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The "What's Eating Bolo Brandybuck?" Game

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Argent Silvermage

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Attack of the Rat Bastard DMs!

"..................." thought the monstrocity sent to ravage Brindenford. "..........." it continued to think as it burned it's way into the city leaving square holes as it crept along unseen through the streets. Bolo unknowing the peril awaiting him, had just headed to the Manor house of St. Dravot (Why don't I have a manor house? I'm not even thought of as a living saint thought Bolo.)
Suddenly the 'thing' was on Poor Bolo. "......." it thought to bolo as he attempted to absorb him into it's flesh. once within it Bolo screamed out in pain, "To heck with you Piratecat!" the thing could only jiggle and think "..........".
Bolo could see around him the bodies of other people in various states of decomposition. He screamed as he called forth a greated dispell magic and dropped some 12 different buff spells and cast Sunbeam. After a few blasts the huge monsterous evil (add on any templates you choose like the gods did) creature popped like a mushroom pod and disolved.

Well just try to figure this one out. :eek:


First Post
Hmmm, ooze of some sort?

Bolo, is this some relative of the gelatinous cubes, maybe an ooze? Isn't that taking the "oozing charm" a bit far? Hee!
Love ya lots,
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
It had to happen eventualy!

As the guardian of the gate to Durance Vile the number one vacation spot for all things infernal and evil, I take my job very seriously. When I saw the little halfling ( beleive me.. I saw him 8 ways to unholyday) I knew something was up. I rose out of the lava baths and hovered in front of the gate blocking any possible enterance. Even though I have no real nose to speak of (sight being my strong suit) I could tell he had covered himself in a mixture of Honey bar-B-Q sause and a dusting of Burnflower pollen. Something I just couldn't resist. I just had to have a taste before casting one of my gazes at him. I stuck my tongue out and took the rich flavor of the woodlands and the work of the hell bees of acheron creating a crispy coating on the succulent Hobbit flesh. But I was not here to eat. so I gave him the look of devastation and the Halfling know as Bolo Brandybuck died without a single bite.

Now don't worry Bolo is back but he has to change all his recipies now that he is working from a different base. He was reincarnated an is now a wood elf.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
The Game is on.

Whirrr. Click. Smash. "Intruder alert!" Whirr. click. Smash

Tailcatcher<Translated from canine> "Master? why are you a cat? Master Big un-naturals attacking and I can't get to you! Why are you a cat? Yipe! that had to hurt when those big not stone fists pounding on you like that." Tailcatcher watched in horror "Master stop being a cat! Ow! That really had to hurt! Master stop it.!

And the pounding went on. Tailcatcher could see the 2 not statues come to life and pound on Bolo the cat but could do nothing They looked like Aethramyr the knight to Tailcatcher but bigger and much meaner.

(good Goddess! Bolo took 76 points of damage from 4 punches in one round.)

What were they?


First Post
Sounds like golems of some kind. Of course, even iron golems are a bit weak for your level so I'd guess they were either:
A. Extremely advanced
B. Templated with the Monte Cook BoEM contruct template
C. Really half golems of some sort.

For B or C, a cloud, storm, or mountain giant advanced and then templated might get up to the CR 17-19 it would need to be to challenge the Meepites.


Elder-Basilisk said:
Sounds like golems of some kind. Of course, even iron golems are a bit weak for your level so I'd guess they were either:
A. Extremely advanced
B. Templated with the Monte Cook BoEM contruct template
C. Really half golems of some sort.

For B or C, a cloud, storm, or mountain giant advanced and then templated might get up to the CR 17-19 it would need to be to challenge the Meepites.

As a team, sure...but when one of the party members turns himself into a house cat, incurs double AoOs and then readied actions...well....(they were advanced, mind you...but not intended to give as serious a challenge as the Dreamborn Flying Triceratops....but I digress). :D

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Newest Installment.

*awareness. we feed tonight. life force must be quenched.*
The long dormant pile of bones awoke. first a leg bone than a shoulderblade them a vertibrae than a few more bones. *Swarm eat the flesh drain the blood make us whole* The monstrocity came closer building upon itself as it absorbed more of the scarrered bones into itself. the scraping and cutting of the sharp edged calcium blades making Bolo and the Meepites blood run cold. in a matter of moments Dravot, Bolo, Tailcatcher and Zara were engulphed in the mass of long dead bodyparts. Kayleigh shot at it and Bolo let loose a Flamestrike but to no avail. Dravot just smiled and said "I've always wanted to try this." and Healed the creature from the abyss. Aethremyr just had to look sternly at it from that moment on and it fell to dust. Once again Bolo gets eaten by a monster and he isn't even bite sized anymore.

Oh.. if you haven't noticed the last game was all about the Living Saint. Up the sun!

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