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The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!


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The Story Hour That Wouldn't Die!

Celtavian said:
That's a darling little girl. Very adorable.

Thank you! :)

Celtavian said:
Surprised to see an update. I thought this story was dead in the water. Will be good to finally read what happens to the group.

Funny, I thought it was dead, too. But, it seems this story hour will just not die! ;) Truthfully, I felt like I was never going to have the time to finish it, but now that I've gotten into the swing of things with our daughter, I've started making time to write. After re-reading my notes from the game, I just HAD to finish the story.

Celtavian said:
I see that Xaltar is still the bastard DM we all remember. Poor Lox.

He'll be happy to hear that!! :D

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First Post
Celtavian said:
I see that Xaltar is still the bastard DM we all remember. Poor Lox.


My players seem to like it better when I play that way, but I don't run every campaign that way. Maybe I should inflict some more pain in my Defenders of Tronus game!

BTW - Great update Ziona. Amazing all of the detail that you captured in your notes!


First Post
Entering The Castle

The next morning, the companions awoke and readied themselves for their trek. Before they left, however, it seemed there was one in their number who would not be accompanying them.

“This is where my journey ends,” said Belasco to the group.

“You mean not to go?” asked Ziona with surprise.

Belasco looked at her for a moment as though somewhat irritated, then continued.

“I want nothing more than to live my life as a free drow. I’m sure there are others who want the same thing and Hamadh and his companions see things my way. They are fighting a battle of sorts here, and this is where I plan on staying, fighting beside them.”

“We could use you in our fight, lad,” said Varr. “You are a master of battle.”

“You survived the Underdark before my arrival,” said Belasco with a smirk, “You might survive it after my departure.”

Dent, who had traveled with Belasco in the past, shook the drow’s hand.

“You have been a great ally, Belasco. May good fortune follow you.”

“And you as well, Dent. For what it’s worth, I am sorry about Lox,” He said solemnly. “May you live to have him restored.”

“It shall be done,” interrupted Ziona. “My Goddess, Lady Silverhair, will see to it.”

“The Dark Maiden will see it done,” said Belasco with frustration. “I suppose you believe she is watching over you in this place of doom? Where was she when Kiaransalee’s finest had you flayed alive?”

“She guided me back to this place of darkness to finish my journey,” said Ziona unshaken. “She watches over me, and would watch over you if you’d only allow her to.”

Belasco glared at the half-drow. How could she remain so faithful after all she had seen in the Underdark? How was it that Eilistraee could be so reassuring? Growing up on the surface made Ziona naive. He shook his head.

“To each their own, Lady Ziona. I know you mean well, and perhaps someday I will understand where your store of faith pours from, but right now, I know only the harsh truth of cruelty and the cold reality of the blade.”

Ziona nodded.

“Eilistraee is there for you, and any other drow who will just take the time to embrace her. She is ready to embrace you.”

She then turned to gather the rest of her belongings for their departure. The rest of the companions said farewell to Belasco and turned to leave. As they parted ways, they thanked Hamadh for the valuable information and for the shelter.

“Chances are we will not meet again,” said Hamadh, “Good fortune be with you all. You will certainly need it.”


The group left in silence, still surprised by Belasco’s departure. Eventually, Dent spoke quietly about which route they would be taking to enter the castle. Hamadh had suggested flying, and between Tark and Ziona, they could enable to party to reach the castle without laying a foot on the ground. Using this method, the companions were able to reach the castle and enter through a window. They found themselves in a magnificent hall with sharply pointed gothic arches. Dimly glowing globes threw blue light about the room, illuminating it just enough to see the black marble floors and two sets of double doors at each side. Ahead of them stood a doorway leading to winding hallway.

“Which way should we choose?” asked Roedyn.

The decision was made for them when two drow opened the doors on the right. Surprised, one grabbed for his sword, while the other began chanting in the dark language of the drow. Before the sword had swung and before the spell was complete, Varr’s Frostbite had slain one, while Dent used First Light to dispatch the other.

“Guess we’re going through this door,” said Roedyn answering his own question.

As they entered the room, they realized it was merely sleeping quarters. Beside each of the comfy-looking bunks stood a footlocker. Roedyn went to work on the locks of the footlockers and found several potions within.

“Not too shabby,” he commented.

“We should keep moving,” said Tark. “There’s no telling when more scouts will return.”

The group moved cautiously back into the hall, their footsteps echoing on the marble floor as they approached the next set of doors. Roedyn listened at the door, then turned to the group.

“I hear nothing.”

“Let us open it, then,” said Varr impatiently. The dwarf reached for the door handles and swung them open. As he did, an explosion sent the dwarf toppling backward. The group readied their weapons, bracing for an attack. But it seemed this room was empty.

“Blasted traps,” muttered Varr angrily.

“Best to let me check on the doors before being too hasty next time,” smirked Roedyn.

“Hasty?” grumbled Varr. “Hasty, he says…”

As they entered the room they found there was a hole in the ceiling and the floor, which housed a strange glowing shaft of light. The glimmering light was flanked by four columns, which dominated the rest of the room. Upon inspecting the light, the heroes found that it seemed to go up hundreds of feet into the castle.

“Strange,” said Ziona.

“What do you suppose it is?” asked Dent.

“Perhaps a means of traveling,” said Tark rubbing his chin.

“Maybe it’s a way for flying creatures to come and go as they like,” said Roedyn. “Sometimes dragons and their minions have a passageway that allows them to exit and enter like this.”

“I fear you are correct,” said Ziona looking up into the shaft. “Ready yourselves! A beholder approaches!”

As the creature grew nearer, they realized it was not an ordinary beholder. The beast seemed to be incorporeal. Realizing the creature was undead, Ziona clasped her holy symbol in her hand and attempted to turn it. The doomsphere’s sharp-toothed maw broke into a smile and it closed it’s largest eye. Using it’s other eyes, a ray shot out and struck Ziona, making her feel weak.


Roedyn quickly approached the creature and began firing arrows, but he, too, was struck with one of the doomsphere’s strength sapping rays.

“Come down here and have a taste of Frostbite, you cowardly beast!” grumbled Varr.

Tark began to cast and as he finished chanting, a ray of holy light shone down upon the undead beholder. It writhed in pain. Meanwhile, Ziona began casting upon Varr, which allowed him to walk on air and make his way toward the doomsphere. But as he entered the shaft of glowing light, he found himself being pulled upward just by willing himself to do so. Delighted by this newly found way of traveling, Varr readied his axe so that he might sink it deeply into the beholder’s giant eye. Before he was close enough, however, the beholder opened it’s large eye and Varr plummeted.

Several spells and many arrows later, the heroes found themselves the victors of the battle. Tark restored Roedyn while Ziona cast the spell upon herself and they began inspecting the shaft.

“It would appear that we can travel straight up to the top from here,” said Ziona.

“What are we waitin’ for?” huffed Varr. “The sooner we get there, the sooner our foes crumble.”

“He’s got a point,” said Dent. “We can use this shaft to avoid all the minions and scouts and hit our main opponent right away.”

“Let us go then,” said Tark. “Dallying will only bring about more guards.”

One by one, each hero stepped into the levitation shaft and soared to the top of the Castle.

The Adventure Continues…


First Post
Elemental said:
It lives! Good to see this one back.

Ah...well, it was living, back in April when I was still on my maternity leave. I can't tell you how much I think about this game & how badly I want to finish this story hour! I just need to find the time. The story just had such an interesting ending, it was cool. I have my journals of notes & such all sitting by my computer, waiting for me to pick up where I left off, if I could just make the time...

I'm going to be starting a new campaign next Friday & I play in 2 others, so between those, our little girl, and work, I usually stay pretty busy. But I vow to finish this story hour, eventually, even if it takes me forever! ;)

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