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Those with evil intent, step right in...


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One of my players created a character who pissed someone off royally and has sworn vengence. Mr. Loordimar Dragonhart is the one seeking vengence, and I have included a brief history as well as some of the plans he is going to/have already started to incorperate.
I am asking all of you with evil in your heart to help me come up with more plans and ideas that Mr. Dragonhart would do.

Mr. Dragonhart:
Mr. Loordimar Dragonhart is a very ambitious individual who has set lofty goals for himself and demands obedience from everyone. Even from an early age, he had always craved wealth, and the power that comes along with it.

When Lino was 12, he ran away from home, hoping to strike it rich in Enre. During his trip there, he was mugged numerous times and was occasionally raped and when Loordimar arrived in Enre, he appeared to be just another lost, broken soul.

Determined to not end up like the other people, Lino began to sing on street corners. It wasn’t a great living but it did give him enough coins to feed himself. His performances, though magnificent in its own right, lacked conviction and thus any real hope of making it big.

Lino knew that he’d never make it rich the way he was performing now, but he kept at it often until he became blue in the face.

It was fortunate that Lino continued the way he did because another performer named Loordimar Dragonhart caught word of Lino’s performance and decided he could use a man of his talents.

Loordimar took Lino under his wing and taught him everything he knew, which wasn’t a lot. Loordimar knew a bit about performing and some about thieving, but he mostly knew how to exploit people and this is what he did to his new apprentice.

Lino, being a bright individual figured out what Lino was doing to him but went along with it, for a time at least. Once Loordimar’s usefulness ended, Lino had Loordimar killed and took on his identity, as no one would miss a no-name.

Soon after Lino took on Loordimar’s identity, he became a favorite among local lords and ladies which caused Loordimar Dragonhart’s popularity to soar.

The next few years, Loordimar’s popularity continued to increase, which pleased Loordimar greatly. In fact, he was so popular that he bought a theatre and began to hire other performers to perform in his theatre.

Once his Theatre, the Dragonhart Theatre took off, Loordimar retired from performing to focus more on his theatre troop.

Things started to look up for Loordimar, especially when he hired on the beautiful Kessa Vaaldalia. It was the best investment he could have made, that is until she decided to leave his troop.

Furious at her desertion, Loordimar tracked her down and found she was with some wench named Alhandra. Not only was Kessa living with her, but she was sleeping with her. Loordimar waited until he could get the wench alone, to see what was so much fun to make Kessa to leave him. After awhile of having his fun, Loordimar didn’t notice anything special with her and killed her.

He was just about to finish her wench when Kessa came out of the house. He delighted in the fact that she would get to see her new play toy die, at his own hands no less. He plunged his sword in her back as he tossed her aside.

As the wench’s body hit the ground Kessa made to draw her weapon but Loordimar backhanded her with all his might and sent her sprawling to the ground.

Slowly Loordimar moved in front of Kessa and began to slowly draw blood with the tip of his blade. He was just fantasizing about what he was going to do to her, and how much fun he was going to have when an unbearable pain erupted in his groin.

As he crumpled over to the ground, he saw Kessa get up and run away. He swore he would make her life hell, and as he laid there in pain, he though of just how he could do it.

As soon as he could move again, which did take some time, Loordimar cast the spell which would send him home and he began to make plans that would ruin Kessa Vaaldalia.

Loordimar Dragonhart’s Plan to Harass Kessa Vaaldalia
Loordimar’s plans are simple, to make Kessa’s life a living nightmare. To do this, Loordimar first planned on ruining her name by making her a murderer. He changed his appearance to appear like Kessa and killed several well off Lords and Ladies in Enre. He always made sure that someone saw a glimpse of her, just not enough to recognize her.

Next, he changed his appearance to look like Alhandra and began to sing and perform for the Lords and Ladies. As soon as she was a favorite among them, began to spread the word that Kessa raped then brutally killed the famous performer Alhandra. He even went back to retrieve her corpse so it was available for examination.

Of coarse Loordimar, being the kind man that he is made it publicly known that he will personally pay any person who brought Kessa back for trial, a grand sum of 5000 gold coins.

Next, Loordimar planned to work on Kessa’s spirit. To do this, he hired a group of bounty hunters, who are no more than simple cut-throats and rapists, to find Kessa, have some “fun” with her, before leaving. Loordimar was very explicit about how she was to remain alive, though he cared not about how many times, or how often they had their “fun” with her.

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Lord Pendragon

First Post
You might consider that, in a standard D&D campaign world, buying but a single casting of the clerical spell Commune would nullilfy all the discrediting Loordimar plans.

i.e. "Oh great Heironeous, did Kessa kill Peasant A?"

As for suggestions, I'd suggest that the villain take it out on friends and family. After that, taking it out on possible friends. i.e. if Kessa seems to take to an NPC, have that NPC killed. Kessa will be afraid to even smile at anyone before long, for fear she'll get them killed.


First Post
Yes, trauma is good...Sometimes the greatest harm one can do to another, is to slowly make their enemy everything that enemy hates about the adversary.

Kill their friends, lovers, and family...Incite them to rage and revenge...Test the PC's morality and will. If done with clear options available, you'll be praised as a great DM!


Registered User
Could a curse cause any problems with Commune?
Example: I curse so-and-so that they will always be found guilty in the eyes of the gods.


First Post
That would be too powerful of a curse. In fact, the one that would weave such a spell would most likely suffer, not the intended victim.


First Post
Thanks for all of the help. Unfortunately, I have a problem with remembering magic so I tend to forget about it when I plan things.
As for a curse, what if the curse was worded so that the person being cursed appeared guilty for the crimes that the person cursing her are guilty of?
Example: "I curse so-and-so that they will always be found guilty in the eyes of the gods for the crimes that I have commited."

Thanks again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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