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Thinking about Warhammer?


Tell me more about this Paths of the Damned. How many books are in it? And what kind of time span are we talking about? Assume an average 4 hour session, how many months of play?

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Tell me more about this Paths of the Damned. How many books are in it? And what kind of time span are we talking about? Assume an average 4 hour session, how many months of play?
3 books, but they're often somewhat hard to find and/or expensive. I don't know if there are any PDFs of them available, either.

They are:
Ashes of Middenheim
Spires of Altdorf
Forges of Nuln

All 3 are fairly short, and you might wonder why the heck they're hardcover. I know I did! :) They have a sourcebook for their respective city in the first half, and the module in the second half... It's a good way to do things, since you can get a great feel for the adventure setting and throw in things like clawed daemons hanging from Middenheim, and troops of dwarves working to repair the eastern causeway.

I really couldn't pinpoint how long each one would take... It's very much dependent on your players. We got the prelude from the core book and Ashes of Middenheim done over the course of maybe 12 sessions - but we screw around a lot and have short sessions, so YMMV. (The deadliest character, by the way, was the freaking halfling fieldwarden. Slings are insane in WFRP2.

Eyeballing Spires of Altdorf, it could be a very short or very long adventure, depending on how perceptive your players are, how much you want to drag it out, and how you pace the events.

I have quite literally never opened my copy of Forges of Nuln.



First Post
Which brings me to my next question whar are the quality of the Warhammer novels?

They vary a good bit. But that's going to happen when you have that many people writing. I will say I think they are on average the best shared world novels I've read by far. I'd heartily recommend the Gotrek and Felix Omnibus editions, the Vampire Genevieve Omnibus, and the Blackhearts Omnibus as good cost effective ways to check out some of the novels.


Reading a few novels is a great idea to get a feel for the setting. I think i'll definitely do that before running a game. And i'll probaly try to finds Ashes of Middenheim. But right now we're having fun with 4e so any drastic fantasy game switch is a ways off. More time to read up on it!

If you're coming to Warhammer from D&D, the change in paradigm and attitude can be very difficult.
Hehe, switching games can be very difficult.

Before I joined my current group, some of the other players played a lot of Torg. When I joined, they had (recently) moved on to D&D 3E. But still, a few times we tried Torg. And the first times were _really_ bad.

You might say D&D heroes are... well, heroes, awesome, kicking ass and taking names. But still, Torg seems to put it up a notch. Or not. You're not really more powerful in terms of reality-bending magic, but there's...a difference in how you manage your resources and use them correctly. If you spend a possibility point, don't just shoot one guy - target all frigging 20 shock troopers and take them down. You really have to get into a different mindset.

But these different mindsets can make switching game systems around very rewarding. But you have to learn them first. ;)


So....I was browsing the Fantasy Flight store and saw that there are lots of adventures to pick from.

Can anyone recommend from some of the new crop? There's this epic campaign, The Thousand Thrones, which looks like it might be a full color hardback. I can't decide really if i would run a pregen adventure or just make one up.

It's a shame that the Black Industries webpage is no longer up, as they had a plethora of free fan-made adventures that you could download. I've never run the game, but glanced at a couple modules and they generally look to be well-written and fit with the overall mood of the setting.

Maybe somebody has them archived somewhere?

Edit: Actually, decided to use a bit of Net-Fu, which looks to have actually worked.

Web archive of Black Industries' page. Tried a couple links at random and they seem to work.

So more free adventures than you can shake a snotling at :)
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