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Time of Vengeance [closed]



They soar on the wings of eagles and move with the speed of thought. Their strength rivals the gods of myth and their wisdom illuminates the darkest of mysteries. With their heroism, they give hope to millions; with their courage, they inspire us all. They are the costumed heroes of Freedom City.
Protecting the most remarkable city in the world from strange and fantastic menaces is a supreme challenge, but Freedom’s superhuman champions have been more than worthy of the task. Under the superheroes’ watchful eyes, the city has remained safe. Not all those in Freedom City who donned colorful costumes and performed good deeds, however, did so with the power of Samson, the wisdom of Solomon, or the renown of David. For some, their greatest gifts were their generosity of spirit and raw courage. The only honor they received was the knowledge that they were acting for the greater good.
For some heroes, this is reward enough. There was one, however, whose lack of godlike prowess led to the all-too-human sin of envy. The obscurity in which she lived fueled a deep and abiding resentment.
When her act of self-sacrifice was instead branded a betrayal, the goodness within her perished. By the time her mortal flesh perished, her soul was nothing more than a seething cauldron of jealousy, hatred, and a need for revenge. It was then that her desire for deific power was fulfilled. Her time for vengeance is now.
One of your own has fallen and Freedom City is at its hour of greatest peril. Grab your cape and cowl, hero. It’s time to save the city again.

I am considering running the Module Time of Vengeance *if* I garner enough interest here.

I would need Six PL 10 150pp heroes to run it.

While I expect and even encourage characters to fill out thier PL Caps, building tricked out or even abusive Characters for M&M is fairly easy.

I am looking for great concepts and heroes that I would like to read about in a comic, not Uber-Bad-@$$es who are so efficiently built they can take on 3 Published PL 12 baddies by themselves.

With that said, lets see what you got Heroes! :cool:
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Yeah, if we can avoid certain players types like the one who basically ruined my own M&M game (and I'm pretty sure H4H knows of whom I speak), then I'm in!

Lemme think about some character concepts.


OOh.. I'm in two other M&M Games here, but I LOVE the system, despite the inherently easy twink factor. I was actually in the middle or writing up a character concept and thinking "I wish I had a campaign to run this in... *Sigh*"

SO, I guess that means ME = Interested.

[sblock=The Gamer]
HE was a video game wizard.. He beat all the records, kicked peoples butts, and quite literally played video games for a living, winning tournaments for money.
SHE was obsessed.. Obsessed with proving that a girl gamer could beat the guys at their "own games" (Pardon the pun) no matter what.

And so it was that fateful day when the two of them.. The best gamers in the world... went head to head at the worlds largest Video Game Tournament... the World Championships of Video Games, ranging across nearly a dozen systems, two decades of games, and a over a thousand contestants. Finally, it was just the two of them, in a best of seven video games extravaganza.
She took Tetris, Pokemon, and Mario, He whipped her good in Megaman, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat. Then it came down to the final battle... No holds barred "SUPER SMASH BROTHERS". During the hours of video games, nobody had noticed the intense storm brewing outside... But they would soon. Halfway through the final match, a massive bolt of lightning struck the building, sending a great surge through the systems. These two were both blown away from the TV as it exploded, showering them in sparks.
When they awoke, they discovered that they had developed a power.. They could harness.. Actually BECOME... the video game characters they had spent their lives playing.
SHE was not pleased. Not only had SHE failed to prove that SHE was superior by defeating HIM, SHE and HE were BOTH now super-powered, and SHE felt that HE did not deserve it. Thus began HER life of crime. HIS destiny was decided at that moment, too. For with great power... Oh wait, that one's taken... Anyways, HE figured that if HE can become all these HEROES.. why not actually BE a Hero.

Thus was born THE GAMER.[/sblock]
[sblock=build ideas]
I'm thinking of making the base character with a lot of skills, high mental stats, maybe Datalink, etc. And then giving him about a half-dozen METAMORPH abilities, each of which lets him become a different Game character...
My current idea for his roster is : Mario, Sonic, Nick Scryer(Psi-Ops), Ryu, Sub-Zero, and X(Mega-Man).
A lot of them have redundant abilities (Mario, Nick, Ryu, Sub-Zero and X will all have Maxed Blasts, for example), but Hey, the idea's about "GOd this is so freaking cool", not maxing out efficiency.[/sblock]
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Jemal said:
I LOVE the system, despite the inherently easy twink factor.

Assumed as part of the system is that the GM will veto any concepts that are abusive. Unfortunately, it's quite easy to miss things that are abusive unless you are very very careful. Especially when you're playing with strangers online.


First Post
Hey there! :)

I wrote up a superheroine a while ago, which I would like to use at some point, though not sure how fitting she is (more of the vigilante type) and whether you would ok characters modeled after existing characters from comic books (Ghost, in this case).

Another idea I had a while ago is a bit too similar to what Jemal posted (basically a video game character who came to life; the Diablo 2 Amazon with nifty special arrows). ;)

Or... I could just think up a new character. There are sooo many possibilities... :D



Character Concept:

A kid who is able to manipulate friction and kinetic energy, Torque glides along the ground and other surfaces by reducing drag and wind resistance. He can apply gliding properties to other people or objects as well, but since only Torque is generally used to this sort of "slipperiness", these other people or objects generally slip and slide around, unable to control their movement as Torque does.
Possible Powers (Going by the names in UP): Bouncing, Force Field, Friction Control, Kinetic Control, Reflection Field, Spinning, Super-Speed, Thermal Control, Vibration Control.

EDIT: I ditched Void, as I've come to like the Torque concept a lot more.
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Insight said:
Character Concepts:

[sblock=2. Torque]
A kid who is able to manipulate friction and kinetic energy, Torque glides along the ground and other surfaces by reducing drag and wind resistance. He can apply gliding properties to other people or objects as well, but since only Torque is generally used to this sort of "slipperiness", these other people or objects generally slip and slide around, unable to control their movement as Torque does.
Possible Powers: Super-Movement (also usable by others, usable against others, etc, maybe area as well), Deflection or Force Field, Snare.

Hmm.. Trip and Immovable would also be fairly good for a 'friction-manipulating' character, as well as Speed, maybe Absorbtion (Kinetic Energy?)..

On second thought, maybe I should look after my own concept first... heh.. *innocent whistle*

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