The Upcoming Adventures thread


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In case anyone's interested, I'm recruiting for a game of The One Ring, the new Tolkien RPG, over in the regular PbP forum. I'll be explaining the rules as we go, so you don't need to be familiar with the game!

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I've downloaded a couple free adventures generously posted by OnlineDM and I'm considering running at least one of them, since my weak point is lack of familiarity with 4e encounter design and a published adventure solves that.

The adventures come scaled for virtually all levels between 1 and 10, so I could work with almost any group without extra work.

Thanks to the Tavern Patrons thread I have an idea of what potential groups can be formed, though I have no idea of how many of those players/characters are active, and I'd like to know before formally submitting the first adventure to the judges.


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... though I have no idea of how many of those players/characters are active, and I'd like to know before formally submitting the first adventure to the judges.

Lilli's been submitted for Level 3 approval and I'm think of adding a new Level 1 Shielding Swordmage (a Tiefling, by the name of Rain).

(Kicking myself for missing out on the One Ring, though, JNC.)

Voda Vosa

First Post
I have a level 8 warden available in the tavern. There's also Neurotic's warlock, at level 6, Cabana's wizard level 3 and twilsemail's level 3 fighter. Dina (level 1) is also running around.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I'm thinking of creating an arena "adventure" that isn't really an adventure, just groups of PCs going together or alone to do a single battle or series of 2-3 battles at an arena. Once the battle(s) are done, the groups will just return back to the tavern.

Would I need judge approval to do this or can I just start recruiting for it?

I'm thinking I'll do one 1st level match and one 6th or so level match so most of the people in the tavern have a chance to get in on it.


I think it would be nice if you submit a proposal for it. The idea being, if you get hit by a bus, could someone take it over. Proposal might well be short: "The arena will pit them against these enemies..." I suppose I won't insist, but it seems like it would be a fairly low amount of effort...

I'll also note that we've got at least one established arena in L4W already, the infamous TURTLEDOME! I don't think the adventure(s?) featured there ever actually got into the arena part of things. I think there was also another shadowy underworld figure that ran a gladiator ring, maybe in Mal's games? But his name escapes me.


First Post
The sequel to Get Me to the Church on Time is coming up soon. I've gotten one approval so far (Thanks Luinnar) but I believe I need one more. Any judges care to step up?


First Post
As the adventure Bane of the Black Dragon is coming to an end I have to the urge to start another adventure called Turning of the Tide.

Levels 1 to 3:
4 to 6 characters

I believe there is an influx of low level characters hanging around
the tavern.

Please let me know using this thread if you are interested.

Note: The adventure has not been approved yet. However, if and when
it does get approved I can start right away.

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