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The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!

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First Post
Within The Walls of The Coliseum

As the heroes approached the coliseum, thundering roars and raucous cheers could be heard emanating from within, yet no one stood at the entrance.

“Seems the guards like to watch the action,” said Roedyn.

“Perhaps,” said Dent with concern. “We should still take care not to raise suspicion.”

Upon entering, they saw that most of the portcullises and doors were closed. However, they could see into the arena, where a fiendish elephant was fighting wildly against three ogres. There did not seems to be a great number of spectators, but those who were present cheered as the beast crushed it’s enemies.

“Let’s search around, see if there are any signs of Lox,” said Tark.

Several of them hefted a portcullis open, while the others scrambled inside. There they found a small group of goblins who were far too drunk on brandy to do anything but drool and grovel for their lives.

Dent eyed the vermin with disgust, fingering the hilt of First Light.

“They are pitiful, really,” said Ziona. “You needn’t waste your energy on them, my friend.”

Dent sighed deeply.

“Goblin scum,” he muttered, as he kicked their booze across the room.

“Yes, let us focus our energies elsewhere,” said Belasco with a smirk. “I say we attack the elephant and prove our worth.”

“That’s absurd,” huffed Ziona. “We’re looking for Lox.”

“Shouldn’t we be keeping out of sight?” asked Roedyn.

“It is a massive beast, lad,” grumbled Varr.

“I see,” said Belasco looking upon his dwarven friend. “The size scares you.”

“Eh? NOTHING scares me!”

Varr hefted his axe and ran out toward the coliseum.

“Damn it, Belasco! Think of consequences!” shouted Dent.

“No time to think now,” called Belasco as he ran after Varr, “only to act!”

“He’s got a point,” said Roedyn, hiding a smirk and heading toward the exit.

Dent looked at Ziona and Tark as Avangel followed after Roedyn.

“Well, we haven’t much of a choice now, do we?” said Tark with disapproval.

As the heroes entered the arena, the shouts and cheers of the sparse crowd died down momentarily, and the remaining ogre who was fighting the elephant seemed shocked. He stood there dumbfounded, looking at the odd group who dared challenge Kurgoth’s elephant. There were drow and a dwarf, elves and a tiger, a small dragon and two beings that resembled angels. One of them even had wings! As the ogre looked at the companions with confusion, the elephant crushed down upon him.

Then the crowd became riotous once more as Varr charged the raging elephant. As Dent and Roedyn fired countless arrows into the beast, Belasco moved stealthily about the pachyderm, slicing it’s flesh with his dancing swords. Avangel soared above the animal, attacking it with his spear, while Ziona cast a fiery ray of light upon it.

While the battle ensued, Tark was careful to look about the stadium for any onslaught or back up that might be sent in after them. His eyes caught glimpses of all sorts of creatures, from ogres to giants and fiends. But the one that caught his eye was the oversized fire giant who seemed strangely amused at their efforts. His beard and hair appeared to be made of flame, and it’s eyes smoldered like burning embers. His large wings twitched as he cheered and huffed at the action below.

Meanwhile, Varr chopped into the angry elephant with Frost Bite, lobbing chunks of flesh from the beast’s body. By the time his fourth stroke connected with it’s target, Belasco was there slicing wildly as well. The animal gave a last, ear-piercing cry as it collapsed to the ground.

The ogre, who had been pummeled by the pachyderm before the arrival of the heroes, stumbled away from the victors, panting and coughing up blood.

“Ready yourselves,” called Tark. “The battle is not won just yet.”

The companions turned their attention toward the gate, where the peculiar fire giant Tark had noticed in the crowd was entering, followed by a group of ogres and giants.

“You have defeated Tusk,” roared the hellspawn. “The elephant was a possession of mine, and you will pay for it’s destruction.”

Kurgoth’s fiery fists moved quickly as he bellowed the unholy words of a spell. Before they could react, the heroes were clouded in a cold mist of oily darkness. Ziona and Roedyn became sickened by the greasy cloud, while the others sprang into action.

The spectators in the crowd roared with excitement as Varr’s axe sank into the belly of an ogre. The dwarf then yanked the blade free and slammed it into a fire giant as the ogre’s limp form slammed to the ground.

Not far from the raging dwarf were Dent and Tark, whose arrows and spells were inflicting great pain upon their foes.

As Ziona recovered from her coughing fit, she began to pray. As she did, both she and Roedyn felt relieved of the injuries caused by Kurgoth’s spell.

Meanwhile, Belasco easily avoided the blow from an ogre’s club, scoffing as he swiftly dodged aside. He watched as Avangel soared down from the sky, aiming his spear at the ogre, then grimaced as he heard the celestial elf’s words.

“I said every last drow, Belasco. Everyone of you!!”

The spear skimmed the drow’s shoulder as he narrowly tumbled out of Avangel’s way. Ignoring the burning sensation it left, Belasco took his anger out on the ogre, slaughtering it before it had a chance to swing it’s club again.

“I KNEW you and the half-drow would betray us!” he shouted. “Call the wicked priestess for help, pretty elf. It’s the only chance you’ll have of leaving this arena alive.”

Avangel circled above the drow, then arched down swiftly, landing several attacks upon Belasco before soaring higher. Belasco felt his strength drain slightly, but fought on, cursing the winged elf. He would wait until he came closer…

Rossal, who had left Ziona’s shoulder in an attempt to look for Lox, saw Avangel’s attack on Belasco. He flew back in the direction of his companions to alert them of the danger, and watched as Haley, Dent’s tiger companion, began to wither.

“Something is amiss,” called Rossal to Dent telepathically, “Avangel has begun attacking Belasco, and Haley looks injured.”

Dent, turning his attention toward the tiger, watched as her mouth opened in a roar that never came. Her body slumped, then crumbled, leaving the tiger eye gem resting upon a pile of dust. As the ranger tried to comprehend what had just happened, an ogre closed in on him, smashing his chest and shoulder with it’s club, and knocked him to the ground.

Not far from Dent, Tark and Varr were battling Kurgoth. The deadly spell that should have meant the destruction of the hellspawn merely wounded it, but gave Tark a chance to activate his magical boots. As his second spell was cast, a clone of the cleric sprang into being near Kurgoth, who swung angrily at the false image. Varr hacked mercilessly into the oversized fire giant, who bellowed in pain.

Upon seeing Dent collapse, Ziona rushed to his aid, praying that Eilistraee heal his wounds, while Roedyn fought against the ogre. As Dent’s lungs healed and his breath came easier, he told Ziona of Rossal’s warning.

“He said that Belasco was being attacked by Avangel.”

Ziona got to her feet and looked in the direction she had last seen the drow. It appeared that the attack was now over.

Just as Rossal and Dent watched Haley fall to dust, Belasco’s wait had ended. As Avangel glided down for what he thought was a finishing blow on Belasco, the drow unleashed his rage on the celestial elf. His swords dripped with the blood of the fallen angel, who had blackened and withered.

“To the Abyss with your ‘superior bloodline!’” he shouted.

Before Dent and Ziona could make their way toward Belasco and their fallen comrade, more ogres and giants closed in. Behind them, Tark continued to cast upon Kurgoth, while the raging Varr continued his onslaught.

Belasco cut a path into the battle, swords slicing through any ogre who got in his way. As Ziona and Dent dispatched of the last of the fire giants, Kurgoth spat a final curse upon Roedyn and Tark, who fell to their knees, feeling as though their blood were evaporating from their bodies. Varr seemed unaffected by the spell however, and was splattered with the blood of his enemy as the hellspawn fell backwards into a lifeless heap.

An eerie silence filled the coliseum. Most of the crowd had joined the melee or had fled the arena at seeing Kurgoth fall, leaving only the sounds of the heroes breathing heavily from a battle well fought. Belasco stood before Ziona, disgust brimming in his eyes.

“The angel has fallen,” he said darkly.

“By your hands,” rang Ziona’s words.

“Avangel attacked first, confirming my suspicions about the two of you.”

Belasco looked around at the faces of his allies. “Do not forget who we found your half-drow cleric traveling with.”

“And do not forget that I was undead, flayed alive at the hands of Kiaransalee’s faithful,” snapped Ziona.

“Precisely,” hissed Belasco. “What evils lurk within you now?”

“You are the one who took the life of an ally, not I. It is your intentions that should be questioned, not mine.”

“Avangel did attack him first, Lady Ziona,” intervened Tark. “I saw, but could not react with such a powerful foe in my midst.”

“It’s true,” communicated Rossal. “Avangel landed the first blow.”

“It may be true,” said Dent, rolling the cat eye gem in his half-elven fingers, “but it is no reason to question Ziona’s integrity.”

“Why would Avangel have gone out of his way to save her if she weren’t as evil as he was?” growled Belasco.

“Because she is true,” said Varr. “She is trustworthy and even through all the torture Avangel received at the hands of the vermin of Kiaransalee, he could see this. Why can’t you?”

Ziona looked into the eyes of Belasco, who stared back coldly. The silence was deafening. Finally, he spoke.

“Can you make a bridge?”

She raised an eyebrow and looked at him with confusion.

“A bridge?”

“I’ve seen you do it before. Can you do it again?”

“A bridge, and a staircase,” she stated.

“Better get to it,” he said looking beyond her and the others. “We’ll need it to escape them.”

The group turned to look over their shoulders, where an army of ogres, fire giants, and demons were entering the coliseum.

Ziona looked to Belasco again.

“You may not seem trustworthy,” he snickered, “but at least you’re useful.”

The Adventure Continues…
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First Post
Greetings, all.

In case you're wondering about the next update, I have gotten sidetracked yet again.

Xaltar & I learned recently that we are expecting our first baby! We are very excited and there was much rejoicing with friends and family, but now that things are calming down again, I will begin finding time to write more. (Gotta do it before March, which is when the baby arrives!!) :)

There is just so much to catch up on, and I appreciate you still checking out the story. I know it has been far too long between updates, but I'll get there...eventually. ;)

Take care,

Ziona :)
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