The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 19 (T13, FF16), HP 46/46, F +5,R+5,W+5
Eldritch blast: +6/+7, 3d6 damage

"There is a great evil contained in the crystal", Glaive answers. He steps aside and uses his glaive in quick succession.

Stepping up-right and use glaive with shard enhancement.
Another attack in round 3

active invocations: See the Unseen, Entropic Warding
at-will: Blast, Glaive, Detect Magic, Teleport, Shatter

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Kraken grabs hold of the quills piercing his chest. They have a slimy, yielding texture to them. He pulls and manages to free the first quill. Moving quickly he manages to remove the other two before they are able to burrow into his vital organs. Doral backs away from the second skeletal animal menacing him and fires another blast from his wand. The bolts shatter the creatures rib cage causing it to drop to the ground in a tangled mess. Glaive and Garuk attack the first skeletal creature in unison and obliterate it in seconds. Appearing from the ether, Midians wolves arrive just as the last one in the room goes down. Farther down the opposite tunnel you can see the other two creatures fleeing out of sight, still under the effect of Kraken's deadfella chant. Whispers snapping jaws worry at the bones with their teeth, scattering the bodies further across the floor just to be sure.

The other skeletal canines have fled down the passage way at the end of this 100' long room. Kraken's effect will wear off in 7 rounds. Let me know if there is anything you wish to do in this room, or if you will pursue the fleeing creatures.


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(OOC - Can Whisper redirect Manyjaws to the fleeing skellies and let 'em chew on them? The range is 160' if I recall right. Don't have the book right in front of me at the moment. They last 6 rounds...)


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Midian Rightson, human druid

((OOC: For that matter, since the wolves last 6 rounds, too, even if we stay in the room, I think Midian's likely to send them after the skellies.))

Midian touches the magic wand to Kraken first, Reducing the size of the quill wounds

"When we broke the crystals before, the demons inside were only able to exist for a few moments before they faded, yes?" Midian says. "Which suggests they need some external form to anchor them here. If we had the means to guard ourselves from possession, then we could safely shatter this crystal, no?"

((OOC: Not sure if anyone has any protection circles...?))


First Post
Whisper smiles.

"As it happens...yes. That is my belief as well. And I do happen to know a spell that can ward against extraplanar influences, including possession."

(protection vs evil, aww yeeeeah...)

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 19 (T13, FF16), HP 46/46, F +5,R+5,W+5
Eldritch blast: +6/+7, 3d6 damage

"My dark utterances can shatter all day, but time is maybe of importance", Glaive responds. He looks at Whisper and asks: "And your spell can protect all of us? It's presence is mighty."

active invocations: See the Unseen, Entropic Warding
at-will: Blast, Glaive, Detect Magic, Teleport, Shatter

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