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Needing suggestions and ideas for a situation, if you could all help it would be appriciated.

This is the situation

At first level our group went into Sunless. Made a loose alliance with the Kobolds, and defeated their enemies the goblins in order to save three missing adventurers. Sharwyn and Sir Braford were saved, Sharwyn’s brother was not- he died before we got there.

Both were suffering from effects of the Golthus (not sure on the spelling) Tree, which was once a stake used to “kill” a vampire (who ever did it needed to do more then that- which we all know and he obviously did not). The stake grew into a tree over time, and a druid came into to tend to it (not sure if he knew what it was growing from I have always assumed that he did).

The druid was dead (by our hand). Sharwyn and Braford were transformed by the tree- their skin was bark like and they were evil now, thou we were unsure at the time if they could be saved.

We turned them over to the authorities in the small town and moved on.

We hunted for another Golthus Trees that we had heard of- found a few Twig Blights and defeated them without much trouble.

A druid by the name of Salarda Ash was an old friend of the first druid and was continuing his work tending to evil things like new Golthus Trees.

A few adventures later we heard that they had escaped. Later someone informed us that they (Braford and Sharwyn) were banditing in the north of Sterich (most of our campaigns take place in that region).

Following that or somewhere before we’d run into what we called Renegade Lizard Folk. These guys were tattooed and painted up and had several markings that indicated who they were. They were vicious and mean and- well pretty good villains.

Somewhere in there Ash, Braford and Sharwyn all teamed up and we heard that they were in the Hool Marshes, where incidentally the renegade Lizard Folk seemed to be residing.

All four of the PCs and the six NPCs that make up The Riders of the Axe went to the Hool and started hunting. We’re 8th level now, have a straight up cleric, and a Sorcerer/Devine Oracle, a ranger/fighter/Deepwood Sniper, a dungeon dwelling type fighting rogue (no real social skills)/Thief Acrobat, and a mish mash of others.

We traveled with a supply caravan into the Hool Marsh, travel to Fort Lizard, which is an out post that’s used to get supplies through to Westkeep.

Sir Vertas- the man in charge is out with a hundred men when we arrive. When he shows back up we find out that he attacked a village of Lizard Folk.

The Riders go to the village thinking it might be a good place to get a clue regarding the Renegade Lizard Folk. Its not- it’s a place where regular Lizard Folk lived. Vertas slaughtered off a village of neutral Lizard Folk because he was having trouble with Renegade Lizard Folk. Bad mistake, but then he didn’t know.

Without the proper spells that day we fled a little ways away and spent the night. The following morning we found that a few Lizard Folk had been away during the attack, they returned and left before the next morning. There were also signs of Bog Giants having been there. The Bog Giants were friends of the Lizard Folk by the looks of things.

We questioned one of the dead Lizard Folk and learned little that we didn’t already know. And no they had no affiliation to the Renegade Lizard Folk, in fact they might well have been our allies to the cause of defeating them.

Back to Fort Lizard. Its been attacked by Bog Giants and their pet Dire Crocodiles.

We track 8 of the Giants and 2 Crocs and kill them (it was a slaughter – our sorcerer did a lot of damage using lightning bolt).

Try to track the rest of the Bog Giants that escaped was to difficult for my ranger due to the water continent of the ground and the length of time sense the attack.

Back to Fort Lizard for some direction. Divination reveals little, so we decide to go to Westkeep, thinking that Sharwyn and Braford would need supplies.

We found out that dragons have been flying over the city of Westkeep for the past week or so.

While we’re there we find out that a Troll Hag is living East of Fort Lizard and that the dragon is a black dragon.

It’s about then that our greatest clue comes. My ranger- Grayson, is a bit of a loner (this is my second character in the campaign- the first retired), and decides to go for a walk down to the docks, where he sees a man in the shadows watching the water.

A snake comes into the city through the gate, up onto the dock and changes into a woman, talks to the man then leaves the way she came in. The man passes a note to a raven and the raven leaves. Grayson follows the man to a tavern. The man might be Braford, thou Grayson has only seen him in illusion and that- well it’s a long story that has nothing to do with this. Braford has a drink with some sorely fellow(s). Grayson keeps to himself and drinks one too then leaves to return to the Riders and catches them up to speed.

The Cleric (Jack) goes to the authorities and gets permission to arrest Ash, Braford and Sharwyn, while the bar is staked out. The authorities are informed where the arrest will take place and Braford escapes into the sewers. We lose him.

Back to the bar. Wait. Braford walks in, then leaves we take chase. We are Call Lightning-ed, nearly taking out half the present party, our fighter losses his shield (magic Mythral if I recall). And the lightning killed Braford, after he’s dead we realize that he was a polymorphed agent.

Sharwyn we know is a wizard, we knew that way back when.

Locate Object leads us to their lair, a brief fight nearly kills Grayson in the sewers. It appears that they escaped by teleportation.

The authorities are brought in.

We spend a few hours finding a scrying mirror for rent (can’t afford to buy one).

Braford and Sharwyn are on a raft with the Renegade Lizard Folk, poling away from the area.

They eventually make it to the Troll Hag’s lair.

We have only the knowledge that they are 10 hours from the city, and that some of the plants are the lair might be rare enough only to grow in one area and that there is a Troll Hag’s lair to the east of Fort Lizard.

Also Sharwyn spotted the scrying, so they know we have access to that kind/level of magic.

We also learned from a Divination that Fort Lizard will be attacked- we believe by the Bog Giants- who appear not to be allied with Braford’s force. We are days from the Fort and they will get there first so we buy a scroll of Phantom Steed to make better time in the marsh.

None of the characters have Gather Information so we find little on the location of the Troll Hag’s lair.

Run for the Fort using Fly spells/scrolls, Water Walk spells and the scroll.

We’re attacked and there are a couple of fights in route. We arrive just before the start of the next morning and find that Cropar (the Bog Giant leader) and 50 of his close friends have decided that Fort Lizard must be destroyed because the Lizard Folk were attacked and his son was killed (one of the eight killed by us- can you say opps?).

We make an agreement to let them have the fort if all the humans leave.

Next morning Cropar says he wants either 3000 gp (no one has that amount) or his burial grounds freed from the Black Serpent- we can take nothing from the burial grounds.

He gives us a guide.

We find the mound and kill a 12 headed hydra (not the black dragon we expected and prepared for) and 3 medusas. Fight trolls, bugbears and the three hags, but no Braford and friends?

Fort Lizard is destroyed when we get back there. The soldiers all fled.

So we head off to Deep Mud, another fort, one that Sir Vertas was going to flee towards.

Attacked by Ash and some of the Renegade Lizard Folk. Ash escapes none of her critters do.

Attacked again- this time by just the Renegade Lizard Folk. We manage to capture one and he is questioned. Find out that the Renegade Lizard Folk are hunting humans (our buddies from Fort Lizard its assumed), that the Golthus Tree is in the scared grove (where ever that is), that they have no fewer then three (maybe four) black dragons and a bunch of other minor things. We still have no direction.

Deep Mud isn’t a fort as much as a village on stilts.

The village does not help our cause much, thou they are not disinterested or lacking in desire to help, they just don’t know anything we don’t already know.

Renegade Lizard Folk show and ask for two youths to be sacrificed for some ritual. We have two days.

We talk about using Polymorph scrolls- we don’t have, to change two members into youths, get taken back to the Renegade Lizard Folk’s sacrifice the rest are to follow. This plan is dumped because no one has the money to buy the scrolls.

Jack gets a mirror and a couple of cleric scrolls from his bosses, they are reluctant to send anymore and sent nothing really that we needed other then the mirror (later I am sure they will want payment for it as they are Dwarves).

More scrying reveals nothing of value.

The hamlet is being watched by a Black Dragon and a number of Renegade Lizard Folk, so thinking we can gain more we capture one of the Renegade Lizard Folk.

Renegade Lizard Folk is charmed by our Bard/Wiz (NPC)- Bromsby, and we depart Deep Mud hoping to be seen, and followed by the Black Dragon, thus averting the attack on Deep Mud.

Our new “friend” leads us to a supply station for the Renegade Lizard Folk, where he runs into some of his friends. We fight and kill them, saving out “friend.”

That night another scrying is done and Vertas is found dangling upside down. We learn little other then the knight is about to die from something that resides in the water and the rest of the village/fort is- well we should have stayed.

We did learn that the few human survivors from Deep Mud are being taken back for that sacrifice I previously mentioned, thou we have only a general idea what direction to head (north, as I recall- is that north east, north or north west?).

The present plan is to head north and look for the Renegade Lizard Folk leading soldiers and villagers in a single direction, the problem is we don’t know which path they will take, or where they are headed.

If we can find them then we will attack and either harass their forces or free the people. If we can leave a dozen Renegade Lizard Folk alive we will so that way we can track them back to the others.

We are beaten more by a lack of knowledge then anything else. Two of the four Players are so frustrated by a lack of direction and clues for direction that they are nearly completely done with the campaign and the other two have come to the conclusion that it might just be in our best interest to continue north, attacking Renegade Lizard Folk as we stumble into them, and anything or anyone else of Ash’s that we come across until we get a clue or leave the Marsh.


Thou leaving the Marsh isn’t gonna happen in the long term as we have a couple of people that will not stop hunting the three and the RLF. We should have killed Sharwyn and Braford long ago, we knew it then and are kicking ourselves for it now, but we can’t go back in time to change that.

What I need are ideas. Thoughts on the subject. What should we do?
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Erratic K

First Post
Talon5 said:
A few people read this but no one responded, more then likely its a lack of interest in reading the whole thing after all attention spans are down to twenty minutes in the US and the average reader is 6th grade level so that means 5 pages takes longer then 20 minutes to read.

<snip a ton of boring not particularly well written stuff>

What I need are ideas, thoughts on the subject, what should we do?

I suggest not insulting your target audience. Ponder the wisdom of some trite truisms like "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" or "don't bite the hand that feeds you".

I also suggest posting it in the story hour forum. Before you do, read some of the other story hours (Piratecat's or somebodies). Then write it up in installments that are better written and more comprehensible to an outsider. You may need to include more detail. You'll get more vistitors and input there. It doesn't have to be terribly long. You need to make the story a little more fleshed out so we can tell who the party is and what they are doing.

I can't respond to anything else because my attention span is too short. I might have also been trolled, but I don't care.

-Erratic K

Pardon me if English is not your first language. It is not mine either.


First Post

1- Gather Information repeatedly.
2- Try to find tracks in the North.
3- Tell your DM. Don't just let people walk away from this frustrated. Find out what he wants to do and let him know that not helping risks all his efforts thus far.
4- As mentioned before, insults bad.
5- Just a general posting suggestion, start your threads with a brief statement of your problem. I read a few lines then decided that you probably asked your question at the bottom and lo- that's exactly what you did. After reading the bottom, I had an interest to scan part of what you wrote. The 1 line per paragraph thing didn't help- but that's just me, I'm used to paragraphs. ^_^

Talon5 said:
A few people read this but no one responded, more then likely its a lack of interest in reading the whole thing after all attention spans are down to twenty minutes in the US and the average reader is 6th grade level so that means 5 pages takes longer then 20 minutes to read.

This is the situation


What I need are ideas, thoughts on the subject, what should we do?

Be nicer is my suggestion. But I could be wrong, I didn't read the whole thing.

joe b.


First Post
My suggestion: Stop moving around so much. Everytime your party leaves a place, that's where the action occurs, but after you leave. Let them attack you, defeat them, then track the survivors.


First Post
Talon5 said:
A few people read this but no one responded, more then likely its a lack of interest in reading the whole thing after all attention spans are down to twenty minutes in the US and the average reader is 6th grade level so that means 5 pages takes longer then 20 minutes to read.

That's a nasty run-on sentence you've got there; perhaps they teach those in seventh grade...


First Post
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on your opening remarks. I think they were born out of frustration more than contempt, but I agree with others that they should be changed.

Set an ambush...stop moving around so much. If you pick a spot and defend it, as if you are just resting...your enemy might come to you. They have to know you are following them and would relish a chance to crush you.

Also, if you just wait you force the GM to act. He can no longer just react to you, but must now act on his own...


All right. The survivors of the stilt village are being taken back to the lair for sacrifice. This should be a fair number of folks because you've got the prisoners, possibly a large number, and you have all the gaurds. These will most likely be lizard folk, not dragons as what self respecting dragon would stoop to gaurd duty. This large group should be fairly easy for a well trained ranger to track even in a swap. Keep in mind that while the lizard folk may be hard to track in large numbers in the swap, beaten and wounded humans being marched to their death will not. You'll have discarded clothing, smears of blood, etc etc etc. This plus your new "friend", should be enough to get you there.

Now, the sticking point, as I see it, is that you don't have a plan for taking care of multiple dragons, and an army of lizard folk. This is a serious problem :rolleyes: , and by letting you know what you're about to face the DM may be trying to tell you to slow down and this enemey is beyond you at this point.

I would suggest that once you find the lair don't go charging in, but instead evaluate the situation, and if you have to, bring in the calvary. At this stage the local lords are going to be pretty peeved about the loss of two outposts and two garrisons. They should be very grateful for any help in locating the criminals. This could also lead to them sending in the troops and smashing this soundly for you. Not to bad really and should be worth a decent amount of an xp bonus on top of what you gain for taking part in the assault.

Other options for find the lair of these folks would be to ask the local wild life if you have the appropriate spells. The animals will know where the scary place that they avoid is. Even if it just points you in the right direction so much the better. This still leaves you with the problem of dealing with the villians.

Also, try looking at what the lizard men are trying to do. Are they just feeding the Tree? Are they trying to raise the vampire? What? Pump the friend for this information if you haven't already. Knowing the motivation of the enemy can help you figure out where they're going to stike next.

If they're attacking outpost that are weak and undefended, find the next one in this situation and wait there for them to strike. If they're attacking only places where you've been and causing pain and misery in your wake as revenge against you, then go someplace and fake leaving. Then, put a stake in the ground and wait until they show. This will allow you to dicate the terrain of the fight and smash them when they get there. Not my personal favorite option, but workable when all else fails.

Hope this helps in some way.



Princess of Florin
Talon5 said:
A few people read this but no one responded, more then likely its a lack of interest in reading the whole thing after all attention spans are down to twenty minutes in the US and the average reader is 6th grade level so that means 5 pages takes longer then 20 minutes to read.
Well, since you think so poorly of all of us, I'm not sure why you would even want our opinions.

I stopped reading after your insulting remarks above. My time online is limited and precious. I choose to spend it in threads that start with a more polite tone.


First Post
Funny... I've only read this post because of the interesting preview on the forum overview. Then I started reading, and after a few minutes I just forgot why I was reading this - was this even on topic? So I quit reading. ;)

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