The Undiscovered Frontier (Finished!)

Deuce Traveler

Nerin is able to purify his particular container of water so that it becomes drinkable. Sarpot enters the room first, and uses his spell to shatter the chains holding the man, eliciting a gasp. The man stands up unsteadily and Nerin and Sarpot are able to get a good look at him. He is broad-shouldered and stands at nearly seven feet tall. His gray and black fur shows signs of disease from his condition of servitude. His teeth are yellow and he has a single brown eye that studies you closely, as his right eye looks to have been destroyed by a nasty slash across his face. After the two adventurers help him out of the refuse pit and up to the ground level, the gnoll drinks from Nerin's container and slumps back down to the ground. It seems even the effort of climbing some stairs was too much for him. "I am sorry lords and ladies, but I have seen better days. I am afraid my recent treatment has left me weaker than I can remember. You do not look familiar to me, and so I would normally suspect you, but your kindness and your use of illegal magic marks you as a friend. What is your story and why do your features seem unfamiliar to me?"

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First Post
"Illegal magic?" laughs Mellisande, "What's that? It was only a cantrip! Since when is basic apprentice magic illegal?"

She pauses, then concedes, "Other than Bigby's Obscenely Gesturing Hand, I mean."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Hm, this get stranger and stranger. the hobgoblin says. We have recently awaken in a cave, surrounded by what seems like a humongous battlefield. Everyone was dead, so we took their stuff. Now we found you, among this destroyed and plundered town. How did a big boy like you got all chained up and ended in that basement?"

OOC: Rats! I can't give you XP Shayuri for that brilliant and geekish joke that made me laugh.

Deuce Traveler

The water helps his voice, though he is still quite weak and remains seated. He is able to speak for awhile without interruption from hacking and wheezing. "Much has changed over the last few generations, but believe it or not this land used to be rich in vegetation, the air pure, and the water clean. And the best land was found around the Life Tree, because of the blessings of the spirit known as Gaia.

Though the gods created the five tribes of humans in their own image. Gaia created others such as the Flind, the Wolfwere, the Yuan-Ti, and the Myconids. The great spirit also made us agree not to fight over our resources, and instead we held the annual games where we would battle one another. Though some died in the contests, the numbers were much less than if we had entered into war. In the end, the land would be divided up for the year according to performance. Those that disobeyed Gaia in this would find that the land would not give food nor water. In this way, Gaia created tribal cultures developed around the ideas of valor and obedience. In this way, she prepared us for war.

A battle was being fought at the top of the Life Tree, in the tunnels and halls of Valhalla. The best of our warriors were plucked from the annual games and sent to fight besides the gods. Only some would return, grievously injured but sharing tales of wielding great magic, speaking to the spirit of Gaia, breaking bread with gods, and desperate fighting against worthy opponents. But the fighting continued for generations and it seemed as if our gods were being pushed slowly back by the Enemy.

Then one day Gaia stopped speaking to us. No annual game was held and no warriors sent into her trunk in order to climb up and do battle. And something went wrong with the land. It was the Myconids who suffered first and quickest. The land simply stopped providing for them and they shriveled and spoke less and slower, until the last of them spoke its last frightened thought, fell still, and eventually rotted away. We began to suffer, too. Our children matured quicker and their minds developed less. They lacked patience for our teachings and over time became cannibalistic. They would eventually be called gnolls.

Giant insects began to crawl down the Life Tree, coating it with a strange substance and turning the great tree into a hive. We began to fight with them, not knowing what their appearance meant but fearing the worst. The old gods then appeared to us and announced that Gaia had been captured and that they had been betrayed into losing Valhalla. The fight would continue, but on this very land itself.

The new gods appeared next, looking snake-like in a manner of the Yuan-Ti. The two found each other's appearance pleasing to the other, and the Yuan-Ti began to call the Enemy the new gods. The Enemy had a singular gift of controlling the weak-minded. The gnolls easily fell into their sway. The wolfwere were split, their constant rage helping and hindering their assimilation. The Yuan-Ti were more intelligent, but their affinity for the Enemy makes it hard to determine if they aided them out of control or out of desire. Even humans were sometimes enslaved, though the old gods tried to share their magic and knowledge in our defense. I am proud to say the Flind stayed loyal to the gods.

Over the years we were pushed back as the nutrients of the land were sucked away to the Life Tree. It is there that the Yuan-Ti make their home in a jungle oasis; while the rest falls into wasteland. Their ziggurat is a fortress and town center, protecting the Life Tree from our attacks. It is watched over by Andvari the Betrayer, the golden-haired god who turned against the pantheon. He is the messenger of the Enemy, speaking the common tongue since the new gods have no use for the language. He flies on a magical chariot, also made from gold, and rains death from above.

Magic is forbidden to the few survivors of this land by order of Andvari. Its use is punishable by death, but since Andvari and the new gods freely use magic it gives them an advantage. I only know of one cache of magic still hidden near the Wailing Caves. If you reach the Wailing Caves, you will find the cache in a tunnel hidden by a quartz boulder. It was supposed to be used by our army on our way to assault the Life Tree and free Gaia, but we were never strong enough to push the Enemy back. If what you say is true, enough of their forces may have been destroyed in the fighting to avoid the patrols and reach the caves. It is in the direction opposite of whence you came.

I am excited by your story of the cave. We were told to protect the cave to the last, as what was inside was important for the war effort. You see, the greatest of the gods died early in the fighting. Although led by the scant remainder, we were being pushed back to the poisoned sea. But Woden promised us that gods could not truly die, and that in the caves rested the returned bodies of the greatest that had fallen. If we could hold against the enemy long enough, then they would awaken and join the battle. With their strength and magic we would push back the Enemy, pass through the Wailing Caves, enter the Yuan-Ti jungle, pass the ziggurat, fight our way up the Life Tree, liberate Gaia, and save our land! Don't you see? You are the gods reincarnated!"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Gods? I am good, but a god? Shouldn't I wield unstoppable power then? Hmm..." Sarpot remained silent after his outburst of questions. "So it seems we have a clearly defined objective here..."


First Post
Mellisande scratches her chin, clearly intrigued.

"That would explain a great deal," she allows. "It is a plausible theory, despite the naysaying of some."

She gives Sarpot an annoyed look.

"At any rate, it gives us a good idea of where to start. These...wailing caves. Can you estimate how long a walk they are from here? We'll need to stock up on supplies if the land is really as blighted as you say. And so far, I've no reason not to believe you on that matter."


Arkos stands in amazement as he catches the tale told by the Flind and nearly drops the little potatoes he found.

"Plausible, yes. And fantastic. I cannot say if it is truth or not; but that matters little. There is a task to be done and the striving to achieve it is a worthy goal.

This land may be blighted but it still bears the fruit of Gaia. Where there is a little there may be more."

He shows the potatoes to the others.

"Now, these Wailing Caves..."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Arkos Stoneborn
Initiative: +1
AC: 12 (11 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
AC: (Predator) 16 (15 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
AC: (Aerial) 14 (13 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 47 Current: 47
Fort: +7 Reflex: +2 Reflex: (Aerial) +4 Will: +8
Speed: 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Speed: (Predator) 50 ft.
Speed: (Aerial) fly 40 ft. (good)

Current Weapon in Hand: spear
Current Conditions in Effect:

Spear +8 (1d6+7 /crit. x3)
Sling +4 (1d3 /crit. x2)
Bite (Predator) +12 (1d4+8 /crit. x2; as magic)
Talon (Aerial) +11 (1d4+7 /crit. x2; as magic)
Breath Weapon (1d8; bludgeoning; Ref 15 for half dmg.)

Spells Prepared:
Spell Save: 14 +SL
3rd level: 2; cure moderate wounds, evard's menacing tentacles (PHB2)
2nd level: 3; barkskin, bull's strength, resist energy
1st level: 4; cure light wounds, faerie fire, goodberry, produce flame
orisons: 5; create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, purify food & drink[/sblock]


"Odd, but if that is our role, then as Arkos has said we must fill it, at the very least we must see what the condition of this world is. I fear that we are all a long way from our original homes and perhaps have died already. Now then friend flind, do you have a name and can you guide us to these caves?" asks Nerin

OOC: Try saying friend flind 5 times fast :p

Deuce Traveler

"I am Tak High-Streams-Skirmish. The <cough> wailing caves are fifteen miles from here, passing through some wastelands pockmarked by dead forests and <cough> blighted hills. As we get closer we should be able to see the cliff face through the mists. The caves are a part of the cliff face. I <cough> have rested enough and can walk."

The flind gets up and stands with some effort.

OOC: Everyone make a spot and listen check.

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