaulted the group. This was a troubling battle as the troll kept regenerating damage from weapons. Eventually fire overcame it though.

Discovering a dog behind one of the houses, Kind spoke with the poor hungry beast. After receiving food, he was able to lead the group to a partially dead tree with a hole beneath it's roots. Having recognized careless Treant tracks, as well as hobgoblin tracks, leading to the hole, the group decided to fall back, recover throughout the evening and think through an assault during the day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Deigh, having returned after the Seeker's left, eventually got word that they had set off on a mission. They were last seen on the road out the East gate of the Complex. Gathering his equipment and a bit of supplies, he set out after them.

Relying on what he knows of the Seekers, as well as his ability to survive in the wild, and track a relatively large group, he was able to make good time in his attempts to catch up to the group. Being puzzled by the tree in the road at Garland's Fork, he was even more distressed by the burning troll corpse. However, since he did not identify any bodies of his friends, he continued looking for signs of where they went. Eventually he found the tracks leading toward the tree and followed those.

It is shortly after the majority of the Seekers have decided to fall back and recuperate that they see a familiar figure loping over a hill, following their tracks. Deigh has finally found the Seekers.

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First Post
Quote of the Night.

As the group meets the lone traveller in town and explain the situation.

Stranger: "What, this town is cursed? Everyone is a tree?"

Lavane: "You picked a bad day to travel here"

Suddenly the armored Troll rounds a nearby building

Stranger: "What the hell is that?"

Lavane: "You picked a REAL bad day to travel here."

Voidrunner's Codex

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