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The Wind of Heaven -- RG

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First Post
Maas Illian
Male Air Genasi Swordsage 1//Diviner 1
Alignment: LN
Deity: None
Region: Ustiyad's Court
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Silver, tied into a topknot
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale
Age: 20
XP: 0

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 race]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 race]
Wis: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 race]
Cha: 8 (-1) [2 points, -2 race]

Class and Racial abilities:
Native Outsider
Darkvision 60'
Levitate (CL 5) 1/day
+1 racial bonus on saves vs air spells and effects, +1 more per 5 character levels
Breathless (immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation)
Quick to Act (+1 initiative)
Discipline Focus (+1 to hit with rapier, shortspear, bastard sword, katana, and trident)

Hit Dice: 1d8+2
Hit Points: 10
AC: 13 (+0 Armor, +3 Dex) [Touch 13, Flat-footed 10]
Init: +4 (+3 Dex, +1 Quick to Act)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+0 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +7 [+2 base, +3 Dex, +2 familiar]
Will +3 [+2 base, +1 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +0/+0
Melee Atk: +1 (1d6/18-20/x2, rapier)
Ranged Atk: +4 (1d6/20/x3, thrown shortspear)

Balance			+7 (4 ranks, +3 Dex)
Concentration		+6 (4 ranks, +2 Con, +4 in a duel of wills)
Iaijutsu Focus		+0 (1 cc rank, -1 Cha)
Jump			+4 (4 ranks, +0 Str)
Knowledge: Arcana	+8 (4 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge: History	+6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge: Local	+6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Knowledge: Religion	+6 (2 ranks, +4 Int)
Martial Lore		+8 (4 ranks, +4 Int, +2 for Diamond Mind maneuvers)
Sense Motive		+5 (4 ranks, +1 Wis)
Spellcraft		+8 (4 ranks, +4 Int)
Tumble			+7 (4 ranks, +3 Dex)


Scribe Scroll (Wizard bonus)
Unnerving Calm (1st level)

Common, High Imperial, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan

Spells Known: Necromancy prohibited
0th - (Abj) resistance, (Conj) acid splash, caltrops, (Div) detect magic, (Ench) daze, (Evoc) electric jolt, flare, light, ray of frost, sonic snap, (Trans) mage hand, mending, message, open/close, (Univ) arcane mark, prestidigitation
1st - (Abj) shield, (Conj) mage armor, (Div) true strike, (Evoc) persistent blade, (Illus) color spray, (Trans) feather fall, nerveskitter

Maneuvers Known:
Strikes - Sapphire Nightmare Blade (DM), Shadow Blade Technique (SH)
Counters - Moment of Perfect Mind (DM), Counter Charge (SS)
Boosts - Burning Blade (DW), Distracting Ember (DW)

Stances Known:
Step of the Wind (SS)

rapier, 20g, 2 lbs
2 shortspears, 2g, 6 lbs
backpack, 2g, 2 lbs
~bedroll, 1s, 5 lbs
~winter blanket, 5s, 3 lbs
~spellbook (23 pages used), free, 3 lbs
~small steel mirror, 10g, 0.5 lbs
~dagger, 2g, 1 lb
belt pouch, 1g, 0.5 lbs
~4 fishhooks, 4s, - lbs
~10' fishing line, 1g, - lbs
~flint and steel, 1g, - lbs
~whetstone, 2c, 2 lbs
money pouch, 1g, 0.5 lbs
waterskin, 1g, 4 lbs
spell component pouch, 5g, 2 lbs

12 gp
7 sp
10 cp

Encumbrance: 31.5 lbs (light load)
0-33 light
34-66 medium
67-100 heavy

Podo, ferret (using weasel stats)
Hit Points: 5
AC: 15 (+1 Natural Armor, +2 Dex, +2 size) [Touch 14, Flat-footed 13]
Fortitude +2 [+2 base, +0 Con]
Reflex +4 [+2 base, +2 Dex], Improved Evasion
Will +3 [+2 base, +1 Wis]
Str 3 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 6 Wis 12 Cha 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Prepared Spells and Readied Maneuvers]
0th - detect magic, read magic, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st - true strike, mage armor

Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Shadow Blade Technique, Counter Charge, Distracting Ember[/sblock]


Maas, while a Genasi, doesn't betray his heritage as much as others do; the only true hints are his prematurely silver hair and the slight cool breeze that frequently circles around him. Otherwise, he appears as a thin human of above-average height. He wears his hair in a swordfighter's topknot and rarely does a smile grace his too-serious visage.
Maas devotes all of his energy towards what he believes is the ultimate in fighting techniques: a fusion of the Sublime Way and the arcanist's Art. In his mind, each is half of the perfect discipline. Since the age of 16, he has pursued this dual mastery to the exclusion of all else. He maintains only the barest social presence needed to ensure his place with a master of the Way, and he spends nearly two-thirds of every single day practicing the two paths. If forced into conversation, Maas is direct, blunt, and to the point - often rudely so. Given his choice, the only sounds he utters would be kiai shouts or spell incantations.

Maas was born in the court of Sayed Sheikh Ustiyad al-Rashid ibn Mustad ibn Alamam al-Valis (roughly, Holy Ruler Ustiyad of the righteous path, son of Mustad, son of Alamam of Valis), a Cloud Giant swordmaster of great power, cunning, and cruelty, descended from a short but long-lived line of Cloud Giants that at one point held a significant portion of Valis in their dominion. Maas' birth was well-received in the court, for his parents (an Air Genasi mother and a Half-Air-Elemental father) were both powerful in their own rights and the match was favored by Ustiyad himself, who hoped to breed a new line of powerful - and loyal - Air Genasi. From his birth, Maas was treated well by the Court; given the best tutors and training, all his needs provided for, all his desires granted.
That changed when Ustiyad started to demand results from his decade-long investment. Maas was assigned a series of missions for the giant. Nothing dangerous or important to the success of Ustiyad's schemes, but still intricate and complex, requiring a high degree of effort from Maas - a degree of effort the young Genasi failed to show. For all his life, Maas had been pampered as if he was Ustiyad's own offspring, and he was soft and complacent in his role as Favored Child of the Court. Throughout the next several years, Ustiyad withdrew priviledge after priviledge from the youth as he failed to complete - or, in some cases, even begin - task after task. Enraged by what he saw as a betrayal, Ustiyad finally exiled Maas on his 15th birthday, having him branded with Ustiyad's personal sigil and dumped unceremoniously at the edge of his territory with nothing to his name but a plain set of clothes and a single, unremarkable blade.
The sudden and unexpected (to him) punishment sparked a change in Maas, and from that day he searched for a purpose, a goal to his life. He wandered Valis as a sellsword, participating as a mercenary in several border disputes between rival Elemental Courts, and even stealing food when he had no other choice. That all ended when he met Master Oah. Master Oah was an aged man who lived in a cabin by himself some mile and a half from the nearest village. At the time, Maas hadn't eaten in nearly a week and was half-delirious when he came across the lone cabin. Master Oah took in the teenager and nursed him back to health.
Oah's price for saving Maas was that Maas stay with Oah and learn discipline - either in the Art or in the Sublime Way, for Master Oah was, while neither a swordmaster nor an archmage, learned in both. He tested Maas for both paths and, to his surprise, Maas excelled equally in all the tests he could think of. Maas saw this as his chance, and begged Master Oah to initiate him in both paths. For the next three years, Maas followed Master Oah's every command, suggestion, and whim, growing rapidly in skill and passion for his chosen path.
This idyllic time was limited, however, as even before Maas' apprenticeship, Oah was in ill health. He was ancient for a human and knew his time in the realm of mortals was limited. On his deathbed, he bade Maas to take up his spellbook and his blade and seek out an acquaintance of his named Master Carthis, who would help guide him further along the Sublime Way. Determined to succeed at his Master's legacy, Maas tracked down Carthis and, after relating the events of the last few years and dueling the Master, won a spot at Carthis' remote school.
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First Post
Deren Terrell, LN Fire Genasi warblade//warmage

[sblock=Deren]Deren Terrell
Fire Genasi warblade//warmage
LN Medium outsider (native) (kind of borderline LN/LG, but right now he's a bit too ruthless to be LG in my book)
Deity: none

Init +2 Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Ingan, Auran, High Imperial
AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor), touch 12, flat-footed 14, 17 when adjacent to ally and weilding WR weapon (adjacent allies also get a +1 to AC)

hp 13 (1 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +2 (+3 when not flat-footed due to Battle Clarity) Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee greatsword +3 (2d6+3/19-20/x2)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Ranged thrown dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Ranged ray +3 (crits on nat 20)

Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Abilities Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 14
Feats White Raven Defense
Skills Concentration +5 [4 ranks], Diplomacy +6 [4 ranks], Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (history) +6 [4 ranks], Martial Lore +6 [4 ranks], Spellcraft +6 [4 ranks]
Stances Leading the Charge (WR)
Manuevers Leading the Attack (WR), Sone Bones (SD), Steel Wind (IH)
All 0-level and 1st-level warmage spells
Spell Slots
level 0 - 5
level 1 - 4
greatsword, chain shirt, dagger, clothes, traveling gear

Those in the Imperial City always said Terrellians were difficult. The last to fall to the Astresians, and they never let anyone forget it. It hadn't surprised anyone, that. Five generations before Astres' rise to power, the Efreet Lord Ren Terrell had shocked his peers by taking the daughter of one of his human councilors not as a concubine, but as his wife. Historians in the Imperial capital made it a cynical gesture, as Terrell had desparely needed human soldiers to hold a province threatened by monsters and barbarians. Bards in Terrell still told epic love stories, though few told them elsewhere; Terrellian bards were no more fond than anyone else of Astresian prisons.

But whether motivated by cynicism or love, Ren and his heirs forged a true bond with the humans who had settled their last outpost of civilization. The humans of Terrell fought for their Lord -- Ren Terrell's genasi great-grandson -- when Astres' armies came, just as hard their planetouched fellows did. It was not until Astres brought a third army to bear -- two already having been broken on the walls of Terrell's capital -- that Martaan Terrell gave in to the inevitable, surrendered his city, and offically accepted the Sanction. He could not hold forever against both the Empire and the enemies that had always plagued his province, and appeasing the Astresians was possible.

And a millenia later, Deren Terrell still held to the same philosophy. He wished there was an alternative. But too few would rally to his father's banner if he raised it in rebellion. And the Astresians had never seen fit to deal with the barbarian and monster threats more permanently. If they feared Terrell would go its own way and discard the hated Sanction the second they no longer needed the Empire, well, Deren could not blame them; that fear was quite well grounded in many ways. But in other ways it was groundless, as Terrell did need the Empire.

At least for now. Barten Terrell had sent his son to master the arts of war, spell and sword. Deren wasn't privy to exactly what his father wanted him to do with the skills he expected him to acquire. But he expected that Barten had a plan.

Age: 19
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Fair, with a slight reddish cast

Deren's clothes tend to be simple and elegant, as in the style of most genasi, especially the high aristocracy. He's very tall and wiry, which isn't uncommon among fire genasi.

Fire Genasi abilities
+2 Int, -2 Cha
+1 racial bonus on to saves vs. fire
Darvision 60'
Confrol Flame (sp)

Warblade abilities
Battle Clarity (ex) As long as you are not flat-footed, you gan an insight bonus equal to your Int bonus (max warblade level) on Ref saves
weapon aptitude (ex) Treat fighter level as fighter level + (warblade level - 2 if warblade level >2) for purposes of qualifying for fighter feats; adjust weapon-specific feats with 1 hour training/feat.

Warmage abilties
Armored Mage (light) Warmages can cast warmage spells in light armor.

Warmage Edge Warmages add their Int bonus to the damage dealt by any spell that does damage. If a spell deals damage multiple times (frex, multiple magic missiles), warmage edge only applies the first time damage is dealt.

[sblock=Equipment]Equipment and Encumbrance
cost item weight lb
- carried, worn, or in backback
50 gp greatsword 8 lb
100 gp chain shirt 25 lb
2 gp dagger 1 lb
5 gp signet ring lb
free gp explorer's outfit 8 lb
2 gp backpack 2 lb
0.1 gp bedroll 5 lb
0.02 gp whetstone 1 lb
1 gp waterskin 4 lb
1 gp flint & steel n/a
1.5 gp rations, 3 days 3 lb
0.8 gp signal whistle n/a
5 gp spell component pouch n/a

total cost: 168.42 gp total weight: 57 lb
gold on hand: 31 gp, 2 silver, 8 copper

Carrying Capacity
Light load: 58 lb Medium load: 116 lb Heavy load: 175 lb

[sblock=Default Tactics]
Deren prefers to toss a few spells at an enemy, [fire] for preference, and then charge into melee. If at all possible, he'll try to position himself so allies can take advantage of his White Raven manuevers and stances.

Barten Terrell - Deren's father, a Fire Genasi noble who rules the province of Terrell, and may very well be plotting a break with the Empire

Deren's likely to stay straight warblade//warmage, using the Eclectic Learning alternate class feature in PHB2 to pick up a small number of non-blasting spells.

Deren's likely to be a bit opinionated about the others. He definitely has an agenda, and can have problems with those who he thinks have reasons to be opposed to it, or who he thinks should be full-on supporting it but seem wrapped up in their studies.

Maas: If we were all that indifferent to everything outside of ourselves, the Astresians would be right about us.
Thorn: She's exactly the kind of girl father warned me about. So of course she's my best friend here.
Shin: I don't understand that fellow. Good kid, and a lot tougher than he looks, but he's a strange one.
Zal'Gat: It would be easy to hate him for what he is. The orcish tribes have done more their share of raiding Terrell. Easy, but it wouldn't be right.
Bariel: And even easier to hate Astres' priests than a half-orc. At least I can fight back against the orcs. But a genuinely good man -- which I cannot claim to be myself; much must be done in Terrell's name that a truly good man would disapprove of -- is not someone I can bring myself to hate.
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Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Half-Orc Totemist/Warblade
CG Medium Humanoid
Deity: None (animist)

Init +2 Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common, Orc.
AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor), touch 12, flat-footed 14. 14 when in Punishing Stance, +2 vs. evil creatures.

hp 15 (1 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee Greataxe +5 (1d12+6/x3), +1d6 damage when in Punishing Stance
Melee Handaxe +5 (1d6+4/x3), +1d6 damage when in Punishing Stance
Ranged Throwing Axe +3 (1d6+4/x2), 10ft range increment.

Base Atk +1; Grp +5
Abilities Str 18 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 8
Feats Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Concentration +7 [4 ranks], Listen +4 [4 ranks], Martial Lore +2 [2 ranks], Spot +4 [4 ranks], Survival +2 [2 ranks]
Stances Punishing Stance (IH)
Manuevers Sudden Leap (TC), Moment of Perfect Mind (DM), Steely Strike (IH)
Default Soulmelds
Rageclaws (No penalties when at negative hp, can stay alive at up to -10 – 3*essentia invested hp)
Lammasu Mantle (+2 Deflection modifier to AC vs. Evil Creatures)
Default Allocations
Rageclaws (1/1)
Lammasu Mantle (0/1)
Greataxe, Chain Shirt, Handaxe, Throwing Axe x3, Clothes, Traveling Gear

Zal'Gat (no last name/title because he hasn't yet completed the trials of manhood) was abandoned as an infant by his mother, who bore him after being raped as a tribe of orcs swept through her village. Despite his unusual toughness, he surely would have perished had fortune not intervened. The squalling infant was found by another, different roving band of orcs. Initially taking him for an orc - so prominent was his heritage - they took him in and began raising him.

However, as he grew, despite his strength and toughness it slowly became clear that there was another race's blood flowing through his veins, and slowly he was accorded less and less respect, avoiding death only by his martial prowess and the fact that he was being trained by the tribe's shaman. On the night before his sixteenth birthday - the day when he would normally have attempted the trials of manhood to become a full member of the tribe - the shaman came to him. He explained that if Zal'Gat were to attempt the trials the following day he would surely be killed in the process. He then offered the young warrior a choice. He had spoken to the elders, and demanded the right to give Zal'Gat a different trial.

Zal'Gat was to go forth into the human lands and learn of their ways of battle, becoming a match for any soldier of Astres or minion of the Elemental courts, and only then would he return to the tribe. If he had such powerful knowledge to teach the tribe, the Elders would have little choice but to accord him the rights of a man. To this end, Zal'Gat began travelling into lands strange to him. He learned a few tidbits along the way, but his true tutelage did not begin until he met a student of Master Carthis, who - impressed with the young barbarian's skill - sent him to the province of Embria with a letter of introduction to Carthis himself.

Age: 18
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: Blag
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Grey-green

Zal'Gat usually dresses lightly – apart from his chain shirt – considering the weather in Embria to be over-hot. When going into battle, he is usually adorned with furs and hides of various animals.

Half-Orc Abilities
+2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
+1 racial bonus on to saves vs. fire
Darvision 60'

Battle Clarity (ex) As long as he is not flat-footed, Zal'Gat gains a +0 bonus to reflex saves.
Weapon aptitude (ex) Zal'Gat counts as a fighter of level (warblade level - 2 if warblade level >2) for purposes of qualifying for fighter feats; adjust weapon-specific feats with 1 hour training/feat.

Wild Empathy Zal'Gat may make diplomacy checks with a +0 modifier to influence animals.

[sblock=Equipment]Equipment and Encumbrance
20gp Greataxe, 12 lbs
100gp chain shirt, 25 lbs
6gp Hand Axe, 3 lbs
24gp Throwing Axes, 6lbs
Free Traveler's Outfit, 8 lbs
2 gp Backpack, 2 lbs
0.1 gp Bedroll, 5 lbs
.02 gp Whetstone, 1 lbs
1 gp Waterskin, 4 lbs
1 gp Flint & Steel, -
2.5 gp Rations x5, 5 lbs

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 100 lbs Medium Load: 200 lbs Heavy Load: 300 lbs

[sblock=Default Tactics]
Almost always use punishing stance, against a single powerful foe use Steely Strike and Power Attack to try to drop him quickly. Against a group lead by a more powerful creature, do as above, but activate Sudden Leap to get away afterwards, and drop Punishing Stance.

Maas: He believes he knows the only path to truth, and that is his weakness. He will yet be mastered by that which he refuses to understand.
Thorn: Had she been born in another body, she would have made a fine member of the tribe.
Shin: Clearly one touched by the spirits. To be accorded respect, but never trusted. There may be something deeper hidden behind his madness.
Deren: A strong man, but one to watch. Whatever beliefs he may profess, his father's soldiers still kill my people when they can.
Bariel: His faith makes him strong, but also stiff. He will learn in time that there are greater truths than his.


First Post
Name: Thorn
Race: Tiefling
Class/Level: Gestalt Beguiler 1 / Swordsage 1
Gender: Female
Exp: 0/1000

Desc: Thorn is pretty enough for those that like the type...dark and mysterious, with medium raven-black hair pulled back in a tail and peculiar eyes the color of blooming violets. Her skin is very fair, almost pale, but never gets sunburned. She wears tight fitting clothes that highlight her slim, athletic figure without revealing skin; favoring the high contrast of dark, muted colors with highlights of bright ones or white. What could be a somewhat sinister look is made much less so by how she's so often smiling or laughing, though anyone who knows her can tell how a moment's notice is all she needs to produce a slim fencing blade or a fistful of daggers from -somewhere- on her person.

[sblock]Strength (STR) 8
Dexterity (DEX) 18
Constitution (CON) 12
Intelligence (INT) 16
Wisdom (WIS) 14
Charisma (CHA) 12

Alignment: Chaotic
AC: 14 (10 + 4 dex)
Buffed AC: 18 (+4 armor)
Hit Points: 9/9
Movement: 30

Init: +5
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee Attack: -1
Ranged Attack: +4
Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +4

Race Abilities
+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Native Outsider
60' darkvision
5 fire, cold, lightning resistance
+2 Bluff, +2 Hide

Class Abilities:
Armored Mage (Light)

Quick to Act +1
Discipline Focus (shadow hand): Weapon Focus

Skills: 36
Bluff +7 (4 ranks + 1 cha + 2 race)
Concentration +5 (4 ranks + 1 Con)
Hide +10 (4 ranks + 4 dex + 2 race)
Martial Lore +7 (4 ranks + 3 int)
Move Silently +8 (4 ranks + 4 dex)
Spot +6 (4 ranks + 2 wis)
Listen +6 (4 ranks + 2 wis)
Sense Motive +6 (4 ranks + 2 wis)
Tumble +8 (4 ranks + 4 dex)

Shadow Trickster

Spells (Beguiler) - Base DC 13
0 - 5/5, 1 - 4/4

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic
1 - Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self,Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep,Undetectable Alignment, Whelm, Ventriloquism

Manuevers Known
Setting Sun
Counter Charge
Mighty Throw

Shadow Hand
Shadow Blade Technique
Clinging Shadow Strike

Diamond Mind
Sapphire Nightmare Blade
Moment of Perfect Mind

- Shadow Blade Technique
- Clinging Shadow Strike
- Counter Charge
- Sapphire Nightmare Blade

- Island of Blades

Money - 33gp

Weapons -
Short Sword
3 Daggers

Armour -
- Traveller garb

Gear -
2 belt pouches
Spell Component Pouch

2 vials of Acid
2 smokesticks
2 jars of alchemist's fire

Magic -


Maas: Takes swordplay WAY too seriously. Not that it's not worth commitment, but there's committed...and there's "committed to an asylum," and Maas is teetering on that line.
Zal'Gat: Not as mean as he looks, which is useful.
Shin: TBD
Deren: TBD
Bariel: TBD

(note, I need to review the other PC's descriptions to form the opinions. I'll post Thorn's BG in her sheet soon as well.)
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James Heard

OK, here's Shin. I'm still debating the wisdom of running through every iota of his money buying armor and a greatsword, but on the other hand for an Elan it makes a certain amount of sense I guess.

Male Elan Gestalt Warblade/Ardent 1/1
CG Medium Aberration
Init +1; Senses Listen +3 Spot +5
Languages Common, High Imperial
AC 16 , touch 11, flat-footed 15; + 1 dex, +5 armor
hp 12 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +1( +2), Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +4 Greatsword 2d6 +2
Ranged +2
Special Actions Enhanced Elan Resistance, Punishing Stance
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Combat Gear Greatsword
Ardent Powers Known (6 PP, CL 1th, +2 ranged touch, +3 melee touch):
  • 1st— (DC 14) Mind Thrust, Offensive Prescience
Primary Psionic Mantles: Conflict, Mental
Maneuvers Readied:Sapphire Mind Blade, Steel Wind, Steely Strike
Maneuvers Known: Sapphire Mind Blade, Steel Wind, Steely Strike
Stances Known: Punishing Stance
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10
SQ Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves), Naturally Psionic, Resistance (Su), Resilience (Su), Repletion (Su), Weapon Aptitude, Psionic Mantles (2)
Feats All Simple Weapon Proficiencies, Martial Melee Weapon Proficiencies, All Armor Proficiencies, Shield Proficiency (except for Tower Shield), Enhanced Elan Resilience, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Skills Autohypnosis +7, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Tumble +5
Experience Points: 0
Possessions combat gear plus clothes on his back.
Age: 19 Height: 5'4 Weight: 120lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Blue
Physically Shin is a rather good-looking boy, if a little dull sometimes in his expressions. His straight black hair would fall to his knees if it weren't meticulous braided and attended to without complaint by some of the other servants in Master Carthis' school who more or less treat him as if he were some relation who had been born a little bit off. His steel-blue eyes peek out from underneath a strong brow contrasting with his smooth, nut-brown skin that he comes naturally by. Most people are a little distracted by Shin conversationally, as he rarely makes eye-contact and often seems to not be paying attention to them. All in all, Shin usually gives the impression of either being tragically confused or frighteningly perceptive.

As an Elan without proper control over his psionic metabolism, when Shin is wounded till he bleeds his blood is sometimes black and stringy and often moves in strange ways that have very little to do with physics or gravity. Sometimes his blood actually leaps off his opponents blade and back into his body before the wound reseals. Thankfully only Master Carthis and some of the past students have properly seen this happen, as it begins to happen even less often as he enters his Elan majority and that otherworldly creature begins to assert itself better.

Shin walked into Master Carthis' school one day as a small boy. No one could rightly say where he was from, and every attempt to keep the child away from the school was ultimately unsuccessful. One of the servants would put him out on the front step, and days later he'd still be quietly sitting there exactly where he was left. When he first came to the school he was quite mute and somewhat broken in the head apparently, owing his name only to the single episode of violence in those years - when one of the Astresian cooks was finished lecturing him on the the refinements of Astresian religion the boy walked up to her and kicked her quite soundly, not stopping until the poor woman was in tears and proclaiming all manner of insanity about the child.

When Shin was about ten he entered the training area, picked up a blade and began training. When questioned directly about what he was doing he shrugged and simply said his first word ever uttered at the school: "The song parts the sunset."

Not knowing exactly what to do with that, he was allowed to join the training.

Eventually, Shin began talking more and less cryptically, though occasionally a shadow still crosses his face and he'll make a bizarre utterance of some sort. He's still set far apart from the other students, often working without sleep or complaint for weeks at a time on setting stones in colorful patterns in the courtyard or scrubbing the floors of the entire school on his hands and knees with an obscene grin on his face.

[sblock=Stuff No One Knows Yet]
Shin's real story is no less strange, and involves a tale of a desperate creature of the elemental courts wounded during an assassination attempt. Left for dead, the dying Elan made a deal with a young orphaned child to save them both. The resilience of the dying courtier kept them both alive, but the desperate and unprecedented nature of their joining at the boys young age has left them both a bit unbalanced. As the boy's body has grown larger and stronger though, the wiser of the two has began to finally have more room to establish itself. The two minds are both more complexly intertwined than is normal for their kind and somehow less integrated. Soon will come the day when the magic is normally performed on young men and women though, and it is with both keen expectation and dread that the confused boy creature that appears so serene looks toward the day when his parts come to be whole.

Shin's devotion to the blade is without parallel. Not only does he often devote incredibly long days to his martial studies, he does so without complaint or comment. Shin rarely speaks directly to anyone unless he is spoke to, though as his birthday draws near there seems to be some sort of radical personality change lurking behind his eyes and waiting to happen. To those who know him best it's often frightening and somewhat predatory, as if by reaching some arbitrary standard of adulthood a harsh burden might be laid upon his shoulders.

Shin tries to stay out of combat because taking damage confuses him still. When he does he enter combat he wades into melee with in psionic focus and with his Offensive Prescience on to increase his damage, using his psionic metabolism to reduce damage and avoid strange looks from others.

L1>Warblade/Ardent HP: 12 (12+0) SP: +20 (5 maxed)
Class Skill List: Autohypnosis, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Heal, Jump, Knowledge, Martial Lore, Profession, Psicraft, Swim, Tumble
Skills: Autohypnosis(Wis) 4 ranks, Concentration(Con) 4 ranks, Sense MotiveCC(Wis) 2 ranks, SpotCC(Wis) 2 ranks, Tumble(Dex) 4 ranks, Diplomacy(Cha) 4 ranks

1st Feat:
Languages: Common, High Imperial (or some other ancient, refined, etc language)

0000 traveler's outfit (one free outfit to hide naked adventurers)
0050 greatsword
0150 chainmail
0 GP
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Brian Compton

First Post
Name: Bariel Qua-min
Race: Human
Classes: Warblade/Cleric
Religion: Astres
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Brown, with a short beard
Eyes: Hazel

STR 15 (+2); DEX 14 (+2); CON 10 (+0); INT 12 (+1); WIS 16 (+3); CHA 10 (+0)

Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +5 Init: +2 HP: 12

AC: 19 (Regular), 17 (Flat-footed), 12 (Touch), -2 when in Punishing Stance

Skills: Balance 6, Concentration 4, Craft: Weapon 5, Knowledge: Religion 5, Tumble 6

Feats: EWP (Bastard Sword); Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword ); Shield Specialization (Heavy Steel)

Maneuvers: Steel Tornado (IH)- strike two opponents with one attack
Charging Minotaur (SD)- charging bull rush does 2d6+2 dmg., pushes back
Stone Bones (SD)- grants DR 5/adamantine for one round

Stances: Punishing Stance (IH)- +1d6 to damage, -2 to AC

Bastard Sword +4 Attack 1d10+2 Damage
Heavy Mace +3 Attack 1d8+2 Damage
Add +1d6 when in Punishing Stance

Typical Spell List/Day: 0- Detect Magic (x2), Guidance; 1- Bless, Divine Power, Magic Weapon (Domain)

Equipment for Bariel:

Bastard Sword: 35 gp, 6 lbs. Attack Bonus: +4 Damage: 1d10+2 Crit: 19-20/x2

Heavy Mace: 12 gp, 8 lbs. Attack Bonus: +3 Damage: 1d8+2 Crit: 20/x2

Scale Mail: 50 gp, 30 lbs. Armor Bonus: +4 Max Dex: +3 Armor Penalty: -4

Heavy Steel Shield: 20 gp, 15 lbs. Armor Bonus: +2 Armor Penalty: -2

Spell Component Pouch: 5 gp, 2 lbs.

Silver Holy Symbol: 25 gp, 1 lb.

Backpack: 2 gp, 2 lbs.

Bedroll: 1 sp, 5 lbs.

Winter Blanket: 5 sp, 3 lbs.

Flint and Steel: 1 gp

Whetstone: 2 cp, 1 lb.

Hooded Lantern: 7 gp, 2 lbs.

3 pints oil: 3 sp, 3 lbs.

Money left over: 42 gp, 8 cp

As for how Bariel will relate to everyone, he'll be a little stand-offish, since he can't actively
preach the good news of Astres to half-breeds and non-humans, but he doesn't feel like such people should be excluded from his company. He'll also defend them from anyone who would persecute them in the name of Astres.

Bariel was from Embria, the home of Master Carthis' school. However, the school never held any appeal for him. In fact, there was nothing that he felt at all passionate about. He was going to stay in Embria all his days and live as a goat-herder in the mountains. But that was before the coming of Osram, Prelate of Astres.

The faith of Astres was not very strong in the hinterlands; the imperial presence was minimal, and other than knowing Astres existed the people didn't think of him much. And so Osram, a travelling priest and administrator, found very little foundation for his work. He attempted to put life into the faith in Embria, but just didn't have much luck.

Except for Bariel.

Something about Osram's stories of Astres and the ousting of the elemental lords kindled a fire inside the young man. He had found a passion he'd never known before, and he could not contain it. Osram knew that he had accomplished something- if even one zealot of the faith could come from this backwater, he was successful. But he also knew that Bariel could not stay here and continue to grow in knowledge of the holy Astres. Osram inducted Bariel into the mysteries of the faith, and then encouraged him to induct himself in Carthis' school to learn the way of the sword- Astres' way.

And so Bariel began his training. However, he found it difficult. Master Carthis did not discriminate in his choice of students, and so there were many violators of the Sanction amongst the classes. But, Bariel could not find anything to hate about them. If anything, he wondered why a loving god like Astres would exclude others as His own people had once be excluded. This did not cause him to waver in his faith, but merely to pray and study more.

In time, he grew in faith and strength, becoming both an acolyte of Astres and a swordsman of skill. Now he is ready to set out and bring the faith to others- and see what this faith really means.
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