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D&D 5E Things That Make a DM Say "Whoa?!?!"


After a quick read through of the PHB, I had a couple of 'holy crap' moments from the possibly-overpowered-department:

- Wolf Totem Spirit Barbarians grant advantage to the melee attacks of all friends within 5' of them [starts at 3rd level]

- Paladin's Aura of Protection grants them, and any friendly within 10', a bonus to all saves equal to their Cha mod [starts at 6th level]

Within the realm of Bounded Accuracy these features are huge..! The Wolf effectively grants a +5 to all attacks, and any Paladin worth his salt is granting at least a +2 to all saves. I will make every effort to run the Game as written first to actually see the ramifications, but man, things like this make me reflexively grab my nerf bat...
Compared to full spellcasters, I'm not seeing an immediate problem.

I'd say this is probably the right benchmark, honestly.

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First Post
Thinking of Advantage as "a +5 bonus!!!!!!" is a good way to confuse and mislead yourself. Advantage is Advantage. Frequently that's about equivalent to a +5 bonus, but it doesn't stack with other sources of Advantage (unlike an ACTUAL +5 bonus), and is negated by ANY source of Disadvantage.

Further the power you list forces PCs to clump up for AE and enemies using similar abilities! (which are common)

Is it nice? Yes, but please don't start talking about "+5 bonus!" and so on. It's completely the wrong way to understand it. If this makes you want to wield your nerfbat, it should be confiscated from you!

While I admit that I am not a 5E expert, nor a math wiz, I do believe that I read somewhere that Advantage equates to a +5 bonus over a sufficient sample size. Since a PC Wolf Barbarian will be utilizing this feature nearly every (note I did not say all; I realize that it only applies when he is raging) battle of the campaign, that is a fairly consistent and long term sample size, thereby qualifying. Thus my trepidation and use of the "+5 bonus".


Contagion just ruins legendary monsters, since they are affected by it for a minimum of three rounds. I think the intent is for the enemy needing to fail three saves before being affected, but the wording does not support that. This probably needs errata.

Wow, that's pretty brutal. I can't look at my PHB right now -- were there any changes from the alpha (if you have access to both)?

I think it was intended to take effect right away and not be cured for at least three rounds, as written. The problem for legendary monsters is that they can't avoid the whole thing up front since the initial effect is based on an attack roll rather than a save.

If it hasn't changed from the alpha, that's the strongest debuff I've seen in the game so far, and as a 4th-level Cleric/Druid spell.

The M'hael

First Post
In my campaign NO ONE is going to be within 15 feet of a raging barbarian swinging a great axe or whatever...

Not With my ( Yes INSANE ) Critical Fumble system that is ... See 1 and 9

1 roll to hit friend if nearby, otherwise Wild swing , spin around one and roll two fumbles.
2 -3 You fail to anticipate your opponent’s maneuvers and you step into your opponents trap.Your opponent effortlessly circles around your attack and is flanking you at the beginning of the next round. You provoke an Opportunity attack from any opponents that threaten you.
5 deflect enemy attack with personal gear; random item totally destroyed
6 poor follow through , position swap AOO
7 sudden terror hesitate piss pants a tiny bit go last next round.
8 Weapon Break.
9 Fling weapon random direction D12 /1d % feet
10 weapon lodged in random object or floor: roll STR DC 10 + 1d20 to recover.
11. Weapon Break
12 You have grit or gore in your eye. Blinded 1d4 rounds.
10 You slip, fall prone , cutting / bashing yourself for 1d6
11. Fall hurt foot twisting ankle, movement 1/2 until healed (odd-left)
12. fall prone ; hurt wrist 1d4 damage and hand useless until healed (odd-left)
13 stumble back 5 ft - provoke AoO
14 Weapon Break
15 armor / clothing struck and gains- gains Broken condition/destoyed
16 Weapon break.
17 get into a clinch with opponent - start next turn in a grapple.
18 - hit self:for 1d6 damage
19 - Slip over banging head - stunned one round..
20 - MIRACULOUS recovery - Whole new turn of actions. With advantage !

Oh my, this sounds fun.:devil:
Got to e-mail my DM...


Yep, but typically only the paladin himself was affected.

Actually, I've done some googling, and they radiated a Protection from Evil, 10' ability, so the protection from undead and outsiders, plus a few other tidbits. No bonus to saves that I remember (but my google fu is failing in finding the ability at the moment).


First Post
Actually, I've done some googling, and they radiated a Protection from Evil, 10' ability, so the protection from undead and outsiders, plus a few other tidbits. No bonus to saves that I remember (but my google fu is failing in finding the ability at the moment).

You are correct. I failed to read the post I quoted properly, and was referring to 3E's paladin that added his Cha bonus to saves via the Divine Grace ability.


Thinking of Advantage as "a +5 bonus!!!!!!" is a good way to confuse and mislead yourself. Advantage is Advantage. Frequently that's about equivalent to a +5 bonus, but it doesn't stack with other sources of Advantage (unlike an ACTUAL +5 bonus), and is negated by ANY source of Disadvantage.

Further the power you list forces PCs to clump up for AE and enemies using similar abilities! (which are common)

Is it nice? Yes, but please don't start talking about "+5 bonus!" and so on. It's completely the wrong way to understand it. If this makes you want to wield your nerfbat, it should be confiscated from you!

This post should be copied and pasted. Often.
In some cases tattoos may not be out of the question.


First Post
Wow, that's pretty brutal. I can't look at my PHB right now -- were there any changes from the alpha (if you have access to both)?

I think it was intended to take effect right away and not be cured for at least three rounds, as written. The problem for legendary monsters is that they can't avoid the whole thing up front since the initial effect is based on an attack roll rather than a save.

If it hasn't changed from the alpha, that's the strongest debuff I've seen in the game so far, and as a 4th-level Cleric/Druid spell.

It's 5th level now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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