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The Sublime Saboteur: Shinobi




Higure the Still Wind, human shinobi

"I learned from my master that a shinobi's duty is to be enlightened on the laws of nature. There are no battles that do not adhere to these laws. Thus, the warrior who stands against the laws of nature has lost his battle before he even begins to fight. The first priority of the shinobi was to prevail without fighting, and this remains our way."
~Takao Hisatsugu, Headmaster of the Hidden Door

The enigmatic spies and saboteurs of the Sublime Way, shinobi are martial adepts who epitomize the warrior ways of alacrity, misdirection, and subterfuge. Trained in locations made secret to all outsiders, they have inherited martial traditions passed down by word of mouth for countless generations, including the mysterious Hidden Door discipline. Shinobi, also commonly known as sublime saboteurs, are not to be taken as mere thugs or bandits. They have sworn an oath of fealty to clan and homeland --- vowing to give their very lives, if necessary, to ensure the protection of their communities. Those that betray this oath suffer severe consequences and may no longer walk the path of shinobi.

Like the swordsage, a shinobi rarely plays the role of a front-line combatant. Shinobi typically find themselves as the scouts and skirmishers among a party of adventurers, relying on stealth, hit-and-run ambushes, and tactical attrition to win the day.

Abilities: Dexterity is the shinobi's primary ability score, followed closely by Wisdom and Charisma. All three of these scores have a number of vital uses for shinobi both in and out of combat, ranging from augmenting Armor Class and certain weapons' attack rolls to enhancing saving throws and several key skill checks. A high Intelligence score is important also, as the extra skill points it provide enable a shinobi to fulfill the role of expert and specialist when needed. Due to their reliance on avoidance and evasion, Constitution is sometimes ignored by shinobi, but a good Constitution score can often mean the difference between life and death to a shinobi frequently found in battle. Strength is probably the least important ability score to most shinobi, although it can increase their damage potential and bolster their effectiveness with certain skills.

Races: The majority of shinobi are humans. There are a few elves, half-elves, and spirit folk found among their ranks, and even fewer of the other races. However, as the shinobi's traditions themselves originated among human clans, these individuals almost invariably receive their training in human lands. There are rumors of shinobi clans founded by members of other races that studied under human masters, but these may indeed just be rumors.

Alignment: Although a shinobi can be of any alignment, the path he walks often demands discipline, unwavering loyalty, and a willingness to serve the needs of others. As such, chaotic and evil shinobi are very uncommon and their actions are usually looked down upon by their brethren. Because the Hidden Door discipline admonishes balance between extremes and adaptability to changing circumstances, most members of this class lean toward neutral alignments.

Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10 gp (100 gp).

Starting Age: As monk.

Special: For the purposes of feat qualification, a shinobi is considered a swordsage of equal level.

       Base	     Fort  Ref   Will			               
[u]Level  Attack Bonus  Save  Save  Save  Special		           [/u][/b] 
1st    +0	     +0    +2    +0    Shinobi path (1st step), 
                                       trapfinding, veiled weaponry       
2nd    +1	     +0    +3    +0    AC bonus	       
3rd    +2	     +1    +3    +1    Shinobi path (2nd step)			       
4th    +3            +1    +4    +1    --	       
5th    +3	     +1    +4    +1    Shinobi path (3rd step)			       
6th    +4	     +2    +5    +2    --	       
7th    +5	     +2    +5    +2    Shinobi path (4th step)			       
8th    +6/+1	     +2    +6    +2    Adaptive stance	       
9th    +6/+1	     +3    +6    +3    Shinobi path (5th step)			       
10th   +7/+2	     +3    +7    +3    --	       
11th   +8/+3         +3    +7    +3    Shinobi path (6th step)			       
12th   +9/+4         +4    +8    +4    --	      
13th   +9/+4         +4    +8    +4    Shinobi path (7th step)			       
14th   +10/+5        +4    +9    +4    --	       
15th   +11/+6/+1     +5    +9    +5    Shinobi path (8th step)			       
16th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +10   +5    Adaptive stance	       
17th   +12/+7/+2     +5    +10   +5    Shinobi path (9th step)	       	              
18th   +13/+8/+3     +6    +11   +6    --	       
19th   +14/+9/+4     +6    +11   +6    Shinobi path (10th step)		               
20th   +15/+10/+5    +6    +12   +6    Veiled counterstrike 3/day[/SIZE]
[size=2][b]TABLE 2: THE SHINOBI
               Maneuvers          Maneuvers          Stances
[u]Level            Known	           Readied            Known [/u][/b]
1st                4	             3                  1
2nd                5	             3	                2
3rd                6	             4	                2
4th                6	             4	                2
5th                7	             4	                2
6th                8	             5	                3
7th                8	             5	                3
8th                9	             5	                3
9th                10	             5	                3
10th               10	             6	                3
11th               11	             6	                4
12th               12	             6	                4 
13th               12	             7	                4
14th               13	             7	                4
15th               14	             7	                4
16th               14	             7	                4
17th               15	             8	                5
18th               16	             8	                5
19th               16                8	                5
20th               17	             9	                5[/SIZE]
Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Martial Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope.

Compared to swordsages and warblades, shinobi learn from a relatively small number of martial disciplines. However, shinobi differ from other martial adepts in that they strive not only to master the forms and maneuvers of their disciplines, but also to internalize and embody the very principles that make up the essence of these schools. A shinobi of diamond clarity, for example, has taken steps to embody the principle teachings of the Diamond Mind discipline while a shinobi of shrouded midnight has followed suit with the Shadow Hand discipline. There are a few purists to be found among the shinobi clans who focus on mastery of only one school, but the majority adopt a more eclectic approach that draws upon the principles of several disciplines.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As a shinobi, you are proficient with the following weapons: blowgun, club, dagger, gauntlet, jitte, kama, katana, naginata, nekode, ninja-to, quarterstaff, shikomi-zue, shortbow (normal and composite), shortspear, short sword, shuriken, unarmed strike, and wakizashi. You are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Maneuvers: You begin your career with knowledge of four martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to you are Diamond Mind, Hidden Door, Setting Sun, and Shadow Hand.

Once you know a maneuver, you must ready it before you can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by shinobi is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in its description. Your maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you initiate one.

You learn additional maneuvers at higher levels, as shown on Table 2: The Shinobi. You must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See Table 3-1 on page 39 of Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords to determine the highest-level maneuvers you can learn.

Upon reaching 4th level and at every even-numbered shinobi level after that (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), you can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one you already know. In effect, you lose the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. You can choose a new maneuver of any level you like, as long you observe your restriction on the highest-level maneuvers you know; you need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. For example, upon reaching 10th level, you could trade in a single 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, or 4th-level maneuver for a maneuver of 5th level or lower, as long as you meet the prerequisite of the new maneuver. You can swap only a single maneuver at any given level.

Maneuvers Readied: You can ready three of your four maneuvers known at 1st level, and as you advance in level and learn more maneuvers, you are able to ready more, but you must still choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by training for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you decide to train again and change them. You need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready your maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in training, you can change your readied maneuvers.

You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (until you recover them, as described below).

Because a shinobi's effectiveness in combat is dependent on his ability to deceive and outmaneuver his opponents, you refresh your maneuvers somewhat differently than other martial adepts. Whenever you attack a target that is flat-footed or otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, you can recover one expended maneuver with an immediate action. You cannot initiate a maneuver or change your stance while you are recovering your expended maneuver, but you can remain in a stance in which you began your turn.

Stances Known: You begin play with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to shinobi. At 2nd, 6th, 11th, and 17th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you currently use as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description.

Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.

AC Bonus: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus. You lose this bonus if you wear medium or heavy armor, carry a medium or heavy load, or if you use a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. However, you lose this bonus when you are immobilized or helpless. This bonus does not stack with the AC bonus gained by the monk and swordsage.

Shinobi Path: To the shinobi, study of the Sublime Way goes beyond technical proficiency in the maneuvers of their schools. The forms serve as vehicles to illuminate the formless essence hidden within each of the shinobi's disciplines. As part of this approach, a shinobi who adopts a stance from one of his disciplines also seeks to embody this concealed essence and gains special abilities related to that school's teachings. Such an emphasis on studying the veiled and unseen aspects of the Sublime Way is unique to shinobi philosophy and is what distinguishes them from other martial adepts.

At 1st level and every odd-numbered shinobi level thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, and so on), you take a step along one of four such paths of study known to shinobi. Each step grants you special abilities whenever you adopt a stance from that path's discipline. As you increase in level and take more steps along the same path, your mastery of the school's principles grows and you acquire more abilities while in one its stances. You may take steps in more than one path, but to reach a higher step in any path you must take all of its lower steps beforehand. As an example, a 3rd level shinobi could take the 1st and 2nd steps along a single path (such as dawn's eclipse) or he might take the 1st step along two different paths (such as diamond clarity and shrouded midnight). At higher levels, it is even possible to take steps among all the shinobi's paths at the cost of specialization in a smaller number of paths.

Shinobi paths are described in full detail in the section below.

Trapfinding (Ex): A shinobi can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and he can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Player's Handbook.

Veiled Weaponry: Shinobi are highly skilled in unarmed combat and the use of easily concealed weapons. You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at 1st level. In addition, you gain the benefit of the Weapon Finesse feat with the dagger, gauntlet, nekode, and unarmed strike.

Adaptive Stance (Ex): At 8th level, your mastery of a single discipline's principles allows you to fluidly assume its stances with almost no conscious effort. Choose one of the four shinobi disciplines. Once per round, you may adopt a stance from that school as a free action. At 16th level, you can choose a second discipline to which this ability applies.

Veiled Counterstrike (Ex): When you reach 20th level, you can immediately followup a counter with a strike. If you initiate a successful counter maneuver against an opponent, as a free action you can also initiate any strike maneuver against him that you have readied. To initiate a strike in this manner, you must still meet all the conditions for using the maneuver (such as its specified range and target type). Both maneuvers are expended normally. You can use this ability three times per day.

Code of Honor: As a shinobi, you have sworn an oath of fealty to your clan and homeland. If you ever deliberately betray this oath, you bring dishonor to yourself and your family. Depending on the severity of your actions, this may result in expulsion from the clan, banishment from the clan's territory, or even execution. In addition, any such betrayal effectively cuts you off from future training in the clan's traditions and you may no longer take levels in the shinobi class (although you retain all your class features).

Each section below details one of the four shinobi paths.

Dawn's Eclipse
As a shinobi of dawn's eclipse, you have taken steps to embody the principles of the Setting Sun discipline. While you are in a Setting Sun stance and wearing light armor or no armor, you gain the following abilities.
  • 1st Step - Dawn's Shield (Ex): If you move at least 10 feet on your turn, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your Armor Class for 1 round.
  • 2nd Step - Evasion (Ex): You can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals damage on a successful save, you instead take no damage.
  • 3rd Step - Dawn's Shield (Ex): Your insight bonus from dawn's shield increases to +2.
  • 4th Step - Dawnstrider (Ex): You can move at your normal speed with no penalty to your Balance and Tumble checks.
  • 5th Step - Dawn's Shield (Ex): Your insight bonus from dawn's shield increases to +3.
  • 6th Step - Improved Evasion (Ex): You gain the benefit of improved evasion. You still take no damage if you make a successful Reflex save against an attack, and even if you fail the Reflex save, you take only half damage from the attack. If you are helpless, you do not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
  • 7th Step - Dawn's Shield (Ex): Your insight bonus from dawn's shield increases to +4.
  • 8th Step - Dawn's Rise (Ex): If you make a successful Reflex save against a harmful attack or effect, you can take an immediate 5-foot step as a free action. Moving in this manner consumes one of your attacks of opportunity in the current round. You cannot move in this manner if you have no attacks of opportunity remaining. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • 9th Step - Dawn's Shield (Ex): Your insight bonus from dawn's shield increases to +5.
  • 10th Step - Dawn's Release (Su): As long as you are not flat-footed, you are considered permanently under the effect of a freedom of movement spell.
Diamond Clarity
As a shinobi of diamond clarity, you have taken steps to embody the principles of the Diamond Mind discipline. While you are in a Diamond Mind stance and wearing light armor or no armor, you gain the following abilities.
  • 1st Step - Diamond Will (Ex): As long as you are not flat-footed, you gain a +1 insight bonus on your Will saves.
  • 2nd Step - Uncanny Dodge (Ex): You gain the ability to react to danger before your senses would normally allow you to do so. You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if you are caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, you still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if you are immobilized. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Player's Handbook.
  • 3rd Step - Diamond Will (Ex): Your insight bonus from diamond will increases to +2.
  • 4th Step - Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): You can no longer be flanked; you can react to opponents on opposite sides of you as easily as you can react to a single attacker. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Player's Handbook.
  • 5th Step - Diamond Will (Ex): Your insight bonus from diamond will increases to +3.
  • 6th Step - Immovable Spirit (Ex): If you succeed on a Will save against an attack that would normally produce a lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a saving throw entry of Will partial), you instead negate the effect.
  • 7th Step - Diamond Will (Ex): Your insight bonus from diamond will increases to +4.
  • 8th Step - Greater Immovable Spirit (Ex): You still suffer no effect if you make a successful Will save against an attack, and even if you fail the Will save, you incur only a partial effect.
  • 9th Step - Diamond Will (Ex): Your insight bonus from diamond will increases to +5.
  • 10th Step - Diamond Sight (Su) As long as you are not flat-footed, you are considered permanently under the effect of a true seeing spell.
Shrouded Midnight
As a shinobi of shrouded midnight, you have taken steps to embody the principles of the Shadow Hand discipline. While you are in a Shadow Hand stance and wearing light armor or no armor, you gain the following abilities.
  • 1st Step - Opportunity's Edge (Ex): Whenever your target's current hit points are less than 1/2 of its full normal hit points, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your melee attack and damage rolls.
  • 2nd Step - No Trace (Ex): You can add 1/2 your shinobi level to the DC of Survival checks made to track you.
  • 3rd Step - Opportunity's Edge (Ex): Your insight bonus from opportunity's edge increases to +2.
  • 4th Step - Nightstrider (Ex): You can move at your normal speed with no penalty to your Hide and Move Silently checks.
  • 5th Step - Opportunity's Edge (Ex): Your insight bonus from opportunity's edge increases to +3.
  • 6th Step - Camouflage (Ex): As long as you are in a low-light environment, you can use the Hide skill even if you don’t have cover or concealment.
  • 7th Step - Opportunity's Edge (Ex): Your insight bonus from opportunity's edge increases to +4.
  • 8th Step - Hide In Plain Sight (Ex): As long as you are in a low-light environment, you can use the Hide skill even while under observation.
  • 9th Step - Opportunity's Edge (Ex): Your insight bonus from opportunity's edge increases to +5.
  • 10th Step - Shifting Midnight (Su): Oncer per encounter, if an opponent makes a melee or ranged attack against you, as an immediate action you can magically slip between spaces as if using the spell dimension door. Your caster level for this effect is equal to your shinobi level.
Truth and Falsehood
As a shinobi of truth and falsehood, you have taken steps to embody the principles of the Hidden Door discipline. While you are in a Hidden Door stance and wearing light armor or no armor, you gain the following abilities.
  • 1st Step - Hidden Strike (Ex): Whenever your target is flat-footed or otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your melee attack and damage rolls.
  • 2nd Step - Improved Misdirection (Ex): You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat or to create a diversion to hide as a move action. If you have both this ability and the Improved Feint feat, then you also gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in combat.
  • 3rd Step - Hidden Strike (Ex): Your insight bonus from hidden strike increases to +2.
  • 4th Step - Swift Misdirection (Ex): You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat or to create a diversion to hide as a swift action.
  • 5th Step - Hidden Strike (Ex): Your insight bonus from hidden strike increases to +3.
  • 6th Step - Patient Assault (Ex): Once per encounter, if you choose to delay your initiative count by at least one turn, then any foe becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack. You cannot use this ability if you have the last turn on the initiative count.
  • 7th Step - Hidden Strike (Ex): Your insight bonus from hidden strike increases to +4.
  • 8th Step - Feinting Counter (Ex): If an opponent makes a melee attack against you and misses, you can make a Bluff check to feint him in combat as a free action. Feinting in this manner consumes one of your attacks of opportunity in the current round. You cannot feint in this manner if you have no attacks of opportunity remaining.
  • 9th Step - Hidden Strike (Ex): Your insight bonus from hidden strike increases to +5.
  • 10th Step - Master of Deception (Su): Once per encounter, if an opponent makes a melee attack against you and misses, as an immediate action you can become invisible and create an illusory double of yourself as if using the spell mislead. Your caster level for this effect is equal to your shinobi level.
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Your training in the Hidden Door discipline has taught you how to juxtapose deception and reality with even your most fundamental physical movements.
Prerequisite: Tumble 1 rank, one Hidden Door maneuver.
Benefit: You can use your Tumble skill instead of your Bluff skill to feint an opponent in combat or to create a diversion to hide.
Normal: Both feinting an opponent in combat and creating a diversion to hide requires a Bluff check.
Special: Edge of Deception can be used in place of Improved Feint to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. You can take both this feat and Improved Feint.

The teachings of the Hidden Door have given you the means to take advantage of the tactical mistakes and recklessness of your opponents.
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door stance.
Benefit: If you are in a Hidden Door stance while an opponent attacks you and misses, you gain a +1 bonus to your melee attack and damage rolls against that foe until the end of your next turn. You must remain in a Hidden Door stance to gain the benefit of this feat.

Your mastery of the Hidden Door discipline allows you to strike a foe when and where he leasts expects it and to take advantage of the impatient aggressiveness of others. To recklessly engage you in battle can prove to be a fatal mistake.
Prerequisite: Tumble 9 ranks, Hidden Door Counter, base attack bonus +6, two Hidden Door maneuvers.
Benefit: The Veiled Saboteur feat enables the use of three tactical options.
  • Opportune Followup: To use this option, you must disarm or knock an opponent prone using a melee attack or a Hidden Door maneuver. On the following round, you gain a +4 bonus to your melee attack and damage rolls against that foe.
  • Patient Counter: To use this option, you must fight defensively, use the total defense action, or use the Combat Expertise feat to gain a +3 bonus to AC in return for a -3 penalty on attack rolls. You must also wield nothing but a single preferred weapon of the Hidden Door discipline and move no more than 5 feet on your turn. Any opponent who attacks you and misses is considered flat-footed against all your melee attacks during the following round.
  • Vanishing Blade: To use this option, you must deal damage to an opponent with a melee attack and move at least 10 feet during your turn. On your next turn, you can make a DC 20 Hide check to gain total concealment against that foe for 1 round.
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The Hidden Door discipline teaches its initiates to use evasive movements and tactical adaptability to escape from danger unharmed. The maneuvers of this discipline are largely reactive in nature, focusing on countering an opponent's attacks and hindering his ability to continue fighting. Hidden Door's preferred weapons are the chain, nekode, ninja-to, quarterstaff, and unarmed strike. Its key skill is Tumble.

Cat’s Eyes: Stance – Gain darkvision 30 ft., +1 bonus on Spot checks.
Concealed Defense: Counter - Foe who misses is flat-footed, +1d6 damage next attack with Tumble check.
Flowing Strike: Strike - Deal normal damage plus Cha bonus.
Under the Blade: Stance - Gain concealment when flanked.

Acrobatic Dodge: Counter - Gain dodge bonus based on Tumble ranks.
Empty Handed: Counter - Foe who misses is disarmed with Tumble check.
Shifting Blow: Strike - Deal +2d6 damage, knock foe prone.

Hidden Opening: Counter - Foe who misses provoked attack is flat-footed, +3d6 damage next attack with Tumble check.
Keen Assault: Stance - Foes are flat-footed, +1d6 damage on your critical hits.
Opportune Disarm: Counter - Foe who misses provoked attack is disarmed with Tumble check.
Weapon Throw: Strike - Thrown weapon deals +3d6 damage.

Deceptive Counter: Counter - Force foe to reroll attack with -2 penalty.
Hidden Defense: Counter - Foe who misses is flat-footed, +4d6 damage next attack with Tumble check.
Stunning Blow: Strike - Deal +4d6 damage, stun foe for 1d4 rounds.

Moving Target: Stance - Gain Cha bonus on Tumble checks to avoid attacks of opportunity.
Strike of Subtlety: Strike - Deal normal damage plus 4 times Cha bonus.
Sublime Dodge: Counter - Gain dodge bonus equal to one-half initiator level.

Greater Weapon Throw: Strike - Thrown weapon deals +6d6 damage.
Moment of Opportunity: Counter - Foe who misses provoked attack is flat-footed, +6d6 damage next attack with Tumble check.
Springing Assault: Strike - Attack foes as you move by them.

Enduring Veil: Stance - Missed attacks against you provoke attacks of opportunity.
Veiled Strike: Strike - Deal +7d6 damage, blind foe for 1d4 rounds.

Body and Weapon are One: Strike - Deal normal damage plus 6 times Cha bonus.
Vanishing Step: Counter - Gain total concealment for a time.
Veiled Defense: Counter - Foe who misses is flat-footed, +8d6 damage next attack with Tumble check.

Veiled Assault: Strike - Deal +9d6 damage, stun foes for 1 round as you move by them.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 2
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
For every 4 ranks you have in Tumble, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against a single attack. For example, if you have 13 ranks in Tumble you could initiate this maneuver to gain a +3 dodge bonus against a single attack. You can choose to use this maneuver after an opponent resolves his attack but before he determines damage.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 8
Prerequisite: Three Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack against an opponent. This attack deals normal damage plus 6 times your Charisma bonus.

Hidden Door (Stance)
Level: Shinobi 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
As long as you are in this stance, you gain darkvision out to 30 feet and a +1 insight bonus on Spot checks.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If your opponent attacks you on his turn and misses, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, your opponent becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack and that attack deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. This attack must take place before or on your next turn to gain the benefit of this maneuver. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 4
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If you are hit by a melee attack, you may initiate this counter an an immediate action. Your opponent must reroll his attack roll with a -2 penalty. You can choose to use this maneuver after an opponent resolves his attack but before he determines damage.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 2
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If your opponent attacks you on his turn and misses, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, you automatically disarm your opponent. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Stance)
Level: Shinobi 7
Prerequisite: Three Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
While you are in this stance, any opponent you threaten who makes a melee attack against you and misses provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You must be aware of the attack to apply the effect of this stance. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, your opponent does not provoke an attack of opportunity from you.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack against an opponent. This attack deals normal damage plus your Charisma bonus.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 6
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
When you use this strike, you make a single ranged attack roll to hit your opponent with a thrown weapon (including a thrown melee weapon). You deal normal damage with the thrown weapon plus an additional 6d6 points of damage.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 4
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If your opponent attacks you on his turn and misses, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, your opponent becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack and that attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage. This attack must take place before or on your next turn to gain the benefit of this maneuver. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 3
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If you provoke an attack of opportunity from an opponent and he misses, you may initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, your opponent becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack and that attack deals an extra 3d6 points of damage. This attack must take place before or on your next turn to gain the benefit of this maneuver. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Stance)
Level: Shinobi 3
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
While you are in this stance, your opponents are flat-footed against your critical hits and such attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of damage.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 6
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If you provoke an attack of opportunity from an opponent and he misses, you may initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, your opponent becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack and that attack deals an extra 6d6 points of damage. This attack must take place before or on your next turn to gain the benefit of this maneuver. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Stance)
Level: Shinobi 5
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
While you are in this stance, you add your Charisma bonus to Tumble checks made to move through an area occupied by an enemy without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, you ignore the standard penalties to your Tumble checks for moving at your full speed.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 3
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If you provoke an attack of opportunity from an opponent and he misses, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, you automatically disarm your opponent. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 2
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Reflex partial
As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack against an opponent. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage plus an extra 2d6 points of damage and your opponent is knocked prone. With a successful Reflex save (DC 12 + your Dex modifier), your opponent is not knocked prone but still takes the extra damage.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 6
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: See text
As part of this maneuver, you move up to your speed. Each time you exit a square adjacent to an opponent, you can make a single melee attack against him. You cannot attack a single opponent more than once with this maneuver. Your movement provokes attacks of opportunity, as normal.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 5
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack against an opponent. This attack deals normal damage plus 4 times your Charisma bonus.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 4
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack against an opponent. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage plus an extra 4d6 points of damage and your opponent is stunned for 1d4 rounds. With a successful Fortitude save (DC 14 + your Dex modifier), your opponent is not stunned but still takes the extra damage.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 5
Prerequisite: Two Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
You gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to one-half your initiator level (rounded down) against a single attack. You can choose to use this maneuver after an opponent resolves his attack but before he determines damage.

Hidden Door (Stance)
Level: Shinobi 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
If you are being flanked while in this stance, you gain concealment against all melee and ranged attacks. You also gain the standard benefits of concealment, but you cannot use this stance to hide in plain sight; you must still use some other terrain feature that normally allows you to use the Hide skill.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 8
Prerequisite: Three Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See text
If an opponent makes a melee or ranged attack against you, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. You gain total concealment until you make an attack or until the encounter ends, whichever comes first. You can choose to use this maneuver after an opponent resolves his attack but before he determines damage.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 9
Prerequisite: Five Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: See text
Duration: 1 round
As part of this maneuver, you move up to double your speed. Each time you exit a square adjacent to an opponent, you can make a single melee attack against him. Your opponent is considered flat-footed against this attack. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage plus an extra 9d6 points of damage and your opponent is stunned for 1 round. You cannot attack a single opponent more than once with this maneuver. Your movement provokes attacks of opportunity, as normal.

Hidden Door (Counter)
Level: Shinobi 8
Prerequisite: Three Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
If your opponent attacks you on his turn and misses, you can initiate this counter as an immediate action. As part of this maneuver, you must make a Tumble check opposed by your opponent's attack roll. If your Tumble check succeeds, your opponent becomes flat-footed against your next melee attack and that attack deals an extra 8d6 points of damage. This attack must take place before or on your next turn to gain the benefit of this maneuver. You must be aware of the attack to which you will apply the effect of this maneuver. If you are flat-footed against the incoming attack, you cannot use this maneuver.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 7
Prerequisite: Three Hidden Door maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack against an opponent. If your attack hits, you deal normal melee damage plus an extra 7d6 points of damage and your opponent is blinded for 1d4 rounds. With a successful Fortitude save (DC 17 + your Dex modifier), your opponent is not blinded but still takes the extra damage.

Hidden Door (Strike)
Level: Shinobi 3
Prerequisite: One Hidden Door maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature
When you use this strike, you make a single ranged attack roll to hit your opponent with a thrown weapon (including a thrown melee weapon). You deal normal damage with the thrown weapon plus an additional 3d6 points of damage.
Last edited:



  • Posted class, discipline, new feats, and edit log.

  • Edited introductory text as well as the text for the abilities, races, alignment, and special entries for the shinobi. Shinobi no longer have an alignment restriction.
  • Disable Device, Intimidate, Open Lock, and Search have been added to the shinobi's class skills. The shinobi's skill points per level have been increased to 8 + Int modifier.
  • The shinobi's Will save progression has been reduced to low.
  • The progression for the shinobi path class feature is now every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on). The abilities of the shinobi paths have been largely changed and many now depend on your Charisma modifier.
  • Shinobi gain trapfinding at 1st level. Veiled weaponry has replaced unarmed strike as one of the shinobi's 1st level class features.
  • Shinobi now gain the AC bonus at 2nd level, like the swordsage.
  • Shinobi now gain adaptive path at 8th and 16th level. Adaptive path is no longer a feat.
  • Shinobi now gain a new capstone ability, veiled counterstrike, at 20th level.
  • The code of conduct entry has been renamed to code of honor and its text has been edited to reflect loss of alignment restriction.
  • The shinobi paths now have their own section below the main class section.
  • The Veiled Saboteur feat now has Hidden Door Dodge as a prerequisite instead of Edge of Deception. The weapon text for the patient counter tactical option has been edited slightly.

  • The visual layout of the class (including the two tables) has been significantly altered so that it is more concise and user friendly.
  • Chain, kaginawa, and kusarigama have been removed from the shinobi's weapon proficiencies. Blowgun, jitte, naginata, composite shortbow, and short sword have been added to the shinobi's weapon proficiencies.
  • It now costs an immediate action for shinobi to recover an expended maneuver and they may not initiate a maneuver nor change their stance while doing so.
  • The shinobi's AC bonus is now keyed to Charisma instead of Wisdom. This was done to reduce the class dependency on Wisdom, as well as to further distinguish it from the swordsage.
  • Dawn's shield, diamond will, opportunity's edge, and hidden strike are no longer capped by your Charisma bonus. In addition, opportunity's edge and hidden strike no longer have weapon prerequisites for their use.
  • Dawn's shield now grants an AC bonus against all attacks instead of just attacks of opportunity.
  • Adaptive path has been removed and replaced with adaptive stance at 8th and 16th level.
  • The save DCs for the shifting blow, stunning blow, and veiled strike maneuvers are now keyed to Dexterity instead of Wisdom.
  • The bonus damage for the flowing strike, strike of subtlety, and body and weapon are one maneuvers is now keyed to Charisma instead of Wisdom. In addition, the damage multipliers for strike of subtlety and body and weapon are one have been increased to reflect appropriate numbers for their respective levels.
  • The bonus from the moving target stance is now keyed to Charisma instead of Wisdom. In addition, this stance now allows you to ignore the associated penalties for accelerated tumbling.
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First Post
Well, let's see. To start with, neat!

Secondly, well, I've only looked over the class so far, not the other sections, but here's the stuff that sticks out.

1, I see no real reason for why the class must be nonevil, especially given the real-world and vast majority of fictional origins and uses of ninja/shinobi/kunoichi. I can understand the nonchaotic requirement due to the demands of discipline and oaths, but the nonevil part has no solid reasoning behind it.

Someone somewhere is going to turn the teachings into a non-benevolent means to their ends, and an amoral master of the shinobi's techniques is bound to appear at some point and create their own clan, likely for the sake of furthering the master's own ends through the aid of trained minions.

Druids can find harmony with nature even when neutral evil; monks can find harmony within themselves even when lawful evil; however unusual they may see it through the lens of their immoral attitude and goals; I see absolutely no reason there could not be evil shinobi, especially given the sources, both historical and fictional.

After all, just because you've achieved inner peace and harmony with nature doesn't mean you can't still have goals of conquest and tyranny and forcible conversion of everyone else to your 'perfect' way, or whatever it is the evil shinobi is after.

So, ditch the nonevil restriction.

It might be that the majority of shinobi clans in your setting are righteous or protective in nature, rather than shadowy assassins and thieves and spies and all that. But those last three points are really what ninjas are traditionally all about, insofar as their service to the local lord or clan leader, even though the true purpose of all their training is to achieve meditative tranquility and clarity and such. Killing people is generally evil; only when done for a good cause and when other options aren't reasonable is it a nonevil act, insofar as D&D alignment is concerned anyway.

Mastering the arts of stealthy killing, deception, and perfect killing strokes (like Diamond Nightmare Blade) is generally going to be something that draws evil folks or corrupts nonevil folks with their mastery over other peoples' life and death. Ya gotta have an iron will to avoid that, and sometimes people change, so there's gonna be evil shinobi running around eventually, even if they start off as rare.

2, is there any particular reason that Shinobi get Craft, Perform, and Ride, despite not having Handle Animal, Profession, Diplomacy, or similar? They don't have the skills to really fill the roles of ordinary peasants and servants while spying and waiting for the right time to strike down or poison or steal whatever/whoever they've been sent for. So why do they get Craft, Perform, and Ride?

They don't have people skills (only skill at lying), they don't have trade skills, they don't have animal skills, so why do they have an easy time learning to ride a horse, sing songs, play music, craft goods, build ships, or perform theater? I can at least understand some limited access to Perform and Craft, if you wanted to give them only Craft (weaponsmithing) and Perform (act), but not anything beyond that, really.

I'd probably remove Ride, and the other Craft/Perform skills, from their set of class skills.

3, why don't they have Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search as class skills? Or Decipher Script for spywork in decoding documents or making use of secret messages between themselves and other members of the clan? They don't have Sleight of Hand either, nor Forgery. Though I suppose that Decipher Script and Forgery probably aren't important, anyway, and could easily be picked up through dipping into Rogue for any rare Shinobi who find themselves needing those skills.

4, why don't they get Trapfinding and/or Poison Use? I could imagine them getting Trapfinding at 1st-level, and Poison Use sometime between 4th and 9th.

5, the Way of the Shinobi class features are kinda oddly spread out; they should get them at odd-numbered levels, at least past the first one (the first one should still be at 2nd-level, followed by each new one being received at 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.).

The reason is that, as-is, the Shinobi sucks at many odd-numbered levels, especially 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th. They get no BAB or save bonuses at those levels (aside from +1 Fortitude at 9th), and only 1 new maneuver known each time, while the even-numbered levels always rock. Their save bonuses mostly go up on even-numbered levels, aside from the occasional Fortitude boost at an odd-numbered level.

Give them something at 20th-level to make up for the shift, then, like the Stance Mastery of a Warblade. It'd mesh well and make it worthwhile to take all 20 levels, rather than dipping a bit in other stuff. Or maybe just the Dual Boost 3/day of a Swordsage at 20th-level.

6, Dawn's Release is more powerful than the 10th-step abilities of the other paths, and should probably be weakened somewhat. Maybe a limited number of rounds per day, like 2 rounds per Shinobi level per day, used as a free action on each round that they want to gain the benefit. Also, there's no way it should be an Extraordinary ability; Freedom of Movement gives immunity to all kinds of stuff, and some of that just couldn't be from pure skill. It should be Supernatural (there are some supernatural maneuvers, after all).

7, Diamond's Edge is way stronger than the other 1st-step abilities, and probably overpowering for a Shinobi compared to a Swordsage of equal level. It also meshes incredibly well with various Diamond Mind maneuvers. I would limit it to affecting only attack rolls, but maybe you'd rather have it applied to damage rolls instead, I dunno.

8, Diamond Sight should be Supernatural, given how True Sight works, it just doesn't seem like it could all be done nonmagically or without vast magic-like amounts of ki.

9, Midnight Swiftness is a bit odd; apparently, an unencumbered human with it could move at a speed of 20 or 25 feet without suffering a penalty on Hide or Move Silently checks, instead of only 15 feet, but couldn't move his full 30 foot speed without the penalty. How about just saying that the Shinobi with Midnight Swiftness suffers no penalty on Hide or Move Silently checks for moving at his or her full speed or less, except when running or charging?

Also, I'm thinking that maybe Midnight Swiftness or Nightstrider should also apply to either Survival checks for tracking, or allow moving at full speed while trying to hide a trail. Take a look at the Track feat's description for details on how it normally works.

10, I'm not quite sure how your version of Camouflage is supposed to work, or how it's supposed to work/interact with Hide In Plain Sight. Does the Shinobi just disappear without seeming to go anywhere, without needing a shadow or bush or anything to hide in, all the while moving about easily and utterly invisible somehow? And without magical means?

11, Nameless might be kinda weak compared to the other 10th-step abilities, so maybe add Undetectable Alignment to its effect. And make it supernatural, like the others that duplicate spells constantly.

12, Superior Misdirection seems like it may deserve an extra little boost compared to the other 10th-step abilities. Maybe it duplicates a Mirror Image each time it is used to successfully feint against an opponent as a free action, creating 1 mirror image of the Shinobi until the Shinobi's next turn? Or maybe that's a bit much, hrm. If it does get a minor spell effect added to it, it should become Supernatural like the others.

But, I'm not sure. The Deceiving Wind ability is pretty effective with each feint, anyway, so Superior Misdirection might be fine as-is.


  • Edited introductory text as well as the text for the abilities, races, alignment, and special entries for the shinobi. Shinobi no longer have an alignment restriction.
  • Disable Device, Intimidate, Open Lock, and Search have been added to the shinobi's class skills. The shinobi's skill points per level have been increased to 8 + Int modifier.
  • The shinobi's Will save progression has been reduced to low.
  • The progression for the shinobi path class feature is now every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on). The abilities of the shinobi paths have been largely changed and many now depend on your Charisma modifier.
  • Shinobi gain trapfinding at 1st level. Veiled weaponry has replaced unarmed strike as one of the shinobi's 1st level class features.
  • Shinobi now gain the AC bonus at 2nd level, like the swordsage.
  • Shinobi now gain adaptive path at 8th and 16th level. Adaptive path is no longer a feat.
  • Shinobi now gain a new capstone ability, veiled counterstrike, at 20th level.
  • The code of conduct entry has been renamed to code of honor and its text has been edited to reflect loss of alignment restriction.
  • The shinobi paths now have their own section below the main class section.
  • The Veiled Saboteur feat now has Hidden Door Dodge as a prerequisite instead of Edge of Deception. The weapon text for the patient counter tactical option has been edited slightly.


Penguin Herder
heretic888 said:
Err, anyone?? :\
It's my policy to ignore anything with "PEACH" in the title, because I don't want it to spread here.

Can't speak for others.

Cheers, -- N


Penguin Herder
Grumble-mumble, pesky people taking my advice...
heretic888 said:
chain, club, dagger, gauntlet, kama, katana, kawanga, kusari-gama, nekode, ninja-to, quarterstaff, shikomi-zue, shortbow, shortspear, shuriken, unarmed strike, and wakizashi.
Half of these I don't recognize, but the bold ones I do recognize and they don't fit. Chains are too strong to be given away for free, and "knight" weapons (katana & wakazishi) are suited to a totally different social class. Suggestion: Simple weapons, plus ninja-to, kama, shuriken, nunchuku and sai. Basically, Monk weapons plus ninja-to (which has "ninja" right in its name) Maybe throw in the hand crossbow (for cool). Bows were a classy weapon, though. Don't give those away for free.

heretic888 said:
Once per round, you can recover an expended maneuver by attacking an opponent that is flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. If your attack is successful, you can choose one expended maneuver to refresh. However, you may not recover a maneuver during the same round in which it was initiated.
Too strong in combination with Gloom Razor, ridiculously strong in combination with the Truth and Falsehood path, just plain broken in combination with VEILED SABOTEUR. Also bad because maneuver recovery shouldn't be tied to the success of an action, merely to the price of spending an action. Otherwise, you are requiring cheese in order to be effective -- or cheese on the DM's side in order to be challenged.

heretic888 said:
Veiled Weaponry: Shinobi are highly skilled in unarmed combat and the use of easily concealed weapons. You gain Improved Unarmed Strike
as a bonus feat at 1st level. In addition, you gain the benefit of the Weapon Finesse feat with the dagger, gauntlet, nekode, and unarmed strike.
Two free feats?

heretic888 said:
Adaptive Path (Ex): At 8th level, your shinobi training allows you to fluidly adapt the principles of one discipline to those of another. Choose a single shinobi path for which you have taken at least one step in. You may select an additional discipline that this path's abilities apply to whenever you adopt a stance from that school (for example, you could choose to apply the abilities of the dawn's eclipse path while in a Hidden Door stance). You gain this ability again at 16th level.
So basically, you're encouraging people to only ever take one path.

heretic888 said:
Veiled Counterstrike (Ex): When you reach 20th level, you can immediately followup a counter with a strike. If you initiate a successful counter maneuver against an opponent, as a free action you can also initiate any strike maneuver against him that you have readied. To initiate a strike in this manner, you must still meet all the conditions for using the maneuver (such as its specified range and target type). Both maneuvers are expended normally. You can use this ability three times per day.
A moderately strong ability in combination with the recovery method; a weak ability if you fix the recovery method.

heretic888 said:
Code of Honor: As a shinobi, you have sworn an oath of fealty to both clan and homeland. If you ever deliberately betray this oath, you bring dishonor to yourself and your family. Depending on the severity of your actions, this may result in expulsion from the clan, banishment from the clan's territory, or even execution. In addition, any such betrayal effectively cuts you off from future training in the clan's traditions and you may no longer take levels in the shinobi class (although you retain all your class features).
So you can't ever join (or found) a new clan? Kinda boring, don't you think?

- - -

Regarding the Paths: they're too complex. Must be in a Stance of a given school is fine, but not when compounded by all the other conditional stuff (half HP, denied Dex bonus, etc.). Some of the "costs" make no sense (like delaying one "tick", which is usually meaningless). Finally, you have a bunch of "per-encounter" powers, but that's bad: Sublime characters already have "per-encounter" powers, and they're called Maneuvers! Use the existing mechanism where possible. There's also an inherent trap for anyone who doesn't plan out his progression -- taking one path is almost always superior to taking two different paths, because the capstone abilities are very strong.

So, the question is: do you actually want people to multi-path, or not?

Cheers, -- N

Voidrunner's Codex

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