Thieves World


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This is basically want I want from the S'Danzo Divination ability, but I'm not sure if it truely does the job.

S’Danzo Abilities

The S’Danzo women are known for their second site ability. This ability is usually done with the aid of tarot cards or other such device. In game terms this is a new exclusive skill that is only open to S’Danzo women and a few other people to a more limited degree (see below).

Divination (Exclusive Skill, Wisdom based): Divination is the ability to correctly predict the future. This is done for one person at a time and the less that is known about him the better.

This skill takes anywhere from five minutes to a half hour or even longer. The S’Danzo is pretty much in control of the time, she can speed it up or lengthen the process, as she likes.

DC 10: The S’Danzo get a general idea of what the next couple of days will hold. “I foresee love in your future.”
DC 15: Same as above except with more a little more detail. “I foresee love in your future from a strong woman.”
DC 20: The information is more precise and multiple things can be seen “Not only will a strong woman be in love with you, but her husband will soon find out.”
DC 25: Same as above except there is one specific detail that will be true “A Strong woman will be in love with you, but her husband will find out. One the morning the crow cries early, he will find you.”
DC 30: Multiple unrelated things can be seen or one image will be seen in great clarity. “I foresee love in your future from a strong woman and your camel dealership shall be very prosperous.” Or “A strong woman with long red hair will buy a camel from you and by that night the two of you will be together. However, beware for when the crow cries early her man will find you.”
DC 35: As above except even more detail. “I foresee love in your future from a strong, red headed woman and your camel dealership shall be very prosperous especially with the caravans.” Or “A strong woman with long red hair will buy a camel from you and by that night the two of you will be together. However, beware for when the crow cries early her man will find you. Hw will catch you unaware and your only escape will be through the back alleys.”
DC 40: Any check of this or higher will be incredibly accurate, but cryptic. “On the day the Hellhounds chase out the smugglers, your Camel business will prosper. One of your buyers will be a red haired woman who you will be with for many days. However when the crow cries early you will be found by her husband. You will know him by the blue handled dagger he carries. You will be able to escape through the back alleys, but if you do that you will lose her.”

Synergy Bonus: With 5 ranks in Divination you get +2 synergy bonus to Bluff or Sense Motive when telling or hearing a false fortune.

Special: Take 10 or Take 20 may not be used with this skill.

Special: On a roll of a natural one, the Diviner sees a false vision. The vision seems exactly like any other vision. The vision however, will not come true and following the advice will lead the recipient into great misfortune as well as possible the diviner.

Special: On a roll of a natural 20 the vision is unusually clear and accurate. The Diviner with get specific and should be able to relay great amounts of truthful information

Special: If the Diviner is using an object like Tarot Cards that the Diviner has used exclusively for at least one year, the Diviner gets a +2 circumstance bonus to all Divinations with them.

Special: Divination works best for true strangers. If you are reading someone known to you it’s at a –2 circumstance bonus. If it is for a friend it is a –5 circumstance penalty. If it is for a blood relative it is a –10 circumstance bonus. And if it is someone you love it is a –20 circumstance penalty.

Special: Retires are allowed on a failed roll, but not on a roll of a natural one. The DCs are increased by five for each time it is retried. If the fortune is successfully told, no amounts of retrying will change it. The same cards will always come up.

Special: Lying about someone’s fortunes. Occasionally the Diviner will see a fortune she does not want to tell the person. She must make a bluff check against their sense motive. The stronger the fortunes was the more difficult the bluff will be. The bluff check receives a negative one circumstance penalty if the Divination check was a 20, with an additional –1 for each five the check was over 20.

True Sight (Special)
Prerequisites: S’danzo woman, must be taken at first level, can only be taken with DM’s permission.
Benefit: You gain +10 insight on all Divination checks. This stacks with skill focus.

Third Eye (General)
Prerequisite: Non S’Danzo, Wis 17+, must be taken at first level
Benefit: You gain the Divination skill as a cross class skill. This skill may never be made a class skill.
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Hell Hound Prestige Class

"The towns people have already taken to calling you Hell Hounds. Be sure that title refers only to the your vigor with which you pursue your duties and not your viciousness."

The Hell Hounds are the elite Guards of the Prince in Sanctuary. They were chosen not just because of their martial prowess, but also their ability to handle most situations and their ability to work alone if need be.

Hit Dice: d10
Alignment: Any Lawful
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Expertise, Power Attack, Weapon Focus and Weapon specialization (any weapon), Alertness
Skills: Listen 5 Ranks, Knowledge Rankan History 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks.
Must be proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armors and shields.
Special: Must be appointed to this position by the Prince.

Class Features:

Class Skills: Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Int), and Swim (Str)
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier

BAB: As fighter
Saves: As Fighter

Fearless: The Hell Hounds are known for their ability to go anywhere and face anything. At first they are immune to all types of fear and intimidation. They also receive +4 circumstance bonus on all intimidation checks.

Martial Expertise: The Hell Hounds are known to be the best fighters in Sanctuary. At second level they receive and additional +1 to attack and +2 damage to one weapon they have weapon focus and specialization in. Once this weapon is picked it cannot be changed.

Way of the City: The Hell Hound has now learned much about the city and how it really works. He gets +2 to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Innuendo checks.

Princely Favor: If the Hell Hound remains in good standing with the Prince, at fourth level he can request a favor. This can only be used once, and must be in the Prince’s power.

Rankan Resistance: By sixth level the Hell Hound has been through and survived much. He gains +2 insight bonus to all saves.

Live for the Prince: At eigth level the Hell Hound has shown his devotion to the prince and can call use it to help him defeat the prince’s enemies. Once a day when he is acting on the behave on the Prince when the Hell Hound is taken to zero or below hit points he automatically heals 2d8+10 hit points.

Seek out Justice: At Tenth level when pursuing a criminal the Hell Hound treats his armor as one category lighter in terms of movement. He also acts as if he had the Endurance feat and that will stack if he already has the feat. Also, his knowledge of the city is such that with a successful wisdom check DC 20 he can reason where the criminal has gone or is hiding if the Hell Hound losses sight of him. That part of the ability only works up till five minutes after the Hell Hound has lost sight of the target.


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Given a philosophical, technologically advanced culture, I would imagine a sort of rennaissance France.

Thus the Charisma-based bonuses do make sense, in terms of social interaction. When compared to the rest of the world, I would expect that education and logic are more advanced there, so I would make it a +2 bonus to Intelligence. Afterall, ole' what's-his-name would sometimes stop and use some pretty decent reasoning abilities.

Dexterity is just the quirk of a roguish bard.
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First Post

Really nice skill, mind if I lift it?

Can the diviner choose what level of accuracy she is shooting for, or does she just roll the dice and the message is revealed?

If its the second one it probably shouldn't be assigned DC's, just results for beating a low DC by X amount.

Also, as a fall-back, perhaps characters who have had a fortune read can make a Wisdom check against DC 10 + (die roll-divination DC) to recognize it is upon them. That's a little weird, but it's mostly an idea for resolving npc's.

Is their some way the Diviner can influence the prediction?
I think, um... Illyra?, when she warped the entire town with the help of the limner mentioned having tweaked the readings a time or two before, when it wasn't important. Maybe a high DC ability, possibily opened up by a feat?

Hey, in case you don't have enough people mentioning it- doin' a really good job.
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First Post
Re: Caronne

Khorod said:
Given a philosophical, technologically advanced culture, I would imagine a sort of rennaissance France.

Thus the Charisma-based bonuses do make sense, in terms of social interaction. When compared to the rest of the world, I would expect that education and logic are more advanced there, so I would make it a +2 bonus to Intelligence. Afterall, ole' what's-his-name would sometimes stop and use some pretty decent reasoning abilities.

Dexterity is just the quirk of a roguish bard.

Ya, he does seem to be pretty smart. Do you think that switching the bonus from Dex to Int would make them more likely to be spellcasters though? Since spellcasters are so rare for everyone except the Nisibisi, I don't want to encourage people in that direction. Carrone do get the bonus skill points which can be attributed to a higher Int. If I go with the higher Int I'd need to remove the bonus skill points.


First Post
Re: Divination

Khorod said:
Really nice skill, mind if I lift it?

Can the diviner choose what level of accuracy she is shooting for, or does she just roll the dice and the message is revealed?

If its the second one it probably shouldn't be assigned DC's, just results for beating a low DC by X amount.

Also, as a fall-back, perhaps characters who have had a fortune read can make a Wisdom check against DC 10 + (die roll-divination DC) to recognize it is upon them. That's a little weird, but it's mostly an idea for resolving npc's.

Is their some way the Diviner can influence the prediction?
I think, um... Illyra?, when she warped the entire town with the help of the limner mentioned having tweaked the readings a time or two before, when it wasn't important. Maybe a high DC ability, possibily opened up by a feat?

Hey, in case you don't have enough people mentioning it- doin' a really good job.

Lift it in a couple of days to a week. I'm not 100% happy with it yet.

The Diviner has no idea what level of accuracy she will have. She might get a very powerful reading one time and very weak, or even false reading the next.

I'm not sure what the difference is between a DC of 15, and beating a DC ten by five. Both need a 15 in to be effective.

Most people seem to realize their fortune is upon them a little to late. I may through something like that in for NPCs just to have a mechanic for it though. Good idea.

Ya, I need to come up with rules for them trying to change the fortune, Rules for lying about a forune or not revealing everything they see. Rules for a natural one or a natural 20 on the skill check. Rules to how knowing the person one is reading effects the check. So, still some work here to do.

I never have enough people telling me I'm doing a good job. :D


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Re: Re: Caronne

Well, just because a people are smart doesn't mean they have to have a particular kind of smarts. The Caronne are prejudiced against magic in general, and so do not have much of a magical tradition. But if you take one of those people into the wider world, rub off that prejudice, and expose him to the utility of magic, I would expect the guy to be a pretty competent spellcaster because of his thorough training in logic. Its a roleplaying consideration.

Why remove the bonus skill points? I personally feel that in a well-rounded game, all the scores are equal. I would expect this even moreso in Sanctuary. Is the point that the race would be skills top-heavy? That's not a bad thing, afterall, as a people they have found non-martial ways to prevent war, divine strife, and the doings of mages from interfering. That takes some serious manipulation of the surrounding world, or lots of nice mountain ranges.

Sorry, that's pretty wordy for a comment or two on a far-off land.


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My concern is being skill top heavy. It would be a bonus of +2 skill points per level, and that's a lot.

But skills are a good thing. So, if I take Carrone and make them +2 Int, I will probably take Ilsigs and give them +2 Dex instead of Con. I wasn't that happy giving them the Con bonus in the first part, but I really didn't want 2 races with pluses to Dex.

I still think the skills might be a little much, I can go with a bonus feat instead though.


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Hawk Mask Prestige Class

The Hawk Masks are the fighting force, the assassins, and the thieves of Jubal. They are known on sight because they wear blue masks that resemble a hawk. This is to hide their identity as well as strike fear in to people.

HD: d8

BAB: +4
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Hide 5 ranks, and Move Silently 5 ranks
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Special: Must be accepted into the organization by Jubal

Class Features

Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), (Move Silently (Dex), Open Locks (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex)

Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.

BAB: As Fighter
Saves: As Rogue

Hawk Mask: At first level the character is given a Hawk Mask. While wearing the mask, he gets +4 to all Intimidate and disguise checks. Disguise is used to keep people from recognizing who the Hawk Mask is.

Poison Use: At second level the Hawk Mask can safely use poison with no fear of poisoning himself.

Sneak Attack: At level three, six, and nine the Hawk mask gains +1d6 sneak attack. This works exactly like the Rogues ability.

Death attack: At fourth level the Hawk Mask can perform a Death attack the same as an Assassin.

Fast Climb: At eighth level the Hawk Mask can now climb at his normal speed and can intermix them in a movement. For instance a Hawk Mask with a base speed of 30 can climb up 20 feet and walk 10 feet as a move action.

Improved Spring Attack: At tenth level the Hawk Mask can now move up to 10 feet farther as part of his spring attack. The movement can be climbing as well as normal movement.

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