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Tis the season for repeat movies


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Has anyone else noticed how many stations start Dec. 1 with a set program of holiday movies..... Just last night I saw the Charlie Brown Christmas special, and it got me thinking about those repeat movies I dread seeing the ads for and those I look forward to.

I know lots of people love it and some are obsessed with it, but at the top of my list for wanting it banned is A Christmas Story.

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Laurel said:
I know lots of people love it and some are obsessed with it, but at the top of my list for wanting it banned is A Christmas Story.

I love A Christmas Story, but my wife HATES it, so I rarely get to watch it anymore. The one movie I wish was on more often was Christmas Vacation, which I find to be one of the funniest movies ever, but my wife also hates. It was a tradition to watch Christmas Vacation every year in my house, and I miss it now.


I'm a big humbug, mostly. No decorating, etc. We haven't celebrated Christmas in our own home in the years we've owned it (we ALWAYS travel to someone else's place) so there's little point. So that should give you the idea that I avoid holiday TV like the plague. The only one that does it for me is the last half of It's a Wonderful Life -- I like Jimmy Stewart and his anguish is some fine, fine acting.

I also enjoyed SNL's skit where they unearthed the "lost" ending of that film (Stewart's character and a mob of townsfolk track down the old crippled banker and beat the crap out of him). :)


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As far as I'm concerned, every single 'meaning of christmas' movie is a repeat of every other one.

The meaning of Christmas is that you sit down around a highly decorated tree with your family & friends, exchange gifts, and try to smile a lot. That's it.


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I guess I'm The Enemy on a lot of message boards... Happily married to the same woman for 20 years, well-behaved kids who do well in school and get involved in the community, neighbours who, when we bought this house in May, let the old owners just stay at their place while they were in Europe... Three sets of them offered...

But this, the first decoration we bought for the first Christmas in our own home after 20 years of renting, should be proof enough that I'm one of Those People, despite three decades as a hardcore gamer:



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Christmas movies when done right, are great. Its just that most of them are not and are utter crap. Scrooged, Christmas Vaction are two great ones. Emmit Otters Jug Band Christmas is one of the few truely orginal and classics and how can you not like How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Lastly, I think the Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the best versions of that Dickens classic while still keeping with the book.


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How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a cartoon, not a movie.

A Christmas Story is utter crap. Just felt I should get that out there. In fact, any movie revolving around an insecure young boy in the 50's/60's suburban America is utter crap. Morsoe with a holiday theme.


First Post
Though a cartoon, personally I'd say How the Grinch Stole Christmas should count as a movie. And there is always Jim Carry's version which will shortly become one those re-run holiday films.

Emmit Otters Jug Band Christmas... not remebering this one, but will have to watch for it, or see about renting it if it's that good :)

Dr. Anomalous, HA!!! I love it!!!! I'm still trying to get lights up in a small apt. complex :) There is a house just down the road that gets a tour of cars each holiday, as it has a blow-up figure for each season/holiday!


Back before NBC bought the exclusive rights to "It's a Wonderful Life" (and every TV station from here to eternity could and did show it at will), some friends of mine and I would stage a yearly contest: the one fool who could somehow catch the film the most times won a case of beer, from the other fools.

As we got older, something like wisdom crawled into our heads: why don't we all just watch it once, have beer, and get it out of the way?

For the past 15 years or so, I've hosted (at home & at others') the Yearly Viewing Of The Film That Will Not Be Named, during which we eat, drink, and make merry while "some movie" plays in the background.

Some years turn out like "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; others turn out like "Affliction". It's good fun!

Crothian said:
Lastly, I think the Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the best versions of that Dickens classic while still keeping with the book.

Wise words. In fact, I think I'm going to have to dig up my old VHS tape with that on it and watch it sometime. Ahh, Muppet fun.

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