The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle

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Walking Dad

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AC 19 (T13, FF16), HP 46/46, F +5,R+5,W+5
Eldritch blast: +6/+7, 3d6 damage

"Whisper, you need to cast protection spells on the others. Orthey will be possessed if the crystal cracks!" Glaive calls to the sorceress before he points once more at the creature, releasing a crimson blast of eldritch energy.

[sblock=ooc] blast vs undead thing. Cannot access IC at the moment.

active invocations: See the Unseen, Entropic Warding
at-will: Blast, Glaive, Detect Magic, Teleport, Shatter

Dr Simon

Kraken looks at the scene before him, down at his tiny dagger and then back at the cultist, stuck behind Doral's screen. Puffing air thorugh his nostrils in a sigh of frustration and resignation, he moves forwards into the room towards his friends, arms raised high.

"O Mighty Ancestors," he intones. "Show us you aren't a complete bunch of useless bum-scratchers and give us a bit of a hand here, eh?". It doesn't sound like much of an invocation, and nothing obvious changes.

OOC: Invisible Castle is down. Going to spend an Action Point to double Improved Initiative bonus, to give an Initiative +10.

Moving into the room 40 ft. and casting Bless. Despite the unorthodox verbal component and the seeming lack of effect, it still works (unless there is some effect Selc knows about to prevent it)!

Deuce Traveler

"If it's not one thing, it's another," Doral mutters as he uses his wand of magic missiles and fires three bolts onto the skeletal beast, keeping careful to keep close to the far wall as he circles towards his companions.


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Whisper nods and hurries towards their newly arrived allies to extend them protection!

(Move towards them, double move if necessary, avoiding the bad guys as best as possible, and casting Protection from evil on our guys as soon as possible. How many more castings is that?)


First Post
From either side of the vast chamber, enemies close in. Glaive focuses on the winged skeleton and manifests a blast of raw energy. The blast strikes the creature in the chest, causing the bones to shake and rattle. The first cultist moves until he is just outside the reach of Doral's Legion of Sentinels spell. He is now carrying a bloody sickle and from beneath his robe he plucks a glass ball full of greenish liquid. Pulling his hand back, he hurls it at Doral! The glass shatters and a spray of liquid coats everything in the area.
A second figure emerges from the tunnel behind the first. Wearing the same long black and red robes, the second cultist looks around, then up at the massive crystal hanging overhead. He quickly begins chanting in a vile language, the sound of which makes your ears throb to hear it. A vast swath of black mist emanates from the crystal obscuring it slightly.
Whisper races across the chamber and prepares to cast her fifth protection from evil spell as Kraken moves up next to her and casts his own spell. The blessing of the storm god fills you with a wild energy.
Doral enters the chamber behind Kraken and sees the massive winged skeleton. He points his wand at the creature and unleashes another trio of bolts at it. The dagger wound throbs as he hurries to cross the chamber before the two cultists behind him can cut him off.
Garuk and the skeleton exchange another flurry of blows, but it is becoming clear that the ape is taking the worst of it. The jagged beak and slashing claws shred tissue and muscle deeply, while the apes mighty fists snap bone and dried sinew. Midian moves up behind his companion and quickly tries to apply some healing to help his companion hold on another few seconds.

Spellcraft DC17
The cultist cast Desecrate on the large crystal.

This spell imbues an area with negative energy. Each Charisma check made to turn undead within this area takes a –3 profane penalty, and every undead creature entering a desecrated area gains a +1 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. An undead creature created within or summoned into such an area gains +1 hit points per HD.

Furthermore, anyone who casts animate dead within this area may create as many as double the normal amount of undead (that is, 4 HD per caster level rather than 2 HD per caster level).

Forgot to move Midian on the Map, he is now adjacent to Garuk. Squares are 10'.

Glaive - 22
Cultist - 19
Garuk,Whisper - 17
Doral - 16
Midian - 12
Kraken - 11
Vrock - 10

Kraken is down 7 hp
Doral is down 9 hp
Garuk is down 21 hp after healing from Midian's wand.


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Walking Dad

First Post
AC 19 (T13, FF16), HP 46/46, F +5,R+5,W+5
Eldritch blast: +6/+7, 3d6 damage

Glaive doesn't know what the liquid is. but perhaps the other cultist carries on, too. He concentrates his vile syllables on the cultist that hasn't thrown yet.

Shatter on cultist, affecting his possible vials.

active invocations: See the Unseen, Entropic Warding
at-will: Blast, Glaive, Detect Magic, Teleport, Shatter


First Post
Forgot to add this: the liquid is starting to hiss and bubble everywhere it has touched on your clothes and armor. Exposed skin is starting to feel pinched and tight, accompanied by a painful sensation. If desired you can take a full round action to scrape/remove affected areas.


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

"Gods forgive me..." the druid whispers, then calls to his animal companion, strain clear in the command: "Hold him, Garuk!"

Seeing the mounting odds, Midian steps back, pointing to the crystal again as he does so. "This is what they're protecting!" he calls "This is what we have to destroy!" and even as he says it, another lightning bolt lances into the crystal.

[sblock=OOC]Midian's going to move back and call down another lightning bolt. With the empowered modifier, it's another 18 damage to the crystal:

Empowered Lightning Bolt (add 1/2) (3d6=12)

Meanwhile, looks like Midian's making a habit of getting his animal companions ripped to shreds. Oi, but my poor druid's going to be a basket case here soon. Thought about having Garuk go full defense, but I'm really not convinced that's going to save him. In which case, might as well have him go out swinging:

Claw;damage;claw;damage;bite;damage (1d20+10=20, 1d8+5=11, 1d20+10=28, 1d8+5=11, 1d20+5=21, 1d6+2=5)[/sblock]

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