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To die, or not to die!



This thread has been inspired by two different things I have seen going on in this board recently. Firstly, the comment left by Andion Isurand ((in the Faeryln's Downfall thread)) in reguards to the fact that he has only seen/heard of two characters kickin' the proverbial bucket over his 22-month ISRP carreer. Second, due to the fact that I have noticed a number of questions up on the boards recently ((Such as the Counting Characters thread started by Aesy)), I have decided to throw out yet another question, which I hope nearly everyone will at least look at, if not reply. :D

The compound-question is as follows:
How many characters have you had on the site, which have died/been killed, and what were their respective names?

My Answer to the question is as follows:
Three! Yessir, three.
My first character on the site, Araxus, was naturally the first to die.
The second was Pareri, my demented, hyper, schizotypical halfling.
The third was everyone's favourite knife-a-holic and resident shadow adept, Vlonsath. Although, he did have a clone... which also got killed... So, I suppose it is three-and-a-half.

I shall put one more name up here, because I have permission to do so, and her player never checks up on the boards. Many of you may very well remember the little girl who liked the colour blue ever so much, and practically owned at least one of every species of animal known to man ((and some that weren't)): Glory Tide.

So, so far, with the addition of Faeryln, that makes five! Only five! C'mon people, I know that there have been more croakings around here than just that. ;)

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Good idea for a topic, it's true that deaths [permanent ones anyway] don't happen all that often around the chats.

I myself have had two characters die, and a few others come very close to death.

One who died was a drow character by the name Phauros_Orbbktonus. He didn't die onsite, but as part of a story arc I was working on. Soul trapped by a necromancer, so I made sure that he won't be coming back.

The second was part of a long storyline that helped to tie up some loose ends in the alignment shift of Tharivious from evil to his current neutral mindset. He got split in half with his evil and good sides manifesting in separate bodies, who then fought it out with the good side victorious and the evil side dead*. I guess that counts as about half a character, or something like that at least.

So yeah, just one and a half on my end of things, but then, most of my characters also avoid fights to the death and are wise enough to know when to run away when they're outmatched.

* - Yep, cliched evil twin plot device, oh well. :embarrass


shadow of death

Hmm....well. Re'shak died, rather was killed by jeajea about a year ago. of course, back then he was known as The Wraith, and had a magical item that basically let him avoid being permanently dead. sorta like the deck of many things card "avoid any situation once" So I guess Wraith (shadowstryke) did actually die. sort of.


First Post
Kat was one of the those who saw two chars she knew well double-kill each other in the clearing. A drow and another drow who had been disguised as a wood elf.


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Let's see, then..I've had a few fatalities, heh. Although, most of them are characters nobody will likely recognize...truth be told, these are probally the only two Any could possibly recognize...

First off...Aethrulian, the purple-dragon-knight turned bard. Went nice and quickly to some Underdark folk -.-

In addition, there was Tyrnavalian Windheart, the undead hunter who sorta decided to take on a couple Viles. It..er..didn't turn out too good, to say the least.

Had a few other deaths, but they tend to get brought back in time, heh.

edit: Yay for typoes...


First Post
MY list:

Trynn; Died, killed by several goodly heroes in his sleep.

Zook Daergel: Died, killed by his fiance and good friend after going berserk. Was resurected and forgiven.

Shades Trunin: Died, killed by Trynn.

Drindin Trunin: Died twice. First time was reincarnated as a ferret, but eventually turned back into a human. The second time, he died on the MOTP boards, killed by a shadow beast by doing the only selfless thing he's ever done: Protecting his Niece.

Cultist Dregnar: Fell on his sword.

Anthranks: Was torn open by an unseen force. Was resurected, but was turned down by the only person whom had any meaning to him. Has disappeared since.

Commander Cornelius: Died, but was resurrected. Retired his job, and moved to the mountains to live out the last few decades of his life in peace.

Rilithin: Killed himself with some one elses dagger, using psionics.

Psion Aquarius: Was alledgedly killed, (So she doesn't really count) but escaped into the future through a combination of luck and powerful psionics.

Tzaran: Is probably dead, and was probably killed by a Crystal Dragon.


First Post
Too many too count... I'll list the ones I remember.

Kiley_Pearl - Just... died.

Richelle - Killed herself.

Citrine - No clue how she died, really can't remember.

Phoebe_ - Just... died?

Inie_Amethyst - Is dead.

I have such a vibrant memory... Go me...


First Post
Lets see, I think only one...Avlantia who was killed by the hunters of her sister...

I've had others die but...my memory evades me.



Ah Faeryln :) my bestest death ever.


Kentrowl the evil vampiric woman abuser and his twin brother Dimonj

Livym_draconius (or something to that effect, it was a long time ago): he was a drake psychopath that was possessed by a dragon spirit, and being used to hunt and slaughter the elven races.

and hmm, others will be to come I'm sure.

I'm going to get into a habit of having my characters live real life times, in game. I have too many that sit on the proverbial shelf collecting dust. So going to put them to use before starting in on more. :)

(R.I.P Faeryln *sniffle*..hehe)

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