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They're Bringing Evil Back. ( 3.5 DnD )


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"Hmph, not anywhere is everyone friendly, that I can vouch for certain." Serin looks around again, seeing if something has crept up whilst they have been talking to the trapper.

OOC: spot+9

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"Well, that's certainly interesting that someone would lie about the existence of evil clerics, gnolls, dragons, and... spooks, don't you think?" Vendan smirks. "But what do you mean exactly by spooks? I mean there are all kinds of spooks. Did they look mindless, or did they look intelligent, and... hungry?"


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"Jayla, what do you think? From what we know of dragons, I think they will be extremely difficult foes. Even if we face it alone, and we prepare spells and... whatever it is you do... specifically for it. "

"Chatrilon, on the other hand, probably doesn't have a breath weapon and probably can't fly... Moreover, he may know something about the moathouse and the dragon... something that might give us an edge in our expedition. Getting that information out of him might be challenging."

"Either way, its very lucky that we met Old Del. Fortune is surely smiling upon us."
Vendan keeps his distance from Old Del, crinkling his nose at his smell.


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Jayla snorts at that last bit. If fortune was smiling on us, there'd be no dragon. How far away is this friend of yours? If he's more than two days, we should go on without him; we can only delay so long.


Zoycitenega said:
Jayla snorts at that last bit. If fortune was smiling on us, there'd be no dragon. How far away is this friend of yours? If he's more than two days, we should go on without him; we can only delay so long.

"Chatliron was the one who reeked of evil and lies. The one who tried to warn us off. ZHe is no friend of ours. Backtracking now seems like a waste of momentum. Especially if we do not know if we can find him or if he has useful information. If we are to fight a dragon we must make sure to hit it from all sides. No grouping together and try to split its focus. If it focuses on one of us that person is dead. If it is there it is there for a reason. If it was large more people would know of it. This means the dragon is a recent addition to the area and therefor a young dragon. If it proves to be too large or too fearsome, we retreat heal and reattack! Dragon's fly so be prepared to take cover and attack at range if it takes to the air. I am confident if we fight wisely and with valor we can overcome any foe. Even a dragon."

Dire Lemming

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Yun looks a bit nervous as he turns to look at Erik. "I have... never fought anything like a dragon before... Well, if you believe that we can defeat it then I shall put all my strength into doing so."


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"Never seen the spooks myself, don't go there. I've just heard stories 'bout things givin' folks the heeby-jeebies. I do believe.. they may have said somethin' 'bout the walkin' dead, though. Maybe? Not sure, to be honest with you." He ponders for a moment and then, as if it is all coming together. "You folk plan on goin' there? If'in you are, good luck to ye! Brave ones if'in yer plannin' on takin' on that dragon." He clears his throat. "Well, if'in ye don't need ole Del any longer, I'd really like to return to town and get these pelts offa me."


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Serin looks at the fine Racoon carcasses, "I'll take those 'coon tails off your hands I reckon, if'n you don't need 'em for something, that is." He offers Ole Del a coin for the tails.


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Del smiles brightly. "Thank yah!" He quickly makes the exchange of coon tails for gold. His eyes dart hopefully to the others, as if he expects them to buy some of his 'supplies'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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