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Tickleberry's continuing adventures or "Killer Kobalds, from Where?"


Rotten DM
spooky speaks again

Oh almost forgot. The devil made me do it. I found a small branding iron on the way out of valley. So I brand Ackmed on the forehead. His face could use some character.

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Rotten DM
mr. fred speaks


I will kill Kill win!
I will kill Tickle berry!
I will kill the mage that is helping them Ackmed is dead!
I will kill the horses!
I will kill the dogs!
I will kill the eater of Purple Paladin Prune Crunchies!

I contact them for a nice evening chat what to they do.
Shrink and stomp me in the head.
Ackmed throws a fireball into my bowels.
Then I slice and diced.
Then they make vanish in a puff of smoke.
They getting good as this astral plane dreaming.
They are very rude!

But I know they going or are in Hartsford.
I am buying a plane ticket!
And planning on paying them a little visit.

Does anyone out there want to join me?


First Post
Here we go again.

Well, we made good in Goldie's lair, and decided to check out No Name City. Our company must have a REAL open door policy, because there are VERY few of us originals left.
Celwyn and I are the last two standing. We now have two paladins, Garfield (?) and Bucky, of all things. Buck was sent to check on Goldie. Imagine his surprise to find out she was a Dragon. Hee hee. Joe joined us simply because SOMEONE had to keep an eye on that wandering wonder blunder. Then there is Achmed the mage. He is still relatively new, but hey, I did pray for a mage. Praise Brandobaris.
On the way in, that annoying mindflayer payed us a visit. Unfortunatley, from one of us he gets a lead into one of the newbies. He gives our position away. Happy, happy, joy, joy. Then I get beaned by a ruby falcon while taking my watch in the tree. The next day, I find what looks like cat leavings in my sealed pack. (Player's note: an unseen force was moving in my bag, and another player finds it, and shuts it in with my stuff.) The next night I find poison ivy in my covers. Sheesh, what gives? Besides the annoyances, we make it to NoName with no incidents.
Showing just how (ahem) sophisticated this burg is, they were having the Annual Monthly fights. Very few rules involved here, simply last man standing (and I use that term LOOSELY).
Garfield, the dwarven paladin, steps up to fight. He trades axe blows with his opponent from behind the curtain. It looks to me like a very close thing. I try to pass him a cure before he gets himself killed.
Suddenly, a lot of crossbow bolts are aimed at me. I decide to simply sit back and pray, a LOT.
Bucky, seeing Garfield win, decides to try his luck with the box. Oh joy, it's a minotaur. He whines that he didn't have a choice. Ha! Bucky the wonder blunder didn't even wait for the announcer to finish. Sheesh. Before he steps out there, I arm him with the magic sword from the hoard.
Luckily, Celwyn had gotten in his bet before the odds dropped against him. Following his lead, the rest of the party take bets, too.
Bucky, by prayers and good fortune, drops the minotaur. It is just a momentary respite, though. As the minotaur charges, the ground drops out from under them.
We do get a rope around Bucky, and Achmed has some fly spells and levitates handy. By winching him out we get everyone up and away, and back to Hartford.
Celwyn chuckling madly all the way back over the amount of money he made on those two fights.


Rotten DM
spooky speaks

pardon the little brown piles.
I knew some adventurers have enemies but
Lucky I went on Tickleberry's pillow.


Rotten DM
Mr. Fred Speaks

I took a long autumn nap last night. Paid Killwin and his friends a little visit. Umm UMM Good!
Hartsford Hallway Halfling brains! I can’t believe it. Her friend, Ember answers the door. After a brief struggle, Tickleberry fell for my trap. She tumbled passed me to back stab me. Silly Halfling! I let Ember slam the door on me. Then I had a small snack in the hallway. SLURP! UMM UMM GOOD. About halfway through my snack, Ember, Killwin, and the rest fling open the door. I nearly eat the new chick Ember but she breaks my grip. Just as I about to dine again, I wake up.
Rats. Just when the dream was getting good.
One down! And a handful of others to go! Who said I’M a dream to some and nightmare to others? Well the nightmare in Hartsford HappyHalfling begins!
Last edited:


Rotten DM
Tucker speaks

Well the great Necromancer Tickleberry has not bought in to our shopping club. But after I heard she destroyed No Name City (someone must have pinched her cute bottom), I decide to invite her down the clubhouse. She brings at least one ally. I was amazed at the zombie walking through the tunnel. And the fact Tickleberry did not use it as a trap finder. It was a great disguise until the zombie reacted to the door closing behind it. No zombie I know moves that quickly and is capable of independent thought. Also my back up team reported at least one extra set of footfalls. Sneaky! I like that.

I ask her to remove a certain moneychanger who has been given my home shopping club problems. She said she look into it. Bye bye Mr. Lilybo.


First Post

That squid faced horror is going down hard! The nerve! The gall! The sheer cheek of it all! I'll explain later, right now I'm having a rant. The smelly sewer sucking shagfaced two ton tentacled turkey.

Okay, now I feel a little better. Maybe I should bring you all up to speed.

Our little adventure began again with an interesting, and cryptic, note from the thieve's guild. We had Ember back (they don't know that , yet). So we dressed her as a zombie. She loved it. She was going in visible, while others were going invisible.

Finding secret doors, checking for traps, and threading dangerous mazes to get to the meeting place was quite fun. Luckily I like to show off. Heh.

Okay, so the maze took a little time to get through. It was dark, and my only light is that of my torch. Get over it.

Once there, they asked me to bump off a moneychanger Lilybo. Being my usual suave self, i promised only to "See what I can do." Nice out, huh?

Even if moneychangers are scumsucking backstabbing fungal blights on all creation, not all are. I had to give him a chance, right?

Of course.

We received a new cleric with the party. Unfortunately, he has a small hearing problem. I asked him to detect evil, and then maybe a truth spell. Nooo, he had to cast the truth spell first. Zone of truth, to be exact. This means I have to enter it if I want to know anything. lovely, isn't it?

So in I go. Trying to be facile as possible. The guy knows something is up, and is very hostile. Unfortunately, I'm not as facile as I'd like to be. I flub it, and he threatens me.

I don't take kindly to that. I'm all for doing him in. Make room for an honest one. He'd already admitted to trying to cheat people, the WRONG people (not very smart, either, is he?).

Then my host (whom i forgot could do this) told me he was neither good, nor bad, just greedy. Great, blow my cover to find something I didn't even have to look for.

That night, my luck got even worse. Fred came calling, in person.
I was stuck near the door, the only way to get out of the fighter's way was to go on out. Fred caught me. I tried to wriggle free, and the lights went out.

I woke in the healer's chambers with four small holes in my head. That thing is going down bigtime. As if there weren't enough jokes already at my expense, i have to listen to "hole in the head" jokes, too.


Rotten DM
Lilybo the moneychanger

You know adventurers are such a bother. The dread necromancer Tickleberry and some of her minions dropped into my moneychanger’s shop today. Mr. Bill a pimply priest WALKS IN CASTING A SPELL. Just as my guards about to show him the error of his ways, Achmed a mage or so my sources tells me, grabs him by the collar and drags him out.
Then Tickleberry starts asking me for information. And I discover I can not lie! Later found out from one of my friends that Mr. Bill cast Zone of Truth. But had a good laugh on Tickleberry because she caught in the spell too. We discuss various things and she spills the beans that Tucker has a hit out on me. Which is pretty strange considering Tucker was in the back room. Hmm. Sounds like Bilbo, Samwise, Frodo, and his Bagger chumps are going for hard core take over of the business. Looks like a corporate buyout is going down soon.
Also must plan of teaching Mr. Bill a lesson in manners.


Rotten DM
Lilybo speaks

My young helpers have just reported to me that Mr. Bill is over at the Crazy Cleric flirting and tying one on. Since the Crazy Cleric is nice tavern inn and only a block away I think I go pay him a visit and break some fingers.

Hum some one is up ahead. That’s no right.



Rotten DM
Spooky the psuedo dragon speaks

Well Cleo of Beirhouse was highly upset about the bison and mind flayer in the second floor hallway. She raised and regenerated Tickle berry’s brain. Which is good because I was having difficulty deciding on who to start playing jokes on next.

Ms Cleo and her most of her temple came in and told everyone to get lost they were going to Hallow the Happy Hobbit and keep Mr. Fred out. They were done before nightfall. Killwin went out and discovered that Lilybo the moneychanger had lock up and left town on business. The watch had been notified so they would circle the building on their patrol. The gang decides that Killwin would go to Crazy Cleric and get a riot started. This would give Tickleberry a chance to break in and scout. I secretly follow her. And played one well two small… All right three practical jokes on her.

Well she got arrested and I had to show myself to the group. Tickleberry got arrested. This turn out to be a practical joke gone badly.

You see with all that went down, I was able to save Ms. Cleo but Tickleberry DIED!

Voidrunner's Codex

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