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They're Bringing Evil Back. ( 3.5 DnD )


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Jayla shakes her head smiling slightly. I have no need of anything you might sell, trapper. I'll remember your face, should I be in the area needing supplies.

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Erik simply nods at the trapper and begins walking up the road again. His gratitude already spoken to the man, he silently prays to thank Cuthbert for guiding the Trapper to them.


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"Del, no thanks, I don't need any just now. But I'll tell you what. You must have some skills at stealth to be a trapper and to evade notice of a dragon, no? And you must have some pretty good survival skills to be travelling out here alone. If you do, I'd be willing to pay good money if you can find out something about Chatrilon for us. Of course, without letting on that we're interested in him. If your story about the moathouse is true, and I believe you, then Chatrilon is lying, and is in league with the evil clerics, gnolls, spooks, and dragon. Blue dragons are definitely the evil kind. And if it's new, like Erik says, then we can guess that the clerics are gathering allies and gaining strength. For what purpose we don't know, but we can be sure it's not good for honest trappers like yourself. So do you have the skills to be stealthy and inconspicuous? If you do, then think of this as trapping a different sort of prey, except that trapping this prey is for the good of honest folk everywhere, including yourself. What do you say? We know for certain now he's in league with the evil ones. But if you can get proof, or get a good idea where proof might be found, or find out who he spends time with besides Maridosen, then I'll pay you well for that information, depending on what it is. You have an advantage in that he doesn't notice you. But if you don't think you have the skills to observe him quietly, I'd advise you to stay clear of him, he seems quite the shady, dangerous sort. And I'll be sure to buy some coon tails from you later."


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Nairb grunts at Del's offer to sell supplies to the group. "Don't need anything now, if I ever do, I'll keep you in mind." He says with a rare smile.


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Del's brow furrows at Vendan's question. "Evil? Chatrilon?! Well, I always thought the boy to be squirrely. I can do my best to weed him out, but I'm makin' no promises. Not one for huntin' folks. Upon yet return, if'in you do so, we can swap stories. Eh?" He smiled to Vendan, and then seeing the rest of the crew itchin' to continue.. he nods. "Good luck!" Shouted over his shoulder as he continues on his way, towards town.


The wagon takes the group the remainder of their journey, stopping at the split ends of road. One continues on forth to Nulb, while the dirt road that Gundigoot described veers off to the right. The road towards the moat house is overgrown and left is all sorts of untidiness. Will you choice the path less travelled?


Erik looked up the overgrown road. "This is the point where I would suspect an ambush. Along this road." He indicates with a wave of his left hand. "Also since it is not under a Warden's protection it may not be clear of hostile wildlife..I suggest those with the sharpest senses take the point while those in the back be ready with our ranged weaponry."


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"Sounds good" Serin replies. He checks his pack and maneuvers his new tails around to cushion the items inside that could make noise. He then takes a few light steps and peels his eyes and ears, pushing his hair behind his slightly pointed ears, and waits for a moment to see if anyone else will be joining him as the point.

OOC: Spot+9, Move Silently+10, Listen+9


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"Great Ol' Del, I'm looking forward to meeting you again!" Vendan waves goodbye to the trapper.

At the fork in the road Vendan hangs back a bit, knowing his senses aren't the sharpest.

[Wisdom of 6!]


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Jayla and Serin note that where they once heard the background melody of birds, crickets, and animals rustling through the wilde life.. they no longer hear any fauna stirring. In fact, it is all most as if the wind itself is afraid to blow. The trees, tall grass, and shrubs have grown still and silent as well. Serin spots, in the near distance, what he would guess to be their destination: the infamous moathouse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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