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Thoughts and Observations on episode 1 of Savage Tide (SPOILERS!)

Fat Daddy

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I will go ahead and jump on the bandwagon here and say that I'm really excited about the STAP and LOVED "There is no honor". I was actually able to convince our group's DM that he needed a break and that means that I will be able to run STAP starting in about 6-8 weeks. Woohoo! I can hardly wait.

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Arrgh! Mark!

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Written in Pirate Speak?

That's a problem?

My players had the most fun in the world when I did Freeport with a few Pyyyyyrrrrraaatteeesss! YYYAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!

Seriously; for more fun, read the notes aloud as if the NPC was saying them. Like how in movies you have people reading letters. Then give them the notes.


*Wishes the mail would move faster so he could see this too*

I am so jazzed that people are liking this. I subscribed to Dungeon specifically for this AP and hearing great reviews off the bat certainly makes me feel like I did a good thing.

James, or anyone else at Paizo who's listening (or really, anyone who'se ever designed an adventure) -- the Lotus Dragon lair definitely[ needed a sidebar describing how the bad guys would react to repeated PC forays into their lair. (You could take the old module U2: Danger at Dunwater as an example -- it gave details of how the lizardmen would react to repeated PC assaults.)

Would patrols be stepped up? Additional pirates recruited? Funds be spent to bribe the watch to harrass the PCs? Would the Lotus Dragons eventually abandon the lair? Would they take the fight to the PCs, ambushing them in the foyer of their partoness's house, in a huge cinematic melee? (Hmm, that's a good idea I just had. :) )

That's my only minor -- MINOR -- quibble with the adventure.

James Jacobs

Joshua Randall said:
James, or anyone else at Paizo who's listening (or really, anyone who'se ever designed an adventure) -- the Lotus Dragon lair definitely[ needed a sidebar describing how the bad guys would react to repeated PC forays into their lair. (You could take the old module U2: Danger at Dunwater as an example -- it gave details of how the lizardmen would react to repeated PC assaults.)

Would patrols be stepped up? Additional pirates recruited? Funds be spent to bribe the watch to harrass the PCs? Would the Lotus Dragons eventually abandon the lair? Would they take the fight to the PCs, ambushing them in the foyer of their partoness's house, in a huge cinematic melee? (Hmm, that's a good idea I just had. :) )

That's my only minor -- MINOR -- quibble with the adventure.

That would indeed have been a nice sidebar to include... but we didn't have space. Instead, notes here and there about how the guild reacts are integrated into the room encounter descriptions.

As it was, I had to cut a LOT of material from the adventure to make it fit... about 9,000 words in all, actually. The end result is a stronger adventure, I think, but it certainly didn't have room for any more sidebars.

In the absence of that, a few off-the-top-of-my-head thoughts:

After one PC raid, the Lotus Dragons send out a group to ambush them but don't make much more of a change; they think the PCs are an isolated incident.

After two PC raids, the Lotus Dragons realize that the PCs are trouble, and step up patrols, creating groups of 3 thieves that rove the guildhall. Cruncher the worg is put on guard at the location the PCs seem to favor as a guild entry, and the thieves start to set traps in areas that the PCs have already explored (flails that swing down to hit people in hallways, poison needles in door handles, etc.).

After three PC raids, Rowyn uses her wand of animate dead to bring back Cruncher or any other dead folk to supplement the guild's numbers. Kersh and Nemien, if they still live, are brought down to guard Rowyn in her chambers.

After four PC raids, Rowyn bundles up her loot and moves everything back into the basement of the Kellani family estate. You should consider, in this case, having her "forget" Vanthus' letters, so that when the PCs come back for the fifth time, they'll find the hook to the next adventure in the form of these letters, perhaps forgotten under her bed?

After this, the next two adventures proceed normally (the Kellanis continue to be a thorn in the PC's sides through to the third adventure as scripted already).


Moderator Emeritus
I have not read the first adventure yet, but I did read the overview in the previous issue, and since I have no experience with a Dungeon adventure path, I have a question:

I noticed that the overview of the individual adventures references the same villianous NPC (the one you start out looking for at the behest of his sister(?), but end up realizing he is one of the bad guys). My question is, how do the adventures deal with this? I mean, what if the PCs kill/capture this guy early on?

I like the idea of uncovering deeper and deeper layers to be investigated and explored - but it seems weird to tie to one recurring guy that may not make it all the way through. Are these kinds of things discussed in the adventure path adventures themselves? That is, does it offer alternatives? Non-cheesy ways to have the recurring NPCs get away, etc?

cincinnati reds

First Post
el-remmen said:
I have not read the first adventure yet, but I did read the overview in the previous issue, and since I have no experience with a Dungeon adventure path, I have a question:

I noticed that the overview of the individual adventures references the same villianous NPC (the one you start out looking for at the behest of his sister(?), but end up realizing he is one of the bad guys). My question is, how do the adventures deal with this? I mean, what if the PCs kill/capture this guy early on?

I like the idea of uncovering deeper and deeper layers to be investigated and explored - but it seems weird to tie to one recurring guy that may not make it all the way through. Are these kinds of things discussed in the adventure path adventures themselves? That is, does it offer alternatives? Non-cheesy ways to have the recurring NPCs get away, etc?

In the first adventure, the PCs only get to see Vanthus once, and that's right before he slams shut his trap...

BTW, for those worrying about the Huecueva under Parrot Island, my group didn't have any trouble with him, but Mr. Jacobs' special zombies scared the crap out of them... grappling/biting zombies were not what they expected, and they were opn the edge of their seats until they escaped the tunnels.

Well done.


First Post
cincinnati reds said:
In the first adventure, the PCs only get to see Vanthus once, and that's right before he slams shut his trap...

BTW, for those worrying about the Huecueva under Parrot Island, my group didn't have any trouble with him, but Mr. Jacobs' special zombies scared the crap out of them... grappling/biting zombies were not what they expected, and they were opn the edge of their seats until they escaped the tunnels.

Well done.

Yeah, the hungry dead section of the adventure is by far my favourite part. I'm a little nervous about the Heucuva part, but I've figured out a few ways I can prepare the group for it without being obvious (throw in a scroll of magic weapon early on in the adventure, offer the group holy water, etc...)

As for the Zombies, I intend on "speeding them up", making it seem like they're a lot faster than they actually are. I won't be changing the speed or stats of the zombies in any way, but I'm going to cheat a little and describe them as being fast, if a little jerky in their motions. I figure that will help keep the group freaked out - Zombies are so much scarier when they're of the 28 Days Later variety.


As for killing Vanthus... it's a concern of mine, but I'm pretty sure there'll be info for how to cover that when the situation arises, so I'm not too worried.

I don't have it in front of me, but the way to swim out of the Parrot Island dungeon is described in the text but missing from the map. Any chance of getting a better map for this? I also found the entrance scene to that dungeon just a tad railroady. I don't know any experienced party that allows a shifty guide to remain behind when entering a dangerous location that can be sealed from behind. But, hey, maybe I'll catch my group off guard. :)

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