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The Strain

Hand of Evil

From the book by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan to FX - what I see as a Lovecraftian vampire series. Kind of a slow start but looks interesting to keep me coming back.


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The Laughing One
I think it's very very cool! I haven't read the books (yet), but that coffin and the 'vampire' have a lot of potential. Honestly, I even wasn't thinking Vampire initially.
Even I miss breathing sometimes...


I was not impressed with the opener. Maybe, I've seen too many Vampire and Pandemic series/movies. Combining the two seems interesting though, so I'm going to give it another episode or two before I make a decision on it.

The good: Visually pleasing. Cinematically interesting. Good special effects (especially fore TV). Relatively high quality acting. Interesting premise. Lots of attention to detail if you pay close attention.

The not-so-good: Slow moving; exacerbated by the small details that demand you constantly pay close attention. Obvious plot; its the pilot, we know the premise, so we know what has to happen.

Of the summer shows this year, this one is by far my favorite so far. I'm hoping the pacing and obviousness of the first episode were just the necessary evils of establishing the background in the pilot.

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