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Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."


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I agree with the dwarf. Why not do both? Go give that orc a second smile and try to find out more about those rumors of lurking evil while we are there...? Maybe theses two are even linked somehow?

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"Well and eager group ya be indeed! If ya want to undertake both the jobs, you'll be rewarded with twice the coin. O' course I'll need ta know which one yer goin after first, and it seems Obould is your choice, unless I'm mistaken.

Obould 'as moved around many a time in the last few years, but from what we know at the moment, he camping north and west of here by about 70 miles, between the Ice mountains and the Dark Woods. I dun care how ya go about it, but Obould's head is worth 5,000 gold for each o' ya. As I said, ya go go after both jobs if ya want, but come back here after ye'v killed Obould and afore ya head into the waste chasing rumors. By that time we may know more bout what's goin on down there.

Now, any o' ya have questions afore I get back to the business of running this city?"


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Unless you intented somebody else to give us more precise informations about that orc, I'd like to know what informations you could tell us about him...
like do you know if he is capable of magic himself or if he has some friend that takes care of magic for him and such.
As well, do you want us to eliminate his advisors that could take the lead after he's dead or aren't they threatening enough?
Also, what is your rough estimate of the troops he managed to gather?


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Bruggin blanched at Yorlii's questions; how absurd!

"Are ye really that daft, halfing?! They're ORCS! O' course we're s'posed to stamp out all that as may be there. If'n we don't, leader or no, they're gonna breed, and then we'll have to tramp out and do it alla over again! Should we off 'em as there are, HA! Ye ever fight orcs, little one? Eh? B'cause Bruggin 'as, and believe you me... they ain't gonna show us'ns no quarter on the field. No orc would. Ye show me an orc tha's got mercy in 'is 'eart, and I'll show ye a lying dirty backstabbin' son of a whore." Taking a deep pull on his wand, the end glowed especially brightly for a moment. "If'n we're fer goin' long distances, I kin prepare div'nations if given a day. Otherwise, we're for trampin' aboot waiting fer orcs to spring on us, unless ye've got some sorter cards slipped up yer sleeves that ye ain't be for sharin'."


"I can use an illusion to disguise ourselves as orcs" says Jares. "That should reduce the mindless slaughtering to a minimum, seeing we´re being payed *cough* and not very well *cough* for killing only one of them. Locating the leader shouldn´t be difficult, as orcs rule by fear, and thus continuously remind everyone of their leadership with big showings of power or wealth -in the orcish sense, of course-"

"It would be nice to know what exactly that orc and the ones around him can do, so those divinations could be handy, yes. About the travel, I can provide for that also."


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Harbromm has been figetting during his speech and now he actual rises to pace a bit while he speaks. It's clear that he is an impatient dwarf, but (luckily) he just eager to be back to work, and not angry at anyone for asking questions.

"Ah right, I keep fergitin a couple o' you folks aren't from this area, else you would 've heard the same tales about Obould as everyone has. Everyone knows he's a brave and powerful fighter, so strong in fact that some swear he practices tribal magics, but I've my doubts about that. Those who 've seen him fight say he flies into a blood-rage, destroying enemies around him like a crazed animal. I myself 've never fought with him, and most of the people who say they have can hardly be believed, so you've have to go on what I've told ya here. Bruggin no doubt has heard all the tales as well, so ya can ask 'im if ya what ta know more.

As fer those around him, I'd be willin ta bet he has a few seers or mage types who 'll be throwin foul orc magics at ya, but crush um quickly and it shouldn't be a problem. I've learned from my days in battle tha' the magic in fightin is only good till ya can get a few swings with a strong ax. Right now it's hard ta tell how many he's gathered, but it must be at least a few thousand, more if he's speant all o' the last years building up 'is tribe. Obould does have an elite group o' orc that travel with im all the time though, so killin them would help with crushin the army too."

Harbromm pauses to think for a moment when he hears Jares' comment, realizing that Jares is thinking of only killing the leader and not bringing general destruction on the orcs. He's not satisfied with the idea of you just killing Obould so he adds,.

Now tha' I think on it a moment, I didn't make it clear that I'd like ya killin more than just Obould as long as yer gonna make the trip. As a matter o' fact, the more o' um ya kill, the happer I'll be! Just ta make this a bit more worth yer while though, I'll pay ya extra fer killin any o' the other orcs as well. Obould's tribe 'as a strict hierarchy and ya can tell how high a rank one's got by the teeth they wear on a thong 'round there neck. Bring the thongs off o' any other orcs ya kill an I'll pay ya accordinly. 50 gold for one tooth, 100 for two, 250 for three, and 500 for the guards around Obould himself, who usually be wearin 4 teeth round their necks. If ya dun find nothin round the neck, it means ya been fightin with a child an ya ought to go lookin for some real sport!

[sblock=OOC]On a side note, I feel like "Bring the thongs off o' any other orcs ya kill an I'll pay ya accordinly," needs to go in my quote book.[/sblock]


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You want to know what I'm capable of? Fine! Yorlii says slightly angered to Bruggin. In short, for the king surely has better things to do, I'm a scout, I can get in and out of most places and eliminate most obstacles while there.

To Jares, she says with a smile: Between the two of us we should have more than enough ways to travel and disguise our little taskforce.

With an amused grin towards Bruggin she adds: Jares, we should ask for extra payment because of added difficulty, for having to take that dwarf with us. He obviously doesn't have a clue about hunting down a foe... It is obviously to tease the dwarf that she says that.

To Harbromm she says: Well I guess you have better things to do that hearing out the details between us... Unless Jares wants to bargain some more, I'd say we should get ready to leave.
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Bruggin's eyes flashed brightly, his gauntleted fists grinding into tight fists; Harbromm's temper was the stuff of legend, to be sure, but Bruggin refused to let some scrawny halfing dictate to him about finding and destroying orcs.

"Clangeddin gives me the strength I need, skinneh. I dinnae need any 'elp findin' the orcs, nor do I need help findin' their wretch leader, and NOR DO I NEED 'ELP WITH KILLIN'!" Bruggin stood, thumping both fists on the table top, cheeks already flushing an outraged crimson. "I 'ope yer arcana's enough t' keep ye alive, shorteh... 'cause ye're th' only one 'ere who looks like they cannae 'andle thesselfs in a fight."

Bruggin's armored knuckles knead on the surface of the table, the Dwarf slowing down and forcing himself to pull himself together as he realized his outrage had caused his wand to drop. Picking it up, he rolled it from one corner of his mouth to the other, sitting again and folding his arms. Pulling once more on his wand, the end glowed brightly for a moment and the fiery cleric calmed.

"Ye've got the axe'n 'ammer o' Clan Torunn at ye're service, Harbromm. I kin leave today and after travelin' on foot for a space, I kin descend on th' orc scum like th' wrath o' the heavens. I accept yer offer'd terms, my King."


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Laughing aloud Yorlii says: Ah, now I understand. We are to make sure our hotheaded little dwarf doesn't get himself killed by stomping in the of a thousand orcs. Unless you believe you can kill a thousand orcs all by yourself, dwarf?


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Then she adds more seriously to Bruggin: If we want to do a good job I suggest we work together. The more tricks we can use against them, the faster we'll be able to eliminate them.
I don't care how high you think of yourself but trust me in this: If you try to go and confront a thousand orcs with that attitude you'll get yourself killed or worse kidnapped. I start getting fed up with the attitude towards strangers you dwarves have. I can laugh about it for a time, but do not make the mistake of thinking you are better than anyone else. You might stumble upon people who have more tricks up their sleeves than you can handle. And I think it would be far better to work together, like good folks tend to, instead of fighting each other when evil, orcish or otherwise, is lurking at the door.

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