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Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."


Jares nods to Yorlii, but doesn´t get up to receive the newcomers. "Well met. My name´s Jares, as you may already know." says to the dwarf, obviously an important person. "Did you summoned me?"

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The Halfling presents herself as Yorlii when she enters the room.
She is a tallfellow halfling (for those who know the difference) and thus 4 feet tall. Her short hair as well as her eyes are pitch black. She looks well-trained and agile as a cat, but not especially handsome, rather like a standard halfling woman who did a lot of exercises.
She wears an exotic padded armor below her tunic. She wears dark standard clothes that look clean and really comfortable, but some of the items seem to have more to them. If they are allowed their weapons, she carries a scimitar on her back and a kukri at her side.

[sblock=OOC]Items that are not in some pouch or bag:
Circlet, Necklace (mainly a bump below her clothes), Boots, Belt, Bracers, Ring, Cape (with hood), Padded, Explorer outfit
Everything else is stored away.
Her haversack and other unhandy items (like outside sleeping gear) are in her room at the tavern.[/sblock]


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Bruggin trudged into the room, mithral full plate clinking as he progressed across the stone floor and took a seat in the audience chamber.

Progressed... for no true Dwarf actually *walked* anywhere.

Gruffly, the warrior priest grabbed the shoulder of the Dwarf who brought him into the chamber, his rumbling basso trembling in the relatively empty room. "Ach! Since ye couldnae arrange fer proper transpert t' this lil playdate, why don'tcher do this up proper like and bring me a tankard of ale, afore Bruggin Darkforge clanks right back outter the door an' ol' Harbromm can stuff his mission elsewhereabouts!"

And then, some skinny looking hum- no, half elf? Bah! Whatever he is, asked Bruggin if he had been the one summoning the meeting. Cocking an eyebrow, Bruggin lifted his helm off his head, bald pate shining in the light of the room. Resting his chin in an armored palm, Bruggin rested his other hand palm down on the table and made a flustered exclaimation with his lips, the exhasperated raspberry echoing loudly.

"Yer either daft or uninformed or misinformed, young'n. Me name be Bruggin Darkforge, last Thane of Clan Torunn. I dinnae summon ye here."

Rifling through his backpack, he grumbled as he searched about for something in particular; it'd been far too long since he'd had magic coursing in his veins. With a satisfied grunt, he drew out a well made wand of darkwood; darkwood seemed to hold the flavor of healing magics better than others. Clenching the wand in his teeth, the cleric took a heavy pull on it, as if he were smoking a pipe. The end glowed slightly for a moment, then Bruggin sighed with an even deeper satisfaction as he leaned back in his seat to await the coming of Harbromm.
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True enough to the dwarf guard's word, it doesn't take long before Harbromm himself arrives in the meeting room. For those of you who haven't seen him before, the King of Citadel Adbar looks impressively strong, even for a dwarf. He wears an amazingly wrought suit of adamantium full-plate encrusted with red gems and a large axe is slung over his back. The wrinkles on his face show his age, but the fire in his eyes dispels any notion that he might be getting frail.

Upon entering the room, he sits down at the head of the table and looks around the room, taking an individual account of each one of you. Looking at Bruggin he says in a booming voice,

"Good ta see I can still count on you, Darkforge. You've 'elped the Citadel in the past an I've no doubt you'll serve it well once more."

Quickly Turning his attention to the others he continues,

"As for the two of you, I know little of ya, but my man says you seem capable and you look like yur lookin fer work. If an he was right about those two things, I've got work a plenty for ya.

To put it in a very simple way, I need the three of you to do some bashin in the heads of a few o' my enemies. The job 'll pay well and if yer anything like me, you'll have a goot ol' time ta boot. Any interest?"


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"If'n there be skullbashin' t' be done, Clangeddin's servant will see it through!" Taking another hearty pull on his wand, the cleric remained in his relaxed position; he felt secure that his reputation and his words were all he needed.


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With an amused smile Yorlii answers:Of course, and if the payment is right I'll even deliver their heads, ... if you have to get rid of excessive energies, bashing them to pulp could help. The attempt at a joke is obvious.


"Interest depends on the details" answers Jares. "Particulary the ´who´ and the ´how much´ ones. As of myself, you´ll hardly find someone more adept at this kind of job, unless you´r willing to travel far away" adds with arrogance.


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Well I'm glad the three of ya at least sound interested. Truth be told I have a few enemies that I wouldn't mind not havin ta worry 'bout no more, so you can pick which one, if either, you'd like ta take care of.

First off, some o' the scout we been sending out to the west tell tales of Orcs growin in number, like they often do when gittin ready to attack. They're always pesterin us, but I'd like to do something about this afore they have a chance to make a real attack. I'm tired o' making attacks on bands of orcs in the countryside, I want ta strike a blow to the wretches! I want to see Obould Many Arrows dead! Course that's where you come in...as I'd be sending you to put an end to that heathen and his schemes to take my land.

If fightin with the Orcs don't sound like your cut o' roast, there's another, more mysterious job I could have ya do. Strange magics been growin in the Ascore to the southeast o' here, and creatures fromt he waste been coming into our land far to much of late. Some o' my counsel tells me there be an ancient evil brewin in that place, and that it means to overflow inta our land here. Now I don't know 'bout all that 'evil ta threaten the world' talk, but I sure as Moradin's Hammer won't be the Dwarf King of Adbar who ignores the signs of the seers to seal our doom.

On the topic o' gold, you can be sure that either task will be rich with reward. I'll be willing to give each o' ya 5,000 gold for accomplish one task or the other, plus you can keep all the loot ya find.


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"An' wot if, just curious, we was to finish both tasks, eh?" Bruggin gestured widely; his interest lay with both as he again took a hearty pull on his wand. "Suren betwixt the three of us'n, we could put together 'nough magics to get from one place t' th' other in a wink! I'm all for bashin' orcs, an' as fact is fact I'd luv ter go'n bash th' orc whoresons first an' foremost!"


"Five thousand?" asks Jares. "I assume that prize is negotiable. But a priori, I concur that erasing that Obould chap from the map seems the most promising task, much more than pursuing rumors in the wastelands."

Voidrunner's Codex

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