The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle


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"Ay," Whisper agrees. "Have you -seen- the monster then? How're you so sure it's still here?"

As she speaks she looks for passages that might lead farther into the hillside and down.

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The wild haired man continues to shovel and in between incoherent weeping, you glean bits and pieces of information. "Tears them up, bits 'n' pieces, bits o' red. Like a vulture it is. Big as a horse. An' them arms, rip and shred and rip and shred till there's nuthin' left! It hides an' waits an' when you don't dig fast 'nough it comes for you! It comes for you!" He shrieks the last part as he claws desperately at a large rock in the pile, struggling to load it into the wagon. Soon the rock is streaked with red as he tears his fingers on the sharp edged stone.

Looking around the room, you can see a large opening in the cliff face. From the amount of dirt and debris you are certain that they have been carting mining detritus up from its depths. The opening is nearly 15' across and angles down slightly.

From the man's insane speech, you think you recognize what he is talking about. When you first scouted the camp nearly a week ago you were pursued by a large vulture-like undead creature, but managed to out maneuver it. At the time it had been perched in a tree watching the camp, however you did not notice it this time on your way into the camp. It could be hiding as the man says or he could be paranoid and it really is gone at the moment...


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Midian Rightson, human druid

bird-Midian stiffens as he hears the man describe the monster. He tries to focus his senses on catching sight of the creature he previously eluded, but otherwise decides his animal form is far less obtrusive than reverting to human-shape would be, at least for the moment.

Dr Simon

Kraken notes the gathering storm with approval. An omen from the spirits, surely. But everything the unfortunate slave says fills him with more and more anger at those perpetrating this atrocity*. At the description of the vulture-heade beast he whispers to whoever happens to be next to him:

"Doesn't sound so bad, eh?"

*These are probably not words in his vocabulary.


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Whisper reaches out and catches the prisoner's wrist to stop him from further maiming himself.

"Hold up there, relax. As long as I'm here I think you're safe."

He looks around and says more quietly, "I've heard rumor that a ship's come to the island. That's whats got them tied into such a bunch lately."

He taps the side of his nose.

"I've heard there may be hope of rescue."


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The man struggles in your grip for a second before slumping to the ground. He holds his bloodied hands before him and says in a strangely quiet voice. "I was on a ship once... seems like a dream now. We came here for sumthin', don't remember what. Hadn't been in the bay more than a day er two before pirate ships came an' blocked the mouth. Then... that thing... that horrible thing. It came up out o' the water an' crushed our ship, easy as ya snap a dry twig. Some o' us made it ta shore. Didn't do no good though, they found us anyhow. Been diggin' up them bones e're since.
He straightens up and looks Whisper in the eye with a defeated look. "Ain't gonna be no rescue. We's all dead men. I seen them walking bones, an' they's just the little uns. When the big one walks ain't nothing ever stoppin' it. Best to find sum quiet place ta die then." He goes quiet as his eyes focus at some infinitely distant spot over your shoulder. You give his shoulder a gentle shake but he seems not to notice, lost in whatever memory has taken him.

Midian Spot check (1d20+9=29)
You pivot your head around and search the area around you for any signs of the creature. Silhouetted by a distant flash of lightning you catch sight of the creature! It is gliding over the jungle towards the camp, riding the air currents from the storm. It will likely be at the camp there within a minute or two.


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Midian Rightson, human druid

A hawk swoops into the entryway, molting as it lands, not just feathers but it's very form. Midian stands, human again, and walks toward his changeling companion and her nonresponsive target. The briefest series of clicks of his tongue calls Garuk in, as well.

"We need to move. We only have a few minutes before whatever's gliding this way lands. I'd definitely prefer we weren't in the open for a flyer."

Deuce Traveler

"Just keeps getting better and better," Doral whispers as he heads over the lower opening and tries to scout out what may be beyond.

Listen +9, Search+13


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The Tunnel
The tunnel immediate branches off to your left and right. It is dimly lit by glowing pale blue stones wrapped in black steel affixed to the walls. Listening carefully, you can hear distant thumps and clinks, the sounds of mining work. The tunnel to your left looks like it is the larger and better lit of the two. The tunnel to your right sounds as if there is more activity.

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