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Ties that Bind - Citadel Adbar - Chapter 1 "The best defense is a good offense..."


”The prize seems a bit low to me, but if you two agree on it, I don´t have anything else to add” says Jares ”Unless you´re going to continue with that stupid argument. In that case, there´s not enough gold in this citadel to convince me to go with you two.” The skinny half elf (who obviously has a lack of sense of humor) makes a pause to see if there´s any objection.

”King Harbromm, there´s one extra detail I´d like to know. It´ll be very helpful to see one of those thongs. I´m sure we´ll recognize them as soon as we´ll se them, but if we disguise as orcs (hopefully no one will mind) it´ll be better if we do as warriors powerful enough to avoid being pestered by random soldiers. It´ll be helpful to create a more convincing disguise”

”Now” continues ”If you two don´t mind, I´d like to start discussing the details immediately. I´ve done this kind of things before, and the simplest plan is always the best.”

“First, we´ll explore the area around the campment, assuming they have some kind of campment. If they are living in a cave or something, it won´t change things too much. We´ll locate a place to hide, not too far away from the orcs; that will be ´point C´.”

“The next day I cast a spell on us that will make us look like orcs. It´ll do nothing with our voices, nor is it foolproof so don´t speak, and if have to, do so with your fists or knives. We´ll look for where the orc boss is, then as discreetly as we can we use our best enhancing magics and then dimension door as close to him as we can. We kill as many orcs and do as much mayhem as we´re able to: best targets are the spellcasters and Obould himself. If things go well and we accomplish our goals, we teleport to ´point I´. That´s the inn: we´ve been there a long time, and have it well studied. If not, and things get too hot, we teleport to ´point C´, I cast a Private sanctum spell to prevent scrying magics and try again the next day.”

“It´s important that if we kill Obould he stays dead. So, before teleporting, someone should pick his body and carry it while we dissapear. That will prevent resurrection, unless they have a extremely powerful priest, and then we´re in serious trouble anyway.”

“Anything to add?”

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Someone said:
”King Harbromm, there´s one extra detail I´d like to know. It´ll be very helpful to see one of those thongs. I´m sure we´ll recognize them as soon as we´ll se them, but if we disguise as orcs (hopefully no one will mind) it´ll be better if we do as warriors powerful enough to avoid being pestered by random soldiers. It´ll be helpful to create a more convincing disguise”

Well I ain't got one o' um handy right now, they smell somethin fierce and I wouldn't carry 'round with me, but Bruggin there can show ya one I'm sure.

I've got work ta do and ya sound like yer up to the job, so I'll leave ya alone to discuss yer tactics and whatnot. I never seem much of a reason for them tactics though...seems like hitting things with my old axe always works best. Course I guess fer the big fights we always did some plannin. Well never mind me. Ah yes, afore I leave I should give ya this, it's a map with the spot where we suspect the old Orc ta be campin, though in truth he could be anywhere around this spot we have marked on the map. Blessins o' the forge be with ya!"

The dwarf king hands you a map of the area to the northwest of the Citadel and with that he exists the room, leaving you to comtemplate your course of action.


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Bruggin snorts, puffing on his wand.

"I prolleh could take a thousan' orcs... Prolleh... Roight. I kin tell ye one thing, right 'ere offen th' bat. Orcs 're ne'er the brightest, strongest willed sort, and brutish slayer monster types are ne'er too sturdy in the 'ead any'ow. My suggestion be this'n, as there inn't anythin' between 'ere an' the 'Ells that's gonna make me let ye turn me inter an orc. If'n we're fer sneakin' and scoutin' and bein' quiet and the like, I ain't goin' ter be any help at all. So, afore we leave the Citadel, why not put in some investment inter this venture an' visit some temples? I dinnae prepare aneh o' the spells 'n div'nations I need fer finding such things as orcs, BUT I'm willern t' bet that someone in the Citadel do... an' sure, it'll be 'ard, since we donnae 'ave much t' go on... but eventually, one o' 'em should get a fixer on our foe, an' wit that infermation in 'and, we should 'ave no troubles findin' 'im."


"The spell won´t turn you into an orc" explains Jares. "It´ll merely deceive those looking at you. It´s only an illusion, a big difference. And it´s absolutely neccesary, not just for locating Obould: that won´t be so difficult, even not using divinations. It´s neccesary to get near enough him to cast our enhancing spells and dimension door near him."

"If you don´t like it and (or) don´t understand the importance of surprise in this kind of jobs"
continues "You could enter the camp head on, killing unimportant orcs and be a distraction while we do the right job and terminate the boss"


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Yorlii says to Jares: 12 hours sounds fine. Do you think it would be good to intercept one of their patrols or hunting parties to see what we can learn and maybe even get our hands on one of those thongs?


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"Don' talk stupit, halfears. There ain't nothin' *wrong* with bashin' orcs. Fact is, I could make the lot o' us look to be like wisps o' cloud an' the brainless craetures wouldnae know the difference." Bruggin takes another slow draw on his wand, savoring the taste of magic. "If'n it won't make me inter an orc, I'm fine wit yer plan... just keep in mind 'at I don't 'old fer lettin' perfectly available orcs waltz away whilst still perfectly alive. Howe'er, me suggestion stands; ought we ter try the temples?"


GSFRumble said:
"Don' talk stupit, halfears. There ain't nothin' *wrong* with bashin' orcs. Fact is, I could make the lot o' us look to be like wisps o' cloud an' the brainless craetures wouldnae know the difference."

"I think you´re underestimating them. Too much says Jares. "That spell would be even better that the illusion, I agree, if you can cast it. About bashing orcs, I know worse things than orcs and I don´t particulary have anything against them. Let´s say I only want to do my job and nothing else, therefore, I see having companions interested in some kind of personal or racial vendetta against them as a danger for me, if they can´t keep their heads cool."

Bruggin takes another slow draw on his wand, savoring the taste of magic. "If'n it won't make me inter an orc, I'm fine wit yer plan... just keep in mind 'at I don't 'old fer lettin' perfectly available orcs waltz away whilst still perfectly alive. Howe'er, me suggestion stands; ought we ter try the temples?"

"Feel free to consult the temples, if you want. I certainly won´t spend more than I´m going to earn paying priests. But after all, if you have to prepare the Wind walk spell we´re stuck here until tomorrow. I´d rely more in actual scouting than divinations: they are frequently so obscure that they present more problems than solutions, and from one day to the other Obould´s situation may have changed."


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Someone said:
"Feel free to consult the temples, if you want. I certainly won´t spend more than I´m going to earn paying priests. But after all, if you have to prepare the Wind walk spell we´re stuck here until tomorrow. I´d rely more in actual scouting than divinations: they are frequently so obscure that they present more problems than solutions, and from one day to the other Obould´s situation may have changed."
I though I understood our dwarf here is capable with divinations himself? Why waste good money to the temples when we can do without their help or would they actually scry for free?

Also we could try to teleport through a scrying image to get there... that would be even faster than wind walking.

As for leaving... I guess you guys need to get rations unless you are set or can you go without? I don't think we'll be done in a few hours, especially if we want to sneak around or masacre more than a hand full.

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