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tKL's Paths of the Damned (Warhammer 2e) PbP

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
These are the characters for my upcoming Warhammer 2e/Paths of the Damned campaign.

Other threads: OOC, IC [coming soon].


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First Post
[B]Name:[/B] Ottokar Kurtzlander
[B]Race:[/B] Human-Ostlander           
[B]Career Path:[/B] Initiate

[B][u]Personal Details[/B][/u]
[B]Gender:[/B] Male           [B]Age:[/B] 19
[B]Date of Birth:[/B]         [B]Birthplace:[/B] 
[B]Nationality:[/B] Imperial  [B]Religion:[/B] Sigmar
[B]Height:[/B] 6'2"           [B]Weight:[/B] 185 lbs.
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue             [B]Hair[/B] Brown (shaved head)
[B]Distinguishing Marks:[/B] Large birthmark on forehead

[B][u]Character Profile[/B][/u]
[B]Characteristic: Starting/Advance/Current[/B]
[B] WS:[/B] 38%/+5%/+5%/43%
[B] BS:[/B] 31%/+5%/0/31%
[B]  S:[/B] 36%/-/0/36%*
[B]  T:[/B] 32%/+5%/0/32%
[B] Ag:[/B] 25%/-/0/25%
[B]Int:[/B] 29%/+10%/+5%/34%
[B] WP:[/B] 32%/+10%/0/32%
[B]Fel:[/B] 38%/+10%/0/38%

[B]  A:[/B]  1/-/0/1
[B]  W:[/B] 12/+2/0/12
[B] SB:[/B]  3/-/0/
[B] TB:[/B]  3/-/0/
[B]  M:[/B]  4/-/0/4 
[B]Mag:[/B]  0/-/0/0
[B] IP:[/B]  0/-/0/0
[B] FP:[/B]  3/-/0/3

(Shallya's Mercy)

[u]Name[/u]         [u]Enc[/u]  [u]Group[/u]  [u]Dam.[/u]  [u]Qual.[/u]         
Warhammer    50   Ord.    3    None


Academic Knowledge (History): 34% (Int)
Academic Knowledge (Theology): 34% (Int)
Common Knowledge (Empire): 34% (Int) (+10% about Ostland)
Common Knowledge (Dwarves): 34% (Int)
Charm: 38% (Fel)
Heal: 34% (Int)
Outdoor Survival: 34% (Int)
Perception: 34% (Int)
Read/Write:  34% (Int)
Speak Language (Classical): 34% (Int)
Speak Language (Reikspiel): 44% (Int) (+10%)

Very Strong
Public Speaking
Warrior Born
Lightning Reflexes

White Shirt
Gray Breeches
Worn Black Boots
Dagger (in belt)
White Robes
Religious Symbol-Warhammer Amulet
Sling Bag
  Wooden Tankard
  Wooden Cutlery Set

11 Gold Crowns

Appearance: Ottokar Kurtzlander is a tall, thin 19 year-old human man. He has a strong jaw, large nose, and deep-set blue eyes. He has a brown, irregular-shaped birthmark over his left eyebrow. He wears dirty, tattered, and formerly white initiate robes over undyed wool shirts and breeches. Ottokar also wears thick, black leather boots and an iron warhammer amulet. Tucked into his leather belt is a one-handed warhammer.

Background: Ottokar was born in Dassel in Osterland, the son of a pewtersmith. His childhood was relatively comfortable (for Ostland) and he was being groomed for merchant work. When the area became overrun by the forces of Chaos, the town was taken completely by surprise. Ottokar fled with some friends to Wolfenburg. He has never heard from his parents since. Once in town, Ottokar joined the hordes of refugees, striving to survive in an already poverity stricken area. Starving and defeated, Ottokar would have most likely perished if not for one fateful day. While visiting the Temple of Sigmar to pray for the strength to avenge his parents, a group of looters attacked the temple, looking for food. Taking this as a sign, Ottokar came to the temple's defense, helping to fight off the mob. At this time, Ottokar took his first life. One of the temple's priest, Father Bruno Renstidler, saw this brave action and decided to take the boy as an initiate in the church. Ottokar agreed and started his training.

Ottokar proved himself quickly as an initiate. While not the strongest student, no one could doubt his courage, strength, and magnetic personality. It was clear that Ottokar was destined to be a member of the Order of the Silver Hammer.

When Father Felix Borghengar arrived in Wolfenburg looking for likely initiates to help with the struggle in Middenland, Father Renstidler knew he had the right person for the job. Ottkar traveled with Borghengar, learning the way of the holy warrior; how to be an uncompromising flame of justice in the dark void of Chaos. Ottokar took to this training immediatly, gaining greater resolve in the importance of his calling. Arriving at Untergard, Ottokar got swept up in the battle. His mentor was defeated on the field of battle, though he died heroicly. Ottokar, through some skill and a great deal of luck, survived.

Now Ottokar is without direct authority but certainly not without direction. He awaits another sign from Sigmar on what to do next.
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Winifred von Troutheim

Human Female Noble

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130lb
Hair: Red
Eyes: Black
Distinguishing Marks: Ruddy Faced
Siblings: 3
Star Sign: Dragomas the Drake / Sign of Courage
Age: 30
Birthplace: Poor Village in Middenland

Talent Advance Total: Profile:
WS 28 +5 +5 38 +10
BS 36 36 +5
S 26 26
T 30 30
Ag 30 30 +5
Int 31* 31 +5
WP 27 27 +5
Fel 36 +5 41 +10

*Was 26, invoked Shallya's Mercy

A 1
W 11 +2
SB 2
TB 3
M 4
Mag 0
IP 0
FP 3

Common Knowledge (Empire) +20%
Performer (Music)
Speak Language (Reikspiel) +20%

Etiquette (+10% Charm/Gossip with Nobility)
Excellent Vision (+10% Perception where sight is involved, +10% LipReading)
Luck (+1 Fortune Point/Day)
Specialist Weapon (Fencing)
Specialist Weapon (Parrying)
Warrior Born (+5% WS)


Foil 1d10 Fast (-10 to parry/dodge)
Main Gauche 1d10-1 (Balanced, no TWF fighting penalty), Defensive (+10% parry)
Hand Weapon (Sword) 1d10+2
Short Bow 1d10+3

Noble's Garb
Riding Horse
Saddle, harness
Jewellry worth 41gc
Common clothing
15 gc

Winifred is the 3rd daughter of a poor squire from a backwards village in Middenland. Despite their less than wealthy background, or, more likely, because there isn't much to seperate her family from the peasents they amongst, the von Trouthiems devote a great deal of effort to keeping up apperences. As a result all four children were sent to be educated and brought up in as high a tradition as their parents could afford.

Finding dowries for her two elder sisters was a streach for her parents but they were at least able to marry respectably. Her sole brother, Jonas, heir to the family lands, had yearnings to become a great solder and her father, doting on his favoured child, spent almost all he had to equip the boy he hoped would restore the family fortunes to the heights they clearly deserved. This of course, put paid to any hopes Winifred had of ever getting off the family farm legitimatly. Not being particaurly keen on a life of provincial spinsterdom in genteel poverty she quietly packed her things and left.

She doesn't consider herself an adventurer, more a Gentlewoman of Fortune. Her main aim in leaving home was to make enough money to retire in comfort. How she gets it is another matter, she's certainly not adverse to marrying it if the opportunity comes along and if it involves actually having to do serious work for it she's not adverse to that either. In the meantime she's been known to act as a discrete bodyguard, governess and chaperone as well as acting as an "advisor" to social climbing nobles - one who is prepared to grace their table so they can say they've dined with the nobility.

She's not especially religious and while she could have escaped her circumstances by turning to religion it's not really her thing. She pays most heed to Ranald & Myrmidia, but occassionaly appearences dictate a veneration of Sigmar she doesn't truly feel. A couple of young married ladies in various towns owe her a debt, as she's saved them from such fates as kidnap, abduction and really poorly advised elopements. Likewise several old roues, rakes and thwarted lovers would dearly like to get even with her.

She herself doesn't really hate anyone, though she would love to meet her brother and prove herself the better fighter. Ultimatly she is loyal the social structure of the Empire, so any attempts to undermine that and the preeminence of the social class she belongs to will be fought.

Oh yes:
Most treasured possession:

[sblock]Her maidenhood. Not for any moral or religious reasons, but rather because it's another tool and another asset that she won't expend until the time is right.[/sblock]

ShortBow - 7gc
20 arrows - 4s
Weeks rations - 6s
Saddlebag - 2gc
6 days fodder - 2s 6p
12 matchs - 1s
2 blankets - 4s 2p

Total: 10gc 5s 8p

Leaves her with:


  • Winifred.rtf
    4.7 KB · Views: 172
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Iron Captain

First Post
[sblock=Character Sheet]Name: Grimkrag Dronggunson
Race Dwarf
Career: Shieldbreaker
Height: 4'5"
Hair Colour: Black
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 160 lb.
Age: 70
Birthplace: Karak Izor (the Vaults)

(First 8 Characteristics): http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=452837
(Wound and Fate Points): http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=452845

Chracteristics/Advance Scheme:
WS: 50 / +10%
BS: 31*/
S: 36 / +5%
T: 41 / +5%
Ag: 27 / +10%
Int: 28 /
WP: 33 / +5%
Fel: 22 /

A: 2 / +1 #**
W: 11 / +2
SB: 3
TB: 4
M: 3
Mag: 0
IP: 0
FP: 2

* Called upon Shallya's Mercy (was 24)
** Free Advance
# Mark to indicate advances

Common Knowledge (Dwarfs) 28%
Dodge Blow 27%
Navigation 38%
Perception 28% (48% listening)
Scale Sheer Surface 36%
Shadowing 27%
Speak Language (Khazalid) 28%
Speak Language (Reikspiel) 28%
Trade (Smith) 46%

Acute Hearing; Dwarfcraft; Grudge-born Fury; Night Vision; Orientation; Resistance to Magic; Stout-hearted; Strike Mighty Blow; Strike To Injure; Strike To Stun; Sturdy;

Common Clothing
Dagger hidden in belt
Backpack /w blanket, wooden tankard and cutlery
Crossbow with 10 Bolts
Medium Armour (Mail Coat, Leather Jack and Leather Leggings)
Grappling Hook
10 yards of Rope
Water skin
Healing Draught

Purse containing 6 Gold coins
(Starting money 11 gold Coins)
[sblock=Important Combat Stats]

Wounds: 11
Attacks: 2
WS: 50% (55% against Orcs and Goblinoids)
BS: 31%

Initiative: 1d10 + 27

SB = 3
Axe Damage = 1d10+3+1 (Strike Mighty Blow)
Crossbow Damage = 1d10+4

Armour Points: 3
Toughness Bonus: 4

Damage Reduction (AP+TB) = 7

Parry: 60% (when using shield otherwise 50%)
Dodge Blow: 27%

Combat Talents:
Stout-Hearted (+10% VS Fear and Intimidate)
Strike To Injure (Critical Hits Value +1)
Strike Mighty Blow (+1 Damage)
Strike To Stun (May Stun Opp. rather than injure them)

Strike To Stun rules: Opponent must make Toughness test with a 10% bonus for every Armour Point on his head.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Grimkrag was born in Karak Izor in the depths of the earth. He grew learning of the ancient ways of the dwarfs and was soon taught the way of the warrior. As his Father, grandfather and great grandfather before so should he become a dwarven warrior, defending his people and upholding their glory. He was born the third of 4 children, his two older brothers both became Shieldbreakers before him and his sister, of whom he was very protective, was to wed a better to do noble dwarf who had grown quite attached to her. But alas fate had other plans for him as his oldest brother and father were both slain fighting side by side with him against the dirty greenskins. He carried away a masssive scar on his face, inflicted by the Black orc who killed his brother who managed to escape but lost his eye in the battle. His sister was carried away during a raid and Grimkrag swore to his mother that he and his brother would seek her out and return her safely.
Grimkrag has commited his life to fighting evil and chaos, protecting the weak and upholding his battle honour. As word of a great chaos uprising near Untergrad spread he quickly hurried there in order to lend his axe to the battle.[/sblock]
[sblock=Appearance]Grimkrag is your typical Dwarf being short and stout. His long black beard and hair have various rings woven into them depicting famous dwarves. A large dark red scar from his forehead to his chin, crossing his left eye adornes his face. He has a dwarven Rune tattoed in dark blue upon his upper right arm. This is a rune of strength which Grimkrag believes gives him great strength.[/sblock]
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Karl Green

First Post
Grundi the Dwarven Outlaw

WP, BS, S, T, Ag, Int, WP, Fel (2d10=15, 2d10=13, 2d10=12, 2d10=9, 2d10=11, 2d10=11, 2d10=12, 2d10=16)
Starting Wounds and Fate Points (1d10=6, 1d10=2)

[b]WP[/b]:  45/+10%/+0/[b]45[/b]
[b]BS[/b]:  33/+10%/+0/[b]33[/b]
[b]S[/b]:   32/ +0%/+0/[b]32[/b] 
[b]T[/b]:   39/ +0%/+0/[b]41*[/b]
[b]Ag[/b]:  21/+10%/+0/[b]21[/b]
[b]Int[/b]: 31/ +5%/+0/[b]31[/b]
[b]WP[/b]:  31/ +0%/+0/[b]31[/b]
[b]Fel[/b]: 22/ +0%/+0/[b]22[/b]

A[/b]:    1/  +1/+1/[b]2[/b]
[b]WP[/b]:  12/  +2/+0/[b]12[/b]
[b]SB[/b]:   3/----/--/[b]3[/b]
[b]TB[/b]:   4/----/--/[b]4[/b]
[b]M[/b]:    3/----/--/[b]3[/b]
[b]Mag[/b]:  -/----/--/[b]N[/b]
[b]IP[/b]:   0/----/--/[b]0[/b]
[b]FP[/b]:   1/----/--/[b]1[/b]
*Shallya’s Mercy

SKILLS: Common Knowledge (Dwarfs) [Int], Common Knowledge (Empire) [Int], Concealment [Ag], Dodge Blows [Ag], Drive [Str], Perception [Int], Scale Sheer Surface [Str], Secret Signs (Thief) [Int], Set Traps [Ag], Silent Move [Ag], Speak Language (Khazalid) [Int], Speak Language (Reilspiel) [Int], Trade (Stoneworker) [Str +20%]
TALANTS: Dwarfcraft, Grudge-Born Fury, Night Vision, Resistance to Magic, Rover, Sharpshooter, Stout-Hearted, Sturdy
TRAPPINGS: Crossbow with 10 bolts, Leather, Hand Weapon (Axe)

10 Questions
Where are You From? The Worlds Edge Mountains
What is Your Family Like? Strict, Stern, Impatient, Cold, Distant.
What is Your Social Class? Trade Class, Sub-Work IIa (Stonecutter Class 1a)
What Did you do Before you Became an Adventurer? Was sent with an number of other stone masons and stonecutter to work on a bridge project for the Empire. Was attack by Beastmen, and captured by them (with a few others). Group escaped a week later (before they were to be eaten), but only Grundi survived. Lost and alone he fell in with some Manling bandits, and in order to survive he worked with them. After all raiding other Manlings was not that bad.
Why Did you Become an Adventurer? Got tried of working as a bandit and outlaw. Liked the outdoors fine, but not the company… to cut throat and greedy (even for a dwarf!)
How Religious are You? Not especially. Grundi honors the Dwarf gods, and pays homage to Morr over dead comrades.
Who are Your Best Friends and Worst Enemies? A burning hatred of Beastman, Orks, Skaven and Goblins in that order. No real best friends, but he likes Manlings well enough.
What are Your Prized Possessions? His axe
To Whom are You Loyal? Himself first, but he is fairly loyal to comrades and fellows, so long as they treat him as an equal.
Who Do you Love/Hate? No real loves, hates Beastmen above all others after been held captive and was destined for the cooking pot. Has a general Dwarf-sense to hate Orks and Goblins, and Skaven, and is not overly fond of Elflings either.

Background: to come
Appearance: to come
Personality: to come


Ragnar Foulbreath

Male Dwarf Pit Fighter

2d10=19, 2d10=11, 2d10=15, 2d10=15, 2d10=10, 2d10=8, 2d10=9, 2d10=9
1d10=7, 1d10=6

WS: Base 49 // Current 54
BS: 31
S: 40
T: 45
Ag: 21 (Shallya's Mercy)
Int: 28
WP: 29
Fel: 19

A: 1
W: 13
SB: 4
TB: 4
M: 3
Mag: 0
IP: 0
FP: 2

Features & Origin
1d100=98, 1d100=46, 1d100=24, 1d100=29
1d10=1, 1d10=1, 1d10=6, 1d10=6

Height: 4'5"
Weight: 180lbs.
Hair Color: Ash Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: 1
Star Sign: Mummit the Fool (Sign of Instinct)
Age: 40
Birthplace: Luftberg, Nordland

Comm. Knowledge (dwarfs; Int; 28), Dodge Blow (Ag; 21), Intimidate (S; 40), Spk (Khaz.; Int; 28), Spk (Reik.; Int; 28), Trade (smith; S+10; 50).

Disarm, Dwarfcraft, Grudge-born Fury, Night Vision, Resistance to Magic, Spc Wpn (Flail), Spc Wpn (Parrying), Spc Wpn (2H), Stout-Hearted, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Sturdy, Very Strong.

Current Career Advancement
Total: WS +15, T +10, Ag +10, WP +10, W +2. Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate. Talents: Disarm or Wrestling, Quick Draw or Strike to Injure, Spc Wpn (Flail), Spc Wpn (Parrying), Spc Wpn (2H), Strike Might Blow, Very Strong or Strong-Minded.
Taken: Free Advance: WS +5. From First Career Advances: Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate. Talents: Disarm, Spc Wpn (Flail), Spc Wpn (Parrying), Spc Wpn (2H), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Very Strong.


Common clothing, tattered cloak, dagger, sling bag (containing blanket, wooden tankard, wooden cutlery set), a warhammer, a flail, knuckle-duster, shield, mail shirt, leather jack, grappling hook and 20 yds rope, tinderbox, waterskin, and a purse (containing 3 GCs, 2 S).

Armor: Mail Shirt + Leather Jack + Leather Cap.
Locations: Head 1, Body 3, Arms 1, Legs 0.
Flail: WS 54, DMG 6, Impact, Tiring (no shield).
Warhammer + Shield: WS 54, DMG 5, Parry 34.

10 Questions
Where are You From? Hail from the logging village of Luftberg, Nordland. Don't recall much of that life no more.
What is Your Family Like? Father repaired the logging machines. Mother took care of six kids. Came from the mountains ten generations ago.
What is Your Social Class? Bah. Ain't got no social class. No class at all, according to some.
What Did you do Before you Became an Adventurer? Left for Kislev for a piece, got into lots of trouble with my kin, thrown in prison. Won my freedom only to be sold into slavery. Sent to Middenheim to fight in the pits. Done good since then.
Why Did you Become an Adventurer? Siege of Middenheim shut down the pits. Bernbau Stadium turned into fields for the dead and wounded. Freed again. Nuthin to do now. Need to earn my keep.
How Religious are You? Took up following Sigmar, though on account of being in Middenheim maybe I should follow Ulric. Got a symbol of Sigmar on my belt buckle. It'll do fer now.
Who are Your Best Friends and Worst Enemies? Don't hardly trust no one, and most of my enemies are pushing up daises now. Takes a lot to become a friend of mine. Ain't no one made the effort of late.
What are Your Prized Possessions? My first opponent in the pits, done killed him and took his buckler for my prize. Symbol of Sigmar on it. Made it into a belt buckle. I also really like my flail. Never let me down.
To Whom are You Loyal? My employer, and myself. He who has the gold makes the rules. Until I have the gold, then it's my rules.
Who Do you Love/Hate? I hate cowards, and folks who think they're too good fer dwarf company. I love anyone who can fight alongside me and live. Takes a certain kind.

Why are You in Middenheim? Came here to fight in the pits. Kislevite slaver named Boris Valarsk was my owner. Killed the bloodsucker myself when the bastard wouldn't give me my freedom, which I earned fair and square. Fought on my own ticket til the siege. Guess I'm still here cuz I gots nowhere else to go fer now. Something'll come up.
Why are You Working for the City Guard? The Guard caught wind of my excellence in the pits and would rather have me on their payroll than some crime lord's. Smart move. They need to keep me happy, though. I'm not real happy playing by their rules.

Future Progression Options
I'm thinking of pursuing Veteran next.
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First Post
note: work in progress

Torillan Ellandilas, Kithband Warrior

Main Profile:
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
Starting 34 43 39 29 41 30 32 26
Advance +5% +5% - - +10% +10% +5% -
Bought *
Current 34 43 39 29 41 35 32 26

Secondary Profile:
Starting 1 10 3 2 5 0 0 2
Advance - +2 - - - - - -
Current 1 10 3 2 5 0 0 2

Basic Skills:
Concealment (Ag), Outdoor Survival (Int), Perception (Int), Scale Sheer Surface (S), Search (Int), Silent Move (Ag)

Advanced Skills:
Dodge Blow (Ag), Follow Trail (Int), Common Knowledge-Elves (Int), Speak Languages-Eltharin, Reikspiel (Int)

Specialist Weapon-Longbow, Coolheaded (+5% WP), Excellent Vision, Night Vision, Marksman (+5% BS), Rapid Reload

Equipment: (up to 390 Encumberance Points)
Elfbow (Common), 20 Arrows, Leather Jack (1 AP), Clothes, Cloak, Dagger (Common), Backpack (incl. blanket, tankard, cutlery), Sword (Common), Rope (20 yd), Waterskin x2, 1 week rations (8s worth), Sack
[Total Encumberance: xxx]

8 GC, 9 shillings

Torillan Ellandilas was born in the Laurelorn Forest 97 years ago. Being the third child, he had virtually no hope of inheriting much from his family. After his mother was killed in a Beastman raid a many years ago, Torillan joined up with a Kithband to hunt down the foul creatures. With an older cousin as his mentor, Torillan became a skilled warrior, especially with the Elfbow so prized by his kin. As he roamed further away from the deep forest of his home, he became fascinated with the humans he encountered along the way. Taking a job as an escort to a merchant traveling to Middenheim, Torillan befriended several Roadwardens from that city. Over the years he has provided scouting services to many of the city’s trading companies. Recently, he hired himself out to the City Watch as a scout, ensuring that the surroundings of the great city of Middenheim remain safe.
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Durmedin Klangenhall
Male Dwarf Outlaw


WS: 46
BS: 32
S: 37
T: 43
Ag: 23
Int: 31
WP: 38
Fel: 25

A: 2
W: 14
SB: 3
TB: 4
M: 3
Mag: 0
IP: 0
FP: 3

Features & Origin

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 170lbs.
Hair Color: Red Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: 1
Star Sign: Gnuthus the ox
Age: 35
Birthplace: Karak Hirn (Black Mountains)

Comm. Knowledge (dwarfs; Int; 31), Dodge Blow (Ag; 23),Perception (Int; 31), Silent Move (Ag; 23), Scale Sheer Surface (S; 47),Set Trap (Ag; 23), Animal Care(Int; 31) , Spk (Khaz.; Int; 31), Spk (Reik.; Int; 31),Gossip (F;25), Trade (smith; S+10; 47),.

Disarm, Dwarfcraft, Grudge-born Fury, Night Vision, Resistance to Magic,Stout-Hearted, Strike to Stun ,Sturdy, Rover.

Current Career Advancement
Total: WS +15, T +10, Ag +10, WP +10, W +2. Skills: Coomon Knowledge(the Empire), Drive, Secret signs (Thief), Swim. Talents: Streewise, Sharpshooter.
Taken: Free Advance: A +1.


Common clothing, tattered cloak, dagger, sling bag (containing blanket, wooden tankard, wooden cutlery set), a warhammer, a flail, knuckle-duster, shield, leather jerkin, grappling hook and 20 yds rope, tinderbox, waterskin, and a purse (containing 3 GCs, 2 S).

Armor: Leather jerkin + Leather Cap.
Locations: Head 1, Body 1, Arms 0, Legs 0.
Flail: WS 54, DMG 6, Impact, Tiring (no shield).
Warhammer + Shield: WS 54, DMG 5, Parry 34.

Durmedin is a renegade from the Arknohst Mines in Karak Hirn. The family owned several mines until the power struggle with the present Dwarflord of the halls. The clan is scattered about the lands, seeking help to one day overturn the ruling clan.
He was once a wealthy merchant kid. Now a renegade from his own lands, seeking fortune
,allies & retribution against his clan's dwarven foes.

He does not trust his own kin anymore, when they can turn on good friends and bretheren clan. He finds dwarves no better then humans, maybe even elves?
He prizes besides family, the deed to the clan mines, and the hidden treasure of the clan deep in the secret chambers of the old hall to be used one day to reclaim the clan hold.
He is now only loyal to his clan & dwarven deity by which he seeks retribution.
He loves the clan & the miners, hates the present rulers. He hates humanoids and others who constantly war on the dwarven bretheren in their halls and mines.

Durmedin came to MIddenheim to find a couple of friends and a cousin who came up this way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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