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This Assassin PrC is more for NPCs but can be used for PCs as well.


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Prerequisites: To qualify to become an assassin, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Alignment: Suggested any non-good
Disguise: 6 ranks.
Hide: 10 ranks.
Move Silently: 10 ranks.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Special: Must have been contracted by someone to kill a target that is of some importance or be somewhat powerful (weather for profit or for country…it doesn't matter…exactly how powerful is up to the DM).

Hit Dice: d6

Class Skills: The assassin's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill), and Use Rope (Dex).

Higher Level Skill points: 4 + Int Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Assassins are proficient with the crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), and short sword. Assassins are proficient with light armor but not with shields.

Base Attack Bonus: As Assassin in the DMG
Fort Save: As Assassin in the DMG
Ref. Save: As Assassin in the DMG
Will Save: As Assassin in the DMG

1. Death attack, sneak attack +1d6
2. Fearful Reputation, Assassin Lore
3. Assassin Feat, Sneak attack +2d6
4. Assassin Lore
5. Assassin Lore, Sneak attack +3d6
6. Assassin Feat
7. Assassin Lore, Sneak attack +4d6
8. Death Master secrets
9. Assassin Feat, Sneak attack +5d6
0. Death Master secrets

Class Features

Death Attack: If the assassin studies a victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has an additional effect of possibly either paralyzing, or killing the victim (assassin's choice). While studying the victim, the assassin can undertake other actions as long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect or recognize the assassin as an enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails her Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 +assassin's class level + Intelligence modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw against the paralysis effect, the victim's mind and body become enervated, rendering her completely helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin.
It takes precision and penetration to hit a vital location that could kill or cripple, therefore, ranged death attacks require a full attack action and only count as a death attack if the target is within 30 feet or less.

Fearful Reputation (Ex): The Assassin’s reputation has become so feared that just by looking at him there is a chance that the target will become paralyzed with fear. It takes effect automatically when the assassin performs some sort of dramatic action (such as charging, attacking, or snarling). Opponents within range who witness the action may become paralyzed from fear.
This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the assassin has. An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save with a DC of 10 + the assassin's level + assassin's Charisma modifier. An opponent who succeeds at the saving throw is immune to the assassin's frightful presence for one day.
If the opponent fails the save, they will be paralyzed for a duration that is dependent on the assassin's level.

To determine the duration that a target is paralyzed after failing a will check, see the list below.
Level of Assassin / duration of paralysis of target
1-3 / 1 round and will be shaken after paralysis expires
4-6 / 2 rounds and will be frightened after paralysis expires
7+ / 3 rounds and will be panicked after paralysis expires

Sneak Attack: Any time the assassin's target would be denied her Dexterity bonus to AC (whether she actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the assassin's attack deals +1d6 points of damage. This extra damage increases by +1d6 points every other level (+2d6 at 3rd level, +3d6 at 5th level, and so on). Should the assassin score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
It takes precision and penetration to hit a vital spot, so ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is 30 feet away or less.
With a sap or an unarmed strike, the assassin can make a sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty, because he must make optimal use of his weapon in order to execute the sneak attack.
An assassin can only sneak attack living creatures with discernible anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Additionally, any creature immune to critical hits is similarly immune to sneak attacks. Also, the assassin must also be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The assassin cannot sneak attack while striking at a creature with concealment or by striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
If an assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to damage stack


Assassin Lore (Ex):
In the pursuit of their art, assassins gather many types of applicable knowledge regarding the varying secrets and disciplines of the art of assassination. An assassin can choose any single ability from the list below:
Alacritous Stroke: When the assassin makes an attack against an opponent with a Dexterity modifier lower than her Dexterity modifier, the opponent loses his Dexterity bonus to AC, and all dodge bonuses to AC against that attack. If she makes an attack against an opponent with a Dexterity modifier up to 2 higher than her Dexterity modifier, he loses his Dexterity modifier to AC, but not extra dodge bonuses.

Always Sneaky (Ex): The assassin is always taking 10 on Move Silently and Hide. Unless the assassin wants to be seen or heard, make opposed Spot and Listen checks to detect the assassin's presence.

Blind Sight 5-foot radius (Ex): (this ability can be taken more then once, adding a +5-foot radius to a max of 20 feet) : Assassins have the extraordinary ability to use a non-visual sense (or a combination of such senses) to operate effectively without vision. Such sense may include sensitivity to vibrations, acute scent, keen hearing, or echolocation. This ability makes invisibility and darkness (even magical darkness) irrelevant to the assassin (though it still can't see ethereal creatures). This ability operates out to a range specified in the assassin description. Notes: Blindsight never allows an assassin to distinguish color or visual contrast. An assassin cannot read with blindsight. Blindsight does not subject a creature to gaze attacks. Blinding attacks do not penalize creatures using blindsight. Deafening attacks thwart blindsight if it relies on hearing. Blindsight works underwater but not in a vacuum.

Fast Sneak (Ex): When using Move Silently and Hide, the assassin can move at his normal speed without suffering a penalty to those skills.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): An assassin is able to hide or more appropriate blend within a crowd as not to catch anyone's notice even when being looked for with equal skill as he is able to hide in the shadows. As long as the assassin is within a crowded place (e.g., a bazaar, marketplace, mass, wedding, etc.) the assassin can blend in the crowd (assuming he is wearing proper clothing) and not be found out. Assassins use this ability often to kill their marks within public areas and escape from notice or capture.

Hidden Weapon (Ex): The assassin is able to hide a weapon within his/her person that escapes detection. Such weapons must be small (doing the max. of d4 points of normal damage) and can be hidden within boot soles, belts, hair and such. Weapons can range from knives, daggers, chains, garrotes, shuriken, etc. To successfully hide such a weapon within his person, the assassin must make a pick pocket check against a searching target.

Poison Use (Ex): The assassin has trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison to a blade. Furthermore, the assassin has carefully exposed himself to minor and controlled amounts of varying types of poisons in order to build up immunity to their effects, granting a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poisons.

Quick Wits (Ex): The assassin learns to sense and react to dangers before they happen, with astonishing accuracy. The assassin may add her Wisdom modifier to all reflex saves.

Quickest Wits (Ex): The assassin gains inhuman reaction to imminent danger. The assassin may use her Spot modifier for her Reflex saves instead of her normal reflex save. The character must have taken Quick Wits to take this one.

Skill Mastery (Ex): The assassin selects a number of skills equal to 1 + Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, the assassin may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent the Assassin from doing so. The assassin may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.

Survey Area (Ex): Most assassins reconnaissance the area that they are to attack a target. At a moment's notice, they must be able to scan and check for possible escape routes, traps, nearby guars as well as any other factor that would make their mission a successful one. For every two minutes that an assassin spends in reconnaissance this way, the Assassin gains a bonus of +1 to his spot, listen, search and sense motive skills within his line of sight or hearing range. The maximum that this bonus can go up to is +3 or 6 minutes worth of surveying the area.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The assassin gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to even be aware of it. As a result, the Assassin retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.)

Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked) (Ex): The assassin can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the assassin. The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

Uncanny Dodge (+1 vs. traps) (Ex): (this ability can be taken more then once for an additional +1 bonus to a max of 5). The Assassin gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. If the assassin has another class that grants the uncanny dodge ability, add together all the class levels of the classes that grant the ability and determine the character's uncanny dodge ability on that basis.

Untouchable Thoughts (Ex): The assassin learns to remove all thoughts from her mind, making her harder to effect with certain magics. The assassin gains a +4 bonus on all saving throws against enchantment spells, and all other abilities or spells that effect her mind (DM's discretion).


Assassin Feat (Ex): (Ex):
In the pursuit of their art, assassins gather many types of applicable knowledge regarding the varying secrets and disciplines of the art of assassination. An assassin can choose any single feat from the list below: Note: That feats with prerequisites must have their prerequisites met before being taken.
Combat Reflexes
Death Blow
Dirty Fighting
Expert Tactician
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Power Attack
Precise Shot
Rapid Reload
Shot on the Run
Weapon Focus
Weapon Finesse
Weapon of Renown (new feat, see below)

Weapon of Renown Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8 or higher, death attack, Weapon Focus.
You have mastered the use of this weapon in aiding you in your deadly art.
Benefit: Choose any one weapon, such as a short sword or light crossbow, when making a death attack with that weapon the DC of your death attack is increased by +2.


Death Master's Lore (Ex):
In the pursuit of their art, assassins gather many types of applicable knowledge regarding the varying secrets and disciplines of the art of assassination. An assassin can choose any single ability from the list below. Consequently, the assassin can forgo learning a single Death Master Lore skill for 2 assassin lore skills above.
Deadly Expertise (Ex): :Assassins are known and feared for their ability to deliver precise and lethal blows. When attacking an opponent who is flat-footed, or has otherwise lost their Dexterity bonus to their AC, the assassin gains a +2 bonus to his attack rolls.

Death Strike (Ex): :Should fortune befall him, the assassin can now take advantage of an opportunity to slay his foe even in the midst of combat. On a critical threat, when rolling to see if the assassin successfully made a critical hit, if the assassin's attack roll falls into the critical threat range of his weapon a second time, in addition to taking additional damage the victim must roll a Fortitude save (DC 10 + assassin's class level + Intelligence modifier) or die.

Debilitating Strike (Ex): :The assassin has learned to sneak attack with such precision that his blows severely weaken and hamper his opponent's ability to fight. Whenever the assassin successfully causes damage to an opponent with a sneak attack, the assassin may choose to inflict 1 temporary point of damage to either the victim's Dexterity or Strength score. A successful critical hit made with a sneak attack doubles the amount of damage to an attribute. Ability points lost in this manner return at a rate of 1 point per day.

Finishing Blow (Ex): :The assassin has learned to quickly and efficiency deal with helpless foes and can now perform a coup de grace attack against a helpless defender as a standard action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Additionally, as a full attack action that requires a successful ranged touch attack, the assassin may perform a ranged coup de grace at a range of 30 feet.

Grand Opportunist (Ex): : The Assassin is adept in spotting weakness in an opponent's attack. Whenever an opponent rolls a natural 1, 2, or 3 on an attack roll against the Assassin, the Assassin may make a spot check (DC 20 + opponent's Dex Mod). If the check is successful, the Assassin may take an attack of opportunity against that opponent. This attack of opportunity counts against the character's attacks of opportunity for that round.

Lethal perfection (Ex): :Following an unsuccessful death attack, the assassin's sneak attack damage is increased to d8's instead of the usual d6's. Furthermore, if the assassin successfully rolls a critical hit when delivering a death attack, the assassin may alternatively increase the DC of the death attack by the weapons critical multiplier instead of dealing extra weapon damage.

Marksman (Ex): :The assassin may now deliver his deadly art at an increased distance. The range for the assassin's sneak attack and death attack now increase to a range of 45 ft. This ability may be chosen a second time, effectively increasing the range of the assassin's sneak attack and death attack to 60 ft. If the assassin has the finishing blow special ability, it may also be used at this increased range as well.

Opportunist (Ex): :
[/b]Once per round, the assassin can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee combat by another creature. This attack counts as the assassin's attacks of opportunity for that round. Even an assassin with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Staggering Blow (Ex): :The assassin has become so skilled at dealing deadly wounds, that his unsuccessful death attack causes his victim to be left staggered, reeling, and so weakened by the attack that the victim is only able to make partial actions for a short period of time after the attack. Following an unsuccessful death attack, the severity and trauma caused by the wound causes the victim to become staggered for 2 rounds following the failed death attack.

Unarmed Fighting (Ex): : The assassin is highly trained in the use of using his body as a weapon when fighting unarmed, giving him a considerable advantage when doing so. The assassin gains the Improved Unarmed Attack feat. His attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even with elbows, knees, and feet. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for an assassin striking unarmed. The assassin may choose to deal either subdual or normal damage with his attack. The assassin deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for assassins of small size) with an unarmed attack. This ability may be chosen a second time. Doing so increases the damage of the assassin's unarmed attack to 1d8 (1d6 for assassins of small size). In addition, the assassin may now strike with a furry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so unarmed, the assassin may make one additional attack in a round at his highest base attack, but this attack and each other attack made that round suffer a -2 penalty. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attack of opportunity that the assassin might make before his next round. The assassin must use the full attack action to strike with a furry of blows.

Uncanny Precision (Ex): : So precise has the assassin become in his strikes when foes are unable to properly protect themselves, that the he may use his Dexterity modifier rather than his Strength modifier when dealing damage in melee with a sneak attack.

Unseen Strike (Ex): : When the assassin attacks a flat-footed opponent, that opponent is treated as if he was helpless instead of just flat-footed. The opponent may roll a Reflex save (DC = 10 + Assassin's level + Int Modifier)

Vicious Wound (Ex): The assassin has become skilled at dealing wounds that cause extra blood loss. When the assassin deals damage with a slashing or piercing weapon, the wound bleeds for one point of damage per round thereafter until a Heal check (DC 15) is made, any cure spell is applied, or 10 rounds minus the opponent's Constitution modifier elapse. Multiple wounds are cumulative, but creatures without discernable anatomies such as constructs, undead, and plants are immune to this effect.
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Lord Helmet

First Post
I do hope you are not taking credit for some of those abilities listed. Nor the feat. However, I am glad to see someone use many of the things I posted.


First Post
you are correct...i would not.

Lord Helmet said:
I do hope you are not taking credit for some of those abilities listed. Nor the feat. However, I am glad to see someone use many of the things I posted.

Actually I am not. Your ideas, one other person's and mine were incorporated here. You had the link in the Wizard's board but it was lost. If you look at my signature under the Assassin (alt) you will see the wizard's board where I did mention you...also would be nice if you repost it.


First Post

A few quick Q's few U

Why are Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes Assassin feats when they are already prerequisites??

And Mobility is on the list without Dodge (or Spring Attack for later??). What about Improved Critical?

Alacritous Stroke seems way powerful (verging on way TOO powerful IMO when you take into account that it in effect allows any assassin with a half decent Dex sneak attack damage all the time) and I love Grand Opportunist.

V.good over all. I adore the non-magic wielding, non-compulsory evil assassin.

Lord Helmet

First Post
I may indead repost it. However, in my pursuit to make a "completely perfect" non-magical assassin PrC, I've adopted and altered the original.

Here in an ability I've been contemplating about adding. Perhaps you can inform me as to the 'power level' or overall feasibility of it in game play. As per standard core rules, it is impossible to assassinate a 20th level rogue (taking that 20th level is the limit currently). A 10th level Rogue/10th level Assassin is completely incapable of killing such a PC/NPC. This makes little sense to me. Some assassins are just gonna be THAT good. After all, an assassin is gonna be required to kill any number of differant targets, each with differant varying skills and defenses. So what I'm looking at is a ability (deathmaster secret, which on my version is granted every other level but is level dependant on what secrets can be learned ---just like the Loremaster PrC) that allows the assassin to reduce the effective level needed to sneak attack an opponent with either the uncanny dodge or defensive awareness abilities by 2. Meaning the assassin need only be 2 levels higher than the victim instead of usual 4 normally required as stated in the uncanny dodge ability. A second 'purchase' of this skill would allow an assassin to effectively sneak attack any target of equal level.
Herein lies a problem for me logically. With this, as stated above, the assassin has to 'spend' two of his five deathmaster secrets to effectively assassinate/sneak attack an opponent of equal level. While this could be a very nice ability, there are only a few PC's/NPC's that this ability is gonna lend itself to be truly worth while. Another variant of this ability was one that allowed the assassin to reduce the number of levels needed to sneak attack an opponent with uncanny dodge or defensive awareness by his Intelligence modifier. Example: An assassin with a 16 Intelligence (+3) need only be one level higher (4 normally required minus the 3 = 1). In this variation it more or less shows that no matter how good you are, you may not be smart enough to figure out ways of bypassing others defenses.
Of course, it could simply be put that one 'purchase' allows the assassin to sneak attack any target of equal level. That, however, seemed a bit much to me. What's your input????


First Post
Reply and an additional suggestion

Lord Helmet said:
So what I'm looking at is a ability (deathmaster secret, ... [snip]... that allows the assassin to reduce the effective level needed to sneak attack an opponent with either the uncanny dodge or defensive awareness abilities by 2.
Meaning the assassin need only be 2 levels higher than the victim instead of usual 4 normally required as stated in the uncanny dodge ability. A second 'purchase' of this skill would allow an assassin to effectively sneak attack any target of equal level.

So far I see where you are going and can agree with you that something like this can be of use and makes sense.
Another variant of this ability was one that allowed the assassin to reduce the number of levels needed to sneak attack an opponent with uncanny dodge or defensive awareness by his Intelligence modifier. Example: An assassin with a 16 Intelligence (+3) need only be one level higher (4 normally required minus the 3 = 1). In this variation it more or less shows that no matter how good you are, you may not be smart enough to figure out ways of bypassing others defenses.
Of course, it could simply be put that one 'purchase' allows the assassin to sneak attack any target of equal level. That, however, seemed a bit much to me.

I don't like the intelligence idea as the assassin can boost up levels in intelligence and to who knows how high in the epic level. Although it would be nice to have a chance to assassinate a player that was of a higher level then you as in the 1st ed. book, I think this can lead to much abuse, especially when one creates spells, potions, or magical items that can boost intelligence and such. This would make the uncanny dodge ability or other such defensive awareness ability much of a joke. My major beef with this is that intelligence is not the ability an assassin needs to have much of. Honestly, I think I prefer the other option as it limits to that of equal level.
Herein lies a problem for me logically. With this, as stated above, the assassin has to 'spend' two of his five deathmaster secrets to effectively assassinate/sneak attack an opponent of equal level. While this could be a very nice ability, there are only a few PC's/NPC's that this ability is gonna lend itself to be truly worth while.

I think that this is the better of the two choices but suggest that you do something similar. As you mention, this ability would not be used as often. Why not have the first portion appear at 5th level so that the assassin can assassinate someone two levels and the second and last boost appear at 10th level that would allow the assassin to assassinate someone of equal level. Well there goes the level suggestion, simple, equally distributed and makes sense. Perhaps this ability should not be a death master secret but something else that does not take away from deathmaster secret, for argument sake call it deathmaster lore or deathdealer secret. This ability on itself should be available to all assassins I think. If you think it makes this too powerful, replace it with a sneak attack or something else. Fudge the way the specials are arranged and choose the weaker of the powers to be added to these special 2 abilities.

Another option is to use existing skills to do the same so that you do not really on intelligence. Without placing much thought, perhaps the bluff skill will suffice, where for every 5 ranks, the level to assassinate is reduced by one. So for example, an assassin with a rank of 20 in bluff (remember this can stack with any previous ranks from the thief), the assassin can assassinate a character of equal level. If the epic rulebook increases the skills, then this will work well for higher level characters as well. The reason I would prefer this over the intelligence idea that you had, is that the assassin must spend ranks in one skill which can be better spent in something else like hide or move silently. The way I see it, this seems like a good trade of, while with intelligence, there is no drawback and limits all assassin's ability to do this not by skill of the trade but the ability to grasp knowledge.

Although I have not done the math, the fact that the character can only take three more ranks then they have total class levels should also help this class balance it out if I am not mistaken. So the max that a 10th level thief/10th level assassin can have in bluff, would be 23 ranks. At 30th combined level (using epic concept), it would be 33 I guess. This would allow the assassin to assassinate a character that is 2 levels higher then him or her only. This doesn't seem to bad...and think of how masterful the assassin is in bluffing his opponent. HMMM.....perhaps if not the bluff skill, then something else....Again that is only an alternative suggestion for a different skill.

What do you think of the bluff idea? It is already used in combat (S&F book), why not use it in this way too?
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First Post

Ahh... what we have here is a need for rule clarification re: Uncanny Dodge and Sneak Attack.

The way I've read it is thus:
Sneak Attack:
(Quoted from p47 PHB) "Basically, any time the rogue's target would(my italics) be denied his Dex bonus to AC (whether he actually has a Dex bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks the target, the rogue's attack deals extra damage."
Uncanny Dodge:
Quoted from p48 PHB) "At 3rd lvl and above, she retains her Dex bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker."..."At 6th lvl, the rogue can no longer be flanked.... This defence denies other rogues the ability to use flank to sneak attack (once again my italics) her. The exception to this defence is that another rogue at least four levels higher than the character can flank her (and thus sneak attack her)."

The way I read that is that anything that normally would deny a character his Dex bonus will allow a sneak attack. Uncanny Dodge allows you to retain your dex bonus to AC to avoid the attack but does not stop the attack from happening in the first place. i.e. Uncanny Dodge doesn't stop you from being caught flat-footed or surprise attacked, you just retain your Dex bonus (BIG DIFFERENCE!!) You can still be sneak attacked in those situations.

At 6th lvl you cannot be flanked and, as such, cannot be sneak attacked when flanked unless the attack has 4 lvls of rogue on you. But that has nothing to do with being denied you Dex bonus or the like as flanking just gives +2 to hit.

So in the case of the assassin vs the high lvl rogue, if you want it to be a quick kill, surprise attack. The rogue will still be hard to hit (high AC due to still having his Dex bonus added to it) but you will still be able to deal sneak attack damage and all the other death dealing goodies that an assassin can do with/ instead of a sneak attack.

Just the way I read it, may not mesh with you and I must say I have never asked WotC or seen any errata to say so I could be off base.


Registered User
Re: Dodging

Nik_the_Pig said:

The way I read that is that anything that normally would deny a character his Dex bonus will allow a sneak attack. Uncanny Dodge allows you to retain your dex bonus to AC to avoid the attack but does not stop the attack from happening in the first place. i.e. Uncanny Dodge doesn't stop you from being caught flat-footed or surprise attacked, you just retain your Dex bonus (BIG DIFFERENCE!!) You can still be sneak attacked in those situations.

Just the way I read it, may not mesh with you and I must say I have never asked WotC or seen any errata to say so I could be off base.

I have to admit that's how I first saw it too... But the official word on this seems to have been that uncanny dodge denies sneak attacks. I got a house rule similar to that flanking that a rogue 4lvl higher can still sneak attack a barbarian... But that's not official.

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