To the Noble Born (PbP character gallary)

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[sblock=Lily's character sheet]
[B]Name:[/B] "Flighty" Lily Fairgold
[B]Class:[/B] 3 Cleric
[B]Race:[/B] Halfling, Hairfoot
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Yondalla

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (06p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3000
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (02p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 17 (3d8)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] -1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 0/0
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] 0
[B]Wis:[/B] 18 +4 (10p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +0
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -6

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +6    +0    +1    +1    +0    +0    18
[B]Touch:[/B] 12              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 17

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                     +3    +1    +1     +5    (+1 racial to all saves)
[B]Ref:[/B]                      +1    +1    +1     +3
[B]Will:[/B]                     +3    +4    +1     +8
                                               (+2 racial to saves vs fear)

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
MW Composite Longbow      +4*      d6+1*       20x3   (range inc. 110ft) 
     +1 atk/dmg if within 30ft of target
Longspear                 +3       d6+1        20x3
Heavy Mace                +3       d6+1        20x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Reintish, Halfling, Celestial

[B]Character Traits:[/b]
Inattentive (for role playing only)
Quick (base land speed +10ft, -1 hp every level)

[B]Abilities:[/B] [URL=]Turn Undead[/URL], Aura of Good, Spontaneous Casting

[B]Feats:[/B] Weapon Proficiency (Longbow), Point Blank Shot

[B]Untrained Skills[/b] (1/2 level + ability modifier is default)
Appraise:   +2   (1 level, 1 brooch)
Athletics:  -4   (1 level, 2 racial, 1 str, -6 acp)
Stealth:    +1   (1 level, 2 racial, 4 size, -6 acp)
Perception: +8   (1 level, 2 racial, 4 wis, 1 brooch)

[B]Trained Skills[/b]
Knowledge(religion): +6
Knowledge(arcana):   +6

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Banded Mail               250gp   17.5lb
Longspear                   5gp   4.5lb
Heavy Mace                 12gp   4lb
MW Composite Longbow (1)  500gp   1.5lb
Arrows (40)                 2gp     3lb
Pony ("Champ")             30gp
Riding Saddle              30gp
+2 Brooch of the Seer
Ornamental Gold Ring
Holy Symbol, Silver        25gp   1lb
Backpack                    2gp   .5lb
--Tent                     10gp   5lb
--Flask                     3cp   1.5lb
--Trail Rations x4          2gp   1lb
--Waterskin                 1gp   1lb
--Winter Blanket            5sp   .75lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]41.25lb      [B]Money:[/B] 30gp 7sp 7cp

Lost: 7sp for a room and food at an inn.
Gained: Ornamental Gold Ring (in [URL=]this[/URL] post)

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                32    64    97    97   487

Good: Good spells cast at +1 caster level.
Protection: As a (Su) ability, grant a ward on someone you touch. The ward
grants a resistance bonus equal to cleric level on the next saving throw.
It lasts one hour, and takes a standard action to cast.

[B]Spells Prepared[/B]
0 (4): Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1 (3+1): Doom, Magic Weapon, Obscuring Mist,
2 (2+1): Spiritual Weapon, Hold Person, (Aid)

[B]Age:[/B] 24
[B]Height:[/B] 2'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 27lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Hazel
[B]Hair:[/B] Chestnut
[B]Skin:[/B] Fair
Appearance: A pretty typical looking Halfling girl with long, light brown hair. She has a somewhat plain face, but her eyes are always wide open with what (at first glance) appears to be youthful exuberance.

[sblock=Background]Lily Fairgold was born into poverty - not at all a surprise in the feudal lands of South Denumbria. The young halfling learned various skills growing up with her nomadic family; shooting a bow, trading stories, tilling the land... She was never truly content however. Lily often saw the better life nobles led; figures in caravans clothed in silk, small armies hired to guard a baron's son, arcane schools for the richest pupils. Naturally, she wanted to bring the same comforts to her family and friends.

The young girl tried several crackpot schemes to make a quick fortune. She performed at inns as a singer, tried her hand at invention, and even dabbled in the magic arts. But no matter how great an idea she had, it would only last as long as she could keep interest in it - which was never very long. Finally she tried praying to her family's traditional deity, Yondalla, the benefactor of all halflings. To her utter amazement, her prayers were actually answered several times.

The Fairgold family settled in the newly formed Halfling Barony, hoping for an easier lifestyle. Lily took the opportunity to formally join a local church dedicated to Yondalla. Divine magic came quite easily to Lily. The priests speculated that perhaps the Goddess herself had taken a liking to the young lass. Unfortunately, they were frequently embarrassed by her tomboyishness, lack of patience, and loquaciousness [I love that word!]. More out of a desire to just get rid of her for a short time than to further their cause, Lily was designated the task of providing healing services for a party of young Noble adventurers...[/sblock]
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Kerin Rookstone

Kerin Rookstone

[sblock=Background: ]
Kerin Rookstone is the second son of Baron Leinach Rookstone, the title holder of a small, but bountiful barony. Kerin's older brother Karof would, of course, inherit the title and lands. Leinarch insured that his two younger sons would have other routes to success. Traditionally, the second son becomes a soldier and the youngest a priest. But Leinarch was a devout man, who viewed the prosperity of the barony to Pelor's protection and light. He therefore sent both younger sons to learn the priesthood. Phillipe, Kerin's younger brother took to the learning very well and had a brilliant career ahead of him as a priest. Kerin struggled. He didn't like reading as much as Phillipe did. He always had enjoyed riding and sparring with Karof. The priest soften found Kerin outside practicing with sticks.

The time to graduate was fast approaching and Kerin was woefully behind. This filled him with shame as he did not want to sully the family's honor by failing. He enjoyed some aspects of his training, he like helping people and become quite good at healing, but he couldn't even get one orison right. Despondent he went for a walk in the woods to think and clear his head. There he entered a small glade, and a bright flash of sun blinded him for a moment. As his eyes struggled to readjust a vision came to him. The sun, the sun of Pelor, cutting through enemies, burning away disease, bringing light to all. As Kerin looked harder at the vision he saw that within the sun was a sword. The sword was the tool of Pelor, and there stood a man holding the sword. As the man turned, Kerin saw that it was himself. And then the glade returned and the vision vanished. But Kerin knew then his fate, knew the path laid before him. He stayed a while in the woods, asking himself if he had the courage to face this path. He finally decided he did. He returned to the abbey and sought out the head priest, an old man named Father Bendimic. Kerin didn't have to say a word, he walked into the Father's office and stood there. Father Bendimic raised his eyes and stared at the young man. Then, ever so slightly, the priest raised a single eyebrow before sitting back in his chair. "So young Kerin, it seems you have decided to leave the priesthood?Or should we say it was decided for you?" smiled the old priest. "I thought this might be where you ended up. You have a good heart lad, but you are a terrible student. Obviously Pelor thought so as well and decided your arm was better used than your head in his service. This then is your choice? That is you intend to follow this path you have been selected for?" Kerin nodded his head. "Well lad, I am glad to see it and I wish you the best. Few get called to serve Pelor in this manner." Father Bendimic rose and embraced Kerin before sending him on his way. But not before giving him the holy symbol of Pelor.

When Kerin returned home, his family was quite surprised worried he had been kicked out of the monestary. But when he showed them his new symbol of authority and of his calling, well , they say Leinarch's smile didn't fade for a week. Still his homecoming was long, Kerin felt the tug of his obligation. So after a generous outfitting from the family vaults, Kerin set off. He had heard there was a group of other young nobles looking to head out and decided to join them. Pelor knew what direction he wanted Kerin to travel, but Kerin didn't, so a group of comrades might be a good start.

[B]Name:[/B] Kerin Rookstone
[B]Class:[/B] Paladin of Pelor
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Med
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] LG
[B]Deity:[/B] Pelor

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 2,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 26 (3d10+6)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +5     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 15 +2 (08p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -7         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +9    +3    +0    +X    +X    +X    22
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +2     +2   +7
[B]Ref:[/B]                       1    +0     +2    +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      1    +1      +2    +4

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Longsword               +7     1d8+2           19-20x2
Lance                        +6     1d8+2          20x3
Longbow                  +3     1d8+2          20x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Reintish

[B]Abilities:[/B] Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day, Lay on hands 6hp/day, Divine Grace, Aura of Courage, Divine Health

[B]Feats:[/B] Weapon focus: Longsword, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus: Lance

[B]Trained Skills                  [/B]
Healing (T)                         +7
Horsemanship (T)               +6
Persuasion  (T)                    +8

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Full plate armor  +1   2,650gp   XXlb
Lg steel shield +1       1,170gp   XXlb
Longsword MW              315gp   XXlb
Lance                                 10gp
Longbow (Str+2)            300gp
Quiver 20 arrows                1gp
Silver Holy Symbol of Pelor  25 gp
2 Nobles outfits             150gp
Signet ring                         5 gp
Jewelry                            100gp
Heavy warhorse         200gp
Military saddle             20gp
Bit and bridle                 2gp
Saddlebags                     4gp
Scale mail barding      200gp

Swift (Warhorse, Heavy)[sblock]
Large Animal

Hit Dice:
4d8+12 (30 hp)


50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class:
18 (+4 armor, -1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple:

Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)

Full Attack:
2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)

10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Low-light vision, scent

Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2

Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Listen +5, Spot +4

Endurance, Run

Temperate plains
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:
These animals are similar to heavy horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. A heavy warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check. 
Carrying Capacity
A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds. [/sblock]

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb      [B]Money:[/B] 10gp XXsp XXcp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 6'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 175lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Grey
[B]Hair:[/B] Blond
[B]Skin:[/B] Fair
Appearance: XXXX

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First Post
Rayburn Hathwick:
Name: Rayburn Hathwick
Class: 1 Rogue/1 Wizard
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Religion: Passively Pelor

Str: 10 +0 (02p.)   Level: 2       XP: 1000
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.)   BAB: +0        HP: 12 (d6+2)+1/2(d4)+2
Con: 14 +2 (06p.)   Grapple: +0    Dmg Red: 0/0
Int: 16 +3 (10p.)   Speed: 30'     Spell Res: 0
Wis:  8 -1  (0p.)   Init: +2       Spell Save: +0
Cha: 12 +1 (04p.)   ACP: 0

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +0    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    12
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 10

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                     +0    +2    +0     +2    
Ref:                      +2    +2    +0     +4
Will:                     +2    -1    +0     +1

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical
Shortbow                  +2       d6(+1d6 SA) 20x3
Rapier                    +0       d6(+1d6 SA) 18-20x3
Short Sword               +0       d6(+1d6 SA) 19-20x2

Languages: Reintish, Elven, Halfling, Dwarven

Abilities: Summon Familiar, Empathic Link, Sneak Attack (+1d6), Trapfinding

Feats: Combat Expertise, Skill Focus: Knowledge: Arcana (Human), Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus), Alertness (w/ Familiar)

Trained Skills (8 Rogue + 3 Int Mod + 1 Human + Feat + Multiclass)

Skill Name:  Skill Mod: (Trained +1/2 Lev. +Ab. Mod +Tool)
Acrobatics:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Deception:            9/10 (5 +1 +1 +2 Kit/+3 Familiar)
Cryptomancy:          9 (5 +1 +3)
Disable Device:       11, 9 (5 +1 +3 +2; 5 +1 +1 +2)
Gather Information:   7, 9 (5 +1 +1; 5 +1 +3)
Knowledge: Arcana:    9 (5 +1 +3)
Perception:           7, 9 (5 +1 -1 +2; 5 +1 +3)
Persuasion:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Sleight of Hand:      8 (5 +1 +2)
Spellcraft:           9 (5 +1 +3)
Stealth:              8 (5 +1 +2)
Survival:             5 (5 +1 -1)
Use Magic Device:     7 (5 +1 +1)

Untrained Skills:       (Level + Ab. Mod)

Athletics:            2 (1 +1)
Appraise:             4 (1 + 3)
Horsemanship:         3 (1 + 2) (Dex)
Concentration:        3 (1 + 2)

Equipment:                Cost  Weight
Wand of MM (Lv. 3)      2250 gp  ---
Familiar (Snake)         100 gp    2 lb 
Explorer's Outfit         10 gp    8 lb
Rapier                    20 gp    2 lb
Shortsword                10 gp    2 lb
Shortbow                  30 gp    2 lb
Arrows (20)                1 gp    3 lb
Spell Component Pouch      5 gp    2 lb 
Warhorse, light  	      150 gp  ---
   Load (Current)        429 lb (Light)
   Light: 230   Med: 231-460  Heavy: 461-690
   Drag: 3450 lb
-Saddle (military)        20 gp   30 lb
-Saddlebags                4 gp    8 lb
-Feed                      1 gp  200 lb
Handy Haversack         2000 gp    5 lb
-Main Compartment               77.5 lb
Nobles' Outfit            75 gp   10 lb
Associated jewelry       100 gp  ---
Signet Ring                5 gp  ---
Scholar's Outfit           5 gp    6 lb
Peasant's Outfit          .1 gp    2 lb 
Rope (hempen)              1 gp   10 lb
Lantern (bullseye)        12 gp    3 lb
Oil (flask) (x10)         10 gp   10 lb 
Empty Sack (x4)           .4 gp    6 lb 
Flask, Empty (x3)         .1 gp  4.5 lb 
Rations, trail (x8)        4 gp    8 lb 
Pot, Iron                 .5 gp   10 lb
Bedroll                   .1 gp    5 lb
Blanket, Winter           .5 gp    3 lb
-Left Compartment               15.5 lb
Arrows (80)                4 gp   12 lb
Flint and Steel            1 gp  ---
Inkpen                    .1 gp  ---
Ink (1 oz vial)            8 gp  ---
Paper (10 sheets)          4 gp  ---
Sealing Wax                1 gp    1 lb
Chalk (90 pieces)         .9 gp  ---
Map case                   1 gp   .5 lb
Candle                    .2 gp  ---
Hammer                    .5 gp    2 lb
-Right Compartment                10 lb
Thieves' Tools, MWK      100 gp    2 lb
Disguise Kit (10 charges) 50 gp    8 lb
(Wallet with 30 gp hidden in this pocket)

Total Gear Value: 4985.5 gp (Including hidden wallet)

Total Weight: 26 lb      Money: 10 gp 40 sp 50 cp (actual coinage)

                          Lgt    Med    Hvy    Lift   Push
Max Weight:              33 lb  66 lb  100 lb 200 lb 500 lb   

Spells Prepared
0 (3): Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
2 (1+1): Mage Armor, Color Spray

Resistance           -- Abjur -- 0
Acid Splash          -- Conj -- 0
Detect Poison        -- Div -- 0
Read Magic           -- Div -- 0
Daze                 -- Ench -- 0
Dancing Lights       -- Evoc -- 0
Flare                -- Evoc -- 0
Light                -- Evoc -- 0
Ray of Frost         -- Evoc -- 0
Ghost Sound          -- Illus -- 0
Disrupt Undead       -- Necro -- 0
Touch Fatigue        -- Necro -- 0
Mage Hand            -- Trans -- 0
Mending              -- Trans -- 0
Message              -- Trans -- 0
Open/Close           -- Trans -- 0
Acrane Mark          -- Univ -- 0
Prestidigitation     -- Univ -- 0
Mage Armor           -- Conj -- 1
Mount                -- Conj -- 1
Comprehend Languages -- Div -- 1
Identify             -- Div -- 1
Magic Missile        -- Evoc -- 1
Color Spray          -- Illus -- 1

Familiar: Snake (Tiny Viper)

Age: 23
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170 lb
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair (Unhealthy Pale)

Rayburn is a tall, thin human with a pallid, sallow complexion common to the Hathwicks. The most distracting feature of his face is his shock of blond hair, which he rarely attempts to tame. Gray eyes dominate his clean-shaven face. He wears his family colors of forest green and stone gray, representative of their home, in court; however, he often "slums" it in various outfits he's picked up along the way. Most often he can be seen in a standard explorer's outfit, with a tiny viper occasionally peeking out of one of the large pockets.[/sblock]

Hathwick Manor was originally a fort from before the goblins ruled the area. After they were driven out, little remained of the ruins except a stout foundation in a defensible location. The Hathwicks seized upon this, and turned it into their county seat. Now known as the city of Hathwick, it controls a larger than average area for a county, though the area is very sparsely populated compared to other regions of South Denumbria. The majority of the county consists of forested hills, but the land is arable where it's not forested, or where forest has been cleared. Even the forested areas produce game in plenty. In addition, a small number of mines for non-precious ores and minerals -- lead, tin, quartz, non-gem feldspars, mica, and the like --- are worked and exported, or turned into finished goods and then exported. The major asset to the kingdom in this area, indeed, is the keep at the center of town and its outlying barracks. Taken together, these assets allow for a comfortable existence for the Hathwicks, if not as lucrative as some of the other larger or richer counties, or even viscountcys.

The Honorable Raymond Hathwick (proper title) is the 4th son of The Count Hathwick, Guyver being his given name (to those of proper station). Coddled by his mother Ophelia (born a Redwold) when he was young, his father took a stern hand with him after he was first sent to court. He preferred weapons of finesse such as the rapier, another trait for which his father derided him; the Hathwicks are somewhat renowned for martial prowess and their yearly jousting competitions are fierce. Despite having 4 brothers and 3 sisters, he never formed any lasting filial bonds. Indeed, the only tutors he ever paid much attention to were his father's magical retainer, the chief smith (having been fascinated with dwarves), and the unsavory sorts his father hired from time to time. Growing resentful of the ever-present authority, he took to sneaking down into the slums and taverns that skirted about the town. He'd spend many a night telling or listening to rowdy tales with the other patrons, looking not at all ill-at-ease, and learning how to not draw much attention. After falling in with a rough crowd and escaping the local constable one too many times, he was finally caught. After his identity was revealed, he became a great embarassment to his family. His father offered him a choice: be disowned, or leave town and take up study at a wizard's academy. Though their relationships are strained, neither is foolhardy enough to think being estranged would be good for either of them. He chose to take up study at a wizard's academy. His father still thinks he's a bit of a wastrel, but has occasionally deigned to note his son is somewhat intelligent, if without discipline. It's rumored that Count Hathwick oraganized the expedition in part to try and show Rayburn is not as base as some nobles have come to regard him... though it's possible his father is also hoping he'll get rid of that infernal pet snake he picked up at the academy.

Snake, Tiny Viper  	
Size/Type:    Tiny Animal 	
Hit Dice:     2 (Master's level)
HP: Half Master's (6 hp) 	
Initiative:   +7 	
Speed: 	    15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. 
Armor Class: 	18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural +1 Fam. adj.)
     Touch 15 
     Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: 	+0/-11 	
Attack:   Bite +5 melee (0BAB +3 Dex +2 Size) 
          Damage: (1 plus poison)
Full Attack:  Bite +5 melee (1 plus poison)
Space/Reach:  2½ ft./0 ft. 
Special Attacks: 	Poison (DC 10 1d6 Con, 1d6 Con)
Special Qualities: 	Scent, improved evasion,
share spells
Saves: 	Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: 	Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 2
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +15
Listen +6
Spot +6
Swim +5
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +11
Listen +7
Spot +7
Swim +6
Feats:        Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment:  Temperate marshes 

Description: This tiny snake has a diamondlike pattern to its green and gray scales. She rarely opens her mouth, flicking her tongue in and out often instead. She watches constantly, her eyes darting all around, but doesn't seem to enjoy any attention received: she will meet stares until the person watching looks away, or, alternately, hide in Rayburn's pocket. She seems almost amused when he uses prestidigitation to cause a finger of fire to make it appear as though she can breathe fire.


First Post
Jason Aurelius

[sblock=Jason Aurelius]
Ranger 1st/Fighter 1st

HP: 15 (1d8+1d10+2)
XP: 1,000
Alignment: LN
Deity: -

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6"3
Weight: 180lb
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Blond
Skin: Tanned

Str: 14 +2 (06p.) Level: 2
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.) BAB: +2
Con: 12 +1 (04p.) Grapple: +4
Int: 12 +1 (04p.) Speed: 30'
Wis: 12 +1 (04p.) Init: +6
Cha: 12 +1 (04p.) ACP: 0

Armor: 20 10(base) +5(armor) +3(shield) +2(dex)
Touch: 12
Flatfooted: 15

Fort: +6 = 4(base) +1(con) +1(cloak)
Ref: +5 = 2(base) +2(dex) +1(cloak)
Will: +2 = 0(base) +1(wis) +1(cloak)

Longsword: +6 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Longbow: +4 (1d8+2, 20x3) or +5 (1d8+3, 20x3) within 30'

[sblock=Languages, Feats, Abilities & Skills]
Languages: Reintish, Elvish
Abilities: 1st favored enemy (human), Track, wild empathy
Feats: Weapon focus: Longsword, Improved initiative, Point blank shot

Trained Skills
Acrobatics: +8
Athletics: +8
Gather Information: +7
Horsemanship: +7
Perceptions: +7
Persuasion: +7
Stealth: +8
Survival: +7

[sblock=Gear ]
Wealth: 10gp, 20sp
Armor: Mithril Chain shirt +1, Steel shield +1
Weapons: Longsword MW, Longbow (Str+2), Quiver, 20 arrows
Clothing: Traveler's Clothing, Cloak of Resistance +1
Mount: Heavy warhorse, Military saddle, Bit and bridle, Saddlebags
Miscellaneous: Signet ring, Waterskin, Soap, Flint & Steel, Blanket, Bedroll, Backpack, Pouch, Rations (1 week)

Retainers & Gear - IGNORE
Squire: Geoffrey, Human, Warrior 1st. Monthly wages: 10gp
Servant: Harold, Commoner 1st. Monthly wages: 10gp

1 x Backpack (empty)
3 x Bedroll
3 x Blanket, winter
1 x Bucket (empty)
50 x Candle
1 x Crowbar
10 x Firewood (per day)
5 x Fishhook
10 x Flask (empty)
1 x Flint and steel
1 x Hammer
5 x Jug, clay
5 x Oil (1-pint flask)
1 x Pitcher, clay
10 x Piton
2 x Pot, iron
1 x Pouch, belt (empty)
1 x Rope, hempen (50 ft.)
10 x Sack (empty)
1 x Signal whistle
4 x Soap (per lb.)
1 x Spade or shovel
2 x Tent
20 x Torch
10 x Waterskin
1 x Whetstone

1 x Ale, Gallon
20 x Bread, per loaf
2 x Cheese, hunk of
10 x Meat, chunk of
1 x Wine, Fine (bottle)
1 x Assortment of spices

2 x Light riding horses
2 x Donkey
2 x Saddles

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First Post
[SBLOCK=Background]Xaros Anuvien had always been something of an outcast in the family. House Anuvien, famed for the Anuvien Trading Consortium, worked hard in the pursuit of financial and political success. One might think they had amassed enough money for several lifetimes, and that there was enough success to go around to other, less profitable enterprises. Business doesn't work that way however, and neither does success. Therefore, all of House Anuvien strives ever harder to maintain their position "up top". Well, allmost all.

Xaros is the exception. Regarded with a certain affectionate disgust by his parents and siblings, he fritters his time away on frivolous passtimes. He spends the greater part of his time playing musical instruments in local taverns, drinking, and wooing the lasses. In other words, he's an artist. And like most artists, he'd be sleeping in the gutters, were he not an Anuvien.

Recently, Xaros might have been involved in a scam involving falsified legal documents. There wasn't enough proof to formally accuse him, but it's the talk of the town, and quite embarassing for House Anuvien in too many ways to consider. For the good of the family business, he had to dissapear for a while. Thus, he was sent to a remote wilderness area, what some thought of as a burgonning new frontier, as ambassador for the Anuvien Trading Consortium. Perhaps he could actually prove useful there, if he didn't spend his days dead drunk. New frontiers mean new business opportunities, and it was also known that several nobe houses had carted off their younger scions to that distant location. There were other opportunities worth pursueing than trade. It could never hurt to have the nobles on your side.

Additional information:
Patriarch: Baron Torvahl Anuvien
Heir: Ernd Anuvien (eldest son)
Representative: Jared Anuvien (Torvahl's brother)


Name: Xaros Anuvien
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment: NG
Class: Bard 3
Languages: Reintish, Goblin, Draconic.

HP: 14
XP: 3000
AC: 18, Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 16
Check Penalty: -1
Spell Failure: 5% (Buckler)
Init: +2
Perception: +10
Move: 30'
BAB: +2
Saves: Fort +1 / Refl +5 / Will +6
Load: L = 0-43 lbs / M = 44-86 lbs / H = 87-130 lbs
Lift Above Head: 130 lbs / Lift Off Ground: 260 lbs / Push or Drag: 650 lbs

Combat Statistics
Darkwood Light Crossbow +1 w/normal bolts (+5 To Hit, 1d8+1 Damage, 19-20/x2, 2 lbs)
--Darkwood: Half Standard Weight. Reload Time: Free Action.

Dagger (+3 To Hit (+4 Thrown), 1d4+1 Damage, 19-20/x2, 1 lb)

STR: 12 (4 pts) +1
DEX: 14 (6 pts) +2
CON: 10 (2 pts) +0
INT: 14 (6 pts) +2
WIS: 8 (0 pts) -1
CHA: 16 (10 pts) +3

Level 1: Focus - Perception
Human: Rapid Reload
Level 3: Force of Personality

Skills Trained: (Base, Ability Mod, T/F Mod, = Total)

Appraise..................1, +3, +5, = 8
Deception................1, +3, +5, = 9
Cryptomancy............1, +2, +5, = 8
Gather Information.....1, +3, +5, = 9
Perception................1, -1, +10, = 10 (Search Ability Mod is +2, for a total of 13)
Perform....................1, +3, +5, = 9 (Plucked Stringed Instruments, and singing)
Persuasion................1, +3, +5, = 9
Stealth....................1, +2, +5, = 8
Use Magical Device....1, +3, +5, = 9

Darkwood Light Crossbow +1................cost: 2375 gp, 2 lbs.
Mithril Chain Shirt +1...........................cost: 2100 gp, 12.5 lbs.
60 Quarrels (bolts).............................cost: 6 gp, 6 lbs.
Dagger.............................................cost: 2 gp, 1 lb.
Buckler.............................................cost: 15 gp, 5 lbs.
Noble's outfit w/everything..................cost: 200 gp, 10 lbs.
Masterwork Mandolyn.........................cost: 100 gp, 3 lbs.

Light Warhorse..................................cost: 150 gp. Light Load: Up to 230 lbs.
Riding Saddle...................................cost: 10 gp, 25 lbs.
Saddlebags complete with:..................cost: 44 gp, 50 lbs.
-Candles x10
-Flint and Steel
-Trail Rations x10 days
-Sunrod x10


11 gp left.


Level 0: Daze, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light, Mending, Read Magic.
Level 1: Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors.

Daily Spells (no preperation required): 3 L0, 2 L1.
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First Post
Quoted so I can make updates as necessary later on.

Rayburn Hathwick:
Name: Rayburn Hathwick
Class: 1 Rogue/2 Wizard
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Religion: Passively Pelor

Str: 10 +0 (02p.)   Level: 3       XP: 2000
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.)   BAB: +1        HP: 17 (d6+2d4+6)
Con: 14 +2 (06p.)   Grapple: +1    Dmg Red: 0/0
Int: 16 +3 (10p.)   Speed: 30'     Spell Res: 0
Wis:  8 -1  (0p.)   Init: +2       Spell Save: +0
Cha: 12 +1 (04p.)   ACP: 0

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +0    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    12
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 10

             Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:         +0    +2    +0     +2    
Ref:          +2    +2    +0     +4
Will:         +3    -1    +0     +2

Weapon       Attack  Damage       Critical
Shortbow     +3      d6(+1d6 SA)  20x3
Rapier       +1      d6(+1d6 SA)  18-20x3
Short Sword  +1      d6(+1d6 SA)  19-20x2

Languages: Reintish, Elven, Halfling, Dwarven

Abilities: Summon Familiar, Empathic Link, Sneak Attack (+1d6), Trapfinding

Feats: Combat Expertise (1), Skill Focus: K-Arcana (H), Scribe Scroll (Wiz1), 
Alertness (w/ Familiar), Practiced Spellcaster (CArc) (3)

Trained Skills (7 Rogue + 3 Int Mod + 1 Human + 1 Multiclass)

Skill Name:  Skill Mod: (Trained +1/2 Lev. +Ab. Mod +Tool)
Acrobatics:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Deception:            9/10 (5 +1 +1 +2 Kit/+3 Familiar)
Cryptomancy:          9 (5 +1 +3)
Disable Device:       11, 9 (5 +1 +3 +2; 5 +1 +1 +2)
Gather Information:   7, 9 (5 +1 +1; 5 +1 +3)
Perception:           7, 9 (5 +1 -1 +2; 5 +1 +3)
Persuasion:           7 (5 +1 +1)
Sleight of Hand:      8 (5 +1 +2)
Spellcraft:           9 (5 +1 +3)
Stealth:              8 (5 +1 +2)
Survival:             5 (5 +1 -1)
Use Magic Device:     7 (5 +1 +1)

Untrained Skills:       (1/2 Level +Ab. Mod +Skill Focus)

Athletics:            2 (1 +1)
Appraise:             4 (1 +3)
Concentration:        3 (1 +2)
Horsemanship:         3 (1 +2)
Knowledge(Arcana):    9 (1 +3 +5)

Equipment:                Cost  Weight
Wand of MM (L3) [41]    2250 gp  ---
Familiar (Snake)         100 gp    2 lb 
Explorer's Outfit         10 gp    8 lb
Rapier                    20 gp    2 lb
Shortsword                10 gp    2 lb
Shortbow                  30 gp    2 lb
Arrows (20)                1 gp    3 lb
Spell Component Pouch      5 gp    2 lb 
Warhorse, light  	      150 gp  ---
   Load (Current)        429 lb (Light)
   Light: 230   Med: 231-460  Heavy: 461-690
   Drag: 3450 lb
-Saddle (military)        20 gp   30 lb
-Saddlebags                4 gp    8 lb
-Feed                      1 gp  200 lb
Handy Haversack         2000 gp    5 lb
-Main Compartment               77.5 lb
Nobles' Outfit            75 gp   10 lb
Associated jewelry       100 gp  ---
Signet Ring                5 gp  ---
Scholar's Outfit           5 gp    6 lb
Peasant's Outfit          .1 gp    2 lb 
Rope (hempen)              1 gp   10 lb
Lantern (bullseye)        12 gp    3 lb
Oil (flask) (x10)         10 gp   10 lb 
Empty Sack (x4)           .4 gp    6 lb 
Flask, Empty (x3)         .1 gp  4.5 lb 
Rations, trail (x8)        4 gp    8 lb 
Pot, Iron                 .5 gp   10 lb
Bedroll                   .1 gp    5 lb
Blanket, Winter           .5 gp    3 lb
-Left Compartment               15.5 lb
Arrows (80)                4 gp   12 lb
Flint and Steel            1 gp  ---
Inkpen                    .1 gp  ---
Ink (1 oz vial)            8 gp  ---
Paper (10 sheets)          4 gp  ---
Sealing Wax                1 gp    1 lb
Chalk (90 pieces)         .9 gp  ---
Map case                   1 gp   .5 lb
Candle                    .2 gp  ---
Hammer                    .5 gp    2 lb
-Right Compartment                10 lb
Thieves' Tools, MWK      100 gp    2 lb
Disguise Kit (10 charges) 50 gp    8 lb
(Wallet with 30 gp hidden in this pocket)

Total Gear Value: 4985.5 gp (Including hidden wallet)

Total Weight: 26 lb      Money: 10 gp 40 sp 50 cp (actual coinage)

                          Lgt    Med    Hvy    Lift   Push
Max Weight:              33 lb  66 lb  100 lb 200 lb 500 lb   

Spells Prepared
0 (4)  : Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, [Empty Slot]
1 (2+1): Color Spray, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement

Acid Splash          -- Conj -- 0
Acrane Mark          -- Univ -- 0
Dancing Lights       -- Evoc -- 0
Daze                 -- Ench -- 0
Detect Poison        -- Div  -- 0
Disrupt Undead       -- Necr -- 0
Flare                -- Evoc -- 0
Ghost Sound          -- Illu -- 0
Light                -- Evoc -- 0
Mage Hand            -- Tran -- 0
Mending              -- Tran -- 0
Message              -- Tran -- 0
Open/Close           -- Tran -- 0
Prestidigitation     -- Univ -- 0
Ray of Frost         -- Evoc -- 0
Read Magic           -- Div  -- 0
Resistance           -- Abj  -- 0
Touch Fatigue        -- Necr -- 0

Color Spray          -- Illu -- 1
Comprehend Languages -- Div  -- 1
Disguise Self        -- Illu -- 1
Identify             -- Div  -- 1
Mage Armor           -- Conj -- 1
Magic Missile        -- Evoc -- 1
Mount                -- Conj -- 1
Ray of Enfeeblement  -- Necr -- 1

Familiar: Snake (Tiny Viper)

Age: 23
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170 lb
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair (Unhealthy Pale)
Rayburn is a tall, thin human with a pallid, sallow complexion common to the Hathwicks. The most distracting feature of his face is his shock of blond hair, which he rarely attempts to tame. Gray eyes dominate his clean-shaven face. He wears his family colors of forest green and stone gray, representative of their home, in court; however, he often "slums" it in various outfits he's picked up along the way. Most often he can be seen in a standard explorer's outfit, with a tiny viper occasionally peeking out of one of the large pockets.[/sblock]
Hathwick Manor was originally a fort from before the goblins ruled the area. After they were driven out, little remained of the ruins except a stout foundation in a defensible location. The Hathwicks seized upon this, and turned it into their county seat. Now known as the city of Hathwick, it controls a larger than average area for a county, though the area is very sparsely populated compared to other regions of South Denumbria. The majority of the county consists of forested hills, but the land is arable where it's not forested, or where forest has been cleared. Even the forested areas produce game in plenty. In addition, a small number of mines for non-precious ores and minerals -- lead, tin, quartz, non-gem feldspars, mica, and the like --- are worked and exported, or turned into finished goods and then exported. The major asset to the kingdom in this area, indeed, is the keep at the center of town and its outlying barracks. Taken together, these assets allow for a comfortable existence for the Hathwicks, if not as lucrative as some of the other larger or richer counties, or even viscountcys.

The Honorable Raymond Hathwick (proper title) is the 4th son of The Count Hathwick, Guyver being his given name (to those of proper station). Coddled by his mother Ophelia (born a Redwold) when he was young, his father took a stern hand with him after he was first sent to court. He preferred weapons of finesse such as the rapier, another trait for which his father derided him; the Hathwicks are somewhat renowned for martial prowess and their yearly jousting competitions are fierce. Despite having 4 brothers and 3 sisters, he never formed any lasting filial bonds. Indeed, the only tutors he ever paid much attention to were his father's magical retainer, the chief smith (having been fascinated with dwarves), and the unsavory sorts his father hired from time to time. Growing resentful of the ever-present authority, he took to sneaking down into the slums and taverns that skirted about the town. He'd spend many a night telling or listening to rowdy tales with the other patrons, looking not at all ill-at-ease, and learning how to not draw much attention. After falling in with a rough crowd and escaping the local constable one too many times, he was finally caught. After his identity was revealed, he became a great embarassment to his family. His father offered him a choice: be disowned, or leave town and take up study at a wizard's academy. Though their relationships are strained, neither is foolhardy enough to think being estranged would be good for either of them. He chose to take up study at a wizard's academy. His father still thinks he's a bit of a wastrel, but has occasionally deigned to note his son is somewhat intelligent, if without discipline. It's rumored that Count Hathwick oraganized the expedition in part to try and show Rayburn is not as base as some nobles have come to regard him... though it's possible his father is also hoping he'll get rid of that infernal pet snake he picked up at the academy.
Snake, Tiny Viper  	
Size/Type:    Tiny Animal 	
Hit Dice:     3 (Master's level)
HP: Half Master's (8 hp) 	
Initiative:   +7 	
Speed: 	    15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. 
Armor Class: 	18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural +1 Fam. adj.)
     Touch 15 
     Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: 	+0/-11 	
Attack:   Bite +5 melee (0BAB +3 Dex +2 Size) 
          Damage: (1 plus poison)
Full Attack:  Bite +5 melee (1 plus poison)
Space/Reach:  2½ ft./0 ft. 
Special Attacks: 	Poison (DC 10 1d6 Con, 1d6 Con)
Special Qualities: 	Scent, improved evasion,
share spells
Saves: 	Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: 	Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 2
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +15
Listen +6
Spot +6
Swim +5
Balance +11
Climb +11
Hide +11
Listen +7
Spot +7
Swim +6
Feats:        Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Environment:  Temperate marshes 

Description: This tiny snake has a diamondlike pattern to its green and gray scales. She rarely opens her mouth, flicking her tongue in and out often instead. She watches constantly, her eyes darting all around, but doesn't seem to enjoy any attention received: she will meet stares until the person watching looks away, or, alternately, hide in Rayburn's pocket. She seems almost amused when he uses prestidigitation to cause a finger of fire to make it appear as though she can breathe fire.
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First Post
Party Treasure

Magic items in blue

Platinum: 50
Gold: 210
Gems: 3 (10, 100 and 200 gp)

Food: 4 days

Carved wood 3d6
2 packets of black powder from Dead-eye Tom
Fine cloak of tawny fur (cocoon)
Roll of well-cared for thieves tools
a set of ornamented keys (cocoon)
2 scrolls (Prayer and Invisbility Sphere)
1 sealed scroll (Southwick barony letter)
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Jack of Tales

First Post
Cait Vahanil

Background: [sblock]Cait Vahanil of the noble family Vahanil is a third generation noble. Her mother, Ciara Vahanil, is the third daughter to Aidan and Caitrin Vahanil. Cait is the fifth child of the family (three brothers, one sister) and it was difficult for the already busy parents to pay sufficient attention to all their children. The family’s home within the city of Vahanian (renamed from Brode since the Vahanil’s took over) is located near to the river. The city itself has been a location of trade for lumber, coal and bronze. The family has some renown for their trading capabilities although they are still building a strong company. The city’s close location to several sacred groves has always made it have a tight connection to the priests and priestesses of Obad-Hai and Ehlonna. In an attempt to garner favor from the religious districts Cait was ‘sacrificed’ (as she sees it) to the church. However, upon arriving to the church she was immediately sent away to a nearby druid grove to train there. The church was already overflowing with new noble acolytes due to other families performing similar rites. Cait was dismayed by this at first, she was only fourteen and still loved the luxury that life as a noble had given her. Being sent to a forest enclave where running water was scarce seemed like a death sentence.
Cait’s first year at the grove taught her many things. She was taught in the ways of religion and of the forest and she learned many of the sacred rites of the druids. When she turned fifteen she went on her right of passage where she was sent into the woods with several javelins, a simple tunic and a belt knife for a week. She was to return on the seventh day carrying a female doe back to the grove. Cait barely managed to succeed in this endeavor and a bad encounter with a wild boar cost her dearly. She spent several months recovering from rite only to return to her studies with more determination then ever. When she turned sixteen she met her first Lusgard druid, a member of a small sect of druids who were said to be so connected to nature that they could shift into an animal form at will. Cait was intrigued by the rumors and managed to secure herself an acolyte position with the sect. Four years later she has learned the special arts of the Lusgard sect and become an honor to her family.
Her family learned of the ‘noble’ adventuring party and decided that it would be an excellent way to secure relationships with other noble families. Cait’s aunt, Cecily Vahanil, had been married to a member of the Anuvien family in an effort to create a lasting tie to the powerful trading family. Ciara had heard that a member of that family would be in the party and wished to cement family ties by encouraging Cait to become friends with him, or her. The chance to secure further friendships and perhaps trade with the other families was not left out either.[/sblock]
Appearance: [sblock]Cait typically dresses in white robes with golden hems. She wears the robe’s hood up over her long red hair which she ties into a French braid. Her eyes are a deep green said to be like those of Ehlonna’s chosen. She carries a quiver of javelins upon her back over a backpack carrying her prized possessions. Her mount, Cavalon, is a red-haired mare from the north whom Cait’s family purchased for the journey. Cait is finely muscled from her hard work at the druid grove and is very agile. She stands at only 5’ 5” and is very small for her family. While she is quite beautiful, she can often come off as very shy and not commanding of much presence. She can easily disappear into a corner at many of the major parties that her family has taken her too. When Cait shapeshifts she takes the form of a large leopard with golden fur and silver spots. These are the colors of her house and she likes to represent them at all times.[/sblock]

Stats: [sblock]
Name: Cait
Class: Shapeshift Druid
Alignment:Neutral Good

Age: 20
Height: 5' 5"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Str: 14(18)+2(+4) (06p.) Level: 2 XP: 1,000/ 3,000
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.) BAB: +1 HP: 16 (2d8+4)
Con: 14 +2 (06p.) Grapple: +3 Dmg Red: 0/-
Int: 10 +0 (02p.) Speed: 30'/50' Spell Res: 0
Wis: 15 +2 (08p.) Init: +2
Cha: 08 -1 (00p.) ACP: -

Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor Class: 10 +4 +0 +2 +0 +1 +0 17
Armor(Shifted) 10 +0 +0 +2 +0 +4 +0 16
Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 10
Armor: AC: Weight: Penalty:
Studded leather+1 +4 20lb -0
Amulet of Natural Armor +1

Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: +3 +2 +0 +0
Ref: +0 +2 +0 +0
Will: +3 +2 +0 +0

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Sickle +3 1d6+2 x2 Note: Ritual item; used for sacrificing animals
Bite +5 1d6+4 x2
Javelin +3 1d6+2 x2 Range:


Empower Spell
Combat Reflexes

Skills: 5 trained skills
Skill: Total: Trained: Mod: Misc:*Level*
Persuasion: +5 yes -1(Cha) +1
Athletics: +8 Yes +2(str) +1
Horsemanship: +7 Yes -1(Cha) +3 (Nature's Sense)
Heal: +8 Yes +2(Wis) +1
Knowledge(Nature):+8 Yes +0(Int) +2 (Nature's Sense)
Wild Empathy +1 --- -1(Cha) +2*Level*

Spells: [Per Day] 0:4; 1:3
Spells Prepared:
0: Cure Minor wounds (2), Mending, Create Water
1: Cure Light wounds, Entangle, Produce Flame

Special Qualities:
Shapeshift(Predator Form): Swift action; +4 Str, +4 Natural armor, Speed: 50', Bite: 1d8
Wild Empathy
Nature Sense
Woodland Stride [/sblock]
Equipment: [sblock]Cost Weight
studded Leather+1 1,175gp 20lb
Sickle 6gp 2lb
Javelin x4 4 gp 8lb
Amulet of Natural Armor 2,000gp -lb
Pearl of Power, 1st 1,000gp
Backpack 4gp 2lb
--Scrollx2 (Bull's Strength) 300gp -
--Scrollx2 (Cat's Grace) 300gp
--Bedroll 1sp 5lb
--Tent 10gp 20lb
--White Candle (x2)
--Small Mirror 10gp
Light Warhorse 150gp
Riding Saddle 10gp 25lb

Total Weight: 30lb Money: 34 gp, 8sp
Horse Weight: 52lb[/sblock]
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