The Undiscovered Frontier (Finished!)


DT said:
OOC: My wife just gave birth to our fourth child a few days ago, but I'm still in the Middle East and have been a bit unfocused. We've been Skype-ing with the baby a lot, and I haven't been resting properly because of the excitement. I'll do an update soon. I'm sorry for being lax.

OOC: As Queenie said no apology necessary.

As the gnolls approach, Nerin is waiting and uses his newly lengthened arms and sword to cut down a cut gnolls as they come within his reach

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Deuce Traveler

Nerin's elongated blade snaps hideously through the air, bowling over sliced gnolls as if they were dolls. Three die in a blink of an eye, but a fourth slips through to cut him (ignore the previous damage as Nerin loses 5 hps).

Two gnolls attack Arkos, one missing with a spear, but another bruising a few ribs with a dull, stone hand-axe (-5 hps to Arkos). Arkos wounds the same gnoll in return, but does not fell him. On the other side of the formation, an eager Sarpot takes down another gnoll that was attempting to flank him.

OOC: Mellisande and Nerin's turns. Link to map here:
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OOC: Point of order DT, shouldn't Nerin occupy 4 squares on the map due to his size?

Nerin lash out with his weapon cutting down the gnoll between him and Leilani (G11).

If he drops it, cleave attempt vs G10

Deuce Traveler

IC: Nerin drops another gnoll attacker, his sword arcing as his cleaving return slice takes down a second. (map updated)

OOC: Good catch, GlassEye. My mistake. Mellisande's turn, followed by Sarpot back to the top of the order.


First Post
Mellisande, suddenly finding herself awash in gnolls, ducks away to get some breathing space, scrambling under wild swings from maces and jumping over scrabbly-clawed kicks until she's a bit more in the clear.

Then, with a wary eye on the single gnoll still looming over her, she sweeps her hand and intones, "SLEEP!"

(Shift to Q9 and cast Whelming Burst centered on the corner of M/N, 10/11. That should threaten all four gnolls there. Gnolls are blind, I don't think they get AoO's, right? Will save DC 18 or take nonlethal damage. Negated on success.)
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Deuce Traveler

Mellisande casts her spell, though two gnolls that escaped being blinded attack in an attempt to stop her. Both barely hit, cutting her lightly with their blades (-7 hps to Mellisande).

OOC: I calculate that Mellisande has AC 19 w/ shield on. Let me know if I miscalculated. Make a Concentration check in order to get the spell off.
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First Post
(OOC - She shifted to Q9 before casting her spell. That leaves her adjacent only to Gnoll 14, who's blind, I think... Or am I misreading the map?)

Deuce Traveler

Mellisande casts her whelming blast spell, effecting four of the gnoll attackers (14, 15, 16 and 17). One of the gnolls goes down, as he was already injured and barely holding on. Three others stay up, but look close to exhaustion.

OOC: Sarpot's up, back to top of order. Arkos will move after Sarpot.

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