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The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!


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More seriously,
Ziona, your storytelling is almost a match for Piratecat's IMNSHO. I could easily see it being novelized with just some styling changes and revisions :D

This particular telling has me glued to my oh-so-comfortable recliner ;)

I have to say though that Belasco's character as he is portrayed through your story hour having little to no idea how he is acted out throughout the actual session) is the most intriguing character by far due to his less than selfless motivations. He even comes complete with working complexes and hatreds I've seen many purely selfless characters played out with little bigotry and prejudice (although I am not accusing any character in the group with this) and the character concept of the drow anti-hero has always been my favorite archetype to model my characters on provided I can get away with playing a drow :D . Yours/his representation fits that model fairly closely and in some manner it almost feels as if MY character has been transported in with the Unusual Heroes, making this telling all the more poignant. From what I've read, that character acts in many ways similar to the way I play mine, although I've never had a drow dual wielding weapons before. I usually had some form of mage or arcane spellcaster and as of 3e, a monk as well for the twist that a disciplined character would face as a member of that sinister race.
My characters gravitate towards the neutral spectrum who tends to gravitate towards evil, or at least has a comfortable tolerance for evil acts (accepting of torture, betrayal, etc).

Anyway before returning to the point from which I was sidetracked, I would like to thank you for delivering these sessions in such an exciting way and I would like to congratulate Belasco's for what I see as his excellent command of his character.

Edit In: And I would be very pleased if he should become cognizant of my offer after his return :D ;)
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Lady Ziona, have you, in your greatness, finished any more of the story. I would like to enjoy more of the master bard's work.

I would also like to wish our illustrious Dungeon Master a sped fast recovery.


First Post
Ziona, instead of making Wonder Woman Hero Clix's you should be writing more of the story. No game session this week which will give you the perfect chance to get the story up to date. So in other words just do it!!!!!!


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denmstrsn said:
Lady Ziona, have you, in your greatness, finished any more of the story. I would like to enjoy more of the master bard's work.

I would also like to wish our illustrious Dungeon Master a sped fast recovery.

Wow..."Master Bard" eh? That really makes me want to stop what I'm doing here at work and write something...too bad I don't have my journal with all my notes like I did last week. :(

Xaltar is doing well. He has a puffy jaw and an aching head, but he did fine. The doc did say that they were tough teeth, and the 2 on the top were mostly in his sinus track, but he's recovering well.

Originally posted by Dartan
Ziona, instead of making Wonder Woman Hero Clix's you should be writing more of the story. No game session this week which will give you the perfect chance to get the story up to date. So in other words just do it!!!!!!

I'm sorry. I know...I should have worked on the story yesterday when I was home. I was just up all night with Xaltar, so I wasn't really in the writing sorta mood. I'd rather hold off and wait until I was aware and not drowsy than write something that reads badly. And besides, you saw the Wonder Woman heroclix I made...she's soooo cool!! ;)
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“Damn this place to the Abyss,” grumbled Dent upon looking at the remains of Gnettles.

“It’s okay,” said Tark. “He can be restored just as Roedyn was.”

“Well actually,” replied Ziona, “he will have to be resurrected. It seems you were very fortunate not to have been maimed, Roedyn.”

“Losing nearly ten years of my life was torture enough,” he mumbled.

“I cannot restore him this day,” said Ziona.

“Nor I. But I can carry him,” said Tark.

The cleric reached into his backpack and pulled forth a haversack. He lifted the gnome’s petrified parts into the pack, where they were stored magically. Relieved that they had found Gnettles, the group began to search around, hoping they could find Lox as well.

Ziona, Dent and Avangel inspected the statues, while Varr and Belasco searched about with weapons at the ready, determined to smite any foe that meant to surprise them. Tark looked around the room after praying for the ability to detect magic, and pointed out the rugs that lay about the floor.

“Something lay beneath the tiger rug.”

Dent approached the carpet and gave it a tug.

“Seems to be held down,” he said.

The ranger took out a dagger and cut the rug away from the floor. Standing atop the tigerskin, he gave another tug, and this time the rug gave way. He found himself falling into a hole that the carpet had been covering.

From above, the companions heard Dent gasp in pain as he fell upon the spikes that littered the floor of the pit below.

“Dent! Are you alright?” called Tark.

“Stumbled onto some spikes…I’ll be up in a moment.”

“What happened?” asked Ziona.

“He was pulling on the tigerskin carpet, and it gave way,” explained Tark. “Apparently it was hiding a trap.”

“And some rings,” said Dent as he used Spider Climb to make his way out of the hole.

Ziona healed Dent as they discussed Lox’s whereabouts.

“Clearly the halfling is not here,” said Belasco impatiently. “Most likely a slave of sorts.”

“Then we should continue on,” said Dent. “No use wasting more time in the lair of a beholder.”

“Will you travel with us, Roedyn, or have you seen enough of the Underdark for awhile?” asked Tark.

The elf’s brow furrowed as he thought of leaving the Underdark and returning to the surface. To feel the sun and smell the fresh air again… Then he thought of the task at hand, and how the heroes had freed him. If not for them, he would still be a nameless statue among Sekrr’s trophies.

“I am grateful for what you’ve done for me. I would like very much to return to the surface, but not before I repay you for freeing me. If you had not come along and defeated Sekrr, I would not have the option of going home. I will search and fight at your side until your task is finished, if you will have me.”

“An extra blade is always welcome,” said Dent.

“When the blade isn’t sticking out of our backs,” mumbled Belasco.

At this, Roedyn looked confused. Ziona looked to Belasco, then to Roedyn.

“You’ll have to forgive us,” she said coolly. “There has been some conflict in the group lately. It is not like us to bicker this way…normally there is trust and loyalty among our ranks…”

“How trustworthy can a drow wench be?” blurted Belasco.

“I won’t listen to this anymore,” interrupted Dent. “Roedyn, I’m sure you know how the drow matriarchy works here in the Underdark. Let’s just say there isn’t much camaraderie between Belasco and Ziona and leave it at that.”

“For shame, Dent. Don’t forget who your ‘master’ is,” said Belasco with a devilish smirk.

“And I’ve had enough of that rubbish, too,” said Dent hotly. “My patience is wearing thin, Belasco. The joke isn’t funny anymore.”

“Settle down, lads,” huffed Varr.

“Varr is right,” said Tark. “We are not fighting each other here. Roedyn is willing to help us succeed in our mission, and we have yet to find Lox. You must put your differences aside so that we may defeat our enemy and accomplish our goal.”

By this time, Dent’s temper had cooled and Belasco was silenced. Ziona looked abashed, knowing Tark was right about their behavior.

“If you’re done with the morale boost,” interrupted Avangel, “I’ve found a corridor out.”

The Adventure Continues…
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The party is nearing the end of the adventure! It will likely be completed within the next two weeks, and I can't wait to see how that plays out.

I'm sure that you will all be looking forward to the "return of Lox," and I hope that I won't let anyone down. ;)

I'll also be looking forward to this Thursday's session with great anticipation. I gave the party a good challenge last week and I hope to keep up the level of intensity as the heroes continue deeper into Castle Maerimydra!
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First Post
Great write up Ziona. Always enjoy the way you inturpt the party's interaction with each other.
I'm also can not wait for this weeks meet and get out of the acursed Underdark. This ranger requires the outdoors.

Dr Midnight

Hey, Ziona, long time reader, first time poster!

I just want to say your story hours give me a reason to live. I mean, your writing style may well be the best I've ever come across.

That said, y'know what we need? MORE!! How about another story hour? A different campaign, same group... maybe with characters that would be instant, guaranteed classics of Story Hour history. I'm talkin' characters that would just leap off the "page" and WOW us, I mean really really WOW us. How about it?

I can't get up these stairs, Peter, I just can't do it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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