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D&D 5E Three Wishes for 5E

Consonant Dude

First Post
Wish #1: Quick, quick, quick

I want a game that allows a DM to prep quickly, create things on the fly. Fast in play, in chargen.... just fast! None of this miniature-required crap in the core game!

Wish #2: Flavorful

I'd like for the designers not to suck the flavor out of the game in pursuit of game "balance" or some other weird and misguided concept. I hope they pay homage to the game's tradition while also adding their own unique touch so the game becomes more rich.

Wish #3: Definitive

I'd like if they playtested this edition thoroughly and thought about every change before the final version. I don't want an embarrassing skill challenge math fail. I don't want a .5 or essential edition. I understand no edition can be eternal but for the good of the game and the community, the next edition should probably last close to a decade without crappy revisions. Take your time before you release it but give us a fine game.

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My three wishes (yes, I know you can't wish for more wishes):

1. Fast game mechanics for PCs. I want to stat up a character in 15 minutes.

2. Faster combats. I am willing to sacrifice both verisimilitude and tactical strategy for fast and fun combat.

3. Classes that don't become obsolete past a certain level. Whether this is about keeping casters from getting too powerful, or making sure non-casters get tougher, I don't want one type to dominate, nor do I want another type to become pointless.



My 3 wishes for 5e are as follows:

1: Online resource such as DDI for a monthly/annual/ect... that is updated immediately or even before the physical books came out. By extension, I want to see fully developed character builders, monster builders and in time, a mapping tool. A VT would be cool for those who need it, but I don't play online.

2: moderate to minimal errata, at least for the first year or so of the game. I want to see say, less than 5 pages by the start of the second year of the game. This of course depends on how many books are released, but I'd like to see less than 1/4th a page per book. And absolutely NO errata until at least 3 months after a product's release. If it's earlier than that, it's either gotta be super-duper important, or you coulda held off on publishing and fixed it IN THE BOOK.

3: Minimal reliance on "accessories" such as trading cards, minis, or whatever that would basically be a money sink. I'm totally cool with those things existing for the game, but they should be accessories. You don't NEED them to play, they don't provide extra rules or specialty content.



1) I want to be able to pull any module - for any edition - off the shelf and run it, with only doing on-the-fly conversion

2) A way to get the books electronically, legally.

3) It better have all the classes and races from the 3E PHB in the first book. I'm not interested in waiting a year or more for a favored option.


First Post
1. I want the rules to portray the same world as the fluff does.

2. I want to sit my simulationist self down with my buddies the gamist and the narrativist and spend the evening arguing about what we're going to do about that bastard the Baron, not why the other two are playing the game wrong.

3. I want magic to be magic, and I want a foot of steel to the face to ruin your day.


First Post
1. Flatten growth. I have had enough of the ever inflating number chase

2. Unique classes. Dont come up with 1 mechanic for all, it might work, but everyone ends up feeling same-same.

3. Simplify combat. Really. I dont need the greatest mechanics, I need the ability to get through combat quickly and get back into the game

No Big Deal

First Post
1. Fire everyone work on 5e. Throw away what you've done on 5e so far. Drop your Modual Rule Systems bullsh*t. Drop every assumption you've made. Hire anyone from The Gaming Den (literally anyone) and give them free reign. Release new edition in 1-2 years.

2. Failing to achieve 1, use 3.5 as a base, scale it down to 10-15 levels, make ToB part of the core assumptions. Spend at LEAST a year working on your edition before you release it.

3. Class X should work in way X. Period. No. Modual. Rules. You CANNOT balance that game. No one can, and I don't trust wizards to balance well, anything, especially after the clusterf*ck that was 4e.


1. WotC make 5e as awesome as you can so that the following level of disgust will be a less likely occurence if/when 6e rolls around:

1. Fire everyone work on 5e. Throw away what you've done on 5e so far. Drop your Modual Rule Systems bullsh*t. Drop every assumption you've made. Hire anyone from The Gaming Den (literally anyone) and give them free reign. Release new edition in 1-2 years.

2. Failing to achieve 1, use 3.5 as a base, scale it down to 10-15 levels, make ToB part of the core assumptions. Spend at LEAST a year working on your edition before you release it.

3. Class X should work in way X. Period. No. Modual. Rules. You CANNOT balance that game. No one can, and I don't trust wizards to balance well, anything, especially after the clusterf*ck that was 4e.

2. Prove above quote to be no more than bluster. Make your modular framework work, and work well. I want to be able to tweak a game so that it suits the tastes of the many groups I play with.

3. Make 5e something worth remembering and giving those who play it a reason to actually want to play it over their preferred version X.


Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
1. Fire everyone work on 5e. Throw away what you've done on 5e so far. Drop your Modual Rule Systems bullsh*t. Drop every assumption you've made. Hire anyone from The Gaming Den (literally anyone) and give them free reign. Release new edition in 1-2 years.

2. Failing to achieve 1, use 3.5 as a base, scale it down to 10-15 levels, make ToB part of the core assumptions. Spend at LEAST a year working on your edition before you release it.

3. Class X should work in way X. Period. No. Modual. Rules. You CANNOT balance that game. No one can, and I don't trust wizards to balance well, anything, especially after the clusterf*ck that was 4e.

You're new, but that means that you've read the terms of use quite recently too.

This post fails on so many levels, plus you decide to try to swerve the no profanity rules. In a forum such as this it is pure and simple trolling, and we've got no tolerance for it.

As such you are banned for 7 days. When you come back, moderate your behaviour better please.

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