Tips for DMing a solo game

I was a little hesitant to commit to something so big, but a level range like what we've done with the Olindor series is much more doable. But the idea of 1-20 is attractive, I admit... :)

Oh, the PDF's for free now so if you want to grab it, better get it before January's up. :)

joe b.

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As has been mentioned, the #1 for me is that you'll burn through material a lot more quickly. There's no intraparty communication going on and you won't have the opportunity to be thinking up something for one player while dealing with another.

If you're not good at on the spot content then consider preparing a lot more than you would otherwise for the first sessions.

Make Use Magic Device an untrained, all class skill for the character. This helps the character use wands -- particularly wands of healing and restoration!
Heck, I'd even give a free feat: Skill Focus: Use Magic Device.

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