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Theandric Saga OOC


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This is the OOC thread for the [smallcaps]Theandric Saga[/smallcaps], for discussion and player resources. The first few posts are by me (Yair), and will be updated as needed to reflect the current state of affairs in the saga; you can always come here for an up-to-date character sheet or other resources.

The [smallcaps]Theandric Saga[/smallcaps] is a Play-by-Post campaign of Ars Magica Fifth Edition, set in the Rhine tribunal. You may want to check out the IC thread or read the synopsis.

PbP Metarules
At any given scene, you may control any grog(s), your magus character, and your companion character if they're present. I encourage you to assume expected interactions with NPCs and other characters; sometimes you'll be wrong, but waiting for a response (say, for an answer to your question) can slow down the game needlessly. Do not, however, assume actions of other player characters beyond the trivial ones - let the others play their characters.
For a given adventure, I would usually expect to see one major character (magus or companion) per player, plus a turb of grogs/covenfolk played jointly. But if you've got two main characters on the scene, or want to "lay claim" to a certain grog as your character or whatever, feel free to do so.
I expect every player to have one magus and perhaps one companion character. You may take grogs from the example covenant at the Atlas site, or make your own; remember there are only a few covenfolk overall (see the covenant description below).
Post at least once every two days, except on weekends. The more you post, the better. If someone fails to post for two days, his character may be NPCd until he shows signs of independent life.
You may make your own rolls, or you may just describe your action (in which case I will roll for you).
If you have a question, post it on the OOC thread or as an OOC note in the IC thread.
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The Covenant of Teneo

Updated Nov 20 2005; Season 0 from foundation, Winter of 1220 AD
Founded on Winter 1220 AD

For a long time in the ancient past, the old records say, the site of Teneo was occupied by the Hermetic covenant of Rethra, although it wasn't at the covenant proper (which lies some 20-30 miles to the east). It is unclear when it was abandoned, perhaps as late as 1202.
Rethra was an ancient covenant, predating the Order itself. Its magi served as pagan priests, at least for a time, but it has fallen into deep Winter and when the Knights of the Sword came in 1202 to pillage and destroy it, they found nothing but empty ruins.

Currently, the site is a snow covered plateau on a clifftop, with a circle of standing stones as its center and the remains of a few wooden buildings around it. Some may be habitable with but little work, which is suprising given the time it was allegedly abandoned, but most are in utter ruins and need to be taken down. The place needs to be rebuilt, and it is for this purpose that Fengheld has provided you with artisans and mundane resources to oversee the construction.
The forest encircles the plateau, spreading from its sides onto the side of the road. From both of the cliff's sides, a trek through the forest outskirts will lead, with some climbing, to the site. The cliff is large enough and the lay of the land is such that the place is not visible from the road or sorounding countryside; only the cliff is visible, not its top.

The communal (grog) characters are: Heinrich the Swordman, Frank the Tough, Baldermar the Thief, Old Magd the Wise, Pavel the Shapeshifter, and Puck the Goblin-Blooded [one covenfolk "missing"], and the specialists Hans the Carpenter, Gottfried the Scribe, Aldrich the Handyman, and Rodolph the Chef.

Pacts and Obligations
None yet. [I'll put the character of the covenant here, along with any pacts, documents, obligations, or similar thingies.]

Fengheld has provided Teneo with mundane craftsmen and resources to construct the covenant, as well as a few books and some raw vis pawns. Stentorius has made it clear that this generosity should go unrewarded, and hinted that a pregenitor may visit the covenant shortly.


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Kajamba Lion's Characters

Updated Nov 20 2005

Journeyman Octavian of House Tremere,, member of the Apple Gild
Season 0 from gauntlet; age 25 (25)
Tall and somewhat handsome, Octavian has a decidedly academic air to him - he is clearly not a soldier. He wears plain robes and clothing, and frequently carries an elaborate staff.
He is little known outside Hermetic circles, and unlikely to be recognized by mundanes.
Magi may recognize him as the filius of Daria la Gris, a prominent political leader in the Apple Gild whose name and influence extends to other Tribunals.

Octavian's magic is elemental in nature, and he shows great interest in military engineering.

Companion Eric Waldst
Age 25 (25)
Eric's most prominent feature is his missing eye. He is typically seen hiding in some shadows, his black cloak hiding a short sword and light armor.
Eric is well known as a robber in the Alsace-Lorraine, and there are a number of nobles who would show keen interest in his whereabouts.

Grog Giovanni Angiulo
Age 65 (65)
Giovanni is an Italian artisan, an architect and siegeworks engineer. He is an old man afflicted with arthritis, depressed, and a slave to the drink.
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MummyKitty's Characters

Updated Oct 12 2005

Journeyman Titus Creperius of House Jerbiton, member of the Apple Gild
Season 0 from gauntlet; age 28 (28)
Titus appears as a handsome man with short cropped brownish hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and a slight frame. He is dressed as a minor noble.
Travelers from Italy or Sicily may recognize him as the rake son of the Bronchelli family, rumored to have been sent to France after infuriating the Douche of Venice. His liaison with the douche's daughter was quite famous, for a while.
Rhine magi may recognize him as the filius of Master Peter of Fengheld, known for his interest in vines and wine. He is otherwise not well known in the tribunal.

Titus is a student of mundane sculpture and architecture, of an ancient Mercurian tradition. He is an expert in Terram and Intellego, and a creative innovator.

Companion Hakon Olaffson
Age 22 (22)
Hakon is a large man, standing almost two meters tall, with long red hair like many of his Danish countryman. He is a quiet man, with but rudimentary control of the Slavic or German tongue. A woodsman and capable carpenter, Hakon seems to enjoy the privacy and solitude that goes along with being the covenant's woodsman.

Covenfolk Mattihus
Age 45 (45)
Gray haired Mattihus has lived in and traveled around Pomerania all his life, and spends much of his time telling or trading gossip. He is definitely the man to go to if you want to find out anything about Pomerania, and the last person to talk to if you want a secret kept. He is in frequent contacyt with nearby villages, and his excellent brewed mead makes him welcome in all of them.


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Strahd's Characters

Updated Oct 25 2005

Journeyman Gorgamesh of House Criamon, member of the Oak Gild
Season 0 from gauntlet; age 25 (25)
Gorgamesh is a horribly disfigured figure, a hunchback with Criamon tattoos and a revolting appearance.
Raised from infancy in the covenant, Gorgamesh is not well known in mundane society.
Magi may recognize him as the filius of Master Cato, a Criamon member of Durenmar whose work on magic theory and source of mystical auras is respected throughout the Order. He has yet to develop a reputation of his own.

Gorgamesh's magic focuses on Vim and Corpus, and he is particularly interested in Divine power.

Troubador Malloc
Age 22 (22)
Malloc is a cheerful troubador, always on hand to entertain with his singing and lute. His enchanting music can move the coldest heart.


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Nzld's Characters

Updated Oct 25 2005

Journeyman Valeria Libidia of House Verditius, member of the Apple Gild
Season 0 from gauntlet; age 24 (24)
Valeria is a beautiful young woman with long flowing black hair, and a voluptous figure. She wears a luxurious fur-lined cape over an elegant embroided robe, and carries several silver trinkets, charms, and jewelry.
She is well known as "the whore from Durenmar", and tales of her promiscuous nature have traveled far and wide. Her status as the fillia of Gudrun Tigurina, the Artificer of Durenmar and probably one of the most powerful Verditius magi in the Order, is somewhat overshadowed by these tales.

Valeria's is famous for working her magic in the nude. She is also suprisingly capable in Corpus and Mentem magic, for her age; but most find this far less interesting.

Custos Volkmar
Age 35 (35)
Volkmar is a mountain of a man, over 2.5 meters [7 feet] tall, with proportions that suggest an incredibly muscled physique. His body is always concealed beneath layers of wraps, clothing, and armor, however. Even his face is hidden behind a silver mask, only a hint of strange emerald eyes glittering through to pierce the world.
Amongst the magi and covenfolk of Durenmar, Volkmar is well regarded as an immensly powerful and stalwart warrior, with keen insight and intellect, but with a volatile temperament.


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Sphynx's Characters

Updated Nov 20 2005

Journeyman Dylan Llev of House Merinitia, member of the ???? Gild
Age 32 (20)
Dylan looks far younger than he is. He is very thin and fey like, with pointy ears and unnaturally colored hair. He maintains Celtic traditions such as a Celtic tattoo on his arm, and Celtic earings. Occasionally he is seen in the company of a small mischivious sylph.
He has gained no fame yet, and is probably unknown to magi and mundanes alike.

His magic is typically faerie, and focuses on Auram effects, altough he is particularly potent with Rego.

Companion Lupus
Age 16 (16)
Lupus is a mysterious, feral, young man, always seen in the company of a great white wolf that he claims is his brother.


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Tribunal Description

The covenant is located in western Pomerania, in the northern part of the tribunal close to the covenants of Crintera and Ocularum. The land is under the control of Denmark, but no noble currently claims this particular isolated place. [German reconquest may, or may not, happen at 1227.] It lies on top of a large dark forest, near a lake. A few villages exist nearby, a monastery is not far off, and the nearest city is Rostock some 50 miles to the west (lying on the shores of the Baltic sea). The land is hilly, with patches of dark forests and lakes, and clusters of villages and farmland. Most of the populace speaks German, but a significant portion speaks Slavic.

The tribunal has about 150 magi, wielding over 200 votes. These include about a dozen archmagi, and three primi. Most magi reside in covenants, about a dozen are eremite [hermits], and some are peregenitores [guests, not accounted as members in any covenant].
Crintera, domus magnus of House Bjornaer, lies 70 miles to the north on the island of Rugen. Of its six magi, you are probably familiar with Urgen, the infamous leader of the Hawthorn gild, Falke, an influential Linden gild member and prima of Bjornaer, and Phyllia, the gossip of the tribunal.
Ocularum lies 100 miles to the west, in the city of Lubeck. You have probably heard of Henri there, the leader of the Apple gild.
You are familiar with Durenmar, in the black forest some 350 miles to the south-west, and its Great Library. The leader of tribunal, Praeco Archmaga Prima Murion, lives there, so does the senior Quaesitor Caecilius and the senior redcap Horst, and the notorious Philipus Niger of Flambeau, leader of the Ash gild.
You are also acutely familiar with Fengheld, some 150 miles to the south-west, the biggest covenant with many chapter houses and probably your home covenant. It is led by the strict Stentorius, exarch of the Tremere.
There are, of course, many other magi in the tribunal, and you may have heard of any of them.

Political factions in the tribunal can be described in terms of Gilds:[sblock]Gilds
Every magus character should choose one Gild to belong to. A gild is much like a political party, it holds no formal weight or authority in Hermetic law but can have a lot of political weight and social implications. The following gilds are available to choose from:
  • Apple A young but growing gild, prominent amongst Jerbiton magi and led by the covenant of Ocularum that resides in the trade city Lubeck. The Apple gild seeks to see magi integrated into mundane society, and as accepted and respected members of society. Its members often admire mundane art, scholarship, or God. Apple magi tend to condone interference with mundanes as long it is respectful of them, and support lenient interpretations of the Code in that respect. They condemn and oppose taking harsh measures against mundanes and the Church in particular. Many of its members interact with mundane society as merchants, scholars, or de facto nobles.
  • Ash A small but exclusive gild, led by Philipus Niger scholae Flambeau of Durenmar, and including quite a few Flambeau and Tytalus magi. Ostensibly the gild promotes the idea that magi are superior to other mundanes and beings, and should be treated accordingly. In practice, they condone violations of the Code and promote lenient interpretations of it, especially condoning the use of force. They oppose any attempt to limit the power of magi or force temperance or patience. But above all, they concern themselves with hunting down and rooting out enemies of the Order. A few of its members are pagans, and are suspected of subtantially (and illegally) supporing pagan religion.
  • Elder Effectively led by Handri, the Primus of Merinitia, this gild is almost synonymous with Merinitia magi. It promotes respect for faeries, from both mundanes and magi. It tends to support paganism, and often violently opposes Church and mundane encroachment. It opposes attempts to reconcile Hermetic and mundane society as misguided, efforts of reconciliation with the Church as dangerous, and actions that impinge on faeries and faerie auras as almost sacrilegious. Most of its members are pagans, although some merely see the faeries as sources of enlightment rather than gods.
  • Hawthorn Led by the infamous Urgen, former Primus of Bjornaer, this is a small but loud gild. It maintains that the answers to today's problems lie in the primeval magical powers that lie at the heart of the great forests of Germany, in its animal spirits, in the inherent and ancient magic of the land. The gild vehemently opposes mundane and Church encroachment, and even extends this treatment to Faerie which it sees as a pollution of the purely magical. Its members tend to support actions that prevent mundane or Church encroachment, lenient interpretations of the Code, and respect antiquety and old age. They condemn contact with mundanes, respect for faeries, and above all defilement or depletion of magical places. Hawthorn magi have been known to devestate entire settlements and overturn Faerie auras.
  • Linden A powerful gild led by Occultes scholae Bonisagus of Durenmar. Linden magi promote the secrecy of the Order, stealth, and subterfuge. They abhor violent, flashy solutions whether in mundane or arcane matters, and encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts. Many of them are noncombatants, and relatively many are eremite (“lonely”) magi. Many of them denounce the worldliness of the Order, and espouse a more secluded and esoteric existence.
  • Oak By far the largest gild, led by Murion scholae Bonisagus of Durenmar and supported by Stentorius scholae Tremere of Fenghled, it also has the most vague agenda. Ostensibly it strives to uncover ancient primeval secrets, maintain Hermetic law and order, and protect the wilderness, magi, and the Order. In practice it forms a large mass of undecided votes on nearly every issue, which even its leaders find hard to control. Oak votes tend to support caution, investigation, and deferment; they tend to oppose new and untraditional ideas, tribunal-wide decisions and obligations, and anything that may be even slightly dangerous to the Order. Many of its magi simply follow their leader’s vote, trusting in his or her judgment.
There are approximately 130 magi in the Rhine Tribunal. In such a small group, politics are by necessity a matter of personal relations as much as political opinions. The following are the most noteworthy magi in the tribunal, and as such those that carry the most political weight. They are presented roughly in the order of their influence. [sblock]Twenty Noteworthy Personalities of the Rhine Tribunal
Archmaga Murion of House Bonisagus, from the covenant of Durenmar, is probably the most influential political figure in the tribunal. Praeco, Prima of Bonisagus, and leader of the Oak Gild and the second-largest and perhaps most important covenant, she holds considerable legal and political power. Her supporters see her as a resolute and adamant leader, working tirelessly to return the House and Tribunal to their past glory. She emphasizes the importance of Hermetic research to increase the power of the Order, works to improve the training of apprentices and the education of magi, and to contain the more hot-headed members of the tribunal. Her detractors paint her as a judgmental and stubborn old woman, too concerned with personal and House ambition and resentful of any true innovation. As Prima, she has been known to occasionally use her power to force House-wide votes in matters that were more to do with Oak policy. She is equally renowned, however, for looking after and supporting her fellow Bonisagus magi.

Archmagus Stentorius of House Tremere, from the covenant of Fengheld, is another figure of tremendous political impact. Exarch (leader of the Tremere in the tribunal) and leader of the largest covenant in the tribunal, he has great influence on other magi, especially in the Oak Gild. He is seen as an uncompromising and demanding leader, that pushes his followers to their best and has great personal integrity and wisdom. His detractors see him as overly rigid, stuck in old traditions and beliefs that no longer apply in the modern world. As the leader of Fengheld he brought it to great strength, until its power now rivals Durenmar itself. As exarch he is considered a strict but fair commander, and never abuses his position for personal or Oak interests.

Occultes of House Bonisagus, from the covenant of Durenmar, leads the Linden Gild, the second largest faction in Rhine politics. In sharp contrast to the leaders of the Oak Gild, Occultes is a friendly and kind man, liked more than respected by his fellow Gild members. Indeed, the Gild's most powerful members are eremite (that is, secluded) magi, who let the friendly Gildmaster speak (and often vote) on their behalf rather than soil themselves in Hermetic politics. It is perhaps little wonder that Occultes speaks of the virtues of a more secretive Order, isolated from mundane society and concerns. He is surprisingly cunning, and famous for successfully designing and carrying out subtle ploys to preserve the Order's interests with no one even realizing that they were manipulated.

Falke of House Bjornaer, from the covenant of Crintera, is respected throughout the tribunal as a level-headed and eloquent speaker. She is the new Prima of Bjornaer, elected after convincing House and Tribunal into a policy of isolation and prudence in handling the conquest of Ruden. She is a prominent member of the Linden Gild, but is seen as too young and naive by most members of the tribunal. Even the former Primus, Urgen, sees her as misguided, a victim of her youth and inexperience.

Handri of House Merinitia, from the covenant of Irencillia, leads the covenant and House. He is a very secretive man, and none seem to know his designs. Although he doesn't officially lead the Elder Gild, he is considered its de facto leader. Gild and House meld into one for him, and he will often declare Gild policy as House policy. He is highly respected in Merinitia circles, and often speaks to protect faeries from molestation or mundane encroachment.

Archmaga Vinaria of House Merinitia, of the covenant of Irencillia, is highly respected throughout the tribunal. Former Prima of Merinitia, she is considered the most advanced in the House's Mysteries. Since her return from what was considered her Final Twilight she has not tried to depose Handri, but many feel she is his superior in every way.

Archmagus Urgen of House Bjornaer, from the covenant of Crintera, is widely respected and feared. Former Primus of Bjornaer, he is considered one of the most powerful magi of the Order, his wisdom stemming from the deepest roots of the primeval magical forests of Germany. He has lately resigned as Primus after being rebuked at Tribunal for killing and driving off mundanes, and now devotes his time to leading the Hawthorn Gild, promoting the sanctity of nature and pushing for a more active role in defending the wilderness. His views extend to reclaiming lost natural places, including Faerie auras which he claims are a pollution of a Magical aura, a view that does not endear him to Merinitia magi. Even his supporters concede that he is warmongering and hot-headed, but he is also an impressive, powerful man with piercing wisdom and great knowledge.

Henri de Tours of House Jerbiton, of the covenant of Ocularum, is seen by more and more magi as the voice of the future in the tribunal. He leads the covenant of Ocularum in the trade city of Lubeck, where he is known as a merchant prince. He further leads the Apple Gild, which is growing in influence. Henri and his supporters espouse humility before god, and knowing one's place within mundane society. They say that magi can, and should, ingratiate themselves into mundane society, and in time gain acceptance just like merchants or other not-so-holy mundanes. Henri's detractors see him as a greedy man whose dangerous ideas may bring ruin to the whole Order. His supporters see him as a visionary paving the way to the future.

Daria La Gris of House Tremere, leader of the covenant of Triamore, is another key figure in Apple politics. Like Henri, she supports a more lenient interpretation of the Code to allow interactions with mundanes. Unlike him, she is not impressed with mundane religion or scholarship, and simply seeks to live in her castle as a lord would in his, claiming that by doing so she is not interfering with mundane society at all. Essentially, she expects the mundanes to just come to terms with the fact that a wizard, rather than a noble, controls the covenant and its lands; although she does not couch it in such terms. She is seen as a politically shrewed player, as evidenced by her keen leadership of Triamore that somehow always managed to escape Quaesitor censure. Her influence is strong in some parts of the Apple Gild, and extends to other Gilds and even Tribunals.

Archmagus Philipus Niger of House Flmabeau, from the covenant of Durenmar, is probably the most feared magus in the tribunal. He leads the Ash Gild, which under his leadership has exposed and Marched several Enemies of the Order, and pushed several landmark Tribunal decisions condoning overt use of magic. His bloody reputation and mastery of Perdo has won him respect and fear throughout the Order, but those who get to know him speak of a man deeply troubled over the threats to the Order, a man whose thoughts span decades and centuries and with an abiding love and loyalty to the Order. His detractors whisper quietly that this man is also insane, consumed with bloodlust, and has lost any connection to the true threats to the Order. He current concern is the Order of Odin, which he is convinced functions covertly even as south as the northern Rhine river, and forms the only serious long-term threat to the Order's very survival.

Iacov of House Merinitia, from the covenant of Irencillia, is Handri's filius and the official leader of the Elder Gild. He is widely seen as a weak figure (though capable magus), a mouthpiece for Handri. He is as secretive as his parens, and less respected.

Archmagus Caecilius of House Bonisagus, from the covenant of Durenmar, is the senior Quaesitor and the greatest living exponent of Intellego in the Order. In later years he has limited his activity to Tribunals and is reluctant to use magic, but his keen insights and unscrupulous reputation remain solid.

Tamdaline of House Bonisagus and the covenant of Durenmar is notable as she is Murion's right hand. She maintains correspondence with all Bonisagus magi, and is an influential figure in her House and, to some extent, the Oak Gild.

Andrus of House Bonisagus is the chief librarian of Durenmar, controlling access to the Great Library. This earns him a measure of respect as none want to cross him, but he is generally thought to be a weak man under Murion's power and overly consumed with library duties to bring his, admittedly brilliant, mind to bear on magical research.

Horst is the senior Redcap of the tribunal, overseeing the Mercer House in Fengheld. He is also renowned for his writing quality, and his clear books on the foundations of Magic Theory are known to any apprentice in the Tribunal. Although he isn't Gifted, Horst is greatly respected and his council and perfect memory often sought at Tribunal.

Eule of House Bjornaer from Fengheld covenant is renowned for her great wisdom and good advice. She was once the senior Quaesitor, but retired. She now spends all her time in her owl (heartbeast) form, and her filius (Gunther Lupus) is required to communicate with her.

Phyllia of House Bjornaer is the gossip of the tribunal, traveling in eagle form all over the tribunal exchanging gossip. Every Bjornaer magus is sure to meet her at least once a year, and even non-Bjornaer magi are often graced by her visit. She has a talent for luring even the most stubborn magus into a conversation, but many do their best to avoid her as they feel she is spying for Crintera and her House.

Adea of House Bjornaer from Crintera is renown for her foresight and divinatory powers. She is considered one of the most powerful seers of the Order.

Archmagus Igor Rastvan of House Ex Miscellanea from Rostov covenant may very well be the only Ex Miscellanea archamagus in the Order. He is a devout pagan Slav, a master of elemental powers, and a friend of Philipus Niger and member in the Ash Gild.

Archmagus Schwall of House Bjornaer is an eremite renowned for his understanding of Bjornaer Mysteries. His whereabouts are unknown, but he occasionally attends Tribunal.

There are four more archmagi in the tribunal, intentionally left vague at this point, as well as other magi that may come to bear. The above list also fails to note some of the covenant's leaders, when these do not have a wider influence.[/sblock]


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The Black Stag attacked a redcap, and was disuaded from furthering his assult. Drawing seven lines in the ground, it retreated to the forest's depths. After the night's rest and some discussion, the magi all made a binding oath, founding Teneo. They interrogated the redcap, and put together an expedition that is even now headed towards a nearby pagan village...
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We use the rules in Ars Magica Fifth Edition, plus the rules of Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal. In addition, we use the Temper system, detailed below.
When making a character, follow the rules of AM5, choose a Gild, and assign Tempers to personality traits. You may take the Gild Trained virtue from GotF.

Tempers: [sblock]Tempers
Although you may choose any Personality Trait that you want in Ars Magica 5th Edition, I ask that you assign each personality trait to a Temper. There are seven tempers, each corresponding to a virtue and one of the seven deadly sins; positive personality traits relate to the virtue, negative ones relate to the sin. Tempers exist mainly to aid you in obtaining a more medieval mindset when roleplaying your character, and like normal personality traits they usually do not affect your character mechanically.
Nevertheless, rarely (about once per adventure) I will ask you to make a Temper check. In this case choose and roll the most fitting personality trait in that Temper; if you have assigned no personality trait to this Temper, it is considered zero. If you think no personality trait that you have in the Temper applies, I may approve a zero regardless of your other personality traits in the Temper. If you have a positive personality trait in the temper, you may automatically succeed the test; if you have a negative one, you may automatically fail it (yes, if you have both you may do either). Otherwise, roleplay success or failure at the check appropriately.
The seven Tempers, and example personality traits for each, are as follows:
  • Loyal (Faith/Pride): Loyalty applies in situations where the character is called to follow orders or aid another who has just reason to expect his aid. It governs fidelity and faithfulness, but is most appropriate when a character is called upon to fulfill an obligation to one who is worthy. It stems from Faith, the theological virtue that describes devotion to God and belief in His plan. In contrast, a proud man considers himself better than others, perhaps even than God, and tends to forsake such obligations thinking he knows better. This is the cardinal sin of Pride, which signifies that he is more confidant in his own abilities than in divine will. Many magi fall to this vice.
    Positive Specialties: Dedicated, Faithful, Humble, Reliable, Trusting
    Negative Specialties: Arrogant, Haughty, Proud, Rebellious, Vain
  • Tolerant (Hope/Wrath): Tolerance applies in situations where the character is called on to show understanding, belief in others, and overcoming violence and hate. A tolerant character promotes discussion, encourages debate, and seeks a common ground. It stems from Hope, the theological virtue that represents the confidence that God will do right and will watch and provide for those who follow him. In contrast, an intolerant man shows violence, hate, and anger. This is the cardinal sin of Wrath, which is a violent reaction to adversity that is based in fear or despair. The wrathful man does not have confidence that God will deliver him from the source of his misery, and is thus tempted to act violently to do so himself.
    Positive Specialties: Cheerful, Hopeful, Gentle, Patient, Peaceful
    Negative Specialties: Angry, Desperate, Spiteful, Vengeful, Violent
  • Kind (Charity/Envy): Kindness applies in situations where the character is called on to help others through hardship, make them more comfortable, and otherwise do good to others. A kind character is filled with love and feeling for his fellow man, sees to the needy, looks after strangers, and cares for the sick. It stems from Charisty, the theological virtue of doing God's work by giving as much of oneself as possible. In contrast, an unking person desires to hurt or punish others for their forture. His acts are cruel and hurtful, designed to hurt others more than to help himself. This is the capital vice of Envy, which is a person's jealous desire to lower those he considers more fortunate than himself.
    Positive Specialties: Charitable, Compassionate, Forgiving, Merciful, Nice
    Negative Specialties: Crul, Envious, Gruff, Jealous, Meddlesome
  • Brave (Courage/Sloth): Bravery applies in situations where the characters is called on to hold his ground, maintain his position in the face of adversity. A brave character persists and pursues what he thinks is right no matter what the risk, and is not easily swayed by fear or fatigue. He might undergo a dangeours adventure, work hard and long on an important task, or toil tirelessly to feed his family. It stems from Courage, the cardinal virtue that signifies the characger finds the heart to strive for better and greater things. In contrast, a lazy character does not do what she seeks to do due to fear of failure or consequences, or lack of willpower to overcome difficulties (however trivial). This is the capital vice of Sloth, which like wrath originates in fear but concerns a cowardly reaction to it.
    Positive Specialties: Bold, Couragous, Determined, Ready, Zealous
    Negative Specialties: Cowardly, Cynical, Indecisive, Lazy, Shy
  • Wise (Prudence/Lust): Wisdom is called upon in situations where the character should think tihngs over, and see past wishful thinking and presupposition. A wise man knows right from wrong, and his reason triumphs over his base desires. He conducts his way to ward off temptation, folly, and limit exposure to his weaknesses. It stems from Prudence, the cardinal virtue that signifies the character is practical and chaste, mindful of the consequences of his actions more than the fulfillment of fleeting impulses. In contrast, a foolish man succumbs to his physical desires in reckles abandon, and throws caution to the wind. He lets his reason be clouded by his imagaination, and pursues fake mirages with little if any truth to them. This is the cardinal vice of Lust, which is giving in to one's desire with no caution or thought. It can indicate a love of carnal pleasures, but also for some fantasy, being unable to treat people and things as they truly are.
    Positive Specialties: Careful, Cautios, Chaste, Practical, Prudent
    Negative Specialties: Fanatical, Lustful, Naive, Overcofident, Reckless
  • Strong (Temperance/Gluttony): Strength of will is called upon in situations where the character must overcome his wants and do without. A strong man has self control, and is thus better able to resist temptation. It stems from the cardinal virtue of Temperance, which is moderation and restraint. In contrast, a gluttnous man cannot be satisfied. He constantly craves more riches, finer living, more powre, greater luxury, or so on. This is the cardinal vice of Gluttony, which is overinulgence. A glutton is an addict.
    Positive Specialties: Content, Cautious, Chaste, Practical, Prudent
    Negative Specialties: Gluttonous, Induelgent, Selfish, Weak
  • Just (Justive/Avarice): Just applies in situations involving fairness, and the character's decision to do what is right despite of his own wants. Just characters give others their due, and don't try to deprive them of what they are entiteled to. It stems from the cardinal virtue of Justice, which is a recognition of truth and honor for everyone. In contrast, an unjust man seeks to acquire things regardless of codes of conduct, stealing and cheating to gain them. This is the capital vice of Avarice, a desire for more than one's share.
    Positive Specialties: Even-handed, Fair, Honest, Honorable, Straightforward
    Negative Specialties: Ambitious, Cunning, Devious, Greedy, Manipulative

Example: Joe is a stalwart warrior with a weakness for pretty woman. His player decides to give him the personality trait "smitten +3". The DM proceeds to chastise him, demanding a Temper. Looking over the list, Lust seems like the leading factor, and is the sin associated with the temper Wise, so the personality trait is translated to a negative temper. The character has the temper "Wise (easily smitten) -3".[/sblock]
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