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The Ultimate Gamer Poll

Which categories apply to you? Check all that apply.

  • Male of age 13-45

    Votes: 135 84.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 87 54.7%
  • Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers

    Votes: 42 26.4%
  • Tech-savvy

    Votes: 100 62.9%
  • Poorly dressed

    Votes: 54 34.0%
  • Monty Python Addict

    Votes: 40 25.2%
  • Somewhat odd

    Votes: 106 66.7%
  • Video/Computer gamer, too

    Votes: 115 72.3%
  • Overweight

    Votes: 53 33.3%
  • Scary

    Votes: 21 13.2%
  • Above-average intelligence

    Votes: 145 91.2%


First Post
So, what are you? Check all that apply. I belong to most/all of these categories. Let's see how many members of the ENWorld community fit the mold. Post comments, too, so the thread stays active.

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Holy Bovine

First Post
Well I am a male, 32, big Monty Python fan and video game player and I am overweight (but working on it - lost over 80 lbs in the last 2 years, still about 50 lbs to go though :eek: ). I consider myself somewhat tech savvy since I have built my own computer from scratch (I am quite proud of this and would never pay anyone to do it for me now - it was ridiculously easy IMO). I know nothing about programming new software but can usually get the most out of any software I use.

I am not socially inept (I used to think I was but many of my friends have pointed out that I am very much an extrovert and given to starting 'interesting' conversations). Politics bore the snot out of me so I can't say I'm 'liberal' or anything - I rarely agree with any political decisions (but I still vote in every election).

I dress conservatively and reasonably well (I don't buy designer anything - too expensive) I am not scary in the least. I consider myself only average intelligence - I'm not good with fact retention but I do read a lot.
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First Post
Hmm, not overweight, scary, or liberal. And while I liked Holy Grail, I can't say that I'm a Monty Python addict.
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First Post
I'm a male teenager, a monty python addict, a console gamer (you know you love console RPGs, the most cliched genre ever), I'm a nike freak so I wouldnt' say I dress badly, but I do tend to be slightly socially inept around non-gamers. I'm not scary at all, but I do have above average intelligence.


First Post

I am all of those things except overweight. I'm underweight. Also, the poor dressing is a matter of opinion, but I think a bowler hat, white shirt, black vest and black pants classify these days.

And NO, da:rolleyes::rolleyes:it, I'm NOT a Goth! :D



Princess of Florin

*The political label isn't so easy. I don't care what adults do in private. I vote in every election, but don't belong to a political party, since they both annoy me.
*Extrovert, comfortable with many different sorts of folks. Lots of different interests. I'm generally liked, as far as I know. :p
*Not especially tech savvy. I use computers and the internet every day in both my professional and personal life, but don't know anything about programming, and only a smidgin about html n' stuff.
*I wear expensive, professional clothes to work, usually designer or private label. At home, jeans and t-shirts.
*I find them amusing, but I'm hardly addicted.
*I don't think people describe me as odd. Forthright, extroverted, pushy sometimes, but not odd. I've been called brave more than a few times, and noble once. That was one of the nicest things anyone ever called me, IMO. I've never had a problem making friends or getting a date (when I was single), and if I were perceived as odd, I don't think that would be true.
*Computer games, since the late 80s.
*I gained about 40 pounds a few years ago, when my mother was gravely ill. Stress. But since her death, I've lost it all. So no, not overweight.
*Scary nutty? No. Scary creepy? No. Scary intimidating? Now and then. People don't expect a 5' woman to be forceful, and it freaks them out sometimes.
*Yes. I've been described as 'brainiac' or 'a brain trust' by people who I intimidate (see above), and I finished undergrad & grad school w/ a 4.0 average. I'm confident that if I can't understand something, it's because it hasn't been explained well, rather than it being a deficit in my ability. I realize that attitude might be arrogant, and incorrect too, but there you have it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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